9 research outputs found

    Group vs Individual: Impact of TOUCH and TILT Cross-Device Interactions on Mixed-Focus Collaboration

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    Cross-device environments (XDEs) have been devel-oped to support a multitude of collaborative activities. Yet, little is known about how different cross-device in-teraction techniques impact group collaboration; in-cluding their impact on independent and joint work that often occur during group work. In this work, we explore the impact of two XDE data browsing tech-niques: TOUCH and TILT. Through a mixed-methods study of a collaborative sensemaking task, we show that TOUCH and TILT have distinct impacts on how groups accomplish, and shift between, independent and joint work. Finally, we reflect on these findings and how they can more generally inform the design of XDEs.NSER

    Collaborative behavior, performance and engagement with visual analytics tasks using mobile devices

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    Interactive visualizations are external tools that can support users’ exploratory activities. Collaboration can bring benefits to the exploration of visual representations or visu‐ alizations. This research investigates the use of co‐located collaborative visualizations in mobile devices, how users working with two different modes of interaction and view (Shared or Non‐Shared) and how being placed at various position arrangements (Corner‐to‐Corner, Face‐to‐Face, and Side‐by‐Side) affect their knowledge acquisition, engagement level, and learning efficiency. A user study is conducted with 60 partici‐ pants divided into 6 groups (2 modes×3 positions) using a tool that we developed to support the exploration of 3D visual structures in a collaborative manner. Our results show that the shared control and view version in the Side‐by‐Side position is the most favorable and can improve task efficiency. In this paper, we present the results and a set of recommendations that are derived from them

    CamRay: Camera Arrays Support Remote Collaboration on Wall-Sized Displays

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    International audienceRemote collaboration across wall-sized displays creates a key challenge: how to support audio-video communication among users as they move in front of the display. We present CamRay, a platform that uses camera arrays embedded in wall-sized displays to capture video of users and present it on remote displays according to the users’ positions. We investigate two settings: in Follow-Remote, the position of the video window follows the position of the remote user; in Follow-Local, the video window always appears in front of the local user. We report the results of a controlled experiment showing that with Follow-Remote, participants are faster, use more deictic instructions, interpret them more accurately, and use fewer words. However, some participants preferred the virtual face-to-face created by Follow-Local when checking for their partners’ understanding. We conclude with design recommendations to support remote collaboration across wall-sized displays

    Development of a Powerwall-based solution for the manual flagging of radio astronomy data from eMerlin

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    This project was created with the intention of establishing an optimisation method for the manual flagging of interferometric data of the eMerlin radio astronomy array, using a Powerwall as a visualisation tool. The complexity of this process which is due to the amount of variables and parameters demands a deep understanding of the data treatment. Once the data is achieved by the antennas the signals are correlated. This process generates undesired signals which mostly coming from radio frequency interference. Also when the calibration is performed some values can mislead the expected outcome. Although the flagging is supported with algorithms this method is not one hundred percent accurate. That is why visual inspection is still required. The possibility to use a Powerwall as a visualisation system allows different and new dynamics in terms of the interaction of the analyst with the information required to make the flagging

    Shared Interaction on a Wall-Sized Display in a Data Manipulation Task

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    International audienceWall-sized displays support small groups of users working together on large amounts of data. Observational studies of such settings have shown that users adopt a range of collaboration styles, from loosely to closely coupled. Shared interaction techniques, in which multiple users perform a command collaboratively, have also been introduced to support co-located collaborative work. In this paper, we operational-ize five collaborative situations with increasing levels of coupling , and test the effects of providing shared interaction support for a data manipulation task in each situation. The results show the benefits of shared interaction for close collaboration: it encourages collaborative manipulation, it is more efficient and preferred by users, and it reduces physical navigation and fatigue. We also identify the time costs caused by disruption and communication in loose collaboration and analyze the trade-offs between parallelization and close collaboration. These findings inform the design of shared interaction techniques to support collaboration on wall-sized displays

    Interactive Visualization Lenses:: Natural Magic Lens Interaction for Graph Visualization

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    Information visualization is an important research field concerned with making sense and inferring knowledge from data collections. Graph visualizations are specific techniques for data representation relevant in diverse application domains among them biology, software-engineering, and business finance. These data visualizations benefit from the display space provided by novel interactive large display environments. However, these environments also cause new challenges and result in new requirements regarding the need for interaction beyond the desktop and according redesign of analysis tools. This thesis focuses on interactive magic lenses, specialized locally applied tools that temporarily manipulate the visualization. These may include magnification of focus regions but also more graph-specific functions such as pulling in neighboring nodes or locally reducing edge clutter. Up to now, these lenses have mostly been used as single-user, single-purpose tools operated by mouse and keyboard. This dissertation presents the extension of magic lenses both in terms of function as well as interaction for large vertical displays. In particular, this thesis contributes several natural interaction designs with magic lenses for the exploration of graph data in node-link visualizations using diverse interaction modalities. This development incorporates flexible switches between lens functions, adjustment of individual lens properties and function parameters, as well as the combination of lenses. It proposes interaction techniques for fluent multi-touch manipulation of lenses, controlling lenses using mobile devices in front of large displays, and a novel concept of body-controlled magic lenses. Functional extensions in addition to these interaction techniques convert the lenses to user-configurable, personal territories with use of alternative interaction styles. To create the foundation for this extension, the dissertation incorporates a comprehensive design space of magic lenses, their function, parameters, and interactions. Additionally, it provides a discussion on increased embodiment in tool and controller design, contributing insights into user position and movement in front of large vertical displays as a result of empirical investigations and evaluations.Informationsvisualisierung ist ein wichtiges Forschungsfeld, das das Analysieren von Daten unterstĂŒtzt. Graph-Visualisierungen sind dabei eine spezielle Variante der DatenreprĂ€sentation, deren Nutzen in vielerlei AnwendungsfĂ€llen zum Einsatz kommt, u.a. in der Biologie, Softwareentwicklung und Finanzwirtschaft. Diese Datendarstellungen profitieren besonders von großen Displays in neuen Displayumgebungen. Jedoch bringen diese Umgebungen auch neue Herausforderungen mit sich und stellen Anforderungen an Nutzerschnittstellen jenseits der traditionellen AnsĂ€tze, die dadurch auch Anpassungen von Analysewerkzeugen erfordern. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit interaktiven „Magischen Linsen“, spezielle lokal-angewandte Werkzeuge, die temporĂ€r die Visualisierung zur Analyse manipulieren. Dabei existieren zum Beispiel VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungslinsen, aber auch Graph-spezifische Manipulationen, wie das Anziehen von Nachbarknoten oder das Reduzieren von KantenĂŒberlappungen im lokalen Bereich. Bisher wurden diese Linsen vor allem als Werkzeug fĂŒr einzelne Nutzer mit sehr spezialisiertem Effekt eingesetzt und per Maus und Tastatur bedient. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit prĂ€sentiert die Erweiterung dieser magischen Linsen, sowohl in Bezug auf die FunktionalitĂ€t als auch fĂŒr die Interaktion an großen, vertikalen Displays. Insbesondere trĂ€gt diese Dissertation dazu bei, die Exploration von Graphen mit magischen Linsen durch natĂŒrliche Interaktion mit unterschiedlichen ModalitĂ€ten zu unterstĂŒtzen. Dabei werden flexible Änderungen der Linsenfunktion, Anpassungen von individuellen Linseneigenschaften und Funktionsparametern, sowie die Kombination unterschiedlicher Linsen ermöglicht. Es werden Interaktionstechniken fĂŒr die natĂŒrliche Manipulation der Linsen durch Multitouch-Interaktion, sowie das Kontrollieren von Linsen durch MobilgerĂ€te vor einer Displaywand vorgestellt. Außerdem wurde ein neuartiges Konzept körpergesteuerter magischer Linsen entwickelt. Funktionale Erweiterungen in Kombination mit diesen Interaktionskonzepten machen die Linse zu einem vom Nutzer einstellbaren, persönlichen Arbeitsbereich, der zudem alternative Interaktionsstile erlaubt. Als Grundlage fĂŒr diese Erweiterungen stellt die Dissertation eine umfangreiche analytische Kategorisierung bisheriger Forschungsarbeiten zu magischen Linsen vor, in der Funktionen, Parameter und Interaktion mit Linsen eingeordnet werden. ZusĂ€tzlich macht die Arbeit Vor- und Nachteile körpernaher Interaktion fĂŒr Werkzeuge bzw. ihre Steuerung zum Thema und diskutiert dabei Nutzerposition und -bewegung an großen DisplaywĂ€nden belegt durch empirische Nutzerstudien

    Personalized Interaction with High-Resolution Wall Displays

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    Fallende Hardwarepreise sowie eine zunehmende Offenheit gegenĂŒber neuartigen InteraktionsmodalitĂ€ten haben in den vergangen Jahren den Einsatz von wandgroßen interaktiven Displays möglich gemacht, und in der Folge ist ihre Anwendung, unter anderem in den Bereichen Visualisierung, Bildung, und der UnterstĂŒtzung von Meetings, erfolgreich demonstriert worden. Aufgrund ihrer GrĂ¶ĂŸe sind Wanddisplays fĂŒr die Interaktion mit mehreren Benutzern prĂ€destiniert. Gleichzeitig kann angenommen werden, dass Zugang zu persönlichen Daten und Einstellungen — mithin personalisierte Interaktion — weiterhin essentieller Bestandteil der meisten AnwendungsfĂ€lle sein wird. Aktuelle Benutzerschnittstellen im Desktop- und Mobilbereich steuern Zugriffe ĂŒber ein initiales Login. Die Annahme, dass es nur einen Benutzer pro Bildschirm gibt, zieht sich durch das gesamte System, und ermöglicht unter anderem den Zugriff auf persönliche Daten und Kommunikation sowie persönliche Einstellungen. Gibt es hingegen mehrere Benutzer an einem großen Bildschirm, mĂŒssen hierfĂŒr Alternativen gefunden werden. Die daraus folgende Forschungsfrage dieser Dissertation lautet: Wie können wir im Kontext von Mehrbenutzerinteraktion mit wandgroßen Displays personalisierte Schnittstellen zur VerfĂŒgung stellen? Die Dissertation befasst sich sowohl mit personalisierter Interaktion in der NĂ€he (mit Touch als EingabemodalitĂ€t) als auch in etwas weiterer Entfernung (unter Nutzung zusĂ€tzlicher mobiler GerĂ€te). Grundlage fĂŒr personalisierte Mehrbenutzerinteraktion sind technische Lösungen fĂŒr die Zuordnung von Benutzern zu einzelnen Interaktionen. Hierzu werden zwei Alternativen untersucht: In der ersten werden Nutzer via Kamera verfolgt, und in der zweiten werden MobilgerĂ€te anhand von Ultraschallsignalen geortet. Darauf aufbauend werden Interaktionstechniken vorgestellt, die personalisierte Interaktion unterstĂŒtzen. Diese nutzen zusĂ€tzliche MobilgerĂ€te, die den Zugriff auf persönliche Daten sowie Interaktion in einigem Abstand von der Displaywand ermöglichen. Einen weiteren Teil der Arbeit bildet die Untersuchung der praktischen Auswirkungen der Ausgabe- und InteraktionsmodalitĂ€ten fĂŒr personalisierte Interaktion. Hierzu wird eine qualitative Studie vorgestellt, die Nutzerverhalten anhand des kooperativen Mehrbenutzerspiels Miners analysiert. Der abschließende Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem Analyseprozess selber: Es wird das Analysetoolkit fĂŒr Wandinteraktionen GIAnT vorgestellt, das Nutzerbewegungen, Interaktionen, und Blickrichtungen visualisiert und dadurch die Untersuchung der Interaktionen stark vereinfacht.An increasing openness for more diverse interaction modalities as well as falling hardware prices have made very large interactive vertical displays more feasible, and consequently, applications in settings such as visualization, education, and meeting support have been demonstrated successfully. Their size makes wall displays inherently usable for multi-user interaction. At the same time, we can assume that access to personal data and settings, and thus personalized interaction, will still be essential in most use-cases. In most current desktop and mobile user interfaces, access is regulated via an initial login and the complete user interface is then personalized to this user: Access to personal data, configurations and communications all assume a single user per screen. In the case of multiple people using one screen, this is not a feasible solution and we must find alternatives. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question: How can we provide personalized interfaces in the context of multi-user interaction with wall displays? The scope spans personalized interaction both close to the wall (using touch as input modality) and further away (using mobile devices). Technical solutions that identify users at each interaction can replace logins and enable personalized interaction for multiple users at once. This thesis explores two alternative means of user identification: Tracking using RGB+depth-based cameras and leveraging ultrasound positioning of the users' mobile devices. Building on this, techniques that support personalized interaction using personal mobile devices are proposed. In the first contribution on interaction, HyDAP, we examine pointing from the perspective of moving users, and in the second, SleeD, we propose using an arm-worn device to facilitate access to private data and personalized interface elements. Additionally, the work contributes insights on practical implications of personalized interaction at wall displays: We present a qualitative study that analyses interaction using a multi-user cooperative game as application case, finding awareness and occlusion issues. The final contribution is a corresponding analysis toolkit that visualizes users' movements, touch interactions and gaze points when interacting with wall displays and thus allows fine-grained investigation of the interactions

    Interaction Design for Mixed-Focus Collaboration in Cross-Device Environments

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    The proliferation of interactive technologies has resulted in a multitude of form factors for computer devices, such as tablets and phones, and large tabletop and wall displays. Investigating how these devices may be used together as Cross-Device Environments (XDEs) to facilitate collaboration is an active area of research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). The research community has explored the role of personal and shared devices in supporting group work and has introduced a number of cross-device interaction techniques to enable interaction among devices in an XDE. However, there is little understanding of how the interface design of those techniques may change the way people conduct collaboration, which, in turn, could influence the outcome of the activity. This thesis studies the impact of cross-device interaction techniques on collaborative processes. In particular, I investigated how interface design of cross-device interaction techniques may impact communication and coordination during group work. First, I studied the impact of two specific cross-device interaction techniques on collaboration in an XDE comprised of tablets and a tabletop. The findings confirmed that the choice of interaction techniques mattered when it came to facilitating both independent and joint work periods during group work. The study contributes knowledge towards problematizing the impact of cross-device interaction techniques on collaboration in HCI research. This early work gave rise to deeper questions regarding coordination in cross-device transfer and leveraging that to support the flexibility of work periods in collaborative activities. Consequently, I explored a range of interface design choices that varied the degree of synchronicity in coordinating data transfer across two devices. Additionally, I studied the impact of those interface designs on collaborative processes. My findings resulted in design considerations as well as adapting a synchronicity framework to articulate the impact of cross-device transfer techniques on collaboration. While performing the two research projects, I identified a need for a tool to articulate the impact of specific user interface elements on collaboration. Through a series of case studies, I developed a visual framework that researchers can use as a formative and summative method to understand if a given interaction technique hinders or supports collaboration in the specific task context. I discuss the contributions of my work to the field of HCI, design implications beyond the environments studied, and future research directions to build on and extend my findings