146,988 research outputs found


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    Beragamnya perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan siswa di sekolah, menjadi perhatian khusus bagi guru sebagai agen penting yang bertanggung jawab menangani permasalahan ini di sekolah. Semua itu tidak akan berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan tanpa adanya dukungan dari orang tua siswa. Namun, Orang tua seakan acuh dan tidak peduli serta menyerahkan semuanya kepada pihak sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana bentuk-bentuk perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan siswa SMP Islam AL-Istiqomah, faktor penyebab terjadinya perilaku menyimpang, serta peran orang tua dan guru dalam upaya pengendalian perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus melalui proses observasi, wawancara mendalam dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada beberapa pihak sebagai informan, seperti guru, siswa, dan orang tua, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua bentuk perilaku menyimpang, yaitu ringan dan berat. Faktor penyebab terjadinya perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan siswa adalah faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Upaya pengendalian perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan orang tua dan guru berupa upaya pencegahan (preventif) dan upaya penanganan (represif). Upaya pencegahan seperti teguran dan pengawasan terhadap siswa, sedangkan upaya penangan berupa pemberian sanksi atau hukuman yang mendidik bagi siswa yang melakukan perilaku menyimpang, serta bekerja sama antara pihak sekolah dan orang tua dalam meminimalisir terjadinya perilaku menyimpang. Kata Kunci: Pengendalian, Perilaku Menyimpang, Guru, Orang Tua Various deviant behavior commited students in school, become a special attention for teachers as important agents in charge of handling this problem in school. All of that will not run as well without their parents’ support. However, parents acted like they doesn’t care and hand the students over to the school. This research aims to look at how these forms of deviant behavior of SMP Islam Al-Istiqomah’s students, some factors that caused the occurrence of deviant behavior, also parents and teachers’ role in attempt to control deviant behavior that students did at school. This research used the qualitative approach with case studies through observation, in-depth interviews, and analysis of documents. The research conducted at several parties as an informant, as teachers, students, and parents, suggests that there are two forms of deviant behavior, that it light and heavy. Some factors that caused the occurrence of deviant behavior are internal and external factors. Deviant behavior control effort that parents and teachers did are prevention effort and repressive effort. Prevention effort is like giving a warn and control towards the students, while repressive effort is like giving a punishment that will educate students who did the deviant behavior, and also cooperation between teachers and parents to minimize the occurrence of deviant behavior. Keywords: deviant behavior, control, teachers, parent

    From Canal Boats to Canoes: The Transformation of the C&O Canal, 1938--1942

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    I have come to understand the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal as two different entities, both of which occupy the same geographic space. The first is a nineteenth century transportation system that impacted thousands of people in the Potomac River Valley. The second is the reincarnation of the first as a National Historical Park. The first is a busy, messy, and noisy landscape. The second serves as a refuge for the urban masses, and only faintly resembles its predecessor. This thesis seeks to understand how one evolved into the other.;Upon further inspection, one discovers that C&O Canal National Historical Park balances a precarious equilibrium of three competing efforts: historic preservation, natural preservation, and recreational development. The challenge is to understand how these visions emerged, transformed the landscape, and reflect changing social, political, and cultural forces.;The transformation of the C&O Canal did not occur overnight, but over the course of several decades. I focus on the period 1938 to 1942, when the federal government initially purchased the canal and New Deal relief workers focused on rewatering the first 22 miles of the canal. I approach the preservation of the canal as mode of cultural production to gain a deeper understanding of how the park looks and functions today.;During the New Deal era, the federal government became involved in the historic preservation field and emerged as its leader under the auspices of the National Park Service. The C&O Canal offers a useful case study for early federal historic preservation efforts, and shows how social, cultural, and political movements of the time transformed the canal into a park

    The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Construction of the Virginia Kendall Reserve, 1933-1939

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    Review of: "The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Construction of the Virginia Kendall Reserve, 1933-1939," edited by Kenneth J. Bindas

    Model Discovery Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI Di SMK Negeri 3 Rambah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This research aims to know the influence discovery learning towards the students achievement of class XI at SMK N 3 Rambah. Type of the research is experiment ruse, with design control group pre-test post-test technique total sampling. The population in this research was students experiment class XI ADM and XI ATP as control class. The result of data analyzed by applying test-t in experiment class and control class, with tcount 2,61 except ttable 2,09 for significant = 0,05 because tcount >ttable in conclusions H0 isrefuse and Ha is taked. It means that there is any influence model discovery learning towards the students achievement at class XI in SMK N 3 Rambah

    Addis Ababa/Finfinee: A Blueprint towards Twin-city Administration

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    This article analyses the challenge of Addis Ababa´s double status – both as capital of Ethiopia and that of the Regional State of Oromia. It delves into the unresolved issue of the special interest of Oromia in Addis Ababa/Finfinnee. This article propounds that, where there is no separate capital city administration directly responsible to the State of Oromia, it is constitutionally nonsensical and hierarchically incongruent to require the State of Oromia to join hands with the Addis Ababa city government for joint administration. Thus, it seeks to address the so-called “special interest” of Oromia in Addis Ababa/Finfinnee through two-city administrations. This stems from a critical reading of the constitutional provision which calls for the establishment of joint administration of Addis Ababa/Finfinnee (see: Art 49 (5) of the FDRE Constitution). Furthermore, the Indian model of city administration is taken as a lesson to supplement twin-city administration. This article finds that, for the State of Oromia to ensure not only the so-called “special interest in Addis Ababa” but most importantly its right to the city, it shall, a fortiori, undertake a structural adjustment.Keywords: Addis Ababa/Finfinnee, India, Special Interest, Twin-city Administratio

    The influence of natural pulmonary surfactant on the efficacy of siRNA-loaded dextran nanogels

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    Aim: Topical administration of siRNA nanocarriers is a promising approach in the treatment of pulmonary disorders. Pulmonary surfactant, covering the entire alveolar surface of mammalian lungs, will be one of the first interfaces that siRNA nanocarriers encounter upon inhalation therapy. Therefore, it is of outstanding importance to evaluate the impact of pulmonary surfactant on the performance of siRNA nanocarriers. Materials & methods: The effect of natural lung-derived surfactants on the siRNA delivery capacity of dextran nanogels (DEX-NGs) was evaluated in vitro using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Results: Although the interaction with pulmonary surfactant decreases the cellular internalization of siRNA-loaded DEX-NGs significantly, the gene silencing potential of siRNA-loaded DEX-NGs was maintained. On the other hand, cationic lipid-based siRNA nanocarriers (Lipofectamine (TM) RNAiMAX) were incompatible with pulmonary surfactants. Conclusion: Our data suggest that pulmonary surfactant can enhance the intracellular siRNA delivery by DEX-NGs, thereby possibly providing new therapeutic opportunities

    Discovering Community Assets: Master of Public Health Culminating Experience

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    The Sonoma County Department of Health Services, through Cradle to Career, promotes collective impact around educational attainment and workforce development, and has become a leader in developing a framework for community schools. The first step in developing a community schools model is to understand and inventory what is already going on in the community. This process, known more formally as asset mapping, is a participatory process focused on documenting the strengths and resources of a community. The collaborative nature of the process helps to promote community involvement and build community cohesion. In order to assist schools wanting to begin an asset mapping process, the Department of Health Services sought to develop a toolkit for community asset mapping. The following paper is a summary on a 300-hour fieldwork experience at the Department of Health Services specific to understanding asset mapping and developing a guide for communities and schools wanting to discover their assets

    Novel Cell type-specific aptamer-siRNA delivery system for HIV-1 therapy

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    The successful use of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for therapeutic purposes requires safe and efficient delivery to specific cells and tissues. Here we demonstrate cell type-specific delivery of anti-HIV siRNAs via fusion to an anti-gp120 aptamer. The envelope glycoprotein is expressed on the surface of HIV-1 infected cells, allowing binding and interalization of the aptamer-siRNA chimeric molecules. We demonstrate that the anti-gp120 aptamer-siRNA chimera is specifically taken up by cells expressing HIV-1 gp120, and the appended siRNA is processed by Dicer, releasing an anti-tat/rev siRNA which in turn inhibits HIV replication. We show for the first time a dual functioning aptamer-siRNA chimera in which both the aptamer and the siRNA portions have potent anti-HIV activities and that gp120 expressed on the surface of HIV infected cells can be used for aptamer mediated delivery of anti-HIV siRNAs
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