477 research outputs found

    Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems

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    Computational Intelligence for Modeling, Control, Optimization, Forecasting and Diagnostics in Photovoltaic Applications

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    This book is a Special Issue Reprint edited by Prof. Massimo Vitelli and Dr. Luigi Costanzo. It contains original research articles covering, but not limited to, the following topics: maximum power point tracking techniques; forecasting techniques; sizing and optimization of PV components and systems; PV modeling; reconfiguration algorithms; fault diagnosis; mismatching detection; decision processes for grid operators

    Data Mining Applications to Fault Diagnosis in Power Electronic Systems: A Systematic Review

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    Distribution Level Building Load Prediction Using Deep Learning

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    Load prediction in distribution grids is an important means to improve energy supply scheduling, reduce the production cost, and support emission reduction. Determining accurate load predictions has become more crucial than ever as electrical load patterns are becoming increasingly complicated due to the versatility of the load profiles, the heterogeneity of individual load consumptions, and the variability of consumer-owned energy resources. However, despite the increase of smart grids technologies and energy conservation research, many challenges remain for accurate load prediction using existing methods. This dissertation investigates how to improve the accuracy of load predictions at the distribution level using artificial intelligence (AI), and in particular deep learning (DL), which have already shown significant progress in various other disciplines. Existing research that applies the DL for load predictions has shown improved performance compared to traditional models. The current research using conventional DL tends to be modeled based on the developer\u27s knowledge. However, there is little evidence that researchers have yet addressed the issue of optimizing the DL parameters using evolutionary computations to find more accurate predictions. Additionally, there are still questions about hybridizing different DL methods, conducting parallel computation techniques, and investigating them on complex smart buildings. In addition, there are still questions about disaggregating the net metered load data into load and behind-the-meter generation associated with solar and electric vehicles (EV). The focus of this dissertation is to improve the distribution level load predictions using DL. Five approaches are investigated in this dissertation to find more accurate load predictions. The first approach investigates the prediction performance of different DL methods applied for energy consumption in buildings using univariate time series datasets, where their numerical results show the effectiveness of recursive artificial neural networks (RNN). The second approach studies optimizing time window lags and network\u27s hidden neurons of an RNN method, which is the Long Short-Term Memory, using the Genetic Algorithms, to find more accurate energy consumption forecasting in buildings using univariate time series datasets. The third approach considers multivariate time series and operational parameters of practical data to train a hybrid DL model. The fourth approach investigates parallel computing and big data analysis of different practical buildings at the DU campus to improve energy forecasting accuracies. Lastly, a hybrid DL model is used to disaggregate residential building load and behind-the-meter energy loads, including solar and EV

    Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources with Remote Sensing

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    The development of renewable energy sources plays a fundamental role in the transition towards a low carbon economy. Considering that renewable energy resources have an intrinsic relationship with meteorological conditions and climate patterns, methodologies based on the remote sensing of the atmosphere are fundamental sources of information to support the energy sector in planning and operation procedures. This Special Issue is intended to provide a highly recognized international forum to present recent advances in remote sensing to data acquisition required by the energy sector. After a review, a total of eleven papers were accepted for publication. The contributions focus on solar, wind, and geothermal energy resource. This editorial presents a brief overview of each contribution.About the Editor .............................................. vii Fernando Ramos Martins Editorial for the Special Issue: Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources with Remote Sensing Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3748, doi:10.3390/rs12223748 ................. 1 André R. Gonçalves, Arcilan T. Assireu, Fernando R. Martins, Madeleine S. G. Casagrande, Enrique V. Mattos, Rodrigo S. Costa, Robson B. Passos, Silvia V. Pereira, Marcelo P. Pes, Francisco J. L. Lima and Enio B. Pereira Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tropical Reservoir in Brazil Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2793, doi:10.3390/rs12172793 ................. 7 Anders V. Lindfors, Axel Hertsberg, Aku Riihelä, Thomas Carlund, Jörg Trentmann and Richard Müller On the Land-Sea Contrast in the Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) in the Baltic Region Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3509, doi:10.3390/rs12213509 ................. 33 Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos Real-Time Automatic Cloud Detection Using a Low-Cost Sky Camera Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1382, doi:10.3390/rs12091382 ................. 43 Román Mondragón, Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos, David Riveros-Rosas, Mauro Valdés, Héctor Estévez, Adriana E. González-Cabrera and Wolfgang Stremme Attenuation Factor Estimation of Direct Normal Irradiance Combining Sky Camera Images and Mathematical Models in an Inter-Tropical Area Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1212, doi:10.3390/rs12071212 ................. 61 Jinwoong Park, Jihoon Moon, Seungmin Jung and Eenjun Hwang Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2271, doi:10.3390/rs12142271 ................. 79 Guojiang Xiong, Jing Zhang, Dongyuan Shi, Lin Zhu, Xufeng Yuan and Gang Yao Modified Search Strategies Assisted Crossover Whale Optimization Algorithm with Selection Operator for Parameter Extraction of Solar Photovoltaic Models Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2795, doi:10.3390/rs11232795 ................. 101 Alexandra I. Khalyasmaa, Stanislav A. Eroshenko, Valeriy A. Tashchilin, Hariprakash Ramachandran, Teja Piepur Chakravarthi and Denis N. Butusov Industry Experience of Developing Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Plant Forecasting System Based on Machine Learning Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3420, doi:10.3390/rs12203420 ................. 125 Ian R. Young, Ebru Kirezci and Agustinus Ribal The Global Wind Resource Observed by Scatterometer Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2920, doi:10.3390/rs12182920 ................. 147 Susumu Shimada, Jay Prakash Goit, Teruo Ohsawa, Tetsuya Kogaki and Satoshi Nakamura Coastal Wind Measurements Using a Single Scanning LiDAR Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1347, doi:10.3390/rs12081347 ................. 165 Cristina Sáez Blázquez, Pedro Carrasco García, Ignacio Martín Nieto, MiguelAngel ´ Maté-González, Arturo Farfán Martín and Diego González-Aguilera Characterizing Geological Heterogeneities for Geothermal Purposes through Combined Geophysical Prospecting Methods Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1948, doi:10.3390/rs12121948 ................. 189 Miktha Farid Alkadri, Francesco De Luca, Michela Turrin and Sevil Sariyildiz A Computational Workflow for Generating A Voxel-Based Design Approach Based on Subtractive Shading Envelopes and Attribute Information of Point Cloud Data Reprinted from: Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2561, doi:10.3390/rs12162561 ................. 207Instituto do Ma

    Data-Intensive Computing in Smart Microgrids

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    Microgrids have recently emerged as the building block of a smart grid, combining distributed renewable energy sources, energy storage devices, and load management in order to improve power system reliability, enhance sustainable development, and reduce carbon emissions. At the same time, rapid advancements in sensor and metering technologies, wireless and network communication, as well as cloud and fog computing are leading to the collection and accumulation of large amounts of data (e.g., device status data, energy generation data, consumption data). The application of big data analysis techniques (e.g., forecasting, classification, clustering) on such data can optimize the power generation and operation in real time by accurately predicting electricity demands, discovering electricity consumption patterns, and developing dynamic pricing mechanisms. An efficient and intelligent analysis of the data will enable smart microgrids to detect and recover from failures quickly, respond to electricity demand swiftly, supply more reliable and economical energy, and enable customers to have more control over their energy use. Overall, data-intensive analytics can provide effective and efficient decision support for all of the producers, operators, customers, and regulators in smart microgrids, in order to achieve holistic smart energy management, including energy generation, transmission, distribution, and demand-side management. This book contains an assortment of relevant novel research contributions that provide real-world applications of data-intensive analytics in smart grids and contribute to the dissemination of new ideas in this area

    Enhancing weather data reconstruction through hybridmethods with dimensionality reduction

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáAccurate weather analysis and forecasting rely on complete historical data. However, missing weather data often occurs due to sensor failures, data transmission issues, or limited monitoring capabilities. Reconstructing this missing data is crucial for reliableweather analysis. The Analog Ensemble (AnEn) method leverages past weather events and information from nearby stations to reconstruct and forecast data. However, incorporating nearby stations significantly increases computational costs, making the reconstruction process time consuming. To address this challenge, this dissertation integrates AnEn with dimension reduction techniques: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS). Four hybrid methods—PCAnEn, PLSAnEn, PCClustAnEn, and PLSClustAnEn—are developed to enhance computational performance while maintaining or improving accuracy. Through four studies using three datasets, this research focuses on reconstructing six variables: wind-related variables, temperature, pressure, and humidity. The hybrid methods improved accuracy compared to the original AnEn. Notably, PLSAnEn achieves the highest reconstruction accuracy, while PLSR exhibits the fastest processing times. Additionally, PLSClustAnEn also proves to be a alternative for data reconstruction. The findings of this research contribute to the portfolio of strategies for addressing missing weather data.A análise e a previsão climática beneficiam de dados históricos completos. No entanto, é comum faltarem dados meteorológicos devido a falhas nos sensores, problemas na transmissão de dados ou limitações nas capacidades de monitoramento. A reconstrução desses dados ausentes é crucial para uma análise climática confiável. O método Analog Ensemble (AnEn) utiliza eventos meteorológicos passados e informações de estações próximas para reconstruir e prever dados. No entanto, a incorporação de estações próximas aumenta significativamente os custos computacionais, tornando o processo de reconstrução bastante demorado. Para enfrentar esse desafio, esta dissertação integra o AnEn com técnicas de redução de dimensionalidade: Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) e Mínimos Quadrados Parciais (PLS). Quatro métodos híbridos - PCAnEn, PLSAnEn, PCClustAnEn e PLSClustAnEn - são desenvolvidos para melhorar o desempenho computacional, mantendo ou aumentando a precisão. Por meio de quatro estudos utilizando três conjuntos de dados, esta pesquisa concentrase na reconstrução de variáveis metereológicas. Os métodos híbridos aprimoraram a precisão em comparação como AnEn original. Notavelmente, o PLSAnEn alcança a maior precisão de reconstrução, enquanto o PLSR é mais eficiente em termos computacionais. Além disso, o PLSClustAnEn também se mostra uma alternativa eficiente para a reconstrução de dados. Os resultados desta pesquisa contribuem para um portfólio de estratégias de reconstrução de dados meteorológicos

    Hybrid Advanced Optimization Methods with Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Energy Forecasting

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    More accurate and precise energy demand forecasts are required when energy decisions are made in a competitive environment. Particularly in the Big Data era, forecasting models are always based on a complex function combination, and energy data are always complicated. Examples include seasonality, cyclicity, fluctuation, dynamic nonlinearity, and so on. These forecasting models have resulted in an over-reliance on the use of informal judgment and higher expenses when lacking the ability to determine data characteristics and patterns. The hybridization of optimization methods and superior evolutionary algorithms can provide important improvements via good parameter determinations in the optimization process, which is of great assistance to actions taken by energy decision-makers. This book aimed to attract researchers with an interest in the research areas described above. Specifically, it sought contributions to the development of any hybrid optimization methods (e.g., quadratic programming techniques, chaotic mapping, fuzzy inference theory, quantum computing, etc.) with advanced algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, etc.) that have superior capabilities over the traditional optimization approaches to overcome some embedded drawbacks, and the application of these advanced hybrid approaches to significantly improve forecasting accuracy

    Planning and Operation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

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