372,406 research outputs found

    The Legend Of Langkawi : Myths And Management

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    Malay folklores have been considered as classic works of literature that combine myth with reality. Traditional storytellers of yesteryear used to fascinate their audiences with the subtleties of human behaviour and historical events that were portrayed in their stories. Even today, some aspects of modem methods of management can be inferred from such myths and historical events. Various incidents in the Legends of Langkawi can be considered as valuable lessons that act as warnings and examples to be learnt. Such incidents indicated the relationship between humans and supernatural elements, animals, natural phenomena and history. Thus, incidents like supernatural events can teach us the differences between good and evil as in stories about Gedembai, the ferocious ghost and stories about the Seven Wells. Lessons from animal stories can be deduced from stories about Geruda and the White Crocodile. From stories about caves one can learn about good and bad elements. They portray three types of human characters, namely the good ones and the bad ones, with the third one who would always be present whenever there was a quarrel in order to pacify the warring parties. On the other hand, stories of historical nature tell us about good-natured humans who became victims of those who were envious of others. Such wrong doings often led to further bloodshed and instability within the comnlunity. Although stories in the Legends of Langkawi deal with supernatural happenings and about strange caves, animals as well as people in history that were of mythical nature, they also contain some indirect references to effective and favourable ways of management

    On AIPS++, a new astronomical information processing system

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    The AIPS system that has served the needs of the radio astronomical community remarkably well during the last 15 years is showing signs of age and is being replaced by a more modern system, AIPS++. As the name implies, AIPS++ will be developed in a object oriented fashion and will use C++ as its main programming language. The work is being done by a consortium of seven organizations, with coordinated activities worldwide. After a review of the history of the project to this date from management, astronomical and technical viewpoints, and the current state of the project, the paper concentrates on the tradeoffs implied by the choice of implementation style and the lessons we have learned, good and bad

    Byng’s and Currie’s Commanders: A Still Untold Story of the Canadian Corps

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    In 1915, the Canadian Corps was little more than a rabble of enthusiastic amateurs. Yet by 1917-18, it had become an accomplished professional fighting force, one characterized by Denis Winter as “much the most effective unit in the BEF” and by Shane Schreiber as “the shock army of the British Empire.” While Canadian military historians have studied this evolution extensively few have examined the decisive element in the transformation—the development of a cadre of proficient senior combat officers. No one questions Currie’s status as Canada’s best fighting general, but of the supporting team he and his predecessor, General Byng, assembled we know precious little. Who, then, were the men commanding the Corps’ four divisions, 12 infantry brigades and supporting machine gun and artillery units—the senior officers whose abilities as trainers and fighters were integral to the CEF’s battlefield success

    The Swedish model for resolving the banking crisis of 1991 - 93. Seven reasons why it was successful.

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    This study presents the main features of the Swedish approach for resolving the banking crisis of 1991-93 by condensing them into seven policy lessons. The main features of the Swedish approach to the banking crisis of 1991-93 concern political unity, a government blanket guarantee, swift policy action,an adequate legal and institutional framework, full disclosure of information, a differentiated resolution policy, and the proper design of macroeconomic policies.The Swedish model for resolving the banking crisis of 1991-93, financial crisis, bank resolution, solvency crisis, banking crisis, moral hazard, Sweden, Jonung

    Education for inspiration

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    The unlucky child: HMCI's annual report 2012/13 speech

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    Going to Work with a Criminal Record: Lessons from the Fathers at Work Initiative

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    Many of the 650,000 adults released from American prisons each year find their way to One-Stops or community-based, faith-based and other organizations that provide employment services. Yet relatively few of these organizations specifically target former prisoners. Workforce development practitioners have experience with a wide range of job seekers, but a great number of them are looking for additional guidance about the complexities of connecting formerly incarcerated people to the labor market and helping them stay on the job.Going to Work with a Criminal Record was developed to help meet this need. It is based on lessons from the Fathers at Work initiative, a three-year, six-site demonstration funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation to help young, noncustodial fathers achieve increased employment and earnings, involvement in their childrens lives, and more consistent financial support of their children. The report describes seven fundamental lessons workforce organizations should consider as they help formerly incarcerated people move toward stable employment, along with a more detailed discussion of how program staff can put these lessons into practice. It outlines how to avoid mistakes and how to develop important relationships, including with employers, parole officers and the local child support enforcement agency

    State-owned banks and development: Dispelling mainstream myths

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    Thirty years of neoliberal restructuring have side-lined alternative financing practices, and propagated mainstream myths about state-owned banks. This paper examines these neoliberal claims, arguing instead that public financing remains a crucial part of progressive, sustainable and democratic strategies for investments in long-term development and infrastructure. Drawing on past and present case studies, as well as theoretical literature on finance, the paper points to the potential to revive and improve state-owned banking as a viable option for financing public services

    Learning From the Journey: Reflections on the Rebuilding Communities Initiative

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    Provides lessons learned by the foundation staff, technical assistance providers, community residents, and other participants who worked to build local capacity, establish partnerships, alter service systems, and bring resources to five communities
