423 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students

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    Reframing the photograph: confronting the Nazi past through artistic performance strategies since the 1960s

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    Working in a period when the western modernist focus on the originality of the artist, painterly form and composition had given way to more post Duchampian practices such as reappropriation, performance and the role of the spectator in creating artistic meaning, this paper will focus on works by Gerhard Richter, Anselm Kiefer and Gustav Metzger. This paper will evaluate how these artists perform the photograph in three divergent yet distinctly post-Duchampian ways in order to articulate challenging artistic languages which provoke confrontations with the Nazi past

    Investigating song-based language teaching and its effect on lexical learning

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    The present thesis addresses the following question: Can popular songs as they are currently used in second and foreign language classrooms benefit lexical learning? Lexical learning is defined as the acquisition of new vocabulary as well as the consolidation and further elaboration of familiar words and phrases. To answer this research question, three methodologically distinct studies are reported. In the first study an international questionnaire explored teacher cognitions as well as actual teaching practices involving songs. The responses of 568 informants in 41 countries indicate that a majority of respondents believe in the usefulness of songs for language learning and that many respondents utilize songs in class for clearly defined pedagogical purposes, including vocabulary learning. The questionnaire also elicited information from the respondents about the way they incorporate songs in lessons, including details about how often a song is played and what types of form- and meaning-focused activities are used to engage learners with the lyrics of a song. The second study investigated the lexical characteristics of teacher-selected songs and the vocabulary learning opportunities they afford. For this purpose, a corpus of 635 songs used for ESL/EFL purposes, comprising 177,384 tokens, was compiled and analysed. Results indicate that teacher-selected songs are short, repetitive and relatively undemanding as far as lexis is concerned compared to other authentic text genres. Knowledge of the 4000 most frequent word families of English provides 98% coverage of the running words in this song corpus. Little difference was found in terms of the overall vocabulary demands between songs intended for use with beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. The third study investigates whether participating in a song-based lesson results in higher verbatim text retention compared to a lesson based on a poem or a prose text. For the sake of ecological validity, the procedures and the materials used in the classroom intervention study were informed by the findings of the teacher questionnaire (study one) and the song corpus analysis (study two). Results indicate that a song-based language lesson but also a poem-based lesson result in significantly higher recognition and cued recall of verbatim text than a lesson based on a prose text. In response to the overall question, this thesis provides evidence that songs as they currently tend to be used by language teachers around the world indeed benefit certain aspects of lexical learning, perhaps in particular the entrenchment in memory of already (half-)familiar words in association with their phraseological patterning. It is argued that, while certain structural characteristics of songs (and poems) have the potential of rendering text (and the lexis therein) memorable, it is the way that songs tend to be exploited in the classroom that capitalizes on this mnemonic potential


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    HUBUNGAN ANTARA SUARA BATIN (INNER VOICE) NEGATIF DAN PENERIMAAN DIRI PADA WARIA DI KOTA MAKASSAR Vitha Melzy Desius ([email protected]) Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi ([email protected]) Farradillah Firdaus ([email protected]) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Negeri Makassar Jl. AP Pettarani Makassar, 90222 ABSTRAK Suara batin (inner voice) negatif yang hadir dalam batin seorang waria akan selalu menentang keputusannya dalam mempertahankan keinginan dan naluriah nya sebagai perempuan. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara penerimaan diri suara batin (inner voice) waria. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 50 orang waria yang tinggal di kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Spearman-rank. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan diri subjek pada penelitian ini tergolong tinggi sedangkan suara batin (inner voice) negatif tergolong rendah. Nilai korelasi negatif sebesar -0,435 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,01 < 0,05, sehingga uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif signifikan antara penerimaan diri dengan suara batin (inner voice) negatif pada waria dikota Makassar. Kata kunci : penerimaan diri, Suara batin (inner voice) negatif

    Film policy and the emergence of the cross-cultural: exploring crossover cinema in Flanders (Belgium)

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    With several films taking on a cross-cultural character, a certain ‘crossover trend’ may be observed within the recent upswing of Flemish cinema (a subdivision of Belgian cinema). This trend is characterized by two major strands: first, migrant and diasporic filmmakers finally seem to be emerging, and second, several filmmakers tend to cross the globe to make their films, hereby minimizing links with Flemish indigenous culture. While paying special attention to the crucial role of film policy in this context, this contribution further investigates the crossover trend by focusing on Turquaze (2010, Kadir Balci) and Altiplano (2009, Peter Brosens & Jessica Woodworth)

    Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan languages

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    Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages publishes 17 papers that were presented at the conference organised in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-6 Octobre 2010

    An analysis of war trauma and refugee distress among Bosnian Muslim women : exploring social and personal healing in the aftermath

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    This study is a narrative examination of the healing process in the aftermath of war trauma for nineteen Bosnian Muslim refugee women. Epistemologically informed by Feminist Standpoint Theory, a mixed methods approach of Grounded Theory, Narrative Analysis and Relational Voice Theory was used to show how recovery from multiple war trauma/violence has occurred only partially. By synthesizing theories of place identity, gender roles, and meaning making systems, the difficulties women face to integrate war and refugee experiences into social understanding is examined. Individuals in the study identified themselves as Bosnian women – culturally, nationally, ethnically, and religiously. Not only did war threaten those identifications, in some aspects, it fundamentally altered them. This paper argues that when the women were alienated from place attachments, their history and narratives were disrupted. They were dislocated from a literal space called “home” and they lost a sense of existential belonging and identity. Second, findings explicate how war and forced removals impacted familial and communal relationships. Women experienced relational losses through death and separation; they also lost the anchoring of their social identities. In exile, role expectations and demands radically shifted. Finally, narrative analysis demonstrates how traumatic events created an internal disorientation. Centralizing ethno-religious beliefs were shattered, leaving refugee women to face a crisis of meaning. Taken together, these findings elucidate how the radical discordance between pre/post-war place identification, role continuity, and cultural/religious belief systems is problematic and has made it difficult for Bosnian Muslim refugee women in the study to heal or to fully recover in the aftermath of war
