4 research outputs found

    Anomaly detection methods in autonomous robotic missions

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    Since 2015, there has been an increase in articles on anomaly detection in robotic systems, reflecting its growing importance in improving the robustness and reliability of the increasingly utilized autonomous robots. This review paper investigates the literature on the detection of anomalies in Autonomous Robotic Missions (ARMs). It reveals different perspectives on anomaly and juxtaposition to fault detection. To reach a consensus, we infer a unified understanding of anomalies that encapsulate their various characteristics observed in ARMs and propose a classification of anomalies in terms of spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal elements based on their fundamental features. Further, the paper discusses the implications of the proposed unified understanding and classification in ARMs and provides future directions. We envisage a study surrounding the specific use of the term anomaly, and methods for their detection could contribute to and accelerate the research and development of a universal anomaly detection system for ARMs

    Anomaly detection in urban drainage with stereovision

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    This work introduces RADIUS, a framework for anomaly detection in sewer pipes using stereovision. The framework employs three-dimensional geometry reconstruction from stereo vision, followed by statistical modeling of the geometry with a generic pipe model. The framework is designed to be compatible with existing workflows for sewer pipe defect detection, as well as to provide opportunities for machine learning implementations in the future. We test the framework on 48 image sets of 26 sewer pipes in different conditions collected in the lab. Of these 48 image sets, 5 could not be properly reconstructed in three dimensions due to insufficient stereo matching. The surface fitting and anomaly detection performed well: a human-graded defect severity score had a moderate, positive Pearson correlation of 0.65 with our calculated anomaly scores, making this a promising approach to automated defect detection in urban drainage

    Detection and Localization of Root Damages in Underground Sewer Systems using Deep Neural Networks and Computer Vision Techniques

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The maintenance of a healthy sewer infrastructure is a major challenge due to the root damages from nearby plants that grow through pipe cracks or loose joints, which may lead to serious pipe blockages and collapse. Traditional inspections based on video surveillance to identify and localize root damages within such complex sewer networks are inefficient, laborious, and error-prone. Therefore, this study aims to develop a robust and efficient approach to automatically detect root damages and localize their circumferential and longitudinal positions in CCTV inspection videos by applying deep neural networks and computer vision techniques. With twenty inspection videos collected from various resources, keyframes were extracted from each video according to the difference in a LUV color space with certain selections of local maxima. To recognize distance information from video subtitles, OCR models such as Tesseract and CRNN-CTC were implemented and led to a 90% of recognition accuracy. In addition, a pre-trained segmentation model was applied to detect root damages, but it also found many false positive predictions. By applying a well-tuned YoloV3 model on the detection of pipe joints leveraging the Convex Hull Overlap (CHO) feature, we were able to achieve a 20% improvement on the reliability and accuracy of damage identifications. Moreover, an end-to-end deep learning pipeline that involved Triangle Similarity Theorem (TST) was successfully designed to predict the longitudinal position of each identified root damage. The prediction error was less than 1.0 feet

    Defect Detection and Classification in Sewer Pipeline Inspection Videos Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Sewer pipelines as a critical civil infrastructure become a concern for municipalities as they are getting near to the end of their service lives. Meanwhile, new environmental laws and regulations, city expansions, and budget constraints make it harder to maintain these networks. On the other hand, access and inspect sewer pipelines by human-entry based methods are problematic and risky. Current practice for sewer pipeline assessment uses various types of equipment to inspect the condition of pipelines. One of the most used technologies for sewer pipelines inspection is Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). However, application of CCTV method in extensive sewer networks involves certified operators to inspect hours of videos, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error prone. The main objective of this research is to develop a framework for automated defect detection and classification in sewer CCTV inspection videos using computer vision techniques and deep neural networks. This study presents innovative algorithms to deal with the complexity of feature extraction and pattern recognition in sewer inspection videos due to lighting conditions, illumination variations, and unknown patterns of various sewer defects. Therefore, this research includes two main sub-models to first identify and localize anomalies in sewer inspection videos, and in the next phase, detect and classify the defects among the recognized anomalous frames. In the first phase, an innovative approach is proposed for identifying the frames with potential anomalies and localizing them in the pipe segment which is being inspected. The normal and anomalous frames are classified utilizing a one-class support vector machine (OC-SVM). The proposed approach employs 3D Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) to extract spatio-temporal features and capture scene dynamic statistics in sewer CCTV videos. The OC-SVM is trained by the frame-features which are considered normal, and the outliers to this model are considered abnormal frames. In the next step, the identified anomalous frames are located by recognizing the present text information in them using an end-to-end text recognition approach. The proposed localization approach is performed in two steps, first the text regions are detected using maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) algorithm, then the text characters are recognized using a convolutional neural network (CNN). The performance of the proposed model is tested using videos from real-world sewer inspection reports, where the accuracies of 95% and 86% were achieved for anomaly detection and frame localization, respectively. Identifying the anomalous frames and excluding the normal frames from further analysis could reduce the time and cost of detection. It also ensures the accuracy and quality of assessment by reducing the number of neglected anomalous frames caused by operator error. In the second phase, a defect detection framework is proposed to provide defect detection and classification among the identified anomalous frames. First, a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which is pre-trained using transfer learning, is used as a feature extractor. In the next step, the remaining convolutional layers of the constructed model are trained by the provided dataset from various types of sewer defects to detect and classify defects in the anomalous frames. The proposed methodology was validated by referencing the ground truth data of a dataset including four defects, and the mAP of 81.3% was achieved. It is expected that the developed model can help sewer inspectors in much faster and more accurate pipeline inspection. The whole framework would decrease the condition assessment time and increase the accuracy of sewer assessment reports