43,152 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling of Tyndall Star Initiation

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    The superheating that usually occurs when a solid is melted by volumetric heating can produce irregular solid-liquid interfaces. Such interfaces can be visualised in ice, where they are sometimes known as Tyndall stars. This paper describes some of the experimental observations of Tyndall stars and a mathematical model for the early stages of their evolution. The modelling is complicated by the strong crystalline anisotropy, which results in an anisotropic kinetic undercooling at the interface; it leads to an interesting class of free boundary problems that treat the melt region as infinitesimally thin

    On The Anisotropy Of Perceived Ground Extents And The Interpretation Of Walked Distance As A Measure Of Perception

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    Two experiments are reported concerning the perception of ground extent to discover whether prior reports of anisotropy between frontal extents and extents in depth were consistent across different measures (visual matching and pantomime walking) and test environments (outdoor environments and virtual environments). In Experiment 1 it was found that depth extents of up to 7 m are indeed perceptually compressed relative to frontal extents in an outdoor environment, and that perceptual matching provided more precise estimates than did pantomime walking. In Experiment 2, similar anisotropies were found using similar tasks in a similar (but virtual) environment. In both experiments pantomime walking measures seemed to additionally compress the range of responses. Experiment 3 supported the hypothesis that range compression in walking measures of perceived distance might be due to proactive interference (memory contamination). It is concluded that walking measures are calibrated for perceived egocentric distance, but that pantomime walking measures may suffer range compression. Depth extents along the ground are perceptually compressed relative to frontal ground extents in a manner consistent with the angular scale expansion hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract

    Self-assembled nanorods in YBCO matrix : a computational study of their effects on critical current anisotropy

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    In order to understand how the doping with self-assembled nanorods of different sizes and concentrations as well as applied magnetic fields affect the critical current anisotropy in YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) thin films close to YBCO c-axis, we present an extensive and systematic computational study done by molecular dynamics simulation. The simulations are also used to understand experimentally measured J(c)(theta) curves for BaHfO3, BaZrO3 and BaSnO3 doped YBCO thin films with the help of nanorod parameters obtained from transmission electron microscopy measurements. Our simulations reveal that the relation between applied and matching field plays a crucial role in the formation of J(c)(theta)-peak around YBCO c-axis (c-peak) due to vortex-vortex interactions. We also find how different concentrations of different size nanorods effect the shape of the c-peak and explain how different features, such as double c-peak structures, arise. In addition to this, we have quantitatively explained that, even in an ideal superconductor, the overdoping of nanorods results in decrease of the critical current. Our results can be widely used to understand and predict the critical current anisotropy of YBCO thin films to improve and develop new pinscapes for various transport applications

    Compensation of anisotropy effects in the generation of two-photon light

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    We analyse a method to compensate for anisotropy effects in the spatial distribution of parametric down-conversion (PDC) radiation in bulk crystals. In this method, a single nonlinear crystal is replaced by two consecutive crystals with opposite transverse walk-off directions. We implement a simple numerical model to calculate the spatial distribution of intensity and correlations, as well as the Schmidt mode structure, with an account for the anisotropy. Experimental results are presented which prove the validity of both the model and the method.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Anisotropic vortex pinning in superconductors with a square array of rectangular submicron holes

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    We investigate vortex pinning in thin superconducting films with a square array of rectangular submicron holes ("antidots"). Two types of antidots are considered: antidots fully perforating the superconducting film, and "blind antidots", holes that perforate the film only up to a certain depth. In both systems, we observe a distinct anisotropy in the pinning properties, reflected in the critical current Ic, depending on the direction of the applied electrical current: parallel to the long side of the antidots or perpendicular to it. Although the mechanism responsible for the effect is very different in the two systems, they both show a higher critical current and a sharper IV-transition when the current is applied along the long side of the rectangular antidots

    Effects of anisotropy in a nonlinear crystal for squeezed vacuum generation

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    Squeezed vacuum (SV) can be obtained by an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) with the quantum vacuum state at the input. We are interested in a degenerate type-I OPA based on parametric down-conversion (PDC) where due to phase matching requirements, an extraordinary polarized pump must impinge onto a birefringent crystal with a large \chi(2) nonlinearity. As a consequence of the optical anisotropy of the medium, the direction of propagation of the pump wavevector does not coincide with the direction of propagation of its energy, an effect known as transverse walk-off. For certain pump sizes and crystal lengths, the transverse walk-off has a strong influence on the spatial spectrum of the generated radiation, which in turn affects the outcome of any experiment in which this radiation is employed. In this work we propose a method that reduces the distortions of the two-photon amplitude (TPA) of the states considered, by using at least two consecutive crystals instead of one. We show that after anisotropy compensation the TPA becomes symmetric, allowing for a simple Schmidt expansion, a procedure that in practice requires states that come from experimental systems free of anisotropy effects

    Resolving and Tuning Mechanical Anisotropy in Black Phosphorus via Nanomechanical Multimode Resonance Spectromicroscopy

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    Black phosphorus (P) has emerged as a layered semiconductor with a unique crystal structure featuring corrugated atomic layers and strong in-plane anisotropy in its physical properties. Here, we demonstrate that the crystal orientation and mechanical anisotropy in free-standing black P thin layers can be precisely determined by spatially resolved multimode nanomechanical resonances. This offers a new means for resolving important crystal orientation and anisotropy in black P device platforms in situ beyond conventional optical and electrical calibration techniques. Furthermore, we show that electrostatic-gating-induced straining can continuously tune the mechanical anisotropic effects on multimode resonances in black P electromechanical devices. Combined with finite element modeling (FEM), we also determine the Young's moduli of multilayer black P to be 116.1 and 46.5 GPa in the zigzag and armchair directions, respectively.Comment: Main Text: 13 Pages, 4 Figures; Supplementary Information: 5 Pages, 2 Figures, 2 Table

    Mixed perturbative expansion: the validity of a model for the cascading

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    A new type of perturbative expansion is built in order to give a rigorous derivation and to clarify the range of validity of some commonly used model equations. This model describes the evolution of the modulation of two short and localized pulses, fundamental and second harmonic, propagating together in a bulk uniaxial crystal with non-vanishing second order susceptibility χ(2)\chi^(2) and interacting through the nonlinear effect known as ``cascading'' in nonlinear optics. The perturbative method mixes a multi-scale expansion with a power series expansion of the susceptibility, and must be carefully adapted to the physical situation. It allows the determination of the physical conditions under which the model is valid: the order of magnitude of the walk-off, phase-mismatch,and anisotropy must have determined values.Comment: arxiv version is already officia
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