642 research outputs found

    Using Effective Generator Impedance for Forced Oscillation Source Location

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    Locating the sources of forced low-frequency oscillations in power systems is an important problem. A number of proposed methods demonstrate their practical usefulness, but many of them rely on strong modeling assumptions and provide poor performance in certain cases for reasons still not well understood. This paper proposes a systematic method for locating the source of a forced oscillation by considering a generator's response to fluctuations of its terminal voltages and currents. It is shown that a generator can be represented as an effective admittance matrix with respect to low-frequency oscillations, and an explicit form for this matrix, for various generator models, is derived. Furthermore, it is shown that a source generator, in addition to its effective admittance, is characterized by the presence of an effective current source thus giving a natural qualitative distinction between source and nonsource generators. Detailed descriptions are given of a source detection procedure based on this developed representation, and the method's effectiveness is confirmed by simulations on the recommended testbeds (eg. WECC 179-bus system). This method is free of strong modeling assumptions and is also shown to be robust in the presence of measurement noise and generator parameter uncertainty.Comment: 13 page


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    Accurate value of transmission line parameters is important for power system protection applications, especially for distance relays whose zone settings are based on positive sequence line impedance. The research is devoted to estimating transmission line positive-sequence parameters from synchronized or unsynchronized measurements of voltage and current phasors that are obtained at both terminals of the line. The positive sequence parameters including series impedance and shunt admittance can be linearly estimated. The linear least square algorithm has been derived in this dissertation for different transmission line configurations. The algorithm is able to handle both synchronized and unsynchronized measurements and deal with potential synchronization errors by explicitly modeling the synchronization angle. Sample results are reported to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Three types of transmission line models depending on line length (long, medium and short) are studied in this dissertation. Chapter 3 uses unsynchronized data for the long transmission line. The derived method can detect the unsynchronized angle and estimate the positive sequence of long line parameters. The proposed method is examined with negative impacts such as errors on currents and voltages data. These errors are added randomly to one set each time to test the robustness of the developed algorithm. The medium transmission line algorithm derivation is presented in chapter 4. This chapter uses a linear least square to estimate the lumped parameters of a medium transmission line. The two different transmission line circuits are used to model the medium line. The first circuit is a single transmission line with two nodes and is used to evaluate the developed algorithm. The second circuit is a double transmission line. These two lines can have the same or different line parameters or line length. The developed algorithm shows that the proposed method achieves highly accurate results for the estimation of positive sequence line parameters. The short transmission line is studied in chapter 5. The short transmission line uses less data than the long or medium lines because in this model the shunt capacitance is omitted. Thus, the linear estimation yields highly accurate results. Case studies are considered to test the robustness of this developed method. The line temperature mainly affects the series resistance, and the developed algorithms in previous three chapters can accurately estimate the transmission line parameters. To simplify the real-time estimation of line resistance and temperature, the series inductance, and shunt capacitance can be treated as constant and known values. Chapter 6 provides such studies of estimating resistance by treating inductance and capacitance as known values

    Ground fault current: Calculation of magnitude and its distribution in the neutral and ground paths

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    This thesis focuses on the ground fault current distribution and presents a method that enables a high accuracy in its calculation: starting from the model based on multi-conductor representation developed in Matlab, simulations are carried out to analyse which parameters influence the current distribution. These simulations, applied even on the portion of a real network, are also carried out on the commercial software Neplan and OpenDSS to validate the model

    Stochastic power system optimisation algorithm with applications to distributed generation integration

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    PhD ThesisThe ever increasing level of penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) in power distribution networks is not without its challenges for network planners and operators. Some of these challenges are in the areas of voltage regulation, increase of network fault levels and the disturbance to the network protection settings. Distributed generation can be beneficial to both electricity consumers and if the integration is properly engineered the energy utility. Thus, the need for tools considering these challenges for the optimal placement and sizing of DG units cannot be over emphasized. This dissertation focuses on the application of a soft computing technique based on a stochastic optimisation algorithm (Particle Swarm Optimisation or PSO) for the integration of DG in a power distribution network. The proposed algorithm takes into consideration the inherent nature of the control variables that comprise the search space in the optimal DG sizing/location optimisation problem, without compromising the network operational constraints. The developments of the proposed Multi-Search PSO algorithm (MSPSO) is described, and the algorithm is tested using a standard, benchmarking 69-bus radial distribution network. MSPSO results and performance are compared with that of a conventional PSO algorithm (and other analytical and stochastic methods). Both single-objective (minimising network power loss) and multi-objective (considering nodal voltages as part of the cost function) optimisation studies were conducted. When compared with previously published studies, the proposed MSPSO algorithm produces more realistic results since it accounts for the discrete sizes of commercially available DG units. The new MSPSO algorithm was also found to be the most computationally efficient, substantially reducing the search space and hence the computational cost of the algorithm compared with other methods, without loss of quality in the obtained solutions. As well as the size and location of DG units, these studies considered the operation of the generators to provide ancillary voltage support to the network (i.e. with the generators operating over a realistic range of lagging power factors, injecting reactive power into the network). The algorithm was also employed to optimise the integration of induction generation based DG into the network, considering network short-circuit current ratings and line loading constraints. A new method for computing the reactive power requirement of the Abstract V induction generator (based on the machine equivalent circuit) was developed and interfaced with the MSPSO to solve the optimization problem, including the generator shunt compensation capacitors. Finally, the MSPSO was implemented to carry out a DG integration problem for a real distribution network and the results validated using a commercial power system analysis tool (ERACS).Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Overseas Scholarship Schem

    Coordinated static and dynamic reactive power planning against power system voltage stability related problems

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    Power System, over the many years, has undergone dramatic revolution both in technological as well as structural aspects. With the ongoing growth of the electric utility industry, including deregulation in many countries; numerous changes are continuously being introduced to a once predictable system. In an attempt to maximally use the transmission system capacities for economic transfers, transmission systems are being pushed closer to their stability and thermal limits, with voltage instability becoming a major limiting factor. Insufficient reactive power support affects the reliable operation of electric power systems leading to voltage collapses as observed by the recent 2003 blackout. Among the many available solution options, installation of reactive power control devices such as MSCs, FACTS devices etc seem more viable. This is a typical long term planning problem that needs to consider both steady state as well dynamic condition of the power system after severe contingencies and use better informative indices for the planning process.;A mixed integer programming based algorithm is made use of in this work to develop a comprehensive tool to perform a coordinated planning of static and dynamic reactive power control devices while satisfying the performance requirements of voltage stability margin and transient voltage dip. The systematic planning procedure is illustrated on a large scale case study. The effectiveness of the planning algorithm is demonstrated using two separate planning problems, one where steady state planning is done exclusively against static voltage stability problems, and the other where a coordinated steady state and dynamic Var planning problem is solved.;The results of this work show the effectiveness of the developed planning tool to find a low cost optimal reactive power allocation solution to enable higher real power transfers and improve voltage stability. We envision the method developed will be a research grade tool for planning reactive control devices against voltage instability and will provide system planners a proper guide to find viable and economical planning solutions

    An Update on Power Quality

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    Power quality is an important measure of fitness of electricity networks. With increasing renewable energy generations and usage of power electronics converters, it is important to investigate how these developments will have an impact to existing and future electricity networks. This book hence provides readers with an update of power quality issues in all sections of the network, namely, generation, transmission, distribution and end user, and discusses some practical solutions


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    The main purpose of this paper is to model and analyze the electrostatic and electromagnetic interferences between a HV overhead power line and an aerial metallic pipeline situated parallel at a close distance. The modelling of these interferences is typically done for safety reasons, to ensure that the induced voltage does not pose any risk to the operating and maintenance personnel and to the integrity of the pipeline. The adopted methodologies respectively for electrostatic and electromagnetic interferences are based on the charge and current simulation methods combined with the Teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) algorithm. The Friedman test  analysis indicate that teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) algorithm can be used for parameters optimization, it showed better results. In the case where the induced currents and voltages values exceed the limit authorized values by the international CIGRE standard, mitigation measures become necessary. The simulation results obtained were compared with those provided respectively by the admittance matrix analysis and Carson's method, good agreement was obtained

    Contribution to wide area control of power systems

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    L'objectif principal des réseaux électriques est de convertir l'énergie d'une forme naturelle à la forme électrique et aussi de la distribuer aux clients avec la meilleure qualité. L'énergie électrique est une des formes d'énergie les plus utilisées dans l'industrie, dans les résidences, aux bureaux et dans le transport. Présentement, la complexité des réseaux électriques augmente continuellement en raison de la croissance des interconnexions et de l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies. Également, la croissance de la demande d'énergie électrique a forcé l'utilisation des réseaux électriques à leur capacité maximale et donc près de la limite de stabilité. Dans ces conditions, si le système est soumis à une perturbation, la chute de la tension ou celle de la fréquence serait très probable. Par conséquent, les équipements de contrôle, qui constituent une structure avec plusieurs niveaux de contrôle, peuvent aider les réseaux électriques à surmonter les événements imprévus. Les récentes pannes dans les réseaux électriques démontrent le besoin urgent d'une structure de contrôles multi-niveaux basés sur une technologie avec très rapide réponse appelée en anglais Wide Area Measurement and Control system (WAMAC). Présentement, le Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) qui utilise le Global Positioning System (GPS) et la technologie satellite, joue un rôle important dans différentes parties du système de contrôle des réseaux électriques pour emp^echer les pannes globales ou locales du système. Les informations transférées par cette technologie seraient employées dans un contrôleur global appelé Wide Area Controller en anglais pour améliorer la performance dynamique des réseaux électriques pendant et après les perturbations. Donc, pour implémenter un Wide-Area Controller dans cette thèse, nous présenterons un plan multi-étapes pour l'amélioration de la stabilité du système et l'amortissement des oscillations du réseau. La première étape de ce plan serait l'estimation d'état dynamique des réseaux électriques en utilisant des phaseurs qui sont accessibles de Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). Les angles des machines synchrones estimés à la première étape, qui pourrait nous montrer l'état des oscillations du réseau, seront utilisés comme des signaux d'entrée pour le contrôleur. La deuxième étape de notre plan est de trouver les meilleurs eplacements des dispositifs FACTS sur le réseau électrique pour augmenter la puissance transmise dans le réseau, maximiser la chargeabilité et minimiser les pertes. Après le placement optimal des dispositifs FACTS, la troisième étape consiste à implémenter le Wide-Area Controller. Ce contrôleur reçoit les états estimés, qui sont disponibles à partir des résultats de la première étape, et d'autres informations de partout dans le réseau en utilisant des PMUs. Après la vérification des signaux reçus, le contrôleur commande des contrôleurs locaux, tels que les contrôleurs des dispositifs FACTS qui ont été placés de façon optimale à la deuxième étape. Le contrôleur implémenté modifie les signaux de référence des éléments locaux pour améliorer la performance dynamique du système et amortir les oscillations du réseau.The main goal of power system is to convert the energy from one of its natural forms to the electrical form and deliver it to the costumers with the best quality. So far, the complexity of power system is continually increasing because of the growth in interconnections and use of new technologies. Also, the growth of electrical energy demand has forced the power networks to work with the maximum possible capacity and in turn near the stability limits. In this condition, if the system is subjected to a disturbance, the voltage or frequency collapse events would be more probable. Therefore the control equipments, which constitute a multi level control structure, can help the power system to overcome the contingencies. Recent collapse events in the power system networks show the urgent need for such a multi level control structure based on a rapid response technology such as Wide Area Measurement and Control (WAMAC). Nowadays, the wide area measurement and monitoring, which uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) and satellite technology, plays an important role in different parts of power system control strategies to prevent from global or local collapses. The information transferred by this technology would be employed in a master central controller, called wide area controller, to improve the power system dynamic performance during and after disturbances. From this point of view, in this thesis we will present a multi-step plan for system stability improvement and network oscillations damping by implementing a FACTS-based wide-area power oscillation damper (WA-POD) controller. The frrst step of this plan would be the dynamic state estimation of power system using the phasor measurements signals accessible from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). The estimated rotor angles of the synchronous machines from the first step, which could show us the network oscillations condition, will be used as the input signals of the wide-area controller. The second step of this plan is to find the best locations of FACTS devices to increase the power transmitted by network, maximize the system loadability and minimize the transmission line losses. After optimal placement of FACTS controllers, the third step is to implement a wide-area damping controller which receives the estimated rotor angles, available from the results of step one, and other information from all over the network, and then modifies the set points of optimized local control utilities such as FACTS device controllers. The implemented wide area controller, which acts as a master controller, sends the reference signals and setpoints to the local FACTS controllers such as UPFC to improve the oscillations damping performance. This result in higher transfer limits across major transmission interfaces and less blackouts in terms of frequency, duration and consequences