62,488 research outputs found

    Shorter paths to graph algorithms

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    AbstractWe illustrate the use of formal languages and relations in compact formal derivations of some graph algorithms

    Shorter paths to graph algorithms

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    We illustrate the use of formal languages and relations in compact formal derivations of some graph algorithms

    On Hamiltonicity of {claw, net}-free graphs

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    An st-path is a path with the end-vertices s and t. An s-path is a path with an end-vertex s. The results of this paper include necessary and sufficient conditions for a {claw, net}-free graph G with given two different vertices s, t and an edge e to have (1)a Hamiltonian s-path, (2) a Hamiltonian st-path, (3) a Hamiltonian s- and st-paths containing edge e when G has connectivity one, and (4) a Hamiltonian cycle containing e when G is 2-connected. These results imply that a connected {claw, net}-free graph has a Hamiltonian path and a 2-connected {claw, net}-free graph has a Hamiltonian cycle [D. Duffus, R.J. Gould, M.S. Jacobson, Forbidden Subgraphs and the Hamiltonian Theme, in The Theory and Application of Graphs (Kalamazoo, Mich., 1980$), Wiley, New York (1981) 297--316.] Our proofs of (1)-(4) are shorter than the proofs of their corollaries in [D. Duffus, R.J. Gould, M.S. Jacobson] and provide polynomial-time algorithms for solving the corresponding Hamiltonicity problems. Keywords: graph, claw, net, {claw, net}-free graph, Hamiltonian path, Hamiltonian cycle, polynomial-time algorithm.Comment: 9 page

    Repairing Wireless Sensor Network connectivity with mobility and hop-count constraints

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    Wireless Sensor Networks can become partitioned due to node failure or damage, and must be repaired by deploying new sensors, relays or sink nodes to restore some quality of service. We formulate the task as a multi-objective problem over two graphs. The solution specifies additional nodes to reconnect a connectivity graph subject to network path-length constraints, and a path through a mobility graph to visit those locations. The objectives are to minimise both the cost of the additional nodes and the length of the mobility path. We propose two heuristic algorithms which prioritise the different objectives. We evaluate the two algorithms on randomly generated graphs, and compare their solutions to the optimal solutions for the individual objectives. Finally, we assess the total restoration time for different classes of agent, i.e. small robots and larger vehicles, which allows us to trade-off longer computation times for shorter mobility paths

    Speeding up shortest path algorithms

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    Given an arbitrary, non-negatively weighted, directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) we present an algorithm that computes all pairs shortest paths in time O(mn+mlgn+nTψ(m,n))\mathcal{O}(m^* n + m \lg n + nT_\psi(m^*, n)), where mm^* is the number of different edges contained in shortest paths and Tψ(m,n)T_\psi(m^*, n) is a running time of an algorithm to solve a single-source shortest path problem (SSSP). This is a substantial improvement over a trivial nn times application of ψ\psi that runs in O(nTψ(m,n))\mathcal{O}(nT_\psi(m,n)). In our algorithm we use ψ\psi as a black box and hence any improvement on ψ\psi results also in improvement of our algorithm. Furthermore, a combination of our method, Johnson's reweighting technique and topological sorting results in an O(mn+mlgn)\mathcal{O}(m^*n + m \lg n) all-pairs shortest path algorithm for arbitrarily-weighted directed acyclic graphs. In addition, we also point out a connection between the complexity of a certain sorting problem defined on shortest paths and SSSP.Comment: 10 page

    Counting Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Cubic Planar Graphs with an NC Algorithm

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    Given an undirected graph and two disjoint vertex pairs s1,t1s_1,t_1 and s2,t2s_2,t_2, the Shortest two disjoint paths problem (S2DP) asks for the minimum total length of two vertex disjoint paths connecting s1s_1 with t1t_1, and s2s_2 with t2t_2, respectively. We show that for cubic planar graphs there are NC algorithms, uniform circuits of polynomial size and polylogarithmic depth, that compute the S2DP and moreover also output the number of such minimum length path pairs. Previously, to the best of our knowledge, no deterministic polynomial time algorithm was known for S2DP in cubic planar graphs with arbitrary placement of the terminals. In contrast, the randomized polynomial time algorithm by Bj\"orklund and Husfeldt, ICALP 2014, for general graphs is much slower, is serial in nature, and cannot count the solutions. Our results are built on an approach by Hirai and Namba, Algorithmica 2017, for a generalisation of S2DP, and fast algorithms for counting perfect matchings in planar graphs

    Physiology-Aware Rural Ambulance Routing

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    In emergency patient transport from rural medical facility to center tertiary hospital, real-time monitoring of the patient in the ambulance by a physician expert at the tertiary center is crucial. While telemetry healthcare services using mobile networks may enable remote real-time monitoring of transported patients, physiologic measures and tracking are at least as important and requires the existence of high-fidelity communication coverage. However, the wireless networks along the roads especially in rural areas can range from 4G to low-speed 2G, some parts with communication breakage. From a patient care perspective, transport during critical illness can make route selection patient state dependent. Prompt decisions with the relative advantage of a longer more secure bandwidth route versus a shorter, more rapid transport route but with less secure bandwidth must be made. The trade-off between route selection and the quality of wireless communication is an important optimization problem which unfortunately has remained unaddressed by prior work. In this paper, we propose a novel physiology-aware route scheduling approach for emergency ambulance transport of rural patients with acute, high risk diseases in need of continuous remote monitoring. We mathematically model the problem into an NP-hard graph theory problem, and approximate a solution based on a trade-off between communication coverage and shortest path. We profile communication along two major routes in a large rural hospital settings in Illinois, and use the traces to manifest the concept. Further, we design our algorithms and run preliminary experiments for scalability analysis. We believe that our scheduling techniques can become a compelling aid that enables an always-connected remote monitoring system in emergency patient transfer scenarios aimed to prevent morbidity and mortality with early diagnosis treatment.Comment: 6 pages, The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2017), Park City, Utah, 201

    Counting approximately-shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs

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    Given a directed acyclic graph with positive edge-weights, two vertices s and t, and a threshold-weight L, we present a fully-polynomial time approximation-scheme for the problem of counting the s-t paths of length at most L. We extend the algorithm for the case of two (or more) instances of the same problem. That is, given two graphs that have the same vertices and edges and differ only in edge-weights, and given two threshold-weights L_1 and L_2, we show how to approximately count the s-t paths that have length at most L_1 in the first graph and length at most L_2 in the second graph. We believe that our algorithms should find application in counting approximate solutions of related optimization problems, where finding an (optimum) solution can be reduced to the computation of a shortest path in a purpose-built auxiliary graph