8 research outputs found

    A cash study of performance measurement method for single minute exchange of die (SMED) in metal stamping industry

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    Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is a method introduced by Shingo in early 1950s to reduce the setup time and provide quick equipment changeover and rapid die exchange. For 20 years, the revolution of SMED techniques helps the manufacturing field especially in production to minimize the changeover time process. During the last decade, the need of shorter setup time in changing die has increased due to market demand in all types of industries. The time reduction resulting from the conversion of internal setup to external setup time in SMED allows production time can be shortened. This makes the time reduction as a key point to improve performance in production line. However, most of the companies that are implementing the SMED pay more attention on reducing time in their activity, but do not take into consideration the performance during the entire time reduction process. During the time reduction process, without knowing, the unnecessary input such as cost, manpower and time might be consumed to obtain the targeted time that need to be reduced. Apart of that, the imbalance of inputs consumed from time to time will affect the performance and effectiveness of SMED. There are three objectives of this research which is to develop a model to measure the performance of SMED along the implementation of it in the manufacturing company. Then, to measure the fair distribution among selected parameters using Shapley Value and finally is to measure the performance of trends of activity and time using Moving Coalition Analysis (MCA) and Transpose-Moving Coalition Analysis (T-MCA). This research begin with data collection regarding activities involved in SMED for metal stamping production line. Findings the parameter that meet the scope for effectiveness measurement is most difficult part. In this research, data time of each activities is validate using DEA model which to measure SMED efficiency while Shapley Value will evaluate the fair distribution among selected players. The results from each method will be compared on which parameters and DMUs shows the best value. As a result, a suitable/relevant inputs and outputs for DEA model have been proposed to measure the SMED’s effectiveness of the conversion process in stamping production line. The activity involved in changeover process and the time consumed for activities are identified as parameter in determining the contribution of each activity in SMED. The same parameters is used for dynamic evaluation which focus on the trends in the time series for each periods and time series of overall activity respectively. The result from combination measurement technique can be used to measure how excellent the improvement done by understand the contribution of each efficiency in the changeover process. This combination method is used since the DEA model only can measure the efficiency of SMED, but Shapley Value will measure the contribution of each effectiveness throughout its implementation


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    Buscou-se com esta pesquisa o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de implantação que interaja com a tecnologia de informação e a flexibilização da manufatura através das metodologias de gerenciamento: gestão por processo e manufatura enxuta. A análise destas metodologias deu-se por dois aspectos: em quais aspectos elas são complementares e que pontos elas são compatíveis. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram utilizados métodos quantitativos e qualitativas. Com relação à forma de levantamento de dados pode-se classificar esta pesquisa como exploratória e um estudo de caso. Para esta aplicação foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma empresa de médio porte que atua no ramo de embalagens plásticas. Com o resultado da pesquisa foi possível identificar a compatibilidade e complementariedade entre as duas ferramentas de gerenciamento: gestão por processos e manufatura enxuta e a partir deste ponto o resultado da pesquisa foi desenvolvido uma nova metodologia, onde foi identificado alguns pontos onde a informação ainda é ineficiente e o desperdício de matéria-prima e de tempo é alto

    Productivity improvements at small manufacturing company’s shop-floor

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    An effort to increase and improve the productivity has been started by the case company at which this thesis was conducted. Various productivity measures and improvements are being currently being studied to achieve a leaner production and easy material flow. In productivity improvements the ultimate goal is to seek out new production manufacturing processes that can increase the company’s overall efficiency in order to stay competitive in the market. This could be accomplished by the reduction or total elimination of losses that occur mechanically or through a bad operational process. The aim of this thesis is to develop a simple productivity measuring of the manufacturing machine and also to make a bidding calculator or sales tool to be used to speed the rate at which they set bids. By using literature from previous studies, unstructured interviews of managers, supervisors and employees the tasks to be performed were set. A recording sheet was created to record the rate at which the machines at the shop-floor were being utilized and this study we named as machine hour study. This study is to help us to understand the current state of utilization so as to figure out measures to increase the productivity. The second task was to modify the bidding calculator or sales tool to be more user-friendly. Lastly, the author was to recommend other projects that could help in the improvement of productivity at the shop-floor. The significant result is the fact that the machines being used in manufacturing were being underutilized which was agreed by the supervising managers at the shop-floor. Some of the reasons pertaining to this result are too much setup in a working day, long searchers for tools, not enough work, etc.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Design and realisation of an integrated methodology for the analytical design of complex supply chains

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    Supply chain systems are inherently complex and are dynamically changing webs of relationships. Wider product variety, smaller production lot sizes, more tiers and different actors involved in coordinated supply chains also cause supply chain complexity and presents major challenges to production managers. This context has led modern organizations to implement new supply chain paradigms and adopt new techniques to support rapid design, analysis and implementation of the new paradigms. The present research focuses to develop an integrated methodology which can support the analytical design of complex supply chains. [Continues.

    A model for assessing the anticipated relative financial impact of implementing the tools of lean manufacturing on a manufacturing concern

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    Lean manufacturing has seen its creators, Toyota, rise from insignificance in the middle of the previous century, to the biggest selling car manufacturer in the world today. Another Japanese car manufacturer, Honda, which has also been practising the principles of lean avidly during the last few decades, has also made huge strides towards becoming a dominant force in the car market. These Japanese companies‟ adoption of lean has seen many of their mass producing United States (US) and European counterparts struggle for survival. Maynard (2003:10) predicted that by the end of the decade, at least one of the „Big Three‟ auto makers in the US – Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors (GM) – would be forced to undertake significant restructuring to continue in operation. At the time of this writing all indications are that this prediction will come true. GM is in the process of major shareholding restructuring in an attempt to keep the company afloat, having run up insurmountable debts in the face of the current global economic downturn. Adopting the lean methodology has become a matter of necessity. The continued use of mass production methods alone is no longer viable; companies need to also employ lean methods intelligently in order to remain competitive. This study is regarded as a crucial endeavour to assist operations managers of manufacturing concerns in developing lean implementation strategies which will maximise the benefits to the organization

    Value Stream Mapping at Marks and Spencer Syprus

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    Value Stream Mapping is a lean technique with origins from manufacturing environments and specifically from the factories of the automobile manufacturer Toyota. However, considerable work has been done by researchers to transform the terminology drawn from a manufacturing environment in order to fit other environments. This project is based on this transformation so that Value Stream Mapping can be used in the warehouse, service and office environments of Voici La Mode Ltd. A product family was chosen and by following the flow of products and flow of information through a specific value stream selected, the current state was mapped. The wastes within the value stream were identified with the use of a set of mapping tools and through the future map suggested, the possible ways to eliminate these wastes were provided

    Melhoria da secção de transformação mecânica de uma empresa de elevadores

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente trabalho resulta de um projeto de dissertação de mestrado realizado na empresa Schmitt + Sohn Elevadores, no âmbito do 2º semestre do 5º ano, do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial do Departamento de Produção e Sistemas da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho. O principal objetivo deste projeto foi melhorar o funcionamento de uma das secções da empresa, a secção de Transformação Mecânica, através da aplicação da metodologia Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) e de outras ferramentas Lean Production. Para atingir os objetivos estabelecidos para o projeto utilizou-se a metodologia de investigação Action-Research, realizando-se inicialmente uma análise ao estado atual da secção em estudo e identificando-se os principais problemas existentes. Entre as ferramentas de diagnóstico utilizadas, destaca-se a aplicação de uma nova ferramenta de identificação de desperdícios – Waste Identification Diagram. De seguida, foram propostas soluções de melhoria com base em ferramentas Lean (SMED, 5S, gestão visual e Standard Work) para melhorar o funcionamento de algumas máquinas da secção: prensa, puncionadora e quinadoras. Com as propostas apresentadas reduziram-se os tempos de setup da prensa numa média de 62% e os tempos da puncionadora em 64%. Isto permite produzir por ano mais 4532 unidades para o produto analisado para a prensa e mais 437 unidades para o produto da puncionadora, correspondendo a ganhos anuais na ordem dos 734€ e dos 7315€, respetivamente. Estimou-se também que o tempo recuperado por ano é de 163h para a prensa e 157h para a puncionadora, o que corresponde a um ganho anual de 1629€ para o primeiro caso e 1565€ para o segundo. Reduziu-se ainda o WIP de 12,8 dias para 6,4 dias e de 2,2 dias para 1,1 dias para a prensa e puncionadora, respetivamente. Por fim, reduziu-se a distância total percorrida pelo operador numa média de 59% no caso da prensa e em 99% no caso da puncionadora. Quanto às quinadoras os principais resultados obtidos referem-se à melhoria da organização do espaço de trabalho e à rápida reconfiguração do layout.This project results from a dissertation conducted at the company Schmitt + Sohn Elevadores within the 2nd semester of the 5th year of the Integrated Master Course on Industrial Engineering and Management of the Production and Systems Department of the Engineering School of the University of Minho. The main objective of this project was to improve the functioning of a section of the company, the Mechanical Processing section, by applying the methodology Single- Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and other Lean Production tools. To achieve the objectives established for the project it was used the Action-Research methodology performing, initially, analysis of the present state of the section under study and identifying the main problems. Among the diagnostic tools used, it stands out the application of a new tool for waste identification – Waste Identification Diagram. Then, solutions for improvement were proposed based on Lean tools (SMED, 5S, visual management and Standard Work) to improve the functioning of certain machines of the section: press, punching machine and press brakes. With the proposals presented setup times were reduced by an average of 62% for the press and by 64% for punching machine. This allows to produce more 4532 units per year for the product analyzed for the press and more 437 units for the product of the punching machine, corresponding to annual profits on the order of 734€ and 7315€, respectively. It was also estimated that the time recovered per year is 163h for the press and 157h for the punching machine, which corresponds to annual gains of 1629€ for the first case and of 1565€ for the second case. The amount of WIP was also reduced from 12.8 days to 6.4 days and from 2.2 days to 1.1 days for the press and for the punching machine, respectively. Finally, the total distance traveled by the operator was reduced on an average of 59% in the case of the press and by 99% in the case of the punching machine. As for the press brakes, the main results obtained are related to improvement of the organization of the workspace and the rapid reconfiguration of the layout