66 research outputs found

    Registration and shape modelling of porcine bone structures via CT

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    Morphological shape generation through user-controlled group metamorphosis

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    Morphological shape design is interpreted in this paper as a search for new shapes from a particular application domain represented by a set of selected shape instances. This paper proposes a new foundation for morphological shape design and generation. In contrast to existing generative procedures, an approach based on a user-controlled metamorphosis between functionally based shape models is presented. A formulation of the pairwise metamorphosis is proposed with a variety of functions described for the stages of deformation, morphing and offsetting. This formulation is then extended to the metamorphosis between groups of shapes with user-defined, dynamically correlated and weighted feature elements. A practical system was implemented in the form of plugin to Maya and tested by an industrial designer on a group of representative shapes from a particular domain. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    A Bayesian Approach to Manifold Topology Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of statistical reconstruction of piecewise linear manifold topology. Given a noisy, probably undersampled point cloud from a one- or two-manifold, the algorithm reconstructs an approximated most likely mesh in a Bayesian sense from which the sample might have been taken. We incorporate statistical priors on the object geometry to improve the reconstruction quality if additional knowledge about the class of original shapes is available. The priors can be formulated analytically or learned from example geometry with known manifold tessellation. The statistical objective function is approximated by a linear programming / integer programming problem, for which a globally optimal solution is found. We apply the algorithm to a set of 2D and 3D reconstruction examples, demon-strating that a statistics-based manifold reconstruction is feasible, and still yields plausible results in situations where sampling conditions are violated

    Detection of Nutrients and Major Ions at Al Muthanna Storage Site Soil

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    في أوائل التسعينيات من القرن الماضي، دمرت العمليات العسكرية وفرق لجنة الأمم المتحدة الخاصة "UNSCOM" البرنامج الكيميائي العراقي السابق. وادت كلتا العمليتين إلى اعداد كبيره من المخلفات المتناثرة في المناطق الملوثة. تم تجميع المواد الخطرة والمواد غير المكتملة التدميرية والمواد الكيميائية السامة في مخبأين. بسبب عدم وجود تكنولوجيا خاصه للتدمير مما ادى الى انتشار التلوث حول موقع المخازن. يهدف هذا البحث لكشف التلوث في الموقع باستخدام تقنية التحليل الجيومكاني. تم تقييم وتحليل الملوثات البيئية لمستوى تلوث المغذيات والأيونات الرئيسية (كبريتات SO4، البوتاسيوم K ، الصوديوم Na ، المغنيسيوم Mg ، الكالسيوم Ca ، الكلور Cl ، الفوسفات PO4 والنترات NO3)، مأخوذة من عينات التربة في الموقع، والتحقق من المناطق المحيطة وتحليلها مقارنة بنقاط مرجعيه. تنقسم عينات منطقة التخزين إلى 30 قطاعًا رئيسيًا، حيث يتم تقييم جميع العينات من 10 عينات من كل قطاع. تشير نتائج الكشف إلى أن مستوى SO4 يتجاوز المستوى المسموح به بمقدار (25) ضعفا ، مستوى K يتعدى المستوى المسموح به بمقدار (460) ضعف، أما Na فتتجاوز (85) مرة فوق المستوى المسموح به لمستوى Mg يزيد عن المسموح به (180) ضعف، ومستوى النشاط Ca في عينات التربة من منطقة الدراسة (9) مرات أكثر من المستوى المسموح به بالقرب من المخازن، تم العثور على بقعة ذات مستوى تلوث عالية جدا من Cl في منطقة التدمير حوالي (44) مرة مقارنه بالنقاط المرجعيه، مستوى PO4 يتجاوز بمقدار (35) مرة فوق المستوى المسموح به، ولم يتم اكتشاف اثر للنترات في موقع منطقة المخازن.In the early 90s military operations and United Nations Special Commission “UNSCOM” teams have been destroyed the past Iraqi chemical program. Both operations led an extensive number of scattered remnants of contaminated areas. The quantities of hazardous materials, incomplete destructed materials, and toxic chemicals were sealed in two bunkers. Deficiency of appropriate destruction technology led to spreading the contamination around the storage site. This paper aims to introduce the environmental detection of the contamination in the storage site area using geospatial analysis technique. The environmental contamination level of nutrients and major ions such as sulphate (SO4), potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), chlorine (Cl), phosphate (PO4) and nitrate (NO3) were detected and analyzed. The grid soil samples on the site and surrounding areas have been investigated, analyzed, and compared to the background points. The storage area grid was divided into 30 major sectors and all samples were evaluated from acquires 10 samples from each sector. The detection results have indicated that SO4 level was exceeded the permitted level by 25 times, K level also exceeded the permitted level but by 460, Na ions were 85 times greater the permitted level. Mg level was 180 times higher than that of permitted content. Activity level of Ca in the soil samples of the study area has also exhibited variability with nine times over the permitted level near the bunkers. However, very high contamination spot activity of Cl was found in destruction zone about which 44 times over the background level was found while PO4 level exceeded the permitted level by 35 times over the permitted level and there was no activity detected for the nitrate in the storage area site

    Procedural 3D Caves, Clouds and Architecture Generation Method Based on Shape Grammar and Morphing

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    This paper presents a new procedural 3D modelconstructionalgorithm that benefits from a combination ofdiscrete and continuous modeling approaches. Our algorithmmodels complex scene components such as caves, architecturalbuildings, and clouds. The method combines the discretedescriptiveness of shape grammars with the continuous flexibilityof shape morphing. This combination allows for a modelingapproach that can be controlled by a morphing parameter toproduce various types of geometry. In the paper, we focus on thedescription of the algorithm while also showing its capabilities ingenerating complex scene components

    Implicit surfaces with globally regularised and compactly supported basis functions

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    We consider the problem of constructing a function whose zero set is to represent a surface, given sample points with surface normal vectors. The contributions include a novel means of regularising multi-scale compactly supported basis functions that leads to the desirable properties previously only associated with fully supported bases, and show equivalence to a Gaussian process with modified covariance function. We also provide a regularisation framework for simpler and more direct treatment of surface normals, along with a corresponding generalisation of the representer theorem. We demonstrate the techniques on 3D problems of up to 14 million data points, as well as 4D time series data

    3D free-form modeling with variational surfaces

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    We describe a free-form stroke-based modeling system where objects are primarily represented by means of variational surfaces. Although similar systems have been described in recent years, our approach achieves both a good performance and reduced surface leak problems by employing a coarse mesh as support for constraint points. The prototype implements an adequate set of modeling operations, “undo” and “redo” facilities and a clean interface capable of resolving ambiguities by means of suggestion thumbnails