615 research outputs found

    Power/Ground Networks Optimization Design Methods with Noise Immunity

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3535号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新587

    Design, Extraction, and Optimization Tool Flows and Methodologies for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-Chip 2.5D Systems

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    Chip and packaging industries are making significant progress in 2.5D design as a result of increasing popularity of their application. In advanced high-density 2.5D packages, package redistribution layers become similar to chip Back-End-of-Line routing layers, and the gap between them scales down with pin density improvement. Chiplet-package interactions become significant and severely affect system performance and reliability. Moreover, 2.5D integration offers opportunities to apply novel design techniques. The traditional die-by-die design approach neither carefully considers these interactions nor fully exploits the cross-boundary design opportunities. This thesis presents chiplet-package cross-boundary design, extraction, analysis, and optimization tool flows and methodologies for high-density 2.5D packaging technologies. A holistic flow is presented that can capture all parasitics from chiplets and the package and improve system performance through iterative optimizations. Several design techniques are demonstrated for agile development and quick turn-around time. To validate the flow in silicon, a chip was taped out and studied in TSMC 65nm technology. As the holistic flow cannot handle heterogeneous technologies, in-context flows are presented. Three different flavors of the in-context flow are presented, which offer trade-offs between scalability and accuracy in heterogeneous 2.5D system designs. Inductance is an inseparable part of a package design. A holistic flow is presented that takes package inductance into account in timing analysis and optimization steps. Custom CAD tools are developed to make these flows compatible with the industry standard tools and the foundry model. To prove the effectiveness of the flows several design cases of an ARM Cortex-M0 are implemented for comparitive study

    Addressing substrate coupling in mixed-mode ICs: simulation and power distribution synthesis

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    Topology optimization of structured power/ground networks

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    Experimental Evaluation and Comparison of Time-Multiplexed Multi-FPGA Routing Architectures

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    Emulating large complex designs require multi-FPGA systems (MFS). However, inter-FPGA communication is confronted by the challenge of lack of interconnect capacity due to limited number of FPGA input/output (I/O) pins. Serializing parallel signals onto a single trace effectively addresses the limited I/O pin obstacle. Besides the multiplexing scheme and multiplexing ratio (number of inter-FPGA signals per trace), the choice of the MFS routing architecture also affect the critical path latency. The routing architecture of an MFS is the interconnection pattern of FPGAs, fixed wires and/or programmable interconnect chips. Performance of existing MFS routing architectures is also limited by off-chip interface selection. In this dissertation we proposed novel 2D and 3D latency-optimized time-multiplexed MFS routing architectures. We used rigorous experimental approach and real sequential benchmark circuits to evaluate and compare the proposed and existing MFS routing architectures. This research provides a new insight into the encouraging effects of using off-chip optical interface and three dimensional MFS routing architectures. The vertical stacking results in shorter off-chip links improving the overall system frequency with the additional advantage of smaller footprint area. The proposed 3D architectures employed serialized interconnect between intra-plane and inter-plane FPGAs to address the pin limitation problem. Additionally, all off-chip links are replaced by optical fibers that exhibited latency improvement and resulted in faster MFS. Results indicated that exploiting third dimension provided latency and area improvements as compared to 2D MFS. We also proposed latency-optimized planar 2D MFS architectures in which electrical interconnections are replaced by optical interface in same spatial distribution. Performance evaluation and comparison showed that the proposed architectures have reduced critical path delay and system frequency improvement as compared to conventional MFS. We also experimentally evaluated and compared the system performance of three inter-FPGA communication schemes i.e. Logic Multiplexing, SERDES and MGT in conjunction with two routing architectures i.e. Completely Connected Graph (CCG) and TORUS. Experimental results showed that SERDES attained maximum frequency than the other two schemes. However, for very high multiplexing ratios, the performance of SERDES & MGT became comparable

    Optimization techniques for high-performance digital circuits

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    The relentless push for high performance in custom dig-ital circuits has led to renewed emphasis on circuit opti-mization or tuning. The parameters of the optimization are typically transistor and interconnect sizes. The de-sign metrics are not just delay, transition times, power and area, but also signal integrity and manufacturability. This tutorial paper discusses some of the recently pro-posed methods of circuit optimization, with an emphasis on practical application and methodology impact. Circuit optimization techniques fall into three broad categories. The rst is dynamic tuning, based on time-domain simulation of the underlying circuit, typically combined with adjoint sensitivity computation. These methods are accurate but require the specication of in-put signals, and are best applied to small data- ow cir-cuits and \cross-sections " of larger circuits. Ecient sensitivity computation renders feasible the tuning of cir-cuits with a few thousand transistors. Second, static tuners employ static timing analysis to evaluate the per-formance of the circuit. All paths through the logic are simultaneously tuned, and no input vectors are required. Large control macros are best tuned by these methods. However, in the context of deep submicron custom de-sign, the inaccuracy of the delay models employed by these methods often limits their utility. Aggressive dy-namic or static tuning can push a circuit into a precip-itous corner of the manufacturing process space, which is a problem addressed by the third class of circuit op-timization tools, statistical tuners. Statistical techniques are used to enhance manufacturability or maximize yield. In addition to surveying the above techniques, topics such as the use of state-of-the-art nonlinear optimization methods and special considerations for interconnect siz-ing, clock tree optimization and noise-aware tuning will be brie y considered.

    Content addressable memory: design and usage for general purpose computing

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    Shortest Paths and Steiner Trees in VLSI Routing

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    Routing is one of the major steps in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design. Its task is to find disjoint wire connections between sets of points on a chip, subject to numerous constraints. This problem is solved in a two-stage approach, which consists of so-called global and detailed routing steps. For each set of metal components to be connected, global routing reduces the search space by computing corridors in which detailed routing sequentially determines the desired connections as shortest paths. In this thesis, we present new theoretical results on Steiner trees and shortest paths, the two main mathematical concepts in routing. In the practical part, we give computational results of BonnRoute, a VLSI routing tool developed at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bonn. Interconnect signal delays are becoming increasingly important in modern chip designs. Therefore, the length of paths or direct delay measures should be taken into account when constructing rectilinear Steiner trees. We consider the problem of finding a rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (RSMT) that --- as a secondary objective --- minimizes a signal delay related objective. Given a source we derive some structural properties of RSMTs for which the weighted sum of path lengths from the source to the other terminals is minimized. Also, we present an exact algorithm for constructing RSMTs with weighted sum of path lengths as secondary objective, and a heuristic for various secondary objectives. Computational results for industrial designs are presented. We further consider the problem of finding a shortest rectilinear Steiner tree in the plane in the presence of rectilinear obstacles. The Steiner tree is allowed to run over obstacles; however, if it intersects an obstacle, then no connected component of the induced subtree must be longer than a given fixed length. This kind of length restriction is motivated by its application in VLSI routing where a large Steiner tree requires the insertion of repeaters which must not be placed on top of obstacles. We show that there are optimal length-restricted Steiner trees with a special structure. In particular, we prove that a certain graph (called augmented Hanan grid) always contains an optimal solution. Based on this structural result, we give an approximation scheme for the special case that all obstacles are of rectangular shape or are represented by at most a constant number of edges. Turning to the shortest paths problem, we present a new generic framework for Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths in digraphs with non-negative integral edge lengths. Instead of labeling individual vertices, we label subgraphs which partition the given graph. Much better running times can be achieved if the number of involved subgraphs is small compared to the order of the original graph and the shortest path problems restricted to these subgraphs is computationally easy. As an application we consider the VLSI routing problem, where we need to find millions of shortest paths in partial grid graphs with billions of vertices. Here, the algorithm can be applied twice, once in a coarse abstraction (where the labeled subgraphs are rectangles), and once in a detailed model (where the labeled subgraphs are intervals). Using the result of the first algorithm to speed up the second one via goal-oriented techniques leads to considerably reduced running time. We illustrate this with the routing program BonnRoute on leading-edge industrial chips. Finally, we present computational results of BonnRoute obtained on real-world VLSI chips. BonnRoute fulfills all requirements of modern VLSI routing and has been used by IBM and its customers over many years to produce more than one thousand different chips. To demonstrate the strength of BonnRoute as a state-of-the-art industrial routing tool, we show that it performs excellently on all traditional quality measures such as wire length and number of vias, but also on further criteria of equal importance in the every-day work of the designer

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    VLSI Design

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    This book provides some recent advances in design nanometer VLSI chips. The selected topics try to present some open problems and challenges with important topics ranging from design tools, new post-silicon devices, GPU-based parallel computing, emerging 3D integration, and antenna design. The book consists of two parts, with chapters such as: VLSI design for multi-sensor smart systems on a chip, Three-dimensional integrated circuits design for thousand-core processors, Parallel symbolic analysis of large analog circuits on GPU platforms, Algorithms for CAD tools VLSI design, A multilevel memetic algorithm for large SAT-encoded problems, etc