46 research outputs found

    Final report on dissemination, regulation, standardization, exploitation & training : D6.3

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    In D6.1 deliverable project dissemination, exploitation and training plans, as well as standardization & regulatory approach strategy was presented. The D6.2 reported on the necessary updates of these strategies and the actions taken by the partners in line with them, as well as the obtained results. In this D6.3 deliverable, a full set of project dissemination activities, standardization & regulatory contributions as well as an operator’s “cook book” outlining steps necessary for full deployment of ON functionality and services, are presented.Deliverable D6.3 del projecte OneFITPostprint (author’s final draft

    Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security

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    Computer scienc

    Interactive Model-Based Compilation: A Modeller-Driven Development Approach

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    There is a growing tendency for using domain-specific languages, which help domain experts to stay focussed on abstract problem solutions. It is important to carefully design these languages and tools, which fundamentally perform model-to-model transformations. The quality of both usually decides the effectiveness of the subsequent development and therefore the quality of the final applications. However, as the complexity and safety requirements of modern systems grow, it becomes increasingly burdensome to create highly customized languages and difficult to provide reasonable overviews within these tools. This thesis introduces a new interactive model-based compilation methodology. Compilations for arbitrary model-to-model transformations are themselves described as models. They can be instantiated for particular inputs, e. g. a program, to create concrete compilation runs, which return the result of that compilation. The compilation instance is interactively observable. Intermediate results serve as new inputs and as documentation. They can be used to create highly customized views and facilitate understandability. This methodology guides modellers from the start of the compilation to the final result so that they can interactively refine their models. The methodology has been implemented and validated as the KIELER Compiler (KiCo) and is available as part of the KIELER open-source project. It is used to implement the current reference compiler for the SCCharts language, a statecharts dialect designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems based on a synchronous model of computation. The interactive model-based compilation approach was key to the rapid prototyping of three different compilation strategies, as well as new language extensions, variations and closely related languages. The results are verified with benchmarks, which are again modelled using the same approach and technology. The usability of the SCCharts language and the KiCo tooling is documented with long-term surveys and real-life industrial, academic and teaching examples

    Improving efficiency, usability and scalability in a secure, resource-constrained web of things

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    A forecast of the Cloud

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    IT ses ofta som en del av lösningen för att uppnĂ„ ett hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle genom till exempel minskat resande, optimering av industri- och jordbruksprocesser, intelligenta elmĂ€tare och smarta hem. NĂ„got man sĂ€llan reflekterar över Ă€r att ITbranschen sjĂ€lv ocksĂ„ bidrar till elanvĂ€ndningen. Ett nytt fenomen inom IT-vĂ€rlden Ă€r molnet som ger möjlighet till som det verkar outtömliga resurser i form av lagrings- och berĂ€kningskapacitet, konstant uppkoppling och snabb överföring. Det finns mĂ„nga definitioner av molnet men om man ser pĂ„ det materiellt bestĂ„r det av datahallar i olika storlek samt fasta och trĂ„dlösa nĂ€tverk som drar el dygnet runt. Om anvĂ€ndningen av molntjĂ€nster ökar – hur mycket kommer elanvĂ€ndningen öka och med den ocksĂ„ den globala uppvĂ€rmningen? I denna studie kommer molnet definieras, materialiseras och kvantifieras för att kunna bedöma dess elbehov idag och i framtiden. Lagar och regler för energieffektivisering kommer undersökas och framtida prognoser tas fram genom tillvĂ€xtmodeller. De huvudsakliga resultaten Ă€r: - Det finns inga lagar för hur energieffektiva datahallar mĂ„ste vara, Ă€ven om det görs en del inom omrĂ„det pĂ„ frivillig basis och företag tar pĂ„ sig egna miljömĂ„l. Europeiska unionen inkluderade vissa delar av servrar i ekodesigndirektivet Ă„r 2014 vilket visar pĂ„ att problemet har börjat tas upp. - AnvĂ€ndningen av molnet kommer öka explosionsartat i framtiden och det finns stor potential för energieffektivisering nĂ€r det gĂ€ller lagring, bearbetning och överföring av data. Beroende pĂ„ hur mycket som energieffektiviseras kan molnet komma att konsumera mellan 5 000 och 10 000 TWh Ă„r 2040. Detta kan jĂ€mföras med hela IT-branschen som 2010 drog mellan 700 och 1 000 TWh. Om man jĂ€mför molnet och traditionell IT Ă€r molnet oftast mer energieffektivt bland annat dĂ€rför att resurser förbrukas efter behov och servrar utnyttjas optimalt. Det finns alltsĂ„ Ă€nnu större potential för energieffektivisering om hela IT-sektorn inkluderas. - Om inte energieffektivisering sker alls kommer molnets energiförbrukning öka bortom greppbara magnituder. Det finns dock ocksĂ„ studier som pekar pĂ„ att den totala energikonsumtionen kan minska sett frĂ„n idag, Ă€ven om anvĂ€ndningen av molnet ökar, dĂ„ teknik med mycket bĂ€ttre energiprestanda hĂ„ller pĂ„ att utvecklas. - DĂ„ dagens lagstiftning inte tĂ€cker in energieffektivisering ligger ett stort ansvar pĂ„ företag att göra detta pĂ„ frivillig basis, vilket till viss del motiveras av att de sparar pengar genom att energieffektivisera. Det Ă€r dock mycket viktigt att denna energiĂ„tgĂ„ng uppmĂ€rksammas och att den inte tillĂ„ts skena ivĂ€g i framtiden.Information and communication technology (ICT) is often seen as part of the solution for a sustainable society, for example through reduced travel, optimization of industrial and agricultural processes, smart meters and smart homes. However, something usually left unconsidered is the electricity consumption of ICT itself. A new phenomenon of the ICT industry is the Cloud that enables seemingly inexhaustible resources in terms of storage and computing capacity, constant connection and fast transfer. There are many definitions of cloud but if looked at from a material point of view it consists of data centers in different sizes as well as wired and wireless networks that consumes electricity. If usage of cloud services increase - how much will electricity consumption and with it global warming increase? In this study the cloud is defined, materialized and quantified in order to estimate its electricity demand today and in the future. Laws and regulations for energy efficiency will be examined and future forecasts are created with the use of growth models. The main results are: - There are no regulations of how energy efficient data centers must be, even though some companies set their own environmental goals and voluntary projects are carried out. The European Union included some parts of servers in the Ecodesign Directive in 2014, which shows that the problem has begun to be addressed. - The usage of the cloud will increase dramatically in the future and there is great potential to improve energy efficiency in terms of storage, processing and transmission of data. Depending on how energy efficient the cloud will be it can consume between 5 000 and 10 000 TWh in 2040. This can be compared to the entire ICT industry which consumed between 700 and 1 000 TWh in 2010. If the cloud is compared with traditional IT it is usually more energy efficient as resources are pooled and used when needed and servers are utilized optimally. Therefore there is even greater potential for improving energy efficiency if the entire ICT sector is included. - If there are no energy efficiency improvements at all the cloud’s energy consumption will increase beyond graspable magnitudes. However, there are also studies that indicate that the total energy consumption can decrease in the future, even though the use of the cloud increases, due to new efficient technologies currently under development. - As current regulations do not include energy efficiency of data centers, a huge responsibility is placed at companies to do this on a voluntary basis. The companies do however have a self-interest to improve energy efficiency as it saves them money - but is it enough? It is very important that this energy consumption is recognized and is not allowed to increase out of control in the future.Den ökande anvĂ€ndningen av onlinetjĂ€nster medför att elkonsumtionen frĂ„n datahallar och nĂ€tverk kommer skjuta i höjden om vi inte energieffektiviserar. Idag saknas det generellt lagar om hur effektiva datacenter mĂ„ste vara. Ett enormt ansvar lĂ€ggs pĂ„ att företag sjĂ€lva Ă€r förutseende och satsar pĂ„ energieffektiv teknik. Det finns dock stora möjligheter att spara energi, bĂ„de för datahallar och nĂ€tverk - om viljan finns

    Zoning Reformed

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    Zoning Reformed

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    It has been roughly a century since early advocates of zoning took notice of how crowded and congested housing conditions contributed to the spread of disease (including the then-recent H1N1 pandemic). The U.S. Supreme Court had just rejected on property rights grounds a city ordinance that expressly segregated neighborhoods by race. One hundred years later, the exposure of the weaknesses embedded in our system of public land use regulation during the crises of 2020 presents a unique and timely opportunity for serious consideration of major and minor adjustments to state statutes, local ordinances, and judicial decisions. This Article calls for a comprehensive reform of zoning, eschewing pie-inthe-sky or revolutionary changes. It presents for the first time to state legislators, local officials, judges, academic commentators, and law and planning professionals a comprehensive set of achievable steps to take now in anticipation of future pandemics, in response to current and anticipated public health emergencies caused by climate change, and in addressing (at long last) social justice issues directly tied to undeniable elements of systemic racism caused and exacerbated by the paucity of safe, affordable housing. History will determine whether American public officials and private-sector participants will have attended to the painful lessons from the current crises in order to fine-tune zoning and land use regulation, or whether the U.S. will go back to our old and harmful habits once again

    Towards a Model-Centric Software Testing Life Cycle for Early and Consistent Testing Activities

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    The constant improvement of the available computing power nowadays enables the accomplishment of more and more complex tasks. The resulting implicit increase in the complexity of hardware and software solutions for realizing the desired functionality requires a constant improvement of the development methods used. On the one hand over the last decades the percentage of agile development practices, as well as testdriven development increases. On the other hand, this trend results in the need to reduce the complexity with suitable methods. At this point, the concept of abstraction comes into play, which manifests itself in model-based approaches such as MDSD or MBT. The thesis is motivated by the fact that the earliest possible detection and elimination of faults has a significant influence on product costs. Therefore, a holistic approach is developed in the context of model-driven development, which allows applying testing already in early phases and especially on the model artifacts, i.e. it provides a shift left of the testing activities. To comprehensively address the complexity problem, a modelcentric software testing life cycle is developed that maps the process steps and artifacts of classical testing to the model-level. Therefore, the conceptual basis is first created by putting the available model artifacts of all domains into context. In particular, structural mappings are specified across the included domain-specific model artifacts to establish a sufficient basis for all the process steps of the life cycle. Besides, a flexible metamodel including operational semantics is developed, which enables experts to carry out an abstract test execution on the modellevel. Based on this, approaches for test case management, automated test case generation, evaluation of test cases, and quality verification of test cases are developed. In the context of test case management, a mechanism is realized that enables the selection, prioritization, and reduction of Test Model artifacts usable for test case generation. I.e. a targeted set of test cases is generated satisfying quality criteria like coverage at the model-level. These quality requirements are accomplished by using a mutation-based analysis of the identified test cases, which builds on the model basis. As the last step of the model-centered software testing life cycle two approaches are presented, allowing an abstract execution of the test cases in the model context through structural analysis and a form of model interpretation concerning data flow information. All the approaches for accomplishing the problem are placed in the context of related work, as well as examined for their feasibility by of a prototypical implementation within the Architecture And Analysis Framework. Subsequently, the described approaches and their concepts are evaluated by qualitative as well as quantitative evaluation. Moreover, case studies show the practical applicability of the approach

    Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks

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    In the first part of this dissertation, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) and IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet Passive Optical Network (ETON), two access networking standards, are studied. We study the impact of two parameters of the DOCSIS protocol and derive the probability of message collision in the 802.3ah device discovery scheme. We survey existing bandwidth allocation schemes for EPONs, derive the average grant size in one such scheme, and study the performance of the shortest-job-first heuristic. In the second part of this dissertation, we study networks of mobile sensors. We make progress towards an architecture for disconnected collections of mobile sensors. We propose a new design abstraction called tours which facilitates the combination of mobility and communication into a single design primitive and enables the system of sensors to reorganize into desirable topologies alter failures. We also initiate a study of computation in mobile sensor networks. We study the relationship between two distributed computational models of mobile sensor networks: population protocols and self-similar functions. We define the notion of a self-similar predicate and show when it is computable by a population protocol. Transition graphs of population protocols lead its to the consideration of graph powers. We consider the direct product of graphs and its new variant which we call the lexicographic direct product (or the clique product). We show that invariants concerning transposable walks in direct graph powers and transposable independent sets in graph families generated by the lexicographic direct product are uncomputable. The last part of this dissertation makes contributions to the area of storage systems. We propose a sequential access detect ion and prefetching scheme and a dynamic cache sizing scheme for large storage systems. We evaluate the cache sizing scheme theoretically and through simulations. We compute the expected hit ratio of our and competing schemes and bound the expected size of our dynamic cache sufficient to obtain an optimal hit ratio. We also develop a stand-alone simulator for studying our proposed scheme and integrate it with an empirically validated disk simulator

    Global Initiatives and Higher Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    The Fourth industrial Revolution (4IR) is forcing higher education (HE) into a new era where it must either actively and positively contribute to innovation, sustainability, and development or become obsolete and redundant. HE must leave its ivory tower and forge links and partnerships with society, industry, and governing bodies by delivering graduates that are holistically educated and trained to bring positive innovation and change and to address the challenges that humanity is facing in the 21st century