16 research outputs found

    Smart cities:engaging users and developers to foster innovation ecosystems

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    Increasingly, city planners and government officials understand that cities are engines of innovation and wealth creation. Equally, there is a growing understanding that the application of technology in support of Smart Cities helps grow the urban economy and deliver better services to citizens. However, often Smart City projects are top- down projects focused on improving city infrastructure using technology. We argue, and our experience over the last decade has shown, that often, citizen driven, or grass-roots based Smart City projects deliver better value and sustainable success. In this paper we report on our work to engage citizens and the technology community in smart city projects and highlight some lessons learnt from our experiences. We show how a modest investment in a Smart City Data Hub (using our IoT platform – WoTKit) plus development tools based on Node-RED helps bootstrap a Smart City innovation cluster

    A cloud-based bus tracking system based on internet-of-things technology

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    The technological rise in public transportation is on the horizon, but the bus network structure and intelligent bus tracking system should first be in place. Bus transport service is on the edge of digital revolution, generating real-time tracking information about the bus service using smartphones. In this paper, a cloud-based bus tracking system based on IoT is proposed to reduce human intervention, waiting time and energy. The exact location and arrival time of the bus can be tracked dynamically by using a mobile application to provide better and efficient bus service. Furthermore, passengers can buy tickets without queueing and book the available seats by making online payments. The proposed scheme allows more flexibility and user satisfactory service to the rider in terms of time loss and encourages more people to ride by providing real-time bus tracking information to improve passenger satisfaction. The main objective is to minimize the unnecessary waiting and queueing time uncertainty of passengers. Riders can utilize their waiting time more productively by choosing the nearest route and alternative transportation. The sustainability of public transport service can be maintained by providing noteworthy benefits to the passengers using the proposed IoT-based bus tracking system

    A fault fuzzy-ontology for large scale fault-tolerant wireless sensor networks

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    International audienceFault tolerance is a key research area for many of applications such as those based on sensor network technologies. In a large scale wireless sensor network (WSN), it becomes important to find new methods for fault-tolerance that can meet new application requirements like Internet of things, urbane intelligence and observation systems. The challenge is beyond the limit of a single wireless sensor network and concerns multiple widely interconnected sub networks. The domain of fault grows considerably because of this new configuration. In this context, the paper proposes a fault fuzzy-ontology (FFO) for large scale WSNs to be used within a Web service architecture for diagnosis and testing

    Skema Implementasi Fuzzy Inference System Tipe Sugeno Sebagai Algoritma Pengendali Pada Sistem Pengamatan Berbasis IoT

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    Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan algoritma sistem pakar yaitu Fuzzy Inference Systemsebagai pengendali pada sebuah sistem pengamatan yang dapat terhubung ke jaringan internet menggunakan konsep Internet of Things. Sistem dibangung dengan membuat sebuah node sensor dan node actuatoryang dihubungkan ke jaringan internet. Node sensor sebagai perangkat yang menghimpun data dan algoritma sistem pakarFuzzy Inference Systemtipe Sugeno menggunakan papan mikrokontroler NodeMCU pertama dengan masukan berupa presentase kelembaban dan suhu dalam derajat celcius yang dianalogikan dengan potensiometer. Sedangkan node actuatorsebagai perangkat yang mengimplementasikan keputusan algoritma Fuzzy Inference System menggunakan papan mikrokontroler NodeMCU keduamenghasilakn nilai aktuasi untuk heater dan bloweryang dianalogikan dengan motor DC. Skema Sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan pada ruang pembudidayaan bidang peternakan atau pertaniansecara nirkabel dengan mengubah parameter dari tiap himpunan masukan dan keluaran pada algoritma. Percobaan yang dilakukan adalah menyimulasikan perhitungan algoritma menggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB dan menggunakan mikrokontroler. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan keluaran yang identik. Hasil integrasi sistem ditampilkan dalam sebuat cloud storage Antares sehingga dapat diakses menggunakan web browser


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    Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a broad set of technologies, hardware and software stacks.The rapid evolution and broadened scope can be attributed to the inclusion of many existing mature technologies like the wireless sensor networks, RFID and a wide variety of custom solutions and newer smart devices.There is a growing need for devices to collaborate to provide the desired service.The heterogeneity coupled with theresource constrained nature of the devices seriously limits the choices in design. The capability to onboard billions of devices on to the existing infrastructure without degrading the quality of service is robust programming frameworks are in place more crucial. Automation enables devices to act independently which can be enabled only by ensuring.Architectural modelsaddressingthe challenges like scalability, distributiveness, interoperability and programmability are the need for the hour

    Simulasi Indoor Building Coverage (IBC) Pada Teknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE) Di Gedung Hindarto Joesman Fakultas Kedokteran UNJANI

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    Hindarto Joesman Building, Faculty of Medicine is one of the lecture buildings at Jenderal Achmad Yani University which consists of 4 floors and has a building area of ??4125.6 m². The building has a low signal quality for the indoor LTE network. This is due to the construction and materials in the building which can weaken the quality of the LTE signal received. These conditions make the Faculty of Medicine UNJANI building require a separate indoor network installation to cover user needs inside the building. Indoor Building Coverage planning for this building can help to improve signal level and value of Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR). The process of calculating coverage planning in indoor network planning uses the Cost propagation model 231 Multi Wall Model and is simulated in the Radiowave Propagation Simulator 5.4 software. Based on the simulation results, the average RSRP value is -20.59 dBm and SINR is 34.30 dB. The average value can cover the signal quality in the building area of ??89.12% for RSRP and 97.45% for SINR. The results of the planning and simulation of the Indoor Building network have met the standard RF parameters for operators.Gedung Hindarto Joesman Fakultas Kedokteran adalah salah satu gedung perkuliahan di Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani yang terdiri dari 4 lantai dan memiliki luas bangunan sebesar 4125,6 m². Gedung tersebut memiliki kualitas sinyal jaringan LTE indoor yang masih rendah serta level sinyalnya kecil. Hal ini disebabkan oleh konstruksi dan material didalam gedung yang dapat melemahkan kualitas sinyal LTE yang diterima. Kondisi tersebut membuat Gedung Fakultas Kedokteran UNJANI membutuhkan instalasi jaringan indoor tersendiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan user didalam gedung. Maka dilakukan perencanaan Indoor Building Coverage menggunakan jaringan LTE pada operator Indosat Ooredoo dan memperhitungkan nilai dari parameter Radio Frequency (RF) yaitu Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) dan Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR). Proses perhitungan coverage planning pada perencanaan jaringan indoor menggunakan model propagasi Cost 231 Multi Wall Model dan disimulasikan pada software Radiowave Propagation Simulator 5.4. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai rata-rata RSRP sebesar -20,59 dBm dan SINR sebesar 34,30 dB. Nilai rata-rata tersebut dapat memenuhi kualitas sinyal diarea dalam gedung sebesar 89,12% untuk RSRP dan 97,45% untuk SINR. Hasil dari perencanaan dan simulasi jaringan Indoor Building telah memenuhi standar parameter RF untuk operator Indosat Ooredoo

    Multi-source cyber-attacks detection using machine learning

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly increased the number of devices connected to the Internet ranging from sensors to multi-source data information. As the IoT continues to evolve with new technologies number of threats and attacks against IoT devices are on the increase. Analyzing and detecting these attacks originating from different sources needs machine learning models. These models provide proactive solutions for detecting attacks and their sources. In this paper, we propose to apply a supervised machine learning classification technique to identify cyber-attacks from each source. More precisely, we apply the incremental piecewise linear classifier that constructs boundary between sources/classes incrementally starting with one hyperplane and adding more hyperplanes at each iteration. The algorithm terminates when no further significant improvement of the separation of sources/classes is possible. The construction and usage of piecewise linear boundaries allows us to avoid any possible overfitting. We apply the incremental piecewise linear classifier on the multi-source real world cyber security data set to identify cyber-attacks and their sources.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technolog

    [국문 번역문] 사물클라우드 : 클라우드 컴퓨팅과 사물인터넷의 교차점에서의 영국의 정보보호와 소비자법

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    기술적 발전을 ‘혁명’1)으로 지칭하는 것은 ‘혁 명’이 ‘지각변동의(disruptive)’ 혁신2)으로 이어질 것이라고 이야기하는 것만큼이나 흔한 일이 되고 있다. 사물인터넷3)은 주목할 만한 현상이 되고 있 다. 그로 인한 경제적 파급효과와 사회적 가능성이 대단히 클 수 있기 때문이다.4) 그러나 사물인터넷 이 우리의 삶을 어느 정도로 바뀌게 할지 그리고 법적인 관점에서, 현행 규칙이 변경되고 새로운 규 칙이 마련되어야 하는지 여부 및 그러한 변경의 정 도를 가늠하는 것은 아직은 시기상조이다. 따라서 순진한 찬사 대신, 본 논문은 사물인터 넷, 그리고 사물인터넷과 클라우드 컴퓨팅 간의 교 차점인 소위 사물클라우드를 정의하려 한다. 기본 적인 요소들에 대한 명확한 규정과 함께, 사물클라 우드 복잡성에 관한 여섯 요소에 대해 논의하고 가 능한 규제방법들(규제, 공동규제, 자기규제, 전체론 적 접근, 세분화)을 다루도록 하겠다. 영국의 법제도에 초점을 맞추어, 영국에서의 발 달현황5)에 대해 설명하고 사물클라우드로부터 제 기되는 주요한 기술적6), 법적7) 쟁점들 몇몇을 다 루도록 한다. 규제당국이 보다 중요하게 생각하는 주제들, 즉 정보보호, 프라이버시, 소비자법을 특히 더 중점적으로 논의하겠다. 관련 법적 쟁점들을 철저히 검토하고 영국의 사 례를 참고함으로써 한국은 사물클라우드에 관한 그 특별한 잠재력을 실현시킬 수 있을 것이고8) 세계 에서 가장 스마트한 국가로서 그 지위를 유지할 수 있을 것이다.9) 드론, 무인자동차 그리고 생명공학 에 대한 규제를 완화하겠다는 박근혜 대통령의 2016년 5월 18일의 발언은 이러한 방향으로의 움 직임을 보여주고 있다

    Efficient Resource Allocation for Multi-tenant Monitoring of Edge Infrastructures

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    International audienceBy relying on small sized and massively distributed infrastructures, the Edge computing paradigm aims at supporting the low latency and high bandwidth requirements of the next generation services that will leverage IoT devices (e.g., video cameras, sensors). To favor the advent of this paradigm, management services, similar to the ones that made the success of Cloud computing platforms, should be proposed. However, they should be designed in order to cope with the limited capabilities of the resources that are located at the edge. In that sense, they should mitigate as much as possible their footprint. Among the different management services that need to be revisited, we investigate in this paper the monitoring one. Monitoring functions tend to become compute-, storage-and network-intensive, in particular because they will be used by a large part of applications that rely on real-time data. To reduce as much as possible the footprint of the whole monitoring service, we propose to mutualize identical processing functions among different tenants while ensuring their quality-of-service (QoS) expectations. We formalize our approach as a constraint satisfaction problem and show through micro-benchmarks its relevance to mitigate compute and network footprints

    Quantifying User Reputation Scores, Data Trustworthiness, and User Incentives in Mobile Crowd-Sensing

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    Ubiquity of mobile devices with rich sensory capabilities has given rise to the mobile crowd-sensing (MCS) concept, in which a central authority (the platform) and its participants (mobile users) work collaboratively to acquire sensory data over a wide geographic area. Recent research in MCS highlights the following facts: 1) a utility metric can be defined for both the platform and the users, quantifying the value received by either side; 2) incentivizing the users to participate is a non-trivial challenge; 3) correctness and truthfulness of the acquired data must be verified, because the users might provide incorrect or inaccurate data, whether due to malicious intent or malfunctioning devices; and 4) an intricate relationship exists among platform utility, user utility, user reputation, and data trustworthiness, suggesting a co-quantification of these inter-related metrics. In this paper, we study two existing approaches that quantify crowd-sensed data trustworthiness, based on statistical and vote-based user reputation scores. We introduce a new metric - collaborative reputation scores - to expand this definition. Our simulation results show that collaborative reputation scores can provide an effective alternative to the previously proposed metrics and are able to extend crowd sensing to applications that are driven by a centralized as well as decentralized control