6 research outputs found

    Seroprevalencia de la leptospirosis canina de tres municipios del departamento del Tolima-Colombia

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    Objetivo. Determinar la seroprevalencia de Leptospira spp. y los serovares dominantes, en caninos de tres municipios del departamento del Tolima, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico trasversal con 900 caninos localizados en 62 barrios de los tres municipios, de los cuales se obtuvieron muestras de sangre durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto de 2007, que fueron procesadas utilizando la prueba de microaglutinación (MAT). En la prueba se incluyeron 5 serovares: hardjo, pomona, grippotyphosa, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae y bratislava. La prueba se interpretó como positiva por la presencia de una aglutinación ≥50 % de las leptospiras con uno o más serovares, en una dilución del suero ≥100. Resultados. La seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en la población canina fue del 20.2%. La mayor dominancia fue para los serovares grippotyphosa (82.4%) y pomona (8.2%), observándose una baja reactividad ante canicola e icterohaemorrhagiae, 0.5 y 2.2% respectivamente. Se presentaron coaglutinaciones en el 4.3% de los sueros. La seropositividad presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se compararon los resultados por sexo y edad (p=0.038). Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que los caninos pueden ser posibles reservorios de la leptospirosis en los tres municipios evaluados, siendo necesario realizar estudios que permitan el aislamiento y tipificación de los serovares prevalentes en las zonas endémicas para orientar las medidas de prevención que eviten el riesgo de transmisión de la enfermedad a la población humana

    Detection of reactive canines to Leptospira in Campeche City, Mexico

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    ABSTRACT Leptospira reactivity in stray and household dogs in Campeche as well as associated risk factors to the seropositivity in household dogs have been herein determined. the survey included 323 dogs, 142 of which were stray dogs and 181 household dogs. nine Leptospira interrogans serovars were tested by the microagglutination test. reactivity was 21.3 % (69/323), 17.2 % corresponded to household dogs and 26.7 % to stray dogs. Leptospira Canicola (29 %), Leptospira hardjo (22.58 %), and Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae (16.12 %) were the most common serovars reacting against the serum of household animals, while Leptospira Canicola (15.78 %), Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae (13.15 %), and Leptospira Pomona (7.89 %) were those reacting in stray dogs. results showed that all dogs have been in contact with different Leptospira serovars and outdoor exposure is the main infection risk factor. Key words: seroreactivity, Leptospira, dogs, urban area RESUMEN Detección de caninos reaccionantes a Leptospira en la ciudad de Campeche, México. Se determinó la reactividad frente a distintos serovares de Leptospira de 142 perros callejeros y 181 perros domésticos de la ciudad de Campeche, así como los factores de riesgo asociados a la serorreactividad de los perros domésticos. Se utilizaron 9 serovares de Leptospira interrogans en la prueba de microaglutinación. la reactividad global a Leptospira fue del 21,3 % (69/323), alcanzó el 17,2 % en perros domiciliados y el 26,7 % en perros callejeros. las serovariedades que reaccionaron a los sueros de caninos domésticos fueron Leptospira Canicola (29 %), Leptospira hardjo (22,58 %) y Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae (16,12 %); las que reaccionaron a los sueros de perros callejeros fueron Leptospira Canicola (15,78 %), Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae (13,15 %) y Leptospira Pomona (7,89 %). los resultados indican que todos los perros evaluados han estado en contacto con diferentes serovares de Leptospira y que la calle es el principal factor de riesgo para la infección. Palabras clave: serorreactividad, Leptospira, perros, área urbana leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis that is frequently found in tropical areas where spread conditions are favorable; as a result it is considered a public health concern. leptospirosis is caused by Leptospira interrogans affecting man and some wild and domestic animals, which include cows, pigs, horses, sheep, dogs, cats as well as rodents such as mice and rats; the latter being considered the main Leptospira reservoirs transmission occurs by direct contact with contaminated urine or indirectly through soil and water which has been contaminated by the urine of the above mentioned animals. even though rodents are considered the main reservoir, dogs could have epidemiological relevance due to their close association with man in non occupational environments. recent studies carried out in countries like Colombia have shown a prevalence of 20 % in household dogs (8) and in aragua, Venezuela, a INFORME BREVE iSSn 0325-7541 revista argentina de microbiología (2013) 45: 34-38 35 prevalence of 100 % in stray dogs (4). on the other hand, in mexico, a prevalence of 23 % was reported in household dogs in Jalisco (9), of 38.51 % in stray dogs in the north of mexico City (6), whereas in the Southeast of mexico, that is, Chiapas, a seropositivity of 23 % in household dogs, 55 % in stray dogs (15) and 30.5 % in reservoirs of livestock in the State of Yucatan (1). the objective of this study was to determine Leptospira reactivity in stray and household dogs in the City of Campeche, as well as the serovars and risk factors associated with seroreactivity in household dogs. the State of Campeche is located at 20°51'n, 17°49'S, 89°9'e and 92°28'W on the Yucatan Peninsula, mexico. Campeche, its capital city, lies along the coast line. it has annual temperature and precipitation averages of 28 ºC and 300 mm, respectively. the studied population included stray dogs captured by the Vector-Borne and zoonotic disease department staff of the health ministry and evaluated by a veterinarian. the sample size was based on a proportion of 30 % close to the average prevalence in the States of Chiapas and Yucatan. these states are located in the tropical regions of southeast mexico, as Campeche is, favoring the growth and development of Leptospira. on the other hand, based on their epidemiological experience, experts from the department of health suggested the usage of 30 % prevalence to make an efficient use of resources for this study since there exists no difference between sampling at 30 % or 50 %. Based on information from the department of Vector-Borne and zoonotic diseases, the total canine population in the city is estimated at 57,000 canines. (ing. Carlos Chi tun, personal communication). the required sample size (n = 323) was determined by the proportion method, through the formula n = z 2 . p.q /d 2 , where z 2 = 1.96 for 95 % confidence, p = 30 % prevalence, q = 1-p = 0.7 is the expected variability of the phenomenon to be studied, and d = 5 % is the precision grade. Blood samples were taken from those household dogs whose owners had granted veterinarian permission, and had answered the relevant questionnaire. Canines vaccinated against Leptospira were excluded. a sample of 5 ml of venous blood was taken from all dogs. the samples were analyzed by the Biomed research Center at the university of Campeche. the blood samples were centrifuged at 800 x g for 10 minutes to obtain serum, which was stored at -20 °C until processing. a total of 9 Leptospira interrogans serovars: icterohaemorrhagiae and L. grippotyphosa, were used as antigens for the microscopic agglutination test as these are the serovars most commonly studied in canines in mexico. the cultures were donated by the Veterinary School at unam. Serum was positive when agglutination equal to or greater than 50 % of Leptospira was observed in a 1:100 diluted serum, using an antigen control for each serovar descriptive statistics were used to analyze data using frequency distributions. X 2 (chi square test) was used to determine the association between seropositivity and each of the qualitative variables compiled in the survey at a significant level of p < 0.05 and confidence intervals. a total of 323 canine serums were studied, 181 of which (56 %) were from household dogs and 142 (44 %) were from stray dogs. the overall seroprevalence of leptospirosis was 21.3 % (69/323) positive at titres of 100, 200 and 400 for one or more serovars, 17.2 % (31/181) of which were household dogs and 26.7 % (38/142) were stray dogs. the highest titre was 400 which corresponded to an L. Canicola serovar, found in a stray dog serum. the most commonly detected antibodies in household dogs were against L. Canicola 29 % (9/31), followed by L. hardjo 22.58 % (7/31), L. icterohaemorrhagiae 16.12 % (5/31), L. Pomona 9.67 % (3/31), L. Bataviae 9.67 % (3/31) and L. grippothyphosa 3.22 % (1/31). Coagglutinations were observed in 9.67 % of positive serums, 66.66 % of which showed a titre of 100 and 33.33 % showed a titre of 200. regarding the stray dogs, the most frequent antibodies found were against L. Canicola 15.78 % (6/38), followed by L. icterohaemorrhagiae 13.15 % (5/38), L. Pomona 7.89 % (3/38), L. Bataviae 5.26 % (2/38), L. grippothyphosa 1.38 % (1/38) and L. hardjo 2.63 % (1/38). Coagglutination was shown in 52.63 % of positive serums. the most frequent titre was 100 with 87 %, followed by 10.52 % at 200 and 2.63 % at 400. Serum agglutination was not observed against L. tarassovi, L. Pyrogenes, and L. Sejroe serovars. after evaluating the survey data obtained, where 7 variables were included as risk factors, it was found, according to the bi-factorial analysis, that the factors significantly associated (p < 0.05) with seropositivity were exposure of household dogs to the street, the location of ditches near the homes as well as coexistence with other dogs (the complete list of risk factors analyzed is shown in table 1). the study confirmed the presence of Leptospira reactivity in the canine population and determined a seroreactivity of 21.3 % (69/323) against diverse serovars. this reactivity was higher in stray dogs (26.7 %) than in household dogs (17.2 %). Similar studies in aragua, Venezuela found 100 % (30/30) seroprevalence, Canines reacting to Leptospira in Campeche City. 36 revista argentina de microbiología (2013) 45: 34-38 being L. Canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae and L. hardjo the most frequent serovars (4). in Cali, Colombia, 41.1 % seroprevalence was found and the most frequent serovars were L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. hardjo, L. Gryppotyphosa and L. Canicola (7). in maringa, Brazil a prevalence of 12.2 % was found in 335 canines, being L. Pyrogenes, L. Canicola, L. hardjo, L. Pomona and L. grippotyphosa the serovars found (3). in itapema, Brazil a seroprevalence of 10.5 % was found in 590 canines and L. Pyrogenes, L. Canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars were detected (2). in mexico City, the seroprevalence was 38.51 % (52/135) and the serovars detected were L. Canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. hardjo and L. Pomona (6). the seroreactivity in stray dogs in this study differed from that in the study mentioned before; however, there is a concordance with the serovars in those studies with the exception of L. Pyrogenes. it was observed that seroreactivity varies from one region to another, where the climate can be an important factor that affects Leptospira prevalence (2). in manizales, Colombia, dogs observed by veterinaries, showed a seropositivity of 20.5 % (41/200), where the main serovars represented were L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. Canicola and L. Pomona (10); in Valdivia, Chile there was a prevalence of 14.8 % (59/400) and the mos

    Prevalencia de leptospirosis en perros de trabajo vacunados y en población humana con riesgo ocupacional

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    Introduction: Working dogs have been identified as a risk group for developing leptospirosis because they can be infected by Leptospira spp., which can be kept in the renal tubules and interstices for a long time, making them carriers and sources of infection for other hosts, including humans.Objective: To establish the prevalence of Leptospira spp. in vaccinated working dogs and in the occupationally exposed population in six police units in Colombia.Materials and methods: A total of 92 vaccinated dogs (65 males and 27 females) and 69 people from six police units in the municipalities of Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Ibagué, Tuluá, and Cali were tested. Three structured instruments were applied and blood samples were obtained from people and dogs, which were processed with the microagglutination test (MAT) in 24 serogroups. A clinical examination of the dogs was performed and urine samples were obtained for urine cultures.Results: The seroprevalence of human leptospirosis was 2.9% (n=2) and in dogs, it was 57.61% (n=53). Among the dogs, serogroups L. canicola and L. panama were the most prevalent. Urine cultures were positive in 58.7% (54/92) of the samples. A statistically significant association was found between the age of the dogs (≥10 years; p=0.043) and the location of the police unit (p=0.016) with the urine culture.Conclusion: The epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in dogs suggest an endemic presentation of the infection. There is an urgent need to improve current diagnostic methods to investigate canine leptospirosis and differentiate between vaccine and natural infection antibodies.Introducción. Los perros de trabajo pueden infectarse con diversas serovariedades de Leptospira que se mantienen en sus túbulos renales e intersticios por mucho tiempo, por lo que se convierten en portadores y fuentes de infección para otros huéspedes.Objetivo. Establecer la prevalencia de Leptospira spp. en perros de trabajo vacunados y en población humana con riesgo ocupacional de seis unidades policiales en Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Mediante tres instrumentos estructurados, se evaluaron 92 perros de trabajo con inmunización previa contra Leptospira spp. (65 machos y 27 hembras) y 69 personas de seis unidades policiales de los municipios de Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Ibagué, Tuluá y Cali. Se obtuvieron muestras sanguíneas de las personas y de los perros, las cuales se evaluaron mediante la prueba de microaglutinación (Microscopic Agglutination Test, MAT) en 24 serogrupos. Se hizo un examen clínico de los perros y se obtuvieron muestras de orina para urocultivo.Resultados. La seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en las personas fue de 2,9 % (n=2) y en los perros de 57,61 % (n=53). Los serogrupos más prevalentes en los perros fueron Leptospira canicola y L. panama. El urocultivo fue positivo en 58,7 % (54/92) de las muestras y se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la edad de los perros (≥10 años; p=0,043) y la ubicación de la unidad policial (p=0,016).Conclusión. Las características epidemiológicas de la leptospirosis en los perros sugieren una presentación endémica de la infección. Se requieren algoritmos diagnósticos sensibles y específicos para investigar la leptospirosis canina y diferenciar los anticuerpos vacunales de la infección natural


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    El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad determinar el riesgo epidemiológico y las enfermedades zoonóticas en comunidades urbanas del municipio Santa Clara, Cuba durante el 2010. Se empleó como instrumento de evaluación una encuesta a 391 viviendas que contiene datos epidemiológicos y el nivel de conocimiento de enfermedades zoonótica. Se evaluó la incidencia de enfermedades que constituyen posibles zoonosis. Se determinó la presencia de vectores perjudiciales para la salud de los habitantes, haciendo énfasis en los culícidos transmisores de enfermedades. Se realizó un pesquisaje serológico a caninos y porcinos para leptospirosis. Se recolectaron moluscos terrestres y fluviales en huertos-organopónicos y se realizó un análisis de formas parasitarias. Se hizo un análisis bacteriológico a muestras de agua de pozos para riego y para el consumo de la población. El 90,03% de las viviendas no tienen definida la situación sanitaria del agua de consumo y el 61, 64% no tratan el agua para su consumo. Las aves, los cerdos y los perros representan los mayores porcientos de animales presentes. Se observó una alta presencia de diferentes vectores perjudiciales en las viviendas. Los encuestados presentaron un conocimiento bajo sobre las enfermedades zoonóticas. La focalidad acumulada durante el 2010 del mosquito Aedes aegypti nos alerta ante una incidencia superior a la esperada en las cuatrisemanas iniciales y finales. 72 % de los caninos resultaron reaccionantes al serogrupo Canicola, serotipo canicola de Leptospira interrogans. El 12 % de los porcinos resultaron reaccionantes al serogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae serotipo copenhague, de alto carácter zoonótico. La mayor cantidad de moluscos colectados correspondió a Galba cubensis y Praticolella griseola, en huertos - organopónicos. Estas dos especies constituyen el primer hospedero intermediario de Fasciola hepatica y Angiostrongylus cantonensis, respectivamente. El 69,23 % de los pozos para riego analizados presentó valores superiores a las concentraciones admisibles. De las 13 muestras de agua analizadas, 76,92% resultaron con coliformes totales y termotolerantes por encima de los valores permisibles según la norma técnica cubana

    Seroprevalencia de la leptospirosis canina de tres municipios del departamento del Tolima-Colombia

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    Objective. To determe leptospirosis seroprevalence and dominant serovars in canine population of three municipalities of Tolima department of Colombia. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out (subjects being selected by sampling in 62 districts). Samples from 900 dogs during June, July and August 2007 were collected and processed using Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). Five serovars: hardjo, pomona, grippotyphosa, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae and bratislava were tested. The MAT was considered positive when 50% or more leptospiras were agglutinated with one or more serovars in a serum dilution of 1:100. Results. At least one serovar showed evidence of infection in 21.4 % of the canines. The most dominant serovars were grippotyphosa (82.4%) and pomona (8.2%). It was evident the decrease in the frequency of reactivity of canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae serovars (0.5 and 2.2% respectively). Co-agglutinations were presented in 4.3% canine sera samples. The sera-reactivity showed statistically significant differences when was compared for sex and age (p=0.038). Conclusions. These findings suggested that dogs are potential reservoirs of Leptospira in the three municipalities evaluated. It is necessary to conduct studies that permit the isolation and characterization of the serovars prevalent in endemic areas to guide preventive measures to avoid the risk of disease transmission to human.Objetivo. Determinar la seroprevalencia de Leptospira spp. y los serovares dominantes, en caninos de tres municipios del departamento del Tolima, Colombia. Materiales y metodos. Se realizo un estudio epidemiologico trasversal con 900 caninos localizados en 62 barrios de los tres municipios, de los cuales se obtuvieron muestras de sangre durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto de 2007, que fueron procesadas utilizando la prueba de microaglutinacion (MAT). En la prueba se incluyeron 5 serovares: hardjo, pomona, grippotyphosa, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae y bratislava. La prueba se interpreto como positiva por la presencia de una aglutinacion .50 % de las leptospiras con uno o mas serovares, en una dilucion del suero .100. Resultados. La seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en la poblacion canina fue del 20.2%. La mayor dominancia fue para los serovares grippotyphosa (82.4%) y pomona (8.2%), observandose una baja reactividad ante canicola e icterohaemorrhagiae, 0.5 y 2.2% respectivamente. Se presentaron coaglutinaciones en el 4.3% de los sueros. La seropositividad presento diferencias estadisticamente significativas cuando se compararon los resultados por sexo y edad (p=0.038). Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que los caninos pueden ser posibles reservorios de la leptospirosis en los tres municipios evaluados, siendo necesario realizar estudios que permitan el aislamiento y tipificacion de los serovares prevalentes en las zonas endemicas para orientar las medidas de prevencion que eviten el riesgo de transmision de la enfermedad a la poblacion humana