4 research outputs found

    Sport Exergames for Physical Education

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    Sports active video games (exergames) are accessible forms of physical activity which might also be used in physical education (PE) curriculum. The purpose of this book chapter is to firstly, review some of the relevant applications of sports exergames for inclusion in PE and secondly, to characterize one of these games (swimming) from different aspects of biomechanics, physiology, and psychology. We compared movement patterns, muscle activation, energy expenditure, enjoyment, usability, and game experience in participants with different performing levels (real-swimmers vs. non-swimmers, experienced vs. novice) and gender. Understanding these parameters may help in the development of more realistic sports exergames and meaningful gameplay and may give PE teachers a better idea of the inclusion of such games in their practice

    Aplicativos para Treino Cognitivo: Uma Revisão Sistemática

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    O treino cognitivo é uma prática que pode minimizar dificuldades deaprendizagem, de memorização e de atenção. Dentre as estratégias adotadas nos treinos encontra-se o uso de tecnologias, as quais potencializam a motivação dos participantes, aumentando a adesão. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e investigar aplicativos móveis para treino cognitivo. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura realizada nas bases de dados IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, CiteSeerX, ACM DL e Google Scholar, de 04 a 11 de maio de 2016. Dos 277 estudos identificados, apenas oito atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. Após análise dos trabalhos foi possível perceber a importância do desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis para o treino cognitivo, pois estimulam os usuários a exercer o treino diariamente

    Serious Games for Cognitive Training in Ambient Assisted Living Environments : a Technology Acceptance Perspective

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    International audienceTwo technology trends address the rising costs of healthcare systems in aging societies: Serious Games for Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living Environments. Surprisingly, these concepts are rarely combined and the users’ perception and use of Serious Games in Ambient Assisted Living environments is insufficiently understood. We present the evaluation of a serious game for stimulating cognitive abilities for elderly with regard to technology acceptance (based on the UTAUT2 model), performance and preference for an interaction device (tablet, table, wall). The results suggest that acceptance of serious games is independent of gender, technical expertise, gaming habits, and only weakly influenced by age. Determinants for acceptance are perceived fun and the feeling that the users can make playing the game a habit. Performance within the game is explained by age and previous gaming experience. All investigated interaction devices were rated as useful and easy to learn, although the wall-sized display had lower approval levels. The article concludes with guidelines for successfully introducing serious games for healthcare to residents in ambient assisted living environments