750 research outputs found

    Session Description Protocol (SDP) Source Filters

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    Parallelization and Optimization of Image Processing Applications

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    This Bachelor's Thesis was performed during a study stay at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électronique et Électrotechnique Paris, France. It proposes solution for speeding up image processing algorithm and its adoption for use with real-time video stream from the infra red camera. The first part discusses characteristics and basic principles of the IR technology, followed by specifications of used camera. Ongoing text also proposes solution of problems concerning network communication with the camera. In addition, it describes camera's output stream format characteristics and solution for output visualisation. Substantial part of this work covers issues concerning parallelization and optimization of video stream and image file data processing. Problem of the parallelisation for this case is explained together with implemented parallelization method. Entire theoretical part is supported with the real results, benchmarks, which are presented in the last chapter.This Bachelor's Thesis was performed during a study stay at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électronique et Électrotechnique Paris, France. It proposes solution for speeding up image processing algorithm and its adoption for use with real-time video stream from the infra red camera. The first part discusses characteristics and basic principles of the IR technology, followed by specifications of used camera. Ongoing text also proposes solution of problems concerning network communication with the camera. In addition, it describes camera's output stream format characteristics and solution for output visualisation. Substantial part of this work covers issues concerning parallelization and optimization of video stream and image file data processing. Problem of the parallelisation for this case is explained together with implemented parallelization method. Entire theoretical part is supported with the real results, benchmarks, which are presented in the last chapter.

    A method for forensic artifact collection, analysis and incident response in environments running Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description protocol

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    In this paper, we perform an analysis of SIP, a popular voice over IP (VoIP) protocol and propose a framework for capturing and analysing volatile VoIP data in order to determine forensic readiness requirements for effectively identifying an attacker. The analysis was performed on real attack data and the findings were encouraging. It seems that if appropriate forensic readiness processes and controls are in place, a wealth of evidence can be obtained. The type of the end user equipment of the internal users, the private IP, the software that is used can help build a reliable baseline information database. On the other hand the private IP addresses of the potential attacker even during the presence of NAT services, as well as and the attack tools employed by the malicious parties are logged for further analysis

    Service composition based on SIP peer-to-peer networks

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    Today the telecommunication market is faced with the situation that customers are requesting for new telecommunication services, especially value added services. The concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) seems to be a solution for this, so this concept finds its way into the telecommunication area. These customer expectations have emerged in the context of NGN and the associated migration of the telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched towards packet-switched networks. One fundamental aspect of the NGN concept is to outsource the intelligence of services from the switching plane onto separated Service Delivery Platforms using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) to provide the required signalling functionality. Caused by this migration process towards NGN SIP has appeared as the major signalling protocol for IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. This will lead in contrast to ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and IN (Intelligent Network) to significantly lower dependences among the network and services and enables to implement new services much easier and faster. In addition, further concepts from the IT (Information Technology) namely SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) have largely influenced the telecommunication sector forced by amalgamation of IT and telecommunications. The benefit of applying SOA in telecommunication services is the acceleration of service creation and delivery. Main features of the SOA are that services are reusable, discoverable combinable and independently accessible from any location. Integration of those features offers a broader flexibility and efficiency for varying demands on services. This thesis proposes a novel framework for service provisioning and composition in SIP-based peer-to-peer networks applying the principles of SOA. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to enable the provisioning and composition of services which is performed by applying SIP. Based on this, the framework provides a flexible and fast way to request the creation for composite services. Furthermore the framework enables to request and combine multimodal value-added services, which means that they are no longer limited regarding media types such as audio, video and text. The proposed framework has been validated by a prototype implementation

    TRIM: An architecture for transparent IMS-based mobility

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    In recent years, the development and deployment of new wired and wireless access net work technologies have made the ubiquitous Internet a reality. Users can access anywhere and anytime to the broad set of value added Internet services, which are delivered by means of the IP protocol. In this context, 3GPP is currently developing the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), as a key element that allows to evolve from the ubiquitous access to the Internet services towards a next generation network model, by providing a set of essen tial facilities such as session control, QoS, charging and service integration. Nevertheless, several open issues still need consideration before the future Internet becomes real, such as supporting user mobility in IP networks. Although mobility support in the Internet is receiving much attention, IMS networks present inherent particularities that require fur ther analysis. The solutions proposed so far for IMS do not support mobility transparently to the end user applications, or address the problem by introducing complex changes to the IMS infrastructure. This paper presents TRIM, an architecture for transparent IMS based mobility. TRIM supports mobility in IMS networks transparently to the end user applications, which are unaware of the handover management procedures executed between the mobile node and the network. We have performed several experiments with a TRIM prototype, using a real IMS testbed with 3G and WLAN access networks, validating the proposal for UDP and TCP based applications.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPartially granted by the Madrid Community through the MEDIANET project (S 2009/TIC 1468)Publicad

    NinSuna: a fully integrated platform for format-independent multimedia content adaptation and delivery using Semantic Web technologies

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    The current multimedia landscape is characterized by a significant heterogeneity in terms of coding and delivery formats, usage environments, and user preferences. The main contribution of this paper is a discussion of the design and functioning of a fully integrated platform for multimedia adaptation and delivery, called NinSuna. This platform is able to efficiently deal with the aforementioned heterogeneity in the present-day multimedia ecosystem, thanks to the use of format-agnostic adaptation engines (i.e., engines independent of the underlying coding format) and format-agnostic packaging engines (i.e., engines independent of the underlying delivery format). Moreover, NinSuna also provides a seamless integration between metadata standards and adaptation processes. Both our format-independent adaptation and packaging techniques rely on a model for multimedia bitstreams, describing the structural, semantic, and scalability properties of these multimedia streams. News sequences were used as a test case for our platform, enabling the user to select news fragments matching his/her specific interests and usage environment characteristics

    Supporting mobility in an IMS-based P2P IPTV service: A proactive context transfer mechanism

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    In recent years, IPTV has received an increasing amount of interest from the industry, commercial providers and the research community, alike. In this context, standardization bodies, such as ETSI and ITU-T, are specifying the architecture of IPTV systems based on IP multicast. An interesting alternative to support the IPTV service delivery relies on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) paradigm to distribute and push the streaming effort towards the network edge. However, while P2P IPTV was studied in fixed access technologies, there has been little attention paid to the implications arising in mobile environments. One of these involves the service handover when the user moves to a different network. By analyzing previous work from the perspective of an IPTV service, we concluded that a proactive approach is necessary for the handling of inter-network handovers. In this paper, we propose a new general handover mechanism for the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), while studying its applicability to a P2P IPTV service. Our solution, called proactive context transfer service, incorporates the existing IEEE 802.21 technology in order to minimize the handover delay. The proposal is validated by comparing it against solutions derived from previous work.This article has been partially granted by the Spanish MEC through the CONPARTE project (TEC2007–67966-C03–03/TCM) and by the Madrid Community through the MEDIANET project (S-2009/TIC-1468).Publicad
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