18,992 research outputs found

    Short-Term Load Forecasting for Industrial Customers Based on TCN-LightGBM

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    Accurate and rapid load forecasting for industrial customers has been playing a crucial role in modern power systems. Due to the variability of industrial customers’ activities, individual industrial loads are usually too volatile to forecast accurately. In this paper, a short-term load forecasting model for industrial customers based on the Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) is proposed. Firstly, a fixed-length sliding time window method is adopted to reconstruct the electrical features. Next, the TCN is utilized to extract the hidden information and long-term temporal relationships in the input features including electrical features, a meteorological feature and date features. Further, a state-of-the-art LightGBM capable of forecasting industrial customers’ loads is adopted. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by using datasets from different industries in China, Australia and Ireland. Multiple experiments and comparisons with existing models show that the proposed model provides accurate load forecasting results

    Short-Term Load Forecasting for Industrial Customers Based on TCN-LightGBM

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    Accurate and rapid load forecasting for industrial customers has been playing a crucial role in modern power systems. Due to the variability of industrial customers' activities, individual industrial loads are usually too volatile to forecast accurately. In this paper, a short-term load forecasting model for industrial customers based on the Temporal Convolution Network (TCN) and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) is proposed. Firstly, a fixed-length sliding time window method is adopted to reconstruct the electrical features. Next, the TCN is utilized to extract the hidden information and long-term temporal relationships in the input features including electrical features, a meteorological feature and date features. Further, a state-of-the-art LightGBM capable of forecasting industrial customers' loads is adopted. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by using datasets from different industries in China, Australia and Ireland. Multiple experiments and comparisons with existing models show that the proposed model provides accurate load forecasting results

    Short-term electricity price forecasting with time series models: A review and evaluation

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    We investigate the forecasting power of different time series models for electricity spot prices. The models include different specifications of linear autoregressive time series with heteroscedastic noise and/or additional fundamental variables and non-linear regime-switching TAR-type models. The models are tested on a time series of hourly system prices and loads from the California power market. Data from the period July 5, 1999 - April 2, 2000 are used for calibration and from the period April 3 - December 3, 2000 for out-of-sample testing.Electricity price forecasting; Autoregression (AR) model; Threshold Autoregression (TAR) model; Electricity load;

    Short-Term Load Forecasting Using AMI Data

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    Accurate short-term load forecasting is essential for efficient operation of the power sector. Predicting load at a fine granularity such as individual households or buildings is challenging due to higher volatility and uncertainty in the load. In aggregate loads such as at grids level, the inherent stochasticity and fluctuations are averaged-out, the problem becomes substantially easier. We propose an approach for short-term load forecasting at individual consumers (households) level, called Forecasting using Matrix Factorization (FMF). FMF does not use any consumers' demographic or activity patterns information. Therefore, it can be applied to any locality with the readily available smart meters and weather data. We perform extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets and demonstrate that FMF significantly outperforms the computationally expensive state-of-the-art methods for this problem. We achieve up to 26.5% and 24.4 % improvement in RMSE over Regression Tree and Support Vector Machine, respectively and up to 36% and 73.2% improvement in MAPE over Random Forest and Long Short-Term Memory neural network, respectively


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    This paper presents an overview of some Deep Learning (DL) techniques applicable to forecasting electricity consumptions, especially in the short-term horizon. The paper introduced key parts of four DL architectures including the RNN, LSTM, CNN and SAE, which are recently adopted in implementing Short-term (electricity) Load Forecasting problems. It further presented a model approach for solving such problems. The eventual implication of the study is to present an insightful direction about concepts of the DL methods for forecasting electricity loads in the short-term period, especially to a potential researcher in quest of solving similar problems

    Regional And Residential Short Term Electric Demand Forecast Using Deep Learning

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    For optimal power system operations, electric generation must follow load demand. The generation, transmission, and distribution utilities require load forecasting for planning and operating grid infrastructure efficiently, securely, and economically. This thesis work focuses on short-term load forecast (STLF), that concentrates on the time-interval from few hours to few days. An inaccurate short-term load forecast can result in higher cost of generating and delivering power. Hence, accurate short-term load forecasting is essential. Traditionally, short-term load forecasting of electrical demand is typically performed using linear regression, autoregressive integrated moving average models (ARIMA), and artificial neural networks (ANN). These conventional methods are limited in application for big datasets, and often their accuracy is a matter of concern. Recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for machine-learning problems, and known for real-time data processing, parallel computations, and ability to work with a large dataset with higher accuracy. DNNs have been shown to greatly outperform traditional methods in many disciplines, and they have revolutionized data analytics. Aspired from such a success of DNNs in machine learning problems, this thesis investigated the DNNs potential in electrical load forecasting application. Different DNN Types such as multilayer perception model (MLP) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) such as long short-term memory (LSTM), Gated recurrent Unit (GRU) and simple RNNs for different datasets were evaluated for accuracies. This thesis utilized the following data sets: 1) Iberian electric market dataset; 2) NREL residential home dataset; 3) AMPds smart-meter dataset; 4) UMass Smart Home datasets with varying time intervals or data duration for the validating the applicability of DNNs for short-term load forecasting. The Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) evaluation indicates DNNs outperform conventional method for multiple datasets. In addition, a DNN based smart scheduling of appliances was also studied. This work evaluates MAPE accuracies of clustering-based forecast over non-clustered forecasts

    A strategy for short-term load forecasting in Ireland

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    Electric utilities require short-term forecasts of electricity demand (load) in order to schedule generating plant up to several days ahead on an hourly basis. Errors in the forecasts may lead to generation plant operation that is not required or sub-optimal scheduling of generation plants. In addition, with the introduction of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999, a deregulated market structure has been introduced, adding increased impetus to reducing forecast error and the associated costs. This thesis presents a strategy for reducing costs from electrical demand forecast error using models designed specifically for the Irish system. The differences in short-term load forecasting models are examined under three independent categories: how the data is segmented prior to modelling, the modelling technique and the approach taken to minimise the effect of weather forecast errors present in weather inputs to the load forecasting models. A novel approach is presented to determine whether the data should be segmented by hour of the day prior to modelling. Several segmentation strategies are analysed and the one appropriate for Irish data identified. Furthermore, both linear and nonlinear techniques are compared with a view to evaluating the optimal model type. The effect of weather forecast errors on load forecasting models, though significant, has largely been ignored in the literature. Thus, the underlying issues are examined and a novel method is presented which minimises the effect of weather forecast errors