195 research outputs found

    Forty Years of Shape and Shape Grammars, 1971 – 2011

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    As pesquisas sobre sistemas generativos

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    As transformações da sociedade proporcionadas pela tecnologia digital nos impelem a estudar suas implicações no campo da arquitetura. Há algumas décadas, nota-se o impacto da adoção do desenho auxiliado por computador no que diz respeito à apresentação e representação de projetos, sendo que, nos últimos tempos, as ferramentas digitais tem assumido cada vez mais um papel ativo no processo de projeto. BIM, parametrização e sistemas generativos são temas ligados a esta transformação e ainda podem ser explorados no cenário brasileiro. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o panorama atual de pesquisas relacionadas aos Sistemas Generativos de Projeto, tema que, apesar de não ser exclusivamente digital, tem despertado maior interesse com as possibilidades oferecidas pelas novas ferramentas de projeto. Como método de trabalho foi adotada a Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) nas bases de dados Periódicos CAPES e CumInCAD. Através de uma consistente compilação das publicações direcionadas ao tema, feita a partir de combinações de palavras chave, buscou-se delinear o contorno do problema de pesquisa e identificar, entre outros, os principais agentes, métodos e técnicas, utilizados. A análise do material se deu em duas etapas, a princípio na amostra de artigos de interesse e posteriormente nas referências utilizadas por tais artigos. Com isso, foi possível identificar as principais publicações, autores, periódicos e eventos de área, bem como estabelecer direcionamentos para futuros trabalhos acadêmico-científico a partir do diagnóstico de tendências relativas a temas, métodos, softwares utilizados e resultados obtidos pelas publicações analisadas

    A multi-agent expert system shell for shape grammars

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    This paper proposes a multi-agent rule based architecture of a computational system for supporting generic work with shape grammars. The key ideas and technologies involved are presented. This computational system is being developed and will give support to an urban and architecture research based on shape grammar theories

    Application of shape grammar theory to underground rail station design and passenger evacuation

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    This paper outlines the development of a computer design environment that generates station ‘reference’ plans for analysis by designers at the project feasibility stage. The developed program uses the theoretical concept of shape grammar, based upon principles of recognition and replacement of a particular shape to enable the generation of station layouts. The developed novel shape grammar rules produce multiple plans of accurately sized infrastructure faster than by traditional means. A finite set of station infrastructure elements and a finite set of connection possibilities for them, directed by regulations and the logical processes of station usage, allows for increasingly complex composite shapes to be automatically produced, some of which are credible station layouts at ‘reference’ block plan level. The proposed method of generating shape grammar plans is aligned to London Underground standards, in particular to the Station Planning Standards and Guidelines 5th edition (SPSG5 2007) and the BS-7974 fire safety engineering process. Quantitative testing is via existing evacuation modelling software. The prototype system, named SGEvac, has both the scope and potential for redevelopment to any other country’s design legislation

    Penjanaan reka bentuk produk dengan nahu bentuk

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    Nahu bentuk adalah kaedah formal yang berkenaan dengan bentuk. Unsur dalam nahu bentuk adalah bentuk, label dan peraturan. Nahu bentuk selalu diguna untuk menganalisis dan menjana reka bentuk dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk seni lukis, seni bina, kejuruteraan dan produk konsumer bagi mengekal gaya dan struktur tertentu. Nahu bentuk yang mengguna konsep ruang, bentuk yang boleh berurai dan ketaksaan aplikasi peraturan bentuk dapat menghasil reka bentuk yang muncul secara tidak terjangka. Artikel ini memperkenal nahu bentuk dengan mengguna nahu bentuk kekisi sinar-ais dan dua contoh nahu bentuk daripada sorotan susastera bagi menunjukkan konsep kemunculan dan ketaksaan. Artikel ini diakhiri dengan kajian kes penjanaan reka bentuk meja mudah alih berkerusi dengan mengguna satu nahu bentuk mudah

    Digital temples: a shape grammar to generate sacred buildings according to Alberti’s theory

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    The research presented further is part of the Digital Alberti research project, which aims to determine the influence of Alberti’s treatise on Architecture, De re aedificatoria, on the Portuguese Renaissance architecture, through the use of a computational framework. One of the project tasks entailed the translation of the treatise’s textual descriptions concerning the morphological, proportional and algorithmic principles of the sacred buildings into a shape grammar. Subsequently a computational model was developed, in order to proceed to the derivation of examples of the same language. This article discusses the use of analytical shape grammars to undertake an architectural analysis, as well as the fact of the source of this grammar and correspondent architectural language to be a text instead of a set of buildings and designs. It reviews the methodology to implement the shape grammar and describes the several stages of development, following the interpretation of treatise into a consistent set of shape rules, by defining their spatial relations, parameters and conditions. It also reviews the implementation of this knowledge into a generative parametric computer program through visual programming language Grasshopper.This work is funded by FEDER Grants through COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by National Grants through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, as part of the “Digital Alberti” project (PTDC/ AUR-AQI/108274/2008 – FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER- 008842). The project is hosted by CES at the University of Coimbra and coordinated by Mário Krüger. Bruno Figueiredo is funded by FCT with PhD grant DFRH -SFRH/BD/69910/2010

    Methodology for the integration of information, communication and automation technologies in housing rehabilitation

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    This paper addresses the integration of Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) in the dwelling space in order to meet the user’s needs. We describe an ongoing PhD research which deals with the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock in order to fulfil the new needs of dwellers in the current Information Society as well as the impact of the integration of ICAT in dwellings. For this purpose we establish a rehabilitation methodology which enables architects to fulfil the client’s needs and requirements in home automation, from the beginning of the architectural process. This will enable the creation of a compatible and properly integrated ICAT infrastructure in homes,paving the way for ambient intelligence and promoting sustainable strategies at the environmental and social levels.The research described in this paper project was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) with grant SFRH / BD / 18225 / 2004

    Computer-based methods for a socially sustainable urban and regional planning

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    Due to global restructuring and urbanization, urban and regional planning is presented with the great challenge of offering sustainable planning strategies. Through particular consideration of the interaction between spatial and social structures, this research project aims to provide a methodical instrument that helps to factor the social dimension of sustainability into planning. The project comprises three modules. In the first one, a method will be developed, which makes it possible to generate spatial structures with very different characteristics. In the framework of the second module, we first elaborate on graph-based methods for analyzing spatial structures, and secondly we develop an agent-based simulation model for residential segregation. The third module contains an empirical study of the interactions between built structures and socio-spatial organization in the partner city of Dresden. Through the comparison of simulation models and small-scale empirical data, one should be able to derive theoretical concepts which can in turn be used to evaluate specific built structures.Peer Reviewe