10,439 research outputs found


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    In wireless networks, devices (nodes) are connected by wireless links. An important issue is to set up high quality (high bandwidth) and efficient routing paths when one node wants to send packets to other nodes. Resource allocation is the foundation to guarantee high quality connections. In addition, it is critical to handle void areas in order to set up detour-free paths. Moreover, fast message broadcasting is essential in mobile wireless networks. Thus, my research includes dynamic channel allocation in wireless mesh networks, geographic routing in Ad Hoc networks, and message broadcasting in vehicular networks. The quality of connections in a wireless mesh network can be improved by equip- ping mesh nodes with multi-radios capable of tuning to non-overlapping channels. The essential problem is how to allocate channels to these multi-radio nodes. We develop a new bipartite-graph based channel allocation algorithm, which can improve bandwidth utilization and lower the possibility of starvation. Geographic routing in Ad Hoc networks is scalable and normally loop-free. However, traditional routing protocols often result in long detour paths when holes exist. We propose a routing protocol-Intermediate Target based Geographic Routing (ITGR) to solve this problem. The novelty is that a single forwarding path can be used to reduce the lengths of many future routing paths. We also develop a protocol called Hole Detection and Adaptive Geographic Routing, which identifies the holes efficiently by comparing the length of a routing path with the Euclidean distance between a pair of nodes. We then set up the shortest path based on it. Vehicles play an important role in our daily life. During inter-vehicle communication, it is essential that emergency information can be broadcast to surrounding vehicles quickly. We devise an approach that can find the best re-broadcasting node and propagate the message as fast as possible

    KIRA: Distributed Scalable ID-based Routing with Fast Forwarding

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    Emerging network infrastructures are increasingly softwarized, virtualized and, thus, flexible. They may even be viewed as a large, dynamic, and distributed elastic resource pool of network devices that can be flexibly configured and employed according to the needs of network services. Full control of such a resource pool requires resilient control plane connectivity. In this paper, we present KIRA, a two-tier routing architecture that provides self-organized, zero-touch, and extremely robust control plane connectivity. KIRA consists of the distributed, highly scalable, ID-based routing protocol R²/Kad that can run on top of any link layer. It is complemented by a forwarding tier with PathID-based fast forwarding for (control) data packets. KIRA shows excellent performance even in very large networks (evaluated with up to 200000 nodes). R²/Kad allows for flexible memory/stretch tradeoff per node and finds shortest paths to certain destinations in most cases. R²/Kad converges loop-free and fast, even in very large networks with drastic failure scenarios

    Automated learning of loop-free alternate paths for fast re-routing

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    Low Cost Quality of Service Multicast Routing in High Speed Networks

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    Many of the services envisaged for high speed networks, such as B-ISDN/ATM, will support real-time applications with large numbers of users. Examples of these types of application range from those used by closed groups, such as private video meetings or conferences, where all participants must be known to the sender, to applications used by open groups, such as video lectures, where partcipants need not be known by the sender. These types of application will require high volumes of network resources in addition to the real-time delay constraints on data delivery. For these reasons, several multicast routing heuristics have been proposed to support both interactive and distribution multimedia services, in high speed networks. The objective of such heuristics is to minimise the multicast tree cost while maintaining a real-time bound on delay. Previous evaluation work has compared the relative average performance of some of these heuristics and concludes that they are generally efficient, although some perform better for small multicast groups and others perform better for larger groups. Firstly, we present a detailed analysis and evaluation of some of these heuristics which illustrates that in some situations their average performance is reversed; a heuristic that in general produces efficient solutions for small multicasts may sometimes produce a more efficient solution for a particular large multicast, in a specific network. Also, in a limited number of cases using Dijkstra's algorithm produces the best result. We conclude that the efficiency of a heuristic solution depends on the topology of both the network and the multicast, and that it is difficult to predict. Because of this unpredictability we propose the integration of two heuristics with Dijkstra's shortest path tree algorithm to produce a hybrid that consistently generates efficient multicast solutions for all possible multicast groups in any network. These heuristics are based on Dijkstra's algorithm which maintains acceptable time complexity for the hybrid, and they rarely produce inefficient solutions for the same network/multicast. The resulting performance attained is generally good and in the rare worst cases is that of the shortest path tree. The performance of our hybrid is supported by our evaluation results. Secondly, we examine the stability of multicast trees where multicast group membership is dynamic. We conclude that, in general, the more efficient the solution of a heuristic is, the less stable the multicast tree will be as multicast group membership changes. For this reason, while the hybrid solution we propose might be suitable for use with closed user group multicasts, which are likely to be stable, we need a different approach for open user group multicasting, where group membership may be highly volatile. We propose an extension to an existing heuristic that ensures multicast tree stability where multicast group membership is dynamic. Although this extension decreases the efficiency of the heuristics solutions, its performance is significantly better than that of the worst case, a shortest path tree. Finally, we consider how we might apply the hybrid and the extended heuristic in current and future multicast routing protocols for the Internet and for ATM Networks.

    Genetic algorithms with elitism-based immigrants for dynamic shortest path problem in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This article is posted here with permission from the IEEE - Copyright @ 2009 IEEEIn recent years, the static shortest path (SP) problem has been well addressed using intelligent optimization techniques, e.g., artificial neural networks (ANNs), genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization (PSO), etc. However, with the advancement in wireless communications, more and more mobile wireless networks appear, e.g., mobile ad hoc network (MANET), wireless sensor network (WSN), etc. One of the most important characteristics in mobile wireless networks is the topology dynamics, that is, the network topology changes over time due to energy conservation or node mobility. Therefore, the SP problem turns out to be a dynamic optimization problem (DOP) in MANETs. In this paper, we propose to use elitism-based immigrants GA (EIGA) to solve the dynamic SP problem in MANETs. We consider MANETs as target systems because they represent new generation wireless networks. The experimental results show that the EIGA can quickly adapt to the environmental changes (i.e., the network topology change) and produce good solutions after each change.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1