114 research outputs found

    Multi-objectives model predictive control of multivariable systems

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    In this thesis, MOO [Multi-Objective Optimization] design for Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Proportional Integral (PI) control are investigated for a multivariable process

    Evolutionary diversity optimization using multi-objective indicators

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    Evolutionary diversity optimization aims to compute a set of solutions that are diverse in the search space or instance feature space, and where all solutions meet a given quality criterion. With this paper, we bridge the areas of evolutionary diversity optimization and evolutionary multi-objective optimization. We show how popular indicators frequently used in the area of multi-objective optimization can be used for evolutionary diversity optimization. Our experimental investigations for evolving diverse sets of TSP instances and images according to various features show that two of the most prominent multi-objective indicators, namely the hypervolume indicator and the inverted generational distance, provide excellent results in terms of visualization and various diversity indicators.Aneta Neumann, Wanru Gao, Markus Wagner, Frank Neuman

    Multiobjective Calibration of a Global Biogeochemical Ocean Model Against Nutrients, Oxygen, and Oxygen Minimum Zones

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    Global biogeochemical ocean models rely on many parameters, which govern the interaction between individual components, and their response to the physical environment. They are often assessed/calibrated against quasi-synoptic data sets of dissolved inorganic tracers. However, a good fit to one observation might not necessarily imply a good match to another. We investigate whether two different metrics—the root-mean-square error to nutrients and oxygen and a metric measuring the overlap between simulated and observed oxygen minimum zones (OMZs)—help to constrain a global biogeochemical model in different aspects of performance. Three global model optimizations are carried out. Two single-objective optimizations target the root-mean-square metric and a sum of both metrics, respectively. We then present and explore multiobjective optimization, which results in a set of compromise solutions. Our results suggest that optimal parameters for denitrification and nitrogen fixation differ when applying different metrics. Optimization against observed OMZs leads to parameters that enhance fixed nitrogen cycling; this causes too low nitrate concentrations and a too high global pelagic denitrification rate. Optimization against nutrient and oxygen concentrations leads to different parameters and a lower global fixed nitrogen turnover; this results in a worse fit to OMZs. Multiobjective optimization resolves this antagonistic effect and provides an ensemble of parameter sets, which help to address different research questions. We finally discuss how systematic model calibration can help to improve models used for projecting climate change and its effect on fisheries and climate gas emissions

    Sviluppo di modelli decisionali per la supply chain di prodotti deperibili mediante l’applicazione di tecnologie innovative

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    The supply chain of perishable products, as fruits and vegetables is affected by environmental abuses from harvest to the final destination which are responsible the uncontrolled deterioration of food. In order to reduce such phenomena the supply chain members should control and monitor the conditions of goods in order to ensure their quality for consumers and to comply with all legal requirements (Garcia Ruiz, 2008). The most important factor influencing the food quality is the temperature able to prolonging the shelf life of the products. Since the temperature can inhibit or promote the maturation and deterioration process, this parameter is involved both in the growing process of fruits and vegetables and in the transport and storage stages. Given this the aim of the present thesis is to show that the monitoring of such parameter during the pre and post harvest stages allows to improve the decision making process. In the context of temperature monitoring the introduction of emerging information technologies such as the Wireless Sensors Networks and the Radio Frequency Identification can now provide real-time status knowing of product managed. The real time monitoring can be of great help in the definition of the actual maturation level of products both in the field and during the cold chain. The suitability of such an approach is evaluated by means of case studies. The first case study concerns the monitoring of grapes growth directly in the vineyard. The suitability of Wireless Sensors Networks in the monitoring of the grapes growth process is evaluated in terms of the possibility to determine the date of starting or ending of phenological phases. This information allows to make faster decisions about the vineyard operations which must be performed during the grape growth and finally allows to predict the maturation date in order to optimize the harvest operations. In the next case study the possibility to apply the Radio Frequency Identification technology to the monitoring of the fresh fruits along the cold chain has been faced and the quality of the products at any stage of the supply chain has been determined through a mathematical model. The knowing of the current quality level allows to make decisions about the destination of products. In this case those products having a shorter shelf life can be distributed to a local market while those with longer shelf life can be distributed to more distant location. In the next case study the information about the current deterioration state of perishable products has been translated into a warehouse management system in order to determine the operational parameters able to optimize the quality of products stored. Even in this case the goal of the study was to provide a decision making tool for the proper management of the perishable products stored. However besides the advantages achievable by the real time evaluation of environmental conditions the costs involved with the implementation of innovative technologies must be determined in order to establish the suitability of the investment in such innovative technologies. The present thesis also faces this question by determining the optimal number of devices to apply to the stock keeping unit in order to minimize the total cost associated to the transferring batch from the producer to the distributor. In this case the methodology employed is that of a mathematical model including all costs associated to the product management. Finally the study conducted through the present thesis shows that in all of the cases treated the use of the innovative technologies allows to support the decision making process in the pre and post harvest phases thus improving the perishables management

    Material development and self-healing capacity of eco-efficient ultra-high performance concrete (EEUHPC)

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    Doctoral Thesis for PhD degree in Civil Engineering.Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a promising type of self-compacting steel fiber-reinforced concrete, which exhibits extraordinary performances in its fresh and hardened states. It not only demonstrates ultra-high strength in compression, but also exhibits ultra-high durability characteristics. Since sustainability-related issues have become major priorities in the world ahead in recent years, therefore, a special attention to any product and service, particularly those used with an increasing pace and embrace considerable carbon footprint and substantial economic impacts, such as UHPC with high content of cement and silica fume, would be of great significance. In this scope, this research aimed to develop an eco-efficient type of UHPC as an innovative and high-tech material through partially substitution of cement and silica fume by other pozzolanic industrial-waste materials. Response surface methodology (RSM), as a statistical mixture design tool, was applied in order to create a scientific basis for developing the optimum composition with higher environmental and economic efficiency. The performance of the optimum composition, nominated as eco-efficient UHPC (EEUHPC), was evaluated through standard test methods in its fresh and hardened states. Furthermore, an effective low-energy mixing procedure, with the aim of improved flowability, was introduced. Finally, the autogenic self-healing ability of the material was studied as an important issue regarding the life cycle of the material and its capacity for structural recovery. The tests were carried out in short and long-term life of the material. Effect of different crack widths on self-healing capacity of cracked specimens was investigated as well as influence of steel fibers on energy absorption of samples in post-cracking stage.O betão de ultra elevado desempenho (BUED) é um tipo de betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras bastante promissor e que é dotado de um desempenho extraordinário tanto no estado fresco como no estado endurecido. Este tipo de betão não só apresenta ultra elevada resistência à compressão como, também, é caracterizado por ultra elevada durabilidade. Nos últimos anos as questões relacionadas com a sustentabilidade passaram a ser consideradas prioritárias em todo o mundo. Portanto, passou a ser de importância acrescida garantir especial atenção a qualquer produto ou serviço, em particular os de utilização crescente compreendendo uma considerável da pegada de carbono e impacto económico substancial, tal como o BUED, fabricado geralmente com um teor de cimento e sílica de fumo elevados. Neste âmbito, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um material inovador e de alta tecnologia, um BUED eco-eficiente, produzido com recurso à substituição parcial de cimento e sílica de fumo por subprodutos industriais com características pozolânicas. A definição das composições foi efetuada recorrendo à metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR), uma ferramenta estatística que permitiu determinar, com base científica, as composições ótimas, com maior eficiência ambiental e económica. O desempenho da composição ótima, designada BUED eco-eficiente (BUEDEE), foi avaliado por intermédio de ensaios laboratoriais, realizados tanto no estado fresco como no estado endurecido. Além disso, foi também desenvolvido um processo de mistura eficaz e de baixa energia, concebido com o objetivo de melhorar a fluidez. Finalmente, a capacidade de autorreparação autogénea do material foi estudada como uma questão importante relacionada com o ciclo de vida do material e com a sua capacidade de recuperação estrutural. Os testes foram realizados tanto em idades iniciais como a longo prazo. O efeito da abertura de fenda na capacidade de autorreparação dos provetes fendilhados foi avaliado, assim como a influência da presença das fibras metálicas na capacidade de absorção de energia de provetes em estado pós-fendilhado

    Refinement and standardization of storage procedures for clonal crops. Global Public Goods Phase 2: Part 1. Project landscape and general status of clonal crop in vitro conservation technologies

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    Among the collective actions of the World Bank-funded Global Public Goods Phase II Project (GPG2), the following collaborative activity: “Refinement and standardization of storage procedures for clonal crops” was given to the CGIAR’s In Vitro Genebanks, represented by the Clonal Crop Task Force (CCTF) composed of genetic resources research staff from the four centres: Bioversity International, CIAT, CIP and IITA. These hold the in trust collections of Musa, cassava, potato, sweetpotato, yam and Andean root and tuber crops (ARTCs). The overarching aims of this activity were to: (1) review the status of vitro conservation in the context of the GPG2 project with an emphasis on the mandated clonal crops; (2) survey the facilities, storage protocols and practices of CGIAR’s clonal crop genebanks; (3) collate and review this information with a view to developing quality and risk management systems to support the production and validation of multi-crop best practice guidelines. Outputs from this activity are designated as a three part ‘trilogy’: Part I, entitled “Project landscape and general status of clonal crop in vitro conservation technologies” introduces the GPG2 project within the CGIAR landscape and overviews the status of in vitro plant conservation in the wider conservation community of practice. This part describes the role of risk and quality management for the effective maintenance of in vitro genebanks in the context of research and the development and validation of best practices

    Cuban energy system development – Technological challenges and possibilities

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    This eBook is a unique scientific journey to the changing frontiers of energy transition in Cuba focusing on technological challenges of the Cuban energy transition. The focus of this milestone publication is on technological aspects of energy transition in Cuba. Green energy transition with renewable energy sources requires the ability to identify opportunities across industries and services and apply the right technologies and tools to achieve more sustainable energy production systems. The eBook is covering a large diversity of Caribbean country´s experiences of new green technological solutions and applications. It includes various technology assessments of energy systems and technological foresight analyses with a special focus on Cuba