13 research outputs found

    Computational Geometry Column 42

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    A compendium of thirty previously published open problems in computational geometry is presented.Comment: 7 pages; 72 reference

    Computing largest circles separating two sets of segments

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    A circle CC separates two planar sets if it encloses one of the sets and its open interior disk does not meet the other set. A separating circle is a largest one if it cannot be locally increased while still separating the two given sets. An Theta(n log n) optimal algorithm is proposed to find all largest circles separating two given sets of line segments when line segments are allowed to meet only at their endpoints. In the general case, when line segments may intersect Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) times, our algorithm can be adapted to work in O(n alpha(n) log n) time and O(n \alpha(n)) space, where alpha(n) represents the extremely slowly growing inverse of the Ackermann function.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, abstract presented at 8th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 199

    Approximation Schemes for Partitioning: Convex Decomposition and Surface Approximation

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    We revisit two NP-hard geometric partitioning problems - convex decomposition and surface approximation. Building on recent developments in geometric separators, we present quasi-polynomial time algorithms for these problems with improved approximation guarantees.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Stability and Complexity of Minimising Probabilistic Automata

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    We consider the state-minimisation problem for weighted and probabilistic automata. We provide a numerically stable polynomial-time minimisation algorithm for weighted automata, with guaranteed bounds on the numerical error when run with floating-point arithmetic. Our algorithm can also be used for "lossy" minimisation with bounded error. We show an application in image compression. In the second part of the paper we study the complexity of the minimisation problem for probabilistic automata. We prove that the problem is NP-hard and in PSPACE, improving a recent EXPTIME-result.Comment: This is the full version of an ICALP'14 pape

    On the Combinatorial Complexity of Approximating Polytopes

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    Approximating convex bodies succinctly by convex polytopes is a fundamental problem in discrete geometry. A convex body KK of diameter diam(K)\mathrm{diam}(K) is given in Euclidean dd-dimensional space, where dd is a constant. Given an error parameter Δ>0\varepsilon > 0, the objective is to determine a polytope of minimum combinatorial complexity whose Hausdorff distance from KK is at most Δ⋅diam(K)\varepsilon \cdot \mathrm{diam}(K). By combinatorial complexity we mean the total number of faces of all dimensions of the polytope. A well-known result by Dudley implies that O(1/Δ(d−1)/2)O(1/\varepsilon^{(d-1)/2}) facets suffice, and a dual result by Bronshteyn and Ivanov similarly bounds the number of vertices, but neither result bounds the total combinatorial complexity. We show that there exists an approximating polytope whose total combinatorial complexity is O~(1/Δ(d−1)/2)\tilde{O}(1/\varepsilon^{(d-1)/2}), where O~\tilde{O} conceals a polylogarithmic factor in 1/Δ1/\varepsilon. This is a significant improvement upon the best known bound, which is roughly O(1/Δd−2)O(1/\varepsilon^{d-2}). Our result is based on a novel combination of both old and new ideas. First, we employ Macbeath regions, a classical structure from the theory of convexity. The construction of our approximating polytope employs a new stratified placement of these regions. Second, in order to analyze the combinatorial complexity of the approximating polytope, we present a tight analysis of a width-based variant of B\'{a}r\'{a}ny and Larman's economical cap covering. Finally, we use a deterministic adaptation of the witness-collector technique (developed recently by Devillers et al.) in the context of our stratified construction.Comment: In Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016) and accepted to SoCG 2016 special issue of Discrete and Computational Geometr

    Finding Small Hitting Sets in Infinite Range Spaces of Bounded VC-Dimension

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    We consider the problem of finding a small hitting set in an infinite range space F=(Q,R) of bounded VC-dimension. We show that, under reasonably general assumptions, the infinite-dimensional convex relaxation can be solved (approximately) efficiently by multiplicative weight updates. As a consequence, we get an algorithm that finds, for any delta>0, a set of size O(s_F(z^*_F)) that hits (1-delta)-fraction of R (with respect to a given measure) in time proportional to log(1/delta), where s_F(1/epsilon) is the size of the smallest epsilon-net the range space admits, and z^*_F is the value of the fractional optimal solution. This exponentially improves upon previous results which achieve the same approximation guarantees with running time proportional to poly(1/delta). Our assumptions hold, for instance, in the case when the range space represents the visibility regions of a polygon in the plane, giving thus a deterministic polynomial-time O(log z^*_F)-approximation algorithm for guarding (1-delta)-fraction of the area of any given simple polygon, with running time proportional to polylog(1/delta)

    The double description method for the approximation of explicit MPC control laws

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    A standard model predictive controller (MPC) can be written as a parametric optimization problem whose solution is a piecewise affine (PWA) map from the measured state to the optimal control input. The primary limitation of this optimal `explicit solution¿ is that the complexity can grow quickly with problem size, and so in this paper we seek to compute approximate explicit control laws that can trade-off complexity for approximation error. This computation is accomplished in a two-phase process: First, inner and outer polyhedral approximations of the the convex cost function of the parametric problem are computed with an algorithm based on an extension to the classic double-description method; a convex hull approach. The proposed method has two main advantages from a control point of view: it is an incremental approach, meaning that an approximation of any specified complexity can be produced and it operates on implicitly-defined convex sets, meaning that the optimal solution of the parametric problem is not required. In the second phase of the algorithm, a feasible approximate control law is computed that has the cost function derived in the first phase. For this purpose, a new interpolation method is introduced based on recent work on barycentric interpolation. The resulting control law is continuous, although non-linear and defined over a non-simplical polytopic partition of the state space. The non-simplical nature of the partition generates significantly simpler approximate control laws than current competing methods, as demonstrated on computational examples

    Polytopic Approximation of Explicit Model Predictive Controllers

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    A model predictive control law (MPC) is given by the solution to a parametric optimization problem that can be pre-computed offline, which provides an explicit map from state to input that can be rapidly evaluated online. However, the primary limitations of these optimal explicit solutions are that they are applicable to only a restricted set of systems and that the complexity can grow quickly with problem size. In this paper we compute approximate explicit control laws that trade-off complexity against approximation error for MPC controllers that give rise to convex parametric optimization problems. The algorithm is based on the classic double- description method and returns a polyhedral approx- imation to the optimal cost function. The proposed method has three main advantages from a control point of view: it is an incremental approach, meaning that an approximation of any specified complexity can be produced, it operates on implicitly-defined convex sets, meaning that the prohibitively complex optimal explicit solution is not required and finally it can be applied to any convex parametric optimization problem. A sub-optimal controller based on barycentric in- terpolation is then generated from this approximate polyhedral cost function that is feasible and stabiliz- ing. The resulting control law is continuous, although non-linear and defined over a non-simplical polytopic partition of the state space. The non-simplical nature of the partition generates significantly simpler approx- imate control laws, which is demonstrated on several examples