192 research outputs found

    Settling the Query Complexity of Non-Adaptive Junta Testing

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    We prove that any non-adaptive algorithm that tests whether an unknown Boolean function f is a k-junta or epsilon-far from every k-junta must make ~Omega(k^{3/2}/ epsilon) many queries for a wide range of parameters k and epsilon. Our result dramatically improves previous lower bounds from [BGSMdW13,STW15], and is essentially optimal given Blais\u27s non-adaptive junta tester from [Blais08], which makes ~O(k^{3/2})/epsilon queries. Combined with the adaptive tester of [Blais09] which makes O(k log k + k / epsilon) queries, our result shows that adaptivity enables polynomial savings in query complexity for junta testing

    Lower Bounds for Tolerant Junta and Unateness Testing via Rejection Sampling of Graphs

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    We introduce a new model for testing graph properties which we call the rejection sampling model. We show that testing bipartiteness of n-nodes graphs using rejection sampling queries requires complexity Omega~(n^2). Via reductions from the rejection sampling model, we give three new lower bounds for tolerant testing of Boolean functions of the form f : {0,1}^n -> {0,1}: - Tolerant k-junta testing with non-adaptive queries requires Omega~(k^2) queries. - Tolerant unateness testing requires Omega~(n) queries. - Tolerant unateness testing with non-adaptive queries requires Omega~(n^{3/2}) queries. Given the O~(k^{3/2})-query non-adaptive junta tester of Blais [Eric Blais, 2008], we conclude that non-adaptive tolerant junta testing requires more queries than non-tolerant junta testing. In addition, given the O~(n^{3/4})-query unateness tester of Chen, Waingarten, and Xie [Xi Chen et al., 2017] and the O~(n)-query non-adaptive unateness tester of Baleshzar, Chakrabarty, Pallavoor, Raskhodnikova, and Seshadhri [Roksana Baleshzar et al., 2017], we conclude that tolerant unateness testing requires more queries than non-tolerant unateness testing, in both adaptive and non-adaptive settings. These lower bounds provide the first separation between tolerant and non-tolerant testing for a natural property of Boolean functions

    Almost Optimal Distribution-Free Junta Testing

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    We consider the problem of testing whether an unknown n-variable Boolean function is a k-junta in the distribution-free property testing model, where the distance between functions is measured with respect to an arbitrary and unknown probability distribution over {0,1}^n. Chen, Liu, Servedio, Sheng and Xie [Zhengyang Liu et al., 2018] showed that the distribution-free k-junta testing can be performed, with one-sided error, by an adaptive algorithm that makes O~(k^2)/epsilon queries. In this paper, we give a simple two-sided error adaptive algorithm that makes O~(k/epsilon) queries

    Learning and Testing Variable Partitions

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    Let FF be a multivariate function from a product set Σn\Sigma^n to an Abelian group GG. A kk-partition of FF with cost δ\delta is a partition of the set of variables V\mathbf{V} into kk non-empty subsets (X1,…,Xk)(\mathbf{X}_1, \dots, \mathbf{X}_k) such that F(V)F(\mathbf{V}) is δ\delta-close to F1(X1)+⋯+Fk(Xk)F_1(\mathbf{X}_1)+\dots+F_k(\mathbf{X}_k) for some F1,…,FkF_1, \dots, F_k with respect to a given error metric. We study algorithms for agnostically learning kk partitions and testing kk-partitionability over various groups and error metrics given query access to FF. In particular we show that 1.1. Given a function that has a kk-partition of cost δ\delta, a partition of cost O(kn2)(δ+ϵ)\mathcal{O}(k n^2)(\delta + \epsilon) can be learned in time O~(n2poly(1/ϵ))\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^2 \mathrm{poly} (1/\epsilon)) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. In contrast, for k=2k = 2 and n=3n = 3 learning a partition of cost δ+ϵ\delta + \epsilon is NP-hard. 2.2. When FF is real-valued and the error metric is the 2-norm, a 2-partition of cost δ2+ϵ\sqrt{\delta^2 + \epsilon} can be learned in time O~(n5/ϵ2)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^5/\epsilon^2). 3.3. When FF is Zq\mathbb{Z}_q-valued and the error metric is Hamming weight, kk-partitionability is testable with one-sided error and O(kn3/ϵ)\mathcal{O}(kn^3/\epsilon) non-adaptive queries. We also show that even two-sided testers require Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries when k=2k = 2. This work was motivated by reinforcement learning control tasks in which the set of control variables can be partitioned. The partitioning reduces the task into multiple lower-dimensional ones that are relatively easier to learn. Our second algorithm empirically increases the scores attained over previous heuristic partitioning methods applied in this context.Comment: Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 202

    Adaptivity Is Exponentially Powerful for Testing Monotonicity of Halfspaces

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    We give a poly(log(n),1/epsilon)-query adaptive algorithm for testing whether an unknown Boolean function f:{-1, 1}^n -> {-1, 1}, which is promised to be a halfspace, is monotone versus epsilon-far from monotone. Since non-adaptive algorithms are known to require almost Omega(n^{1/2}) queries to test whether an unknown halfspace is monotone versus far from monotone, this shows that adaptivity enables an exponential improvement in the query complexity of monotonicity testing for halfspaces

    Junta Distance Approximation with Sub-Exponential Queries

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    Leveraging tools of De, Mossel, and Neeman [FOCS, 2019], we show two different results pertaining to the \emph{tolerant testing} of juntas. Given black-box access to a Boolean function f:{±1}n→{±1}f:\{\pm1\}^{n} \to \{\pm1\}, we give a poly(k,1ε)poly(k, \frac{1}{\varepsilon}) query algorithm that distinguishes between functions that are γ\gamma-close to kk-juntas and (γ+ε)(\gamma+\varepsilon)-far from k′k'-juntas, where k′=O(kε2)k' = O(\frac{k}{\varepsilon^2}). In the non-relaxed setting, we extend our ideas to give a 2O~(k/ε)2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{k/\varepsilon})} (adaptive) query algorithm that distinguishes between functions that are γ\gamma-close to kk-juntas and (γ+ε)(\gamma+\varepsilon)-far from kk-juntas. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first subexponential-in-kk query algorithm for approximating the distance of ff to being a kk-junta (previous results of Blais, Canonne, Eden, Levi, and Ron [SODA, 2018] and De, Mossel, and Neeman [FOCS, 2019] required exponentially many queries in kk). Our techniques are Fourier analytical and make use of the notion of "normalized influences" that was introduced by Talagrand [AoP, 1994].Comment: To appear in CCC 202
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