2,133 research outputs found

    Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS

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    Actualmente, las tecnologías CMOS submicrónicas son básicas para el desarrollo de los modernos sistemas basados en computadores, cuyo uso simplifica enormemente nuestra vida diaria en una gran variedad de entornos, como el gobierno, comercio y banca electrónicos, y el transporte terrestre y aeroespacial. La continua reducción del tamaño de los transistores ha permitido reducir su consumo y aumentar su frecuencia de funcionamiento, obteniendo por ello un mayor rendimiento global. Sin embargo, estas mismas características que mejoran el rendimiento del sistema, afectan negativamente a su confiabilidad. El uso de transistores de tamaño reducido, bajo consumo y alta velocidad, está incrementando la diversidad de fallos que pueden afectar al sistema y su probabilidad de aparición. Por lo tanto, existe un gran interés en desarrollar nuevas y eficientes técnicas para evaluar la confiabilidad, en presencia de fallos, de sistemas fabricados mediante tecnologías submicrónicas. Este problema puede abordarse por medio de la introducción deliberada de fallos en el sistema, técnica conocida como inyección de fallos. En este contexto, la inyección basada en modelos resulta muy interesante, ya que permite evaluar la confiabilidad del sistema en las primeras etapas de su ciclo de desarrollo, reduciendo por tanto el coste asociado a la corrección de errores. Sin embargo, el tiempo de simulación de modelos grandes y complejos imposibilita su aplicación en un gran número de ocasiones. Esta tesis se centra en el uso de dispositivos lógicos programables de tipo FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) para acelerar los experimentos de inyección de fallos basados en simulación por medio de su implementación en hardware reconfigurable. Para ello, se extiende la investigación existente en inyección de fallos basada en FPGA en dos direcciones distintas: i) se realiza un estudio de las tecnologías submicrónicas existentes para obtener un conjunto representativo de modelos de fallos transitoriosAndrés Martínez, DD. (2007). Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1943Palanci

    Built-In Self-Test Quality Assessment Using Hardware Fault Emulation in FPGAs

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    This paper addresses the problem of test quality assessment, namely of BIST solutions, implemented in FPGA and/or in ASIC, through Hardware Fault Emulation (HFE). A novel HFE methodology and tool is proposed, that, using partial reconfiguration, efficiently measures the quality of the BIST solution. The proposed HFE methodology uses Look-Up Tables (LUTs) fault models and is performed using local partial reconfiguration for fault injection on Xilinx(TM) Virtex and/or Spartan FPGA components, with small binary files. For ASIC cores, HFE is used to validate test vector selection to achieve high fault coverage on the physical structure. The methodology is fully automated. Results on ISCAS benchmarks and on an ARM core show that HFE can be orders of magnitude faster than software fault simulation or fully reconfigurable hardware fault emulation

    On the diagnostic emulation technique and its use in the AIRLAB

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    An aid is presented for understanding and judging the relevance of the diagnostic emulation technique to studies of highly reliable, digital computing systems for aircraft. A short review is presented of the need for and the use of the technique as well as an explanation of its principles of operation and implementation. Details that would be needed for operational control or modification of existing versions of the technique are not described

    FPGA Based Design for Accelerated Fault-testing of Integrated Circuits

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    In the past few decades, integrated circuits have become a major part of everyday life. Every circuit that is created needs to be tested for faults so faulty circuits are not sent to end-users. The creation of these tests is time consuming, costly and difficult to perform on larger circuits. This research presents a novel method for fault detection and test pattern reduction in integrated circuitry under test. By leveraging the FPGA\u27s reconfigurability and parallel processing capabilities, a speed up in fault detection can be achieved over previous computer simulation techniques. This work presents the following contributions to the field of Stuck-At-Fault detection: We present a new method for inserting faults into a circuit net list. Given any circuit netlist, our tool can insert multiplexers into a circuit at correct internal nodes to aid in fault emulation on reconfigurable hardware. We present a parallel method of fault emulation. The benefit of the FPGA is not only its ability to implement any circuit, but its ability to process data in parallel. This research utilizes this to create a more efficient emulation method that implements numerous copies of the same circuit in the FPGA. A new method to organize the most efficient faults. Most methods for determinin the minimum number of inputs to cover the most faults require sophisticated softwareprograms that use heuristics. By utilizing hardware, this research is able to process data faster and use a simpler method for an efficient way of minimizing inputs

    Cross-layer Soft Error Analysis and Mitigation at Nanoscale Technologies

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    This thesis addresses the challenge of soft error modeling and mitigation in nansoscale technology nodes and pushes the state-of-the-art forward by proposing novel modeling, analyze and mitigation techniques. The proposed soft error sensitivity analysis platform accurately models both error generation and propagation starting from a technology dependent device level simulations all the way to workload dependent application level analysis

    Measurement of fault latency in a digital avionic miniprocessor

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    The results of fault injection experiments utilizing a gate-level emulation of the central processor unit of the Bendix BDX-930 digital computer are presented. The failure detection coverage of comparison-monitoring and a typical avionics CPU self-test program was determined. The specific tasks and experiments included: (1) inject randomly selected gate-level and pin-level faults and emulate six software programs using comparison-monitoring to detect the faults; (2) based upon the derived empirical data develop and validate a model of fault latency that will forecast a software program's detecting ability; (3) given a typical avionics self-test program, inject randomly selected faults at both the gate-level and pin-level and determine the proportion of faults detected; (4) determine why faults were undetected; (5) recommend how the emulation can be extended to multiprocessor systems such as SIFT; and (6) determine the proportion of faults detected by a uniprocessor BIT (built-in-test) irrespective of self-test

    Evaluation Applied to Reliability Analysis of Reconfigurable, Highly Reliable, Fault-Tolerant, Computing Systems for Avionics

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    Emulation techniques are proposed as a solution to a difficulty arising in the analysis of the reliability of highly reliable computer systems for future commercial aircraft. The difficulty, viz., the lack of credible precision in reliability estimates obtained by analytical modeling techniques are established. The difficulty is shown to be an unavoidable consequence of: (1) a high reliability requirement so demanding as to make system evaluation by use testing infeasible, (2) a complex system design technique, fault tolerance, (3) system reliability dominated by errors due to flaws in the system definition, and (4) elaborate analytical modeling techniques whose precision outputs are quite sensitive to errors of approximation in their input data. The technique of emulation is described, indicating how its input is a simple description of the logical structure of a system and its output is the consequent behavior. The use of emulation techniques is discussed for pseudo-testing systems to evaluate bounds on the parameter values needed for the analytical techniques