465 research outputs found

    Engineering aperiodic spiral order for photonic-plasmonic device applications

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityDeterministic arrays of metal (i.e., Au) nanoparticles and dielectric nanopillars (i.e., Si and SiN) arranged in aperiodic spiral geometries (Vogel's spirals) are proposed as a novel platform for engineering enhanced photonic-plasmonic coupling and increased light-matter interaction over broad frequency and angular spectra for planar optical devices. Vogel's spirals lack both translational and orientational symmetry in real space, while displaying continuous circular symmetry (i.e., rotational symmetry of infinite order) in reciprocal Fourier space. The novel regime of "circular multiple light scattering" in finite-size deterministic structures will be investigated. The distinctive geometrical structure of Vogel spirals will be studied by a multifractal analysis, Fourier-Bessel decomposition, and Delaunay tessellation methods, leading to spiral structure optimization for novel localized optical states with broadband fluctuations in their photonic mode density. Experimentally, a number of designed passive and active spiral structures will be fabricated and characterized using dark-field optical spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and Fourier space imaging. Polarization-insensitive planar omnidirectional diffraction will be demonstrated and engineered over a large and controllable range of frequencies. Device applications to enhanced LEDs, novel lasers, and thin-film solar cells with enhanced absorption will be specifically targeted. Additionally, using Vogel spirals we investigate the direct (i.e. free space) generation of optical vortices, with well-defined and controllable values of orbital angular momentum, paving the way to the engineering and control of novel types of phase discontinuities (i.e., phase dislocation loops) in compact, chip-scale optical devices. Finally, we report on the design, modeling, and experimental demonstration of array-enhanced nanoantennas for polarization-controlled multispectral nanofocusing, nanoantennas for resonant near-field optical concentration of radiation to individual nanowires, and aperiodic double resonance surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates


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    Subshifts with Simple Cellular Automata

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    A subshift is a set of infinite one- or two-way sequences over a fixed finite set, defined by a set of forbidden patterns. In this thesis, we study subshifts in the topological setting, where the natural morphisms between them are ones defined by a (spatially uniform) local rule. Endomorphisms of subshifts are called cellular automata, and we call the set of cellular automata on a subshift its endomorphism monoid. It is known that the set of all sequences (the full shift) allows cellular automata with complex dynamical and computational properties. We are interested in subshifts that do not support such cellular automata. In particular, we study countable subshifts, minimal subshifts and subshifts with additional universal algebraic structure that cellular automata need to respect, and investigate certain criteria of ‘simplicity’ of the endomorphism monoid, for each of them. In the case of countable subshifts, we concentrate on countable sofic shifts, that is, countable subshifts defined by a finite state automaton. We develop some general tools for studying cellular automata on such subshifts, and show that nilpotency and periodicity of cellular automata are decidable properties, and positive expansivity is impossible. Nevertheless, we also prove various undecidability results, by simulating counter machines with cellular automata. We prove that minimal subshifts generated by primitive Pisot substitutions only support virtually cyclic automorphism groups, and give an example of a Toeplitz subshift whose automorphism group is not finitely generated. In the algebraic setting, we study the centralizers of CA, and group and lattice homomorphic CA. In particular, we obtain results about centralizers of symbol permutations and bipermutive CA, and their connections with group structures.Siirretty Doriast

    Human Inspired Multi-Modal Robot Touch

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    A model of sonority based on pitch intelligibility

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    Synopsis: Sonority is a central notion in phonetics and phonology and it is essential for generalizations related to syllabic organization. However, to date there is no clear consensus on the phonetic basis of sonority, neither in perception nor in production. The widely used Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP) represents the speech signal as a sequence of discrete units, where phonological processes are modeled as symbol manipulating rules that lack a temporal dimension and are devoid of inherent links to perceptual, motoric or cognitive processes. The current work aims to change this by outlining a novel approach for the extraction of continuous entities from acoustic space in order to model dynamic aspects of phonological perception. It is used here to advance a functional understanding of sonority as a universal aspect of prosody that requires pitch-bearing syllables as the building blocks of speech. This book argues that sonority is best understood as a measurement of pitch intelligibility in perception, which is closely linked to periodic energy in acoustics. It presents a novel principle for sonority-based determinations of well-formedness – the Nucleus Attraction Principle (NAP). Two complementary NAP models independently account for symbolic and continuous representations and they mostly outperform SSP-based models, demonstrated here with experimental perception studies and with a corpus study of Modern Hebrew nouns. This work also includes a description of ProPer (Prosodic Analysis with Periodic Energy). The ProPer toolbox further exploits the proposal that periodic energy reflects sonority in order to cover major topics in prosodic research, such as prominence, intonation and speech rate. The book is finally concluded with brief discussions on selected topics: (i) the phonotactic division of labor with respect to /s/-stop clusters; (ii) the debate about the universality of sonority; and (iii) the fate of the classic phonetics–phonology dichotomy as it relates to continuity and dynamics in phonology

    Sobre a aplicação de técnicas de controlo em redes industriais com falhas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaThe performance of real-time networks is under continuous improvement as a result of several trends in the digital world. However, these tendencies not only cause improvements, but also exacerbates a series of unideal aspects of real-time networks such as communication latency, jitter of the latency and packet drop rate. This Thesis focuses on the communication errors that appear on such realtime networks, from the point-of-view of automatic control. Specifically, it investigates the effects of packet drops in automatic control over fieldbuses, as well as the architectures and optimal techniques for their compensation. Firstly, a new approach to address the problems that rise in virtue of such packet drops, is proposed. This novel approach is based on the simultaneous transmission of several values in a single message. Such messages can be from sensor to controller, in which case they are comprised of several past sensor readings, or from controller to actuator in which case they are comprised of estimates of several future control values. A series of tests reveal the advantages of this approach. The above-explained approach is then expanded as to accommodate the techniques of contemporary optimal control. However, unlike the aforementioned approach, that deliberately does not send certain messages in order to make a more efficient use of network resources; in the second case, the techniques are used to reduce the effects of packet losses. After these two approaches that are based on data aggregation, it is also studied the optimal control in packet dropping fieldbuses, using generalized actuator output functions. This study ends with the development of a new optimal controller, as well as the function, among the generalized functions that dictate the actuator’s behaviour in the absence of a new control message, that leads to the optimal performance. The Thesis also presents a different line of research, related with the output oscillations that take place as a consequence of the use of classic co-design techniques of networked control. The proposed algorithm has the goal of allowing the execution of such classical co-design algorithms without causing an output oscillation that increases the value of the cost function. Such increases may, under certain circumstances, negate the advantages of the application of the classical co-design techniques. A yet another line of research, investigated algorithms, more efficient than contemporary ones, to generate task execution sequences that guarantee that at least a given number of activated jobs will be executed out of every set composed by a predetermined number of contiguous activations. This algorithm may, in the future, be applied to the generation of message transmission patterns in the above-mentioned techniques for the efficient use of network resources. The proposed task generation algorithm is better than its predecessors in the sense that it is capable of scheduling systems that cannot be scheduled by its predecessor algorithms. The Thesis also presents a mechanism that allows to perform multi-path routing in wireless sensor networks, while ensuring that no value will be counted in duplicate. Thereby, this technique improves the performance of wireless sensor networks, rendering them more suitable for control applications. As mentioned before, this Thesis is centered around techniques for the improvement of performance of distributed control systems in which several elements are connected through a fieldbus that may be subject to packet drops. The first three approaches are directly related to this topic, with the first two approaching the problem from an architectural standpoint, whereas the third one does so from more theoretical grounds. The fourth approach ensures that the approaches to this and similar problems that can be found in the literature that try to achieve goals similar to objectives of this Thesis, can do so without causing other problems that may invalidate the solutions in question. Then, the thesis presents an approach to the problem dealt with in it, which is centered in the efficient generation of the transmission patterns that are used in the aforementioned approaches.Em resultado de várias tendências que têm afetado o mundo digital, o desempenho das redes de comunicação em tempo-real está continuamente a ser melhorado. No entanto, tais tendências não só introduzem melhorias, como também introduzem uma série de não idealidades, tais como a latência, o jitter da latência de comunicação e uma maior probabilidade de perda de pacotes. Esta tese tem o seu cerne em falhas de comunicação que surgem em tais redes, sob o ponto de vista do controlo automático. Concretamente, são estudados os efeitos das perdas de pacotes em redes de controlo, bem como arquitecturas e técnicas óptimas de compensação das mesmas. Primeiramente, ´e proposta uma nova abordagem para colmatar os problemas que surgem em virtude de tais perdas. Essa nova abordagem ´e baseada no envio simultâneo de vários valores numa única mensagem. Tais mensagens podem ser de sensor para controlador, caso em que as mesmas são constituídas por um conjunto de valores passados, ou de controlador para actuador, caso em que tais mensagens contˆem estimativas de futuros valores de controlo. Uma série de testes revela as vantagens de tal abordagem. A abordagem acima explanada ´e seguidamente expandida de modo a acomodar o controlo óptimo. Contudo, ao contrário da abordagem acima apresentada, que passa pelo não envio deliberado de certas mensagens com vista a alcançar um uso mais eficiente dos recursos de rede; no presente caso, as técnicas são usadas para reduzir os efeitos da perda de pacotes. Em seguida são estudadas abordagens de controlo óptimo que em situações de perda de pacotes empregam formas generalizadas da aplicação de valores de saída. Este estudo culmina com o desenvolvimento de um novo controlador óptimo, bem como a função, entre as funções generalizadas do funcionamento do actuador, que conduz o sistema a um desempenho óptimo. É também apresentada uma linha de investigação diferente, relacionada com a oscilação da saída que ocorre em consequência da utilização de técnicas e algoritmos clássicos de co-desenho de controlo e redes industriais. O algoritmo proposto tem como finalidade permitir que tais algoritmos clássicos possam ser executados sem causar oscilações de saída, oscilações que por sua vez aumentam o valor da função de custo. Tais aumentos da função do custo, podem, em certas circunstâncias, por em causa os benefícios da aplicação das técnicas de co-desenho clássico. Numa outra linha de investigação, foram estudadas formas, mais eficientes que as contemporâneas, de geração de sequências de execuções de tarefas que garantam que pelo menos um dado número de tarefas activadas serão executadas por cada conjunto contíguo composto por um número predefinido de activações. Esta técnica poderá, no futuro, ser aplicada na geração dos padrões de envio de mensagens que ´e empregue na abordagem de utilização eficiente dos recursos de rede acima referida. A técnica proposta de geração de tarefas é melhor que as anteriores no sentido em que a mesma é capaz de escalonar sistemas que não são escalonáveis pelas técnicas clássicas. A tese também apresenta um mecanismo que permite fazer o encaminhamento multi-caminho em redes de sensores sem fios com falhas sem causar a contagem em duplicado. Assim sendo a mesma técnica melhora o desempenho das redes de sensores sem fios, tornando as mesmas mais maleável as necessidades do controlo aum´atico em redes sem fios. Como foi referido acima, a tese foca-se em t´ecnicas de melhoria de desempenho de sistemas de controlo distribu´ıdo em que os v´arios elementos de controlo encontram-se interligados por meio de uma rede industrial que pode estar sujeita a perda de pacotes. As primeiras três abordagens cingemse a este tema, sendo que primeiras duas olham para o problema sob um ponto de vista arquitetural, enquanto que a terceira olha sob um ponto de vista mais teórico. A quarta abordagem garante que outras propostas que podem ser encontradas na literatura e que visam atingir resultados semelhantes aos que se pretendem atingir nesta tese, possam fazˆe-lo sem causar outros problemas que invalidem as soluções em questão. Seguidamente, é apresenta-se uma abordagem ao problema proposto nesta tese que foca-se na geração eficiente de padrões para subsequente utilização nas abordagens acima referidas. E por fim, apresentar-se-a uma técnica de optimização do funcionamento de redes sem fios que promete melhorar o controlo em tais redes

    Aeronautical Engineering, a continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 173

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    This bibliography lists 704 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1984