1,228 research outputs found

    Shortest path set induced vertex ordering and its application to distributed distance optimal formation path planning and control on graphs

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    Motion Planning for Unlabeled Discs with Optimality Guarantees

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    We study the problem of path planning for unlabeled (indistinguishable) unit-disc robots in a planar environment cluttered with polygonal obstacles. We introduce an algorithm which minimizes the total path length, i.e., the sum of lengths of the individual paths. Our algorithm is guaranteed to find a solution if one exists, or report that none exists otherwise. It runs in time O~(m4+m2n2)\tilde{O}(m^4+m^2n^2), where mm is the number of robots and nn is the total complexity of the workspace. Moreover, the total length of the returned solution is at most OPT+4m\text{OPT}+4m, where OPT is the optimal solution cost. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm for the problem that has such guarantees. The algorithm has been implemented in an exact manner and we present experimental results that attest to its efficiency

    Control for Localization and Visibility Maintenance of an Independent Agent using Robotic Teams

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    Given a non-cooperative agent, we seek to formulate a control strategy to enable a team of robots to localize and track the agent in a complex but known environment while maintaining a continuously optimized line-of-sight communication chain to a fixed base station. We focus on two aspects of the problem. First, we investigate the estimation of the agent\u27s location by using nonlinear sensing modalities, in particular that of range-only sensing, and formulate a control strategy based on improving this estimation using one or more robots working to independently gather information. Second, we develop methods to plan and sequence robot deployments that will establish and maintain line-of-sight chains for communication between the independent agent and the fixed base station using a minimum number of robots. These methods will lead to feedback control laws that can realize this plan and ensure proper navigation and collision avoidance

    Algorithms for the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data from Team Sports

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    Modern object tracking systems are able to simultaneously record trajectories—sequences of time-stamped location points—for large numbers of objects with high frequency and accuracy. The availability of trajectory datasets has resulted in a consequent demand for algorithms and tools to extract information from these data. In this thesis, we present several contributions intended to do this, and in particular, to extract information from trajectories tracking football (soccer) players during matches. Football player trajectories have particular properties that both facilitate and present challenges for the algorithmic approaches to information extraction. The key property that we look to exploit is that the movement of the players reveals information about their objectives through cooperative and adversarial coordinated behaviour, and this, in turn, reveals the tactics and strategies employed to achieve the objectives. While the approaches presented here naturally deal with the application-specific properties of football player trajectories, they also apply to other domains where objects are tracked, for example behavioural ecology, traffic and urban planning

    Safe, Scalable, and Complete Motion Planning of Large Teams of Interchangeable Robots

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    Large teams of mobile robots have an unprecedented potential to assist humans in a number of roles ranging from humanitarian efforts to e-commerce order fulfillment. Utilizing a team of robots provides an inherent parallelism in computation and task completion while providing redundancy to isolated robot failures. Whether a mission requires all robots to stay close to each other in a formation, navigate to a preselected set of goal locations, or to actively try to spread out to gain as much information as possible, the team must be able to successfully navigate the robots to desired locations. While there is a rich literature on motion planning for teams of robots, the problem is sufficiently challenging that in general all methods trade off one of the following properties: completeness, computational scalability, safety, or optimality. This dissertation proposes robot interchangeability as an additional trade-off consideration. Specifically, the work presented here leverages the total interchangeability of robots and develops a series of novel, complete, computationally tractable algorithms to control a team of robots and avoid collisions while retaining a notion of optimality. This dissertation begins by presenting a robust decentralized formation control algorithm for control of robots operating in tight proximity to one another. Next, a series of complete, computationally tractable multiple robot planning algorithms are presented. These planners preserve optimality, completeness, and computationally tractability by leveraging robot interchangeability. Finally, a polynomial time approximation algorithm is proposed that routes teams of robots to visit a large number of specified locations while bounding the suboptimality of total mission completion time. Each algorithm is verified in simulation and when applicable, on a team of dynamic aerial robots

    Universal Memory Architectures for Autonomous Machines

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    We propose a self-organizing memory architecture (UMA) for perceptual experience provably capable of supporting autonomous learning and goal-directed problem solving in the absence of any prior information about the agent’s environment. The architecture is simple enough to ensure (1) a quadratic bound (in the number of available sensors) on space requirements, and (2) a quadratic bound on the time-complexity of the update-execute cycle. At the same time, it is sufficiently complex to provide the agent with an internal representation which is (3) minimal among all representations which account for every sensory equivalence class consistent with the agent’s belief state; (4) capable, in principle, of recovering a topological model of the problem space; and (5) learnable with arbitrary precision through a random application of the available actions. These provable properties — both the trainability and the operational efficacy of an effectively trained memory structure — exploit a duality between weak poc sets — a symbolic (discrete) representation of subset nesting relations — and non-positively curved cubical complexes, whose rich convexity theory underlies the planning cycle of the proposed architecture

    Multi-Robot Path Planning

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum

    Graphs for Ontology, Law and Policy

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