12 research outputs found

    Multispectral remote sensing of wetlands in semi-arid and arid areas: A review on applications, challenges and possible future research directions

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    Wetlands are ranked as very diverse ecosystems, covering about 4–6% of the global land surface. They occupy the transition zones between aquatic and terrestrial environments, and share characteristics of both zones. Wetlands play critical roles in the hydrological cycle, sustaining livelihoods and aquatic life, and biodiversity. Poor management of wetlands results in the loss of critical ecosystems goods and services. Globally, wetlands are degrading at a fast rate due to global environmental change and anthropogenic activities. This requires holistic monitoring, assessment, and management of wetlands to prevent further degradation and losses. Remote-sensing data offer an opportunity to assess changes in the status of wetlands including their spatial coverage. So far, a number of studies have been conducted using remotely sensed data to assess and monitor wetland status in semi-arid and arid regions

    Time tracking of different cropping patterns using Landsat images under different agricultural systems during 1990-2050 in Cold China

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    Rapid cropland reclamation is underway in Cold China in response to increases in food demand, while the lack analyses of time series cropping pattern mappings limits our understanding of the acute transformation process of cropland structure and associated environmental effects. The Cold China contains different agricultural systems (state and private farming), and such systems could lead to different cropping patterns. So far, such changes have not been revealed yet. Based on the Landsat images, this study tracked cropping information in five-year increments (1990-1995, 1995-2000, 2000-2005, 2005-2010, and 2010-2015) and predicted future patterns for the period of 2020-2050 under different agricultural systems using developed method for determining cropland patterns. The following results were obtained: The available time series of Landsat images in Cold China met the requirements for long-term cropping pattern studies, and the developed method exhibited high accuracy (over 91%) and obtained precise spatial information. A new satellite evidence was observed that cropping patterns significantly differed between the two farm types, with paddy field in state farming expanding at a faster rate (from 2.66 to 68.56%) than those in private farming (from 10.12 to 34.98%). More than 70% of paddy expansion was attributed to the transformation of upland crop in each period at the pixel level, which led to a greater loss of upland crop in state farming than private farming (9505.66 km(2) vs. 2840.29 km(2)) during 1990-2015. Rapid cropland reclamation is projected to stagnate in 2020, while paddy expansion will continue until 2040 primarily in private farming in Cold China. This study provides new evidence for different land use change pattern mechanisms between different agricultural systems, and the results have significant implications for understanding and guiding agricultural system development

    An assessment of the impacts of climate and land use/cover changes on wetland extent within Mzingwane catchment, Zimbabwe

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy(Geography and Environmental Science). Johannesburg, June 2018.Wetlands ecosystems are amongst the most diverse and valuable environments which provide a number of goods and services pertinent to human and natural systems functioning yet they are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic and climatic changes. This thesis, examines the impact of climatic trends and variations, and land use/land (LU/LC) cover changes on wetland extent within Mzingwane catchment, south-western of Zimbabwe. An attempt is made to establish how the two stressors (climate and LU/LC changes) modify areal extents of wetlands over time, grounded on the hypothesis that, climate and LU/LC related changes impact on wetland ecosystems resulting in their degradation, shrinking in size and in some cases overall loss. To achieve the broader objective of the study, a number of parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses were employed to quantify and ascertain climate variability and change in Mzingwane catchment through the use of historic and current climatic trends in rainfall and temperature (T). Remote sensing data was used for wetland change analysis for the period between 1984 and 2015as well as future land cover predictions based on CA-Markov Chain model. LU/LC changes on nested wetlands were modelled at catchment level. In addition the study simulated future rainfall and extreme events and their implications on wetland dynamics using Regional Climate Models derived from CORDEX data. Trends in annual Tmax significantly increased (p=1mm) has decreased by 34%, thus suggesting much more concentrated and increased rainfall intensity. A notable shift in both the onset and cessation dates of the rainy season is recorded, particularly during the 21st century, which has resulted in a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the length of the rainy season. Land change analysis results show a decline in woodland and wetland cover which could be resulting from both human and natural factors. Major conversions are from wetland cover to crop field, suggesting agricultural encroachment onto wetland areas. Wetland area thus significantly decreased by 60.16% (236, 52 ha) in the last 30 years (p < 0.05). CA-Markov model results for the years 2025, 2035 and 2045 predicted an overall increase in the crop field areas at the expense of woodland and wetland areas. LU/LC modelling results suggest that LU/LC changes modify wetland hydrology which consequently influences wetland areal extent. Trend results for projected rainfall suggest a significant decreasing trend in future rainfall (2016-2100) at p<0.05. In addition, a general decreasing trend in the number of rainy days is projected for the future climate although the significance and magnitude varied with station location. Regional Climate Models projections suggest an increased occurrence of future extreme events particularly towards the end of this century. The findings are important for developing appropriate sustainable and adaptive strategies given climate changes as well as designing catchment level wetland management approaches aimed at sustaining wetland ecosystems for the current and future generations. Any future efforts towards protection of the remaining wetlands should be combined with developing a sustainable relationship between social and ecological systems which will enable communities to adapt to the effects of changing climates.LG201

    Remote sensing methods for biodiversity monitoring with emphasis on vegetation height estimation and habitat classification

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    Biodiversity is a principal factor for ecosystem stability and functioning, and the need for its protection has been identified as imperative globally. Remote sensing can contribute to timely and accurate monitoring of various elements related to biodiversity, but knowledge gap with user communities hinders its widespread operational use. This study advances biodiversity monitoring through earth observation data by initially identifying, reviewing, and proposing state-of-the-art remote sensing methods which can be used for the extraction of a number of widely adopted indicators of global biodiversity assessment. Then, a cost and resource effective approach is proposed for vegetation height estimation, using satellite imagery from very high resolution passive sensors. A number of texture features are extracted, based on local variance, entropy, and local binary patterns, and processed through several data processing, dimensionality reduction, and classification techniques. The approach manages to discriminate six vegetation height categories, useful for ecological studies, with accuracies over 90%. Thus, it offers an effective approach for landscape analysis, and habitat and land use monitoring, extending previous approaches as far as the range of height and vegetation species, synergies of multi-date imagery, data processing, and resource economy are regarded. Finally, two approaches are introduced to advance the state of the art in habitat classification using remote sensing data and pre-existing land cover information. The first proposes a methodology to express land cover information as numerical features and a supervised classification framework, automating the previous labour- and time-consuming rule-based approach used as reference. The second advances the state of the art incorporating Dempster–Shafer evidential theory and fuzzy sets, and proves successful in handling uncertainties from missing data or vague rules and offering wide user defined parameterization potential. Both approaches outperform the reference study in classification accuracy, proving promising for biodiversity monitoring, ecosystem preservation, and sustainability management tasks.Open Acces

    Mires from pole to pole

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    Mires from pole to pole is a proceedings volume of the XII biennial International Mire Conservation Group symposium held in Finland 24.-27.7. 2006. The following topics are included in the volume: 1. Towards the understanding of the variety of mires and their conservation in different countries, 2. Patterns in polygon mires in north-eastern Yakutia, Siberia: The Role of Vegetation and Water, 3. Mires on the map of Russia, 4. Development of the large-scale hydrotopography of aapa mires on the land-uplift coastland in northern Finland, 5. The development of patterning on a succession series of aapa-mire systems on the land-uplift coast of northern Ostrobothnia, Finland, 6. The beginning of agriculture in Swedish Lapland, 7. Moss diversity in the mires of the Maanselkä water divide, 8. Vegetation studies and mapping in Juortanansalo mire reserve, eastern Finland, 9. Holocene vegetation dynamics and carbon accumulation of two mires in the Friendship Park, eastern Finland, 10. Vegetation dynamics of the Ileksa-Vodlozero aapa mires, 11. Vegetation of forested mires in the middle boreal subzone of Karelia, 12. Mire flora, vegetation and conservation in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, 13. Mire types of the southern part of Kenozero National Park, Arkhangelsk region, NW Russia, 14. Postdrainage vegetation dynamics in mesotrophic herb-Sphagnum mires of southern Karelia, Russia, 15. The Finnish peat mining paradox: political support to environmental calamity, 16. Nationally and regionally threatened mire mosses in Finland, 17. Assessment of threatened mire habitats in Finland, 18. Monitoring restored peatlands in Finnish nature reserves, 19. Species richness and abundance of butterflies in natural and drained mires in Finland, 20. Impacts of peatland restoration on nutrient leaching in western and southern Finland, 21. Role of protected areas in maintaining the diversity of peat mosses in the Karelian Isthmus and Gulf of Finland islands (Leningrad Region, northwest Russia), 22. Sphagnum cover surface shape variations during vegetation period, 23. Plant cover of natural mires and disturbed peatlands in Meschera National Park, Russia, 24. Management and monitoring of three Latvian raised bogs and a fen, 25. The Origin, Development, and Modern State of Karst Mires in the Tula Region of Russia, 26. Subsidence in bogs. Moving catchment boundaries, changing flow paths and slopes, self-sealing and effects on drying and natural rewetting, 27. The importance of gradual changes and landscape heterogeneity for aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in mire restoration management, 28. Mires in Slovakia - present status and conservation, 29. Status and Protection of Heilongjiang Wetlands in North-eastern China, 30. Experimental grazing management on peatlands of the French Basque Land, 31. Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Peatlands and related Vegetation Complexes, 32. The invasive alien plant species of Kolkheti lowland, Georgia, 33. Spatial analysis and description of eastern peatlands of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, 34. Mires Down Under – the Peatlands of Australasia

    Relationship between synoptic circulations and the spatial distributions of rainfall in Zimbabwe

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    This study examines how the atmospheric circulation patterns in Africa south of the equator govern the spatial distribution of precipitation in Zimbabwe. The moisture circulation patterns are designated by an ample set of eight classified circulation types (CTs). Here it is shown that all wet CTs over Zimbabwe features enhanced cyclonic/convective activity in the southwest Indian Ocean. Therefore, enhanced moisture availability in the southwest Indian Ocean is necessary for rainfall formation in parts of Zimbabwe. The wettest CT in Zimbabwe is characterized by a ridging South Atlantic Ocean high-pressure, south of South Africa, driving an abundance of southeast moisture fluxes, from the southwest Indian Ocean into Zimbabwe. Due to the proximity of Zimbabwe to the Agulhas and Mozambique warm current, the activity of the ridging South Atlantic Ocean anticyclone is a dominant synoptic feature that favors above-average rainfall in Zimbabwe. Also, coupled with a weaker state of the Mascarene high, it is shown that a ridging South Atlantic Ocean high-pressure, south of South Africa, can be favorable for the southwest movement of tropical cyclones into the eastern coastal landmasses resulting in above-average rainfall in Zimbabwe. The driest CT is characterized by the northward track of the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude cyclones leading to enhanced westerly fluxes in the southwest Indian Ocean, limiting moist southeast winds into Zimbabwe

    Natural or anthropogenic variability? A long-term pattern of the zooplankton communities in an ever-changing transitional ecosystem

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    The Venice Lagoon is an important site belonging to the Italian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER). Alongside with the increasing trend of water temperature and the relevant morphological changes, in recent years, the resident zooplankton populations have also continued to cope with the colonization by alien species, particularly the strong competitor Mnemiopsis leidyi. In this work, we compared the dynamics of the lagoon zooplankton over a period of 20 years. The physical and biological signals are analyzed and compared to evaluate the hypothesis that a slow shift in the environmental balance of the site, such as temperature increase, sea level rise (hereafter called “marinization”), and competition between species, is contributing to trigger a drift in the internal equilibrium of the resident core zooplankton. Though the copepod community does not seem to have changed its state, some important modifications of structure and assembly mechanisms have already been observed. The extension of the marine influence within the lagoon has compressed the spatial gradients of the habitat and created a greater segregation of the niches available to some typically estuarine taxa and broadened and strengthened the interactions between marine species