
Intermodal freight terminals : marketing channels and transport networks


The goal of this paper is to combine the current theory about marketing channels withcombined transport and logistics in order to develop a customer-based and broadly applicable approach to the study of combined freight transport inEurope. Furthermore, this paper seeks to provide an analytical framework as a starting point for the analysis of the performance -in terms of quality-of intermodal freight terminals. Much of the current research on transport is based on a comparison of features of distinct transport modes and their(dis)advantages. However, this approach presents a problem, because it fails to take into account the different combined transport solutions that areoffered by carriers and terminals. This problem leads to the central research question of this paper:Which opportunities do intermodal freight terminals ofJeer for an ejficient functioning ofcombined transport marketing channels?We start the analysis with a description of the theory of marketing channels. This theorystates that different types of flows employ in marketing channels (e.g. payment, ordering,promotion, etc.). All these marketing channel flows are, in principle, customer driven. Next,we look at the central position taken by intermodal freight terminals in combined transportmarketing channels. Finally, our analysis is combined in a new approach towards combinedtransport and logistics, named cogistics. Cogistics is the management of marketing channelflows from the point of origin (production) to the point of final consumption, in accordanc

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