477 research outputs found

    Flexible operation of grid-interfacing converters in distribution networks : bottom-up solutions to voltage quality enhancement

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    Due to the emerging application of distributed generation (DG), large numbers of DG systems are expected to deliver electricity into the distribution network in the near future. For the most part these systems are not ready for riding through grid disturbances and cannot mitigate unwanted influences on the grid. On the one hand, with the increasing use of sensitive and critical equipment by customers, the electricity network is required to serve high voltage quality. On the other hand, more and more unbalanced and nonlinear equipment, including DG units, is negatively affecting the power quality of distribution networks. To adapt to the future distribution network, the tendency for grid-interfacing converters will be to integrate voltage quality enhancement with DG functionality. In this thesis, the flexible operation of grid-interfacing converters in distribution networks is investigated for the purpose of voltage quality enhancement at both the grid and user sides. The research is carried out in a bottom-up fashion, from the low-level power electronics control, through the realization of individual system functionality, finally arriving at system-level concepts and implementation. Being essential to the control of grid-interfacing converters, both stationaryframe techniques for voltage detection and synchronization in disturbed grids, and asymmetrical current regulation are investigated. Firstly, a group of high performance filters for the detection of fundamental symmetrical sequences and harmonics under various grid conditions is proposed. The robustness of the proposed filters to small grid-frequency variation and their adaptability to large frequency change are discussed. Secondly, multiple reference frame current regulation is explored for dealing with unbalanced grid conditions. As a complement to the existing proportional resonant (PR) controllers, sequence-decoupled resonant (SDR) controllers are proposed for regulating individual symmetric sequences. Based on the modeling of a four-leg grid-connected system in different reference frames, three types of controllers, i.e. PI, PR, and proportional plus SDR controllers are compared. Grid-interactive control of distributed power generation, i.e. voltage unbalance compensation, grid-fault ride-through control and flexible power transfer, as well as the modeling of harmonic interaction, are all investigated. The in-depth study and analysis of these grid interactions show the grid-support possibilities and potential negative impact on the grid of inverter-based DG units, beyond their primary goal of power delivery. In order to achieve a co-operative voltage unbalance compensation based on distributed DG systems, two control schemes, namely voltage unbalance factor based control and negative-sequence admittance control, are proposed. The negativesequence voltages at the grid connection point can be compensated and mitigated by regulating the negative-sequence currents flowing between the grid and DG converters. Flexible active and reactive power control during unbalanced voltage dips is proposed that enables DG systems to enhance grid-fault ride-through capability and to adapt to various requirements for grid voltage support. By changing adaptable weighting factors, the compensation of oscillating power and the regulation of grid currents can be easily implemented. Two joint strategies for the simultaneous control of active and reactive power are derived, which maintain the adaptive controllability that can cope with multiple constraints in practical applications. The contribution of zero-sequence currents to active power control is also analyzed as a complement to the proposed control, which is based on positive- and negative-sequence components. Harmonic interaction between DG inverters and the grid is modeled and analyzed with an impedance-based approach. In order to mitigate the harmonic distortion in a polluted grid, it is proposed to specify output impedance limits as a design constraint for DG inverters. Results obtained from modeling, analysis, and simulations of a distribution network with aggregated DG inverters, show that the proposed method is a simple and effective way for estimating harmonic quasi-resonance problems. By integrating these proposed control strategies in a modified conventional series-parallel structure, we arrived at a group of grid-interfacing system topologies that is suitable for DG applications, voltage quality improvement, and flexible power transfer. A concrete laboratory system details the proposed concepts and specifies the practical problems related to control design. The introduction of multi-level control objectives illustrates that the proposed system can ride through voltage disturbances, can enhance the grid locally, and can continue the power transfer to and from the grid while high voltage quality is maintained for the local loads within the system module. A dual-converter laboratory set-up was built, with which the proposed concepts and practical implementation have been fully demonstrated

    Contributions to cascade linear control strategies applied to grid-connected Voltage-Source Converters

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    El trabajo desarrollado en esta Tesis se centra en optimizar el comportamiento de Voltage-Source Converters (VSCs) cuando son utilizados como interfaz con la red eléctrica, tanto para absorber como para entregar energía de la red con la mejor calidad posible y cumpliendo con los estándares. Para tal fin, esta Tesis se centra en el control de sistemas lineales conectados en cascada aplicados al control de VSCs conectados en paralelo con la red eléctrica a través de un filtro L, especialmente en conexiones con redes débiles y en dos líneas de trabajo: (i) seguimiento de armónicos de las corrientes de red y rechazo de armónicos de las tensiones de red, y (ii) control de la tensión del PCC en caso de desequilibrio. Para ello, esta Tesis realiza contribuciones en el área del control de corriente y control de la tensión del PCC. De entre las técnicas existentes para implementar el control de corriente para compensación armónica, dos de las más utilizadas son el control resonante y el control repetitivo, tanto en ejes de referencia estacionarios como síncronos. Se ha realizado un exhaustivo estudio de diferentes estructuras para implementar tales controles, mostrando su algoritmo adaptativo en frecuencia para cada una de ellas y analizando su carga computacional. Además, se han facilitado directrices básicas para su programación en un DSP. Se ha analizado también el esquema de control de corriente para establecer una comparación entre las diferentes estructuras. Después de estudiar en profundidad el control de corriente de un VSC conectado a la red eléctrica, el segundo control a analizar es el control de tensión del PCC. La presencia de una tensión desequilibrada en el PCC da lugar a la aparición de una componente de corriente de secuencia negativa, que deteriora el comportamiento del sistema de control cuando se emplean las técnicas de control convencionales. Los STATCOMs son bien conocidos por ser una aplicación de potencia capaz de llevar a cabo la regulación de la tensión en el PCC en líneas de distribución que pueden ser susceptibles de sufrir perturbaciones. Esta Tesis propone el uso de un controlador de tensión en ejes de referencia síncronos para compensar una tensión desequilibrada a través de un STATCOM, permitiendo controlar independientemente tanto la secuencia positiva como la secuencia negativa. Además, este controlador incluye aspectos como un mecanismo de antiwindup y droop control para mejorar su comportamiento. Se han realizado varias pruebas experimentales para analizar las características de los controladores de corriente abordados en esta Tesis. Todas ellas han sido realizadas bajo las mismas condiciones de potencia, tensión y corriente, de modo que se pueden extraer resultados comparativos. Estas pruebas pretenden caracterizar la respuesta transitoria, la respuesta en régimen permanente, el comportamiento frente a saltos de frecuencia y la carga computacional de los controladores de corriente estudiados

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Mitigation of power quality issues due to high penetration of renewable energy sources in electric grid systems using three-phase APF/STATCOM technologies: a review.

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    This study summarizes an analytical review on the comparison of three-phase static compensator (STATCOM) and active power filter (APF) inverter topologies and their control schemes using industrial standards and advanced high-power configurations. Transformerless and reduced switch count topologies are the leading technologies in power electronics that aim to reduce system cost and offer the additional benefits of small volumetric size, lightweight and compact structure, and high reliability. A detailed comparison of the topologies, control strategies and implementation structures of grid-connected high-power converters is presented. However, reducing the number of power semiconductor devices, sensors, and control circuits requires complex control strategies. This study focuses on different topological devices, namely, passive filters, shunt and hybrid filters, and STATCOMs, which are typically used for power quality improvement. Additionally, appropriate control schemes, such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) and space vector PWM techniques, are selected. According to recent developments in shunt APF/STATCOM inverters, simulation and experimental results prove the effectiveness of APF/STATCOM systems for harmonic mitigation based on the defined limit in IEEE-519

    Power quality improvement using passive shunt filter, TCR and TSC combination

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    Power system harmonics are a menace to electric power systems with disastrous consequences. The line current harmonics cause increase in losses, instability, and also voltage distortion. With the proliferation of the power electronics converters and increased use of magnetic, power lines have become highly polluted. Both passive and active filters have been used near harmonic producing loads or at the point of common coupling to block current harmonics. Shunt filters still dominate the harmonic compensation at medium/high voltage level, whereas active filters have been proclaimed for low/medium voltage ratings. With diverse applications involving reactive power together with harmonic compensation, passive filters are found suitable [41]. Passive filtering has been preferred for harmonic compensation in distribution systems due to low cost, simplicity, reliability, and control less operation [42]. The uncontrolled ac-dc converter suffers from operating problems of poor power factor, injection of harmonics into the ac mains, variations in dc link voltage of input ac supply, equipment overheating due to harmonic current absorption, voltage distortion due to the voltage drop caused by harmonic currents flowing through system impedances, interference on telephone and communication line etc. The circuit topologies such as passive filters, ac-dc converter, based improved power quality ac-dc converters are designed, modeled and implemented. The main emphasis of this investigation has been on a compactness of configurations, simplicity in control, reduction in rating of components, thus finally leading to saving in overall cost. Based on thesis considerations, a wide range of configurations of power quality mitigators are developed, which is expected to provide detailed exposure to design engineers to choose a particular configuration for a specific application under the given constraints of economy and desired performance. For bidirectional power flow applications, the current source converter is designed and simulated with R-L load. The necessary modeling and simulations are carried out in MATLAB environment using SIMULINK and power system block set toolboxes. The behavior of different configurations of passive tuned filters on power quality is studied. One of the way out to resolve the issue of reactive power would be using filters and TCR, TSC with combination in the power system. Installing a filter for nonlinear loads connected in power system would help in reducing the harmonic effect. The filters are widely used for reduction of harmonics. With the increase of nonlinear loads in the power system, more and more filters are required. The combinations of passive filters with TCR and TSC are also designed and analyzed to improve the power quality at ac mains. This scheme has resulted in improved power quality with overall reduced rating of passive components used in front end ac-dc converters with R-L load

    Time-domain harmonic extraction algorithms for three-level inverter-based shunt active power filter under steady-state and dynamic-state conditions-an evaluation study

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    Power quality is a major consideration in all office equipment, manufacturies and residential home appliances. Harmonic distortion is one of the crucial power quality issues. In order to mitigate the harmonic distortion, the performance of shunt active power filter (SAPF) is judged in terms of the accuracy and response time of its designed controller. In this context, the controller consists of three parts: harmonic extraction, switching control, and DC-link capacitor. The harmonic extraction technique serves the major role of deriving the required reference current to ensure successful mitigation of current harmonics by SAPF. Among the existing techniques, harmonic extraction algorithms based on time-domain approaches are most widely applied as they offer simple implementation features with increased speed and reduced computational burden. This paper presents detailed investigation and analysis regarding the performance of two famous time-domain harmonic extraction techniques namely, synchronous reference frame (SRF) and instantaneous power (PQ) theory. Extensive simulation work is conducted in MATLAB-Simulink platform under two conditions, which are, steady-state conditions and dynamic-state conditions, considering various highly nonlinear loads. For evaluation purposes, each control algorithm is incorporated into the controller of a three-phase SAPF, developed using a three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter. Comprehensive results are provided to confirm mitigation performance of the SAPF utilizing each harmonic extraction algorithm

    Control System Design, Analysis, and Simulation of a Photovoltaic Inverter for Unbalanced Load Compensation in a Microgrid

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    This thesis presents a control scheme for a single-stage three-phase Photovoltaic (PV) converter with negative sequence load current compensation. In this thesis a dual virtual impedance active damping technique for an LCL filter is proposed to address the issue of LCL filter resonance. Both inverter-side current and the capacitor current are used in the feedback loop. Using both signals provides higher DC rejection than using capacitor current alone. The proposed active damping scheme results in a faster transient response and higher damping ratio than can be obtained using inverter-side current alone. The feedback gains can be calculated to achieve a specified damping level. A method of determining the gains of the Proportional and Resonant current controller based on frequency response characteristics is presented. For a specified set of gain and phase margins, the controller gains can be calculated explicitly. Furthermore, a modification is proposed to prevent windup in the resonator. A numerically compensated Half-Cycle Discrete Fourier Transform (HCDFT) method is developed to calculate the negative sequence component of the load current. The numerical compensation allows the HCDFT to accurately estimate the fundamental component of the load current under off-nominal frequency conditions. The proposed HCDFT method is shown to have a quick settling time that is comparable to that obtained with conventional sequence compensation techniques as well as immunity to harmonics in the input signal. The effect of unbalance compensation on the PV power output depending on the irradiance and the operational region on the power-voltage curve is examined. Analysis of the DC link voltage ripple shows the region of operation on the P-V curve affects the amplitude of the DC link voltage ripple during negative sequence compensation. The proposed control scheme is validated by simulation in the Matlab/Simulink® environment. The proposed control scheme is tested in the presence of excessive current imbalance, unbalanced feeder impedances, and non-linear loads. The results have shown that the proposed control scheme can improve power quality in a hybrid PV-diesel microgrid by reducing both voltage and current imbalance while simultaneously converting real power from a PV array