1,134 research outputs found

    Intermodal freight terminals : marketing channels and transport networks

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    The goal of this paper is to combine the current theory about marketing channels withcombined transport and logistics in order to develop a customer-based and broadly applicable approach to the study of combined freight transport inEurope. Furthermore, this paper seeks to provide an analytical framework as a starting point for the analysis of the performance -in terms of quality-of intermodal freight terminals. Much of the current research on transport is based on a comparison of features of distinct transport modes and their(dis)advantages. However, this approach presents a problem, because it fails to take into account the different combined transport solutions that areoffered by carriers and terminals. This problem leads to the central research question of this paper:Which opportunities do intermodal freight terminals ofJeer for an ejficient functioning ofcombined transport marketing channels?We start the analysis with a description of the theory of marketing channels. This theorystates that different types of flows employ in marketing channels (e.g. payment, ordering,promotion, etc.). All these marketing channel flows are, in principle, customer driven. Next,we look at the central position taken by intermodal freight terminals in combined transportmarketing channels. Finally, our analysis is combined in a new approach towards combinedtransport and logistics, named cogistics. Cogistics is the management of marketing channelflows from the point of origin (production) to the point of final consumption, in accordanc

    Intermodal Freight Terminals, Marketing Channels and Transport Networks

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    745-763An attempt has been made to combine the current theory about marketing channels with combined transport and logistics in order to develop a customer-based and broadly applicable approach to the study of combined freight transport in Europe. Furthermore, an analytical framework is provided as a starting. point for the analysis of the performance -in terms of quality- of intermodal freight terminals. Much of the current research on transport is based on a comparison of features of distinct transport modes and their (dis)advantages. However, this approach presents a problem, because it fails to take into account the different combined transport solutions that are offered by carriers and terminals. This problem leads to the central research question of this paper: Which opportunities do intermodal freight terminals offer for an efficient functioning of combined transport marketing channels? Towards this end, a description of the theory of marketing channels is given. This theory states that different types of flows are employed in marketing channels (e.g. payment, ordering, promotion, etc.). All these marketing channel flows are, in principle, customer driven. Next, the central position taken by intermodal freight terminals in combined transport marketing channels is examined. Finally, the analysis is combined in a new approach towards combined transport and logistics, named cogistics. Cogistics is the management of marketing channel flows from the point of origin (production) to the point of final consumption, in accordance with customer requirements and focused on using combined transport to the maximum extent possible. Opportunities that terminals offer for an efficient functioning of marketing channels are: (1) focusing on solutions that are customer driven; (2) facilitating extensive communication between marketing channel members; (3) co-ordinating an efficient marketing channel organisation; (4) choosing the right marketing channel partners; (5) introduction of marketing channel commitment, trust, and co-ordination; and (6) equal sharing of benefits

    Global Trade Impacts: Addressing the Health, Social and Environmental Consequences of Moving International Freight Through Our Communities

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    Examines freight transportation industry trends; the impact of global trade on workers, the environment, and health in both exporting and importing countries; and organizing strategies and policy innovations for minimizing the damage and ensuring health

    Cargo Logistics Airlift Systems Study (CLASS). Volume 2: Case study approach and results

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    Models of transportation mode decision making were developed. The user's view of the present and future air cargo systems is discussed. Issues summarized include: (1) organization of the distribution function; (2) mode choice decision making; (3) air freight system; and (4) the future of air freight

    A Service-Oriented Approach to Freight Routing in Intermodal Transport Systems

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    Determining optimal routes for given freight is a core decision inlogistics. In intermodal logistics, freight routing has to considerthe interfaces between different modes of transportation, such ashand-over offsets, load changes, and organizational procedures.We study this problem from the perspective of Service-OrientedComputing (SOC). We (1) propose representing intermodaltransport systems as a set of service offerings and customerdemand as service requests, (2) define freight routing as a servicecomposition problem, and (3) develop a composition algorithmfor transportation services

    A comparative analysis of dry port developments in developed and developing countries: an implication for Myanmar dry ports

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    The Selection of Intermodal Transport System Scenarios in the Function of Southeastern Europe Regional Development

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    The development of intermodal transportation (IT) systems is of vital importance for the sustainability of logistics activities. The existing research point at individual directions of action for system improvement and increase of IT participation in overall transportation, thus reducing negative impacts of logistics on sustainability. However, there is a lack of research defining complex scenarios that unite existing ideas and concepts of IT system development and improvement. Accordingly, this article deals with the definition and selection of the most appropriate IT development scenario for the region of Southeastern Europe. Six different potential scenarios that differ in the network configuration, the required level of logistics infrastructure development, the role of different IT terminal categories, the involvement of different transportation modes, and goods flows’ transformation degree, are defined. The scenarios are analyzed according to four stakeholder groups and twelve defined criteria. A novel hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model, based on fuzzy Delphi, fuzzy Factor Relationship (FARE), and fuzzy Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) methods, is developed for solving the problem. The definition and analysis of the problem, the way of establishing the scenarios, as well as the development of a novel hybrid model are the main contributions of this article. A significant contribution is also the consideration of the Dry Port (DP) concept for the first time in the context of river ports. The results indicate that the scenario referring to the development of the IT core network with the Danube DP terminals is potentially the most appropriate scenario for the Southeastern Europe IT system

    The role of short sea shipping and European rail corridors in intermodal freight transportation

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    This dissertation explores the possibility of combining short sea shipping with European Union rail corridors and inland waterways to carry freight towards regions located away from the coastline. The contributions of this dissertation is the expansion of a network model and the introduction of new transport chains in new areas not cov-ered before. A review of intermodal transport policies in the European Union and of transport cost and transit time models in intermodal transport chains is carried out. A network-based model of intermodal transport chains in the Atlantic façade of Europe is developed, including different combinations of modes of transportation (road, short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways). These models are applied to the quantification of total transport cost, transit time and a combination of both using value of time for creating a generalized transportation cost. Results are presented for transport chains from Porto and Bragança to 75 NUTS 2 regions (Nomenclature of ter-ritorial units for statistics) in northern Europe. The regions for which the different in-termodal combinations are more competitive are identified. Parametric variations of critical transport parameters are carried out, allowing the identification of changes in the scope of regions for which the different intermodal combinations are more com-petitive. The results obtained by the model identify the competitiveness of intermodal so-lutions using short sea shipping rail and inland waterways in the transport of freight. Intermodal solutions prove to be slow when comparing with road haulage, which proves to be cost competitive for certain regions.Esta dissertação explora a possibilidade de combinar o transporte marítimo de curta distância com os corredores ferroviários da União Europeia e vias navegáveis para transportar mercadorias para regiões distantes da costa. As contribuições desta dissertação são a expansão de um modelo de rede e a introdução de novas cadeias de transporte em novas áreas. É efetuada uma revisão das políticas de transporte intermo-dal na União Europeia e dos modelos de custos de transporte e de tempo de trânsito nas cadeias de transporte intermodal. É desenvolvido um modelo baseado em rede de cadeias de transporte intermodal na fachada atlântica da Europa, incluindo diferentes combinações de modos de trans-porte (rodoviário, marítimo de curta distância, ferroviário e vias fluviais). Estes mode-los são aplicados à quantificação do custo total de transporte, tempo de trânsito e uma combinação de ambos utilizando o valor do tempo para a criação de um custo genera-lizado de transporte. São apresentados resultados para cadeias de transporte entre o Porto e Bragança e 75 regiões NUTS 2 (Nomenclatura de unidades territoriais para es-tatísticas) do norte da Europa. São identificadas as regiões para as quais as diferentes combinações intermodais são mais competitivas. São realizadas variações paramétri-cas de parâmetros críticos de transporte, permitindo a identificação de mudanças no escopo de regiões para as quais as diferentes combinações intermodais são mais com-petitivas. Os resultados obtidos pelo modelo identificam a competitividade das soluções intermodais utilizando os modos marítimo, ferroviário e fluvial no transporte de mer-cadorias. As soluções intermodais mostram-se lentas quando comparadas com o trans-porte rodoviário, mas competitivas em termos de custos para determinadas regiões

    El confuso papel del ferrocarril en el sistema de transporte español

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    El modo ferroviario se ha beneficiado de un enorme esfuerzo de modernización en España. Es discutible si existe un modelo explícito de cómo será nuestro ferrocarril en el futuro. El modelo que parece consolidarse parece más el resultado del azar que de la planificación, lo que puede estar indicando la ausencia de un sistema de gobernanza adecuado. Esta aportación no pretende proponer un sistema de gobernanza alternativo. Más modestamente, se propone identificar las debilidades existentes en el sistema de planificación y de toma de decisiones, que pueden justificar la peculiar situación en la que se encuentra el modo ferroviario en España, y apunta algunas de las barreras que impiden un sistema de toma de decisiones más eficiente. En un contexto de recursos públicos fuertemente limitados, parece imprescindible limitar el papel del sistema ferroviario a aquellas funciones que puede desarrollar con ventaja frente a otros modos y abandonar la excesiva ambición de que la red ferroviaria cuente con las máximas prestaciones posibles para mercancías y viajeros en todo el territorio