1,369 research outputs found

    Sentiment, Emotion, Purpose, and Style in Electoral Tweets

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    Abstract Social media is playing a growing role in elections world-wide. Thus, automatically analyzing electoral tweets has applications in understanding how public sentiment is shaped, tracking public sentiment and polarization with respect to candidates and issues, understanding the impact of tweets from various entities, etc. Here, for the first time, we automatically annotate a set of 2012 US presidential election tweets for a number of attributes pertaining to sentiment, emotion, purpose, and style by crowdsourcing. Overall, more than 100,000 crowdsourced responses were obtained for 13 questions on emotions, style, and purpose. Additionally, we show through an analysis of these annotations that purpose, even though correlated with emotions, is significantly different. Finally, we describe how we developed automatic classifiers, using features from state-of-the-art sentiment analysis systems, to predict emotion and purpose labels, respectively, in new unseen tweets. These experiments establish baseline results for automatic systems on this new data

    IEST: WASSA-2018 Implicit Emotions Shared Task

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    Past shared tasks on emotions use data with both overt expressions of emotions (I am so happy to see you!) as well as subtle expressions where the emotions have to be inferred, for instance from event descriptions. Further, most datasets do not focus on the cause or the stimulus of the emotion. Here, for the first time, we propose a shared task where systems have to predict the emotions in a large automatically labeled dataset of tweets without access to words denoting emotions. Based on this intention, we call this the Implicit Emotion Shared Task (IEST) because the systems have to infer the emotion mostly from the context. Every tweet has an occurrence of an explicit emotion word that is masked. The tweets are collected in a manner such that they are likely to include a description of the cause of the emotion - the stimulus. Altogether, 30 teams submitted results which range from macro F1 scores of 21 % to 71 %. The baseline (MaxEnt bag of words and bigrams) obtains an F1 score of 60 % which was available to the participants during the development phase. A study with human annotators suggests that automatic methods outperform human predictions, possibly by honing into subtle textual clues not used by humans. Corpora, resources, and results are available at the shared task website at http://implicitemotions.wassa2018.com.Comment: Accepted at Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysi

    An emotional mess! Deciding on a framework for building a Dutch emotion-annotated corpus

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    Seeing the myriad of existing emotion models, with the categorical versus dimensional opposition the most important dividing line, building an emotion-annotated corpus requires some well thought-out strategies concerning framework choice. In our work on automatic emotion detection in Dutch texts, we investigate this problem by means of two case studies. We find that the labels joy, love, anger, sadness and fear are well-suited to annotate texts coming from various domains and topics, but that the connotation of the labels strongly depends on the origin of the texts. Moreover, it seems that information is lost when an emotional state is forcedly classified in a limited set of categories, indicating that a bi-representational format is desirable when creating an emotion corpus.Seeing the myriad of existing emotion models, with the categorical versus dimensional opposition the most important dividing line, building an emotion-annotated corpus requires some well thought-out strategies concerning framework choice. In our work on automatic emotion detection in Dutch texts, we investigate this problem by means of two case studies. We find that the labels joy, love, anger, sadness and fear are well-suited to annotate texts coming from various domains and topics, but that the connotation of the labels strongly depends on the origin of the texts. Moreover, it seems that information is lost when an emotional state is forcedly classified in a limited set of categories, indicating that a bi-representational format is desirable when creating an emotion corpus.P

    Identifying Emotions in Social Media: Comparison of Word-emotion lexica

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    In recent years, emotions expressed in social media messages have become a vivid research topic due to their influence on the spread of misinformation and online radicalization over online social networks. Thus, it is important to correctly identify emotions in order to make inferences from social media messages. In this paper, we report on the performance of three publicly available word-emotion lexicons (NRC, DepecheMood, EmoSenticNet) over a set of Facebook and Twitter messages. To this end, we designed and implemented an algorithm that applies natural language processing (NLP) techniques along with a number of heuristics that reflect the way humans naturally assess emotions in written texts. In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the obtained emotion scores, we conducted a questionnaire-based survey with human raters. Our results show that there are noticeable differences between the performance of the lexicons as well as with respect to emotion scores the human raters provided in our surve

    An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Amplifiers, Downtoners, and Negations in Emotion Classification in Microblogs

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    The effect of amplifiers, downtoners, and negations has been studied in general and particularly in the context of sentiment analysis. However, there is only limited work which aims at transferring the results and methods to discrete classes of emotions, e. g., joy, anger, fear, sadness, surprise, and disgust. For instance, it is not straight-forward to interpret which emotion the phrase "not happy" expresses. With this paper, we aim at obtaining a better understanding of such modifiers in the context of emotion-bearing words and their impact on document-level emotion classification, namely, microposts on Twitter. We select an appropriate scope detection method for modifiers of emotion words, incorporate it in a document-level emotion classification model as additional bag of words and show that this approach improves the performance of emotion classification. In addition, we build a term weighting approach based on the different modifiers into a lexical model for the analysis of the semantics of modifiers and their impact on emotion meaning. We show that amplifiers separate emotions expressed with an emotion- bearing word more clearly from other secondary connotations. Downtoners have the opposite effect. In addition, we discuss the meaning of negations of emotion-bearing words. For instance we show empirically that "not happy" is closer to sadness than to anger and that fear-expressing words in the scope of downtoners often express surprise.Comment: Accepted for publication at The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), https://dsaa2018.isi.it

    Una revisión del análisis político mediante la web social

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    En los países democráticos, conocer la intención de voto de los ciudadanos y las valoraciones de los principales partidos y líderes políticos es de gran interés tanto para los propios partidos como para los medios de comunicación y el público en general. Para ello se han utilizado tradicionalmente costosas encuestas personales. El auge de las redes sociales, principalmente Twitter, permite pensar en ellas como una alternativa barata a las encuestas. En este trabajo, revisamos la bibliografía científica más relevante en este ámbito, poniendo especial énfasis en el caso español.In democratic countries, forecasting the voting intentions of citizens and knowing their opinions on major political parties and leaders is of great interest to the parties themselves, to the media, and to the general public. Traditionally, expensive polls based on personal interviews have been used for this purpose. The rise of social networks, particularly Twitter, allows us to consider them as a cheap alternative. In this paper, we review the relevant scientific bibliographic references in this area, with special emphasis on the Spanish case.This research is partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FFI2014-51978-C2). David Vilares is partially funded by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU13/01180)

    Using stop words in text mining: Immigration and the election campaigns.

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    In order to understand immigration sentiment and its relationship to other concepts in the Italian general election campaign of 2018 and the European election campaign of 2019, we collected in two corpora all the tweets in the Italian language containing the word “immigration” in the period preceding the vote. Both corpora underwent a sentiment analysis and a stop word analysis using two textual software packages: Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) (Pennebaker et al., 2015) and WORDij. LIWC was originally designed by James Pennebaker to understand how some patients recover from traumatic experiences by writing about those experiences and the emotions associated with it then and afterwards. LIWC consists of a dictionary of words which assesses the percent that they occur in a given text. LIWC analysis provides a measure of positive and negative emotion in the immigration text over time. WORDij is a text analysis program that can compute a Z-Score or the relative proportional test of difference between words and words pairs in two sets of texts. Using an include list of stop words we can determine how these relational words change over time with an emotional valence and Z-score to assess the immigration political debate over time. The paper represents a focus on stop-words, which have been an aspect of textual analysis that is often dismissed yet can be very important to our understanding of relational powe

    Una revisión del análisis político mediante la web social

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    [Abstract] In democratic countries, forecasting the voting intentions of citizens and knowing their opinions on major political parties and leaders is of great interest to the parties themselves, to the media, and to the general public. Traditionally, expensive polls based on personal interviews have been used for this purpose. The rise of social networks, particularly Twitter, allows us to consider them as a cheap alternative. In this paper, we review the relevant scientific bibliographic references in this area, with special emphasis on the Spanish case.[Resumen] En los países democráticos, conocer la intención de voto de los ciudadanos y las valoraciones de los principales partidos y líderes políticos es de gran interés tanto para los propios partidos como para los medios de comunicación y el público en general. Para ello se han utilizado tradicionalmente costosas encuestas personales. El auge de las redes sociales, principalmente Twitter, permite pensar en ellas como una alternativa barata a las encuestas. En este trabajo, revisamos la bibliografía científica más relevante en este ámbito, poniendo especial énfasis en el caso español.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2014-51978-C2Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; FPU13/0118

    Commentary - Much ado about something else. Donald Trump, the US stock market, and the public interest ethics of social media communication

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    Trump’s use of social media during both his presidential campaign and term questions the principle that institutional responsibility in the digital realm implies treating the infosphere as a commons. We discuss the implications for the functioning of the stock market and the emerging public interest ethical issues related to the breakdown of this principle