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    ABSTRAKSI: Diantara berbagai layanan yang ditawarkan oleh operator-operator seluler, layanan Short Message Service (SMS) hingga saat ini masih menduduki peringkat yang tinggi dalam hal penggunaannya. Hal ini terjadi baik pada operator yang menggunakan teknologi GSM maupun CDMA2000-1x. Hal yang menyebabkan tingginya penggunaan layanan SMS ialah diantaranya : faktor efisiensi dan biaya implementasi yang murah, ditambah lagi semakin meningkatnya biaya untuk layanan voice.Namun dengan statusnya sebagai layanan favorit, pengiriman SMS masih belum terlihat maksimal. Tidak jarang pengiriman SMS ini gagal, khususnya pada pengiriman dan penerimaan lintas operator. Kegagalan dalam hal pengiriman dan penerimaan SMS dapat disebabkan pada kegagalan yang terjadi pada intersystem jaringan (transfer SMS dari MS ke SMSC), baik jaringan CDMA2000-1x maupun GSM, dapat pula diakibatkan kesalahan pada interkoneksi antara CDMA2000-1x (IS-41) dengan GSM (GSM MAP) yang berlangsung di gateway SMSC.Analisa yang dilakukan pada SMSC Indosat StarOne bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang performansi sistem SMSC dan parameter penyebab kegagalan SMS lintas operator. Hasil dari analisa ini menunjukkan beberapa harga dari parameter performansi yang diukur, diantaranya laju layanan sistem pada jam sibuk, faktor utilisasi, throughput, dan packet loss. Selain itu dapat diketahui juga bahwa sistem dalam kondisi stabil, hanya nilai yang didapat menunjukkan nilai yang tidak ideal. Serta diketahui bahwa perbedaan format pesan SMS antara CDMA2000-1x dengan GSM bukan merupakan penyebab utama kegagalan SMS.Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Short Messaging Service (SMS) is one of the services offered by cellular operator that often be used. This service is common be used either by GSM or CDMA2000-1x network user. The advantages of SMS are cheaper cost and efficiency factor; in addition, highly cost for voice service causing SMS became most favorite service.As the favorite service, SMS hasn’t showed it best performance. Not all SMS sending was success, there are some SMS delivery failed. This failed especially happen to SMS transmission between two different technologies of network telecommunication. The SMS failures occur in network intersystem (either CDMA2000-1x or GSM), and also in SMS packet format interconnection between CDMA2000-1x (IS-41) and GSM (MAP). The interconnection between CDMA and GSM network take place in SMSC Gateway.The purposes of Indosat StarOne Short Messaging Service Centre (SMSC) analysis are to find out performance of the system, and also knowing failure indication parameter, especially on the interconnection problem. The analysis result show numbers of performance parameter measured, such as service rate system at busy hour, utilization factor, throughput, and packet loss. The analysis also shows that system on stable condition, although it wasn’t at ideal number. The other results produce that different packet SMS format wasn’t the principle cause of sending failure.Keyword


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan  Short Message Service (SMS) dalam Pasal 184 KUHAP tentang alat-alat bukti dan apakah Short Mesage Service (SMS) dapat dijadikan alat bukti dalam suatu perkara pidana, yang dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hokum normative disimpulkan bahwa:  1.   Kedudukan Short Message Service (SMS) dalam Pasal 184 KUHAP tentang alat-alat bukti yang sah adalah sebagai alat bukti surat dan alat bukti petunjuk. Sebagai alat bukti surat, maka short message service ini dapat digolongkan sebagai ‘surat lain’ sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 187 KUHAP huruf ‘d’. Adalah tugas dari hakim untuk menafsirkan short message service (SMS) sebagai surat lain sebagaimana disebut dalam Pasal 187 huruf ‘d’ KUHAP dengan mempergunakan ‘penafsiran ekstensif’ yaitu memperluas arti dari ‘surat lain‘ meliputi short message service (SMS).  Sedangkan sebagai alat bukti petunjuk, short message service (SMS) ini memberikan isyarat tentang suatu kejadian pidana yang terjadi (Pasal 188 ayat (1) KUHAP) yang terdapat dalam isi short message service dan berada dalam alat komunikasi berupa hand phone.   2. Kekuatan pembuktian dari short message service (SMS) harus dihubungkan dengan beberapa prinsip pembuktian yang diatur dalam KUHAP, antara lain: asas proses pemeriksaan perkara pidana ialah untuk mencari kebenaran  materiil atau kebenaran sejati,  asas keyakinan hakim  dan asas batas minimum pembuktian. Berdasar prinsip-prinsip  pembuktian ini, Short Message Service (SMS) mempunyai nilai kekuatan pembuktian dalam suatu perkara pidana namun tidak secara berdiri sendiri tapi dihubungkan dengan alat bukti yang lain berupa keterangan saksi dan keterangan ahli.Kata kunci: short message service, sms, Pasal 184 KUHA

    Text messaging to help women with overweight or obesity lose weight after childbirth:the intervention adaptation and SMS feasibility RCT

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    Background There is a need to develop weight management interventions that fit seamlessly into the busy lives of women during the postpartum period. Objective The objective was to develop and pilot-test an evidence- and theory-based intervention, delivered by short message service, which supported weight loss and weight loss maintenance in the postpartum period. Design Stage 1 involved the development of a library of short message service messages to support weight loss and weight loss maintenance, with personal and public involvement, focusing on diet and physical activity with embedded behaviour change techniques, and the programming of a short message service platform to allow fully automated intervention delivery. Stage 2 comprised a 12-month, single-centre, two-arm, pilot, randomised controlled trial with an active control. Setting This study was set in Northern Ireland; women were recruited via community-based approaches. Participants A total of 100 women with overweight or obesity who had given birth in the previous 24 months were recruited. Interventions The intervention group received an automated short message service intervention about weight loss and weight loss maintenance for 12 months. The active control group received automated short message service messages about child health and development for 12 months. Main outcome measures The main outcomes measured were the feasibility of recruitment and retention, acceptability of the intervention and trial procedures, and evidence of positive indicative effects on weight. Weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were measured by the researchers; participants completed a questionnaire booklet and wore a sealed pedometer for 7 days at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Outcome assessments were collected during home visits and women received a voucher on completion of each of the assessments. Qualitative interviews were conducted with women at 3 and 12 months, to gather feedback on the intervention and active control and the study procedures. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to inform the process evaluation and to assess fidelity, acceptability, dose, reach, recruitment, retention, contamination and context. Results The recruitment target of 100 participants was achieved (intervention, n = 51; control, n = 49); the mean age was 32.5 years (standard deviation 4.3 years); 28 (28%) participants had a household income o

    Analisis Ragam Bahasa SMS ( Short Message Service ) Tausiyah sebagai Strategi Dakwah pada Masyarakat Multikultur

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    ANALISIS RAGAM BAHASA SMS ( SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE ) TAUSIYAHSEBAGAI STRATEGI DAKWAH PADA MASYARAKAT MULTIKULTURAnalysis of Language Variety SMS (Short Message Service) Tausiyah as Strategies ofMissionary on a Multicultural SocietySudjalil1 & Gigit Mujianto2Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia,Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: [email protected] rapid advancement of mobile phone technology that resulted in the rapid missionary messagesconveyed through the Short Message Service. The phenomenon of language use via SMS tausiyahindicate variations will be a new language. This phenomenon is particularly interesting to study in thestudy of Sociolinguistics. The purpose of this study is to describe 1) the forms of SMS language tausiyah, 2)topics of SMS tausiyah, and 3) the meaning or messages of tausiyah SMS, as a missionary strategy onmulticultural society. The design of the study is a qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the formstausiyah SMS language used by the communicator, namely: 1) the form of acronyms (abbreviations), 2)use the development of type inductive structure, and 3) using a form of rhyme. SMS topic is invite people tocarry out God's commands and stay away from the ban. Meaning or message in the SMS languagetausiyah include:creed message, Islamic message, and the moral message.Keywords: analysis, various tausiyah, missionary strategiesABSTRAKPesatnya kemajuan teknologi yang berupa telepon genggam berakibat cepatnya tersampaikan pesanpesandakwah melalui Short Message Service . Fenomena penggunaan bahasa melalui SMS tausiyah iniakan memunculnya variasi bahasa baru. Fenomena ini menarik untuk diteliti terutama dalam kajianSosiolinguistik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan 1) bentuk -bentuk bahasa SMS tausiyah, 2)topik -topik SMS tausiyah, dan 3) makna atau pesan SMS tausiyah, sebagai strategi dakwah pada masyarakatmultikultur. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk bahasa SMS tausiyah yang digunakan oleh komunikator, yaitu: 1)bentuk akronim (singkatan), 2) menggunakan tipe pengem-bangan struktur induktif, dan 3) menggunakanbentuk pantun. Topik SMS adalah mengajak manusia untuk melaksanakan perintah dan menjauhilarangan Allah. Makna atau pesan di dalam bahasa SMS tausiyah meliputi: pesan akidah, pesan syariah,dan pesan akhlak.Kata kunci: analisis, ragam tausiyah, strategi dakwa

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Absensi Siswa dengan menggunakan SMS Gateway pada SMK Advent Medan

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    SMS (Short Message Service) is a service provided by the service provider to send and receive short messages. Short Message Service is considered to be very practical and effective. In general, the Short Message Service that comes in will definitely be read because of the nature of the cellphone which is private property, plus psychologically that someone wants to be considered important. So whatever type of Short Message Service that comes in, that person will definitely open and read it. Messages can be delivered quickly and more effectively without having to use leaflets or notification letters that will not necessarily be read. In addition to sending messages between mobile users, Short Message Service is also suitable to be applied to interact with a computer-based information system. To be able to obtain data accuracy in every job, where at this time the technology is increasingly modern, the analysis of researchers do on Student Attendance Information System at Medan Adventist Vocational School is needed a system that can increase work efficiency and effectiveness

    Aplikasi Pemungutan Suara Elektronik/e-voting Menggunakan Teknologi Short Message Service Dan at Command

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    Pemungutan suara elektronik atau e-voting adalah suatu bentuk pemungutan suara yang biasanya digunakan untuk pemilihan umum maupun poling menggunakan media elektronik. Pergeseran penggunaan media yang dahulu konvensional dan di era teknologi saat ini sudah banyak beragam media yang digunakan untuk jejak pendapat tersebut di antaranya media sosial/internet, short message service maupun chatting. Penggunaan teknologi Short Message Service (SMS) saat ini banyak dipakai untuk pemungutan suara elektronik karena ketersediaan, kecepatan, keamanan dan ketepatan data yang dihasilkan. Aplikasi pemungutan suara elektronik atau istilah sekarang bernama e-voting menggunakan teknologi short message service dan AT command dirancang dengan sangat sederhana dan biaya yang relatif murah sehingga memudahkan para pengguna baik peserta pemungutan suara maupun pelaksana pemungutan suara

    Short Message Service (SMS) Appointment Reminder Project

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    The purpose of this quality improvement project was to decrease the appointment no-show rate at a mid-western primary care clinic by implementing short message service (SMS) appointment reminders. The project director analyzed the cost of the SMS appointment reminders and patient satisfaction with the intervention via telephone participant opinion surveys. The guiding theoretical framework was Nola Pender’s Health Promotion model (HPM). The subjects involved were the primary care patients who had access to cellular phones with SMS capability. The project assistant received verbal consent to send the SMS appointment reminder for a participant. Then the participant’s cellular phone number was entered in the online SMS appointment reminder program, Call-Em-All.com, which sent the personalized SMS appointment reminder 48 hours prior to scheduled appointment. The project implementation period was February 1 to May 1 of 2017. The comparison time frame was February 1 to May 1 of 2016. The project site’s no-show rate decreased from 15.9% to 4.5% and patient satisfaction regarding the SMS appointment reminder was high. Costs associated with the SMS appointment reminder were minimal compared to the cost of a patient no-show
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