2,316 research outputs found

    Smooth path planning with Pythagorean-hodoghraph spline curves geometric design and motion control

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    This thesis addresses two significative problems regarding autonomous systems, namely path and trajectory planning. Path planning deals with finding a suitable path from a start to a goal position by exploiting a given representation of the environment. Trajectory planning schemes govern the motion along the path by generating appropriate reference (path) points. We propose a two-step approach for the construction of planar smooth collision-free navigation paths. Obstacle avoidance techniques that rely on classical data structures are initially considered for the identification of piecewise linear paths that do not intersect with the obstacles of a given scenario. In the second step of the scheme we rely on spline interpolation algorithms with tension parameters to provide a smooth planar control strategy. In particular, we consider Pythagorean\u2013hodograph (PH) curves, since they provide an exact computation of fundamental geometric quantities. The vertices of the previously produced piecewise linear paths are interpolated by using a G1 or G2 interpolation scheme with tension based on PH splines. In both cases, a strategy based on the asymptotic analysis of the interpolation scheme is developed in order to get an automatic selection of the tension parameters. To completely describe the motion along the path we present a configurable trajectory planning strategy for the offline definition of time-dependent C2 piece-wise quintic feedrates. When PH spline curves are considered, the corresponding accurate and efficient CNC interpolator algorithms can be exploited

    Smooth path planning with Pythagorean-hodoghraph spline curves geometric design and motion control

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    This thesis addresses two significative problems regarding autonomous systems, namely path and trajectory planning. Path planning deals with finding a suitable path from a start to a goal position by exploiting a given representation of the environment. Trajectory planning schemes govern the motion along the path by generating appropriate reference (path) points. We propose a two-step approach for the construction of planar smooth collision-free navigation paths. Obstacle avoidance techniques that rely on classical data structures are initially considered for the identification of piecewise linear paths that do not intersect with the obstacles of a given scenario. In the second step of the scheme we rely on spline interpolation algorithms with tension parameters to provide a smooth planar control strategy. In particular, we consider Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) curves, since they provide an exact computation of fundamental geometric quantities. The vertices of the previously produced piecewise linear paths are interpolated by using a G1 or G2 interpolation scheme with tension based on PH splines. In both cases, a strategy based on the asymptotic analysis of the interpolation scheme is developed in order to get an automatic selection of the tension parameters. To completely describe the motion along the path we present a configurable trajectory planning strategy for the offline definition of time-dependent C2 piece-wise quintic feedrates. When PH spline curves are considered, the corresponding accurate and efficient CNC interpolator algorithms can be exploited

    TVL<sub>1</sub> Planarity Regularization for 3D Shape Approximation

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    The modern emergence of automation in many industries has given impetus to extensive research into mobile robotics. Novel perception technologies now enable cars to drive autonomously, tractors to till a field automatically and underwater robots to construct pipelines. An essential requirement to facilitate both perception and autonomous navigation is the analysis of the 3D environment using sensors like laser scanners or stereo cameras. 3D sensors generate a very large number of 3D data points when sampling object shapes within an environment, but crucially do not provide any intrinsic information about the environment which the robots operate within. This work focuses on the fundamental task of 3D shape reconstruction and modelling from 3D point clouds. The novelty lies in the representation of surfaces by algebraic functions having limited support, which enables the extraction of smooth consistent implicit shapes from noisy samples with a heterogeneous density. The minimization of total variation of second differential degree makes it possible to enforce planar surfaces which often occur in man-made environments. Applying the new technique means that less accurate, low-cost 3D sensors can be employed without sacrificing the 3D shape reconstruction accuracy

    Tangent-ball techniques for shape processing

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    Shape processing defines a set of theoretical and algorithmic tools for creating, measuring and modifying digital representations of shapes.  Such tools are of paramount importance to many disciplines of computer graphics, including modeling, animation, visualization, and image processing.  Many applications of shape processing can be found in the entertainment and medical industries. In an attempt to improve upon many previous shape processing techniques, the present thesis explores the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of a difference measure, which involves fitting a ball (disk in 2D and sphere in 3D) so that it has at least one tangential contact with each shape and the ball interior is disjoint from both shapes. We propose a set of ball-based operators and discuss their properties, implementations, and applications.  We divide the group of ball-based operations into unary and binary as follows: Unary operators include: * Identifying details (sharp, salient features, constrictions) * Smoothing shapes by removing such details, replacing them by fillets and roundings * Segmentation (recognition, abstract modelization via centerline and radius variation) of tubular structures Binary operators include: * Measuring the local discrepancy between two shapes * Computing the average of two shapes * Computing point-to-point correspondence between two shapes * Computing circular trajectories between corresponding points that meet both shapes at right angles * Using these trajectories to support smooth morphing (inbetweening) * Using a curve morph to construct surfaces that interpolate between contours on consecutive slices The technical contributions of this thesis focus on the implementation of these tangent-ball operators and their usefulness in applications of shape processing. We show specific applications in the areas of animation and computer-aided medical diagnosis.  These algorithms are simple to implement, mathematically elegant, and fast to execute.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Jarek Rossignac; Committee Member: Greg Slabaugh; Committee Member: Greg Turk; Committee Member: Karen Liu; Committee Member: Maryann Simmon

    Data-driven quasi-interpolant spline surfaces for point cloud approximation

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    In this paper we investigate a local surface approximation, the Weighted Quasi Interpolant Spline Approximation (wQISA), specifically designed for large and noisy point clouds. We briefly describe the properties of the wQISA representation and introduce a novel data-driven implementation, which combines prediction capability and complexity efficiency. We provide an extended comparative analysis with other continuous approximations on real data, including different types of surfaces and levels of noise, such as 3D models, terrain data and digital environmental data