4,736 research outputs found

    RGBD Datasets: Past, Present and Future

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    Since the launch of the Microsoft Kinect, scores of RGBD datasets have been released. These have propelled advances in areas from reconstruction to gesture recognition. In this paper we explore the field, reviewing datasets across eight categories: semantics, object pose estimation, camera tracking, scene reconstruction, object tracking, human actions, faces and identification. By extracting relevant information in each category we help researchers to find appropriate data for their needs, and we consider which datasets have succeeded in driving computer vision forward and why. Finally, we examine the future of RGBD datasets. We identify key areas which are currently underexplored, and suggest that future directions may include synthetic data and dense reconstructions of static and dynamic scenes.Comment: 8 pages excluding references (CVPR style

    SEGCloud: Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

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    3D semantic scene labeling is fundamental to agents operating in the real world. In particular, labeling raw 3D point sets from sensors provides fine-grained semantics. Recent works leverage the capabilities of Neural Networks (NNs), but are limited to coarse voxel predictions and do not explicitly enforce global consistency. We present SEGCloud, an end-to-end framework to obtain 3D point-level segmentation that combines the advantages of NNs, trilinear interpolation(TI) and fully connected Conditional Random Fields (FC-CRF). Coarse voxel predictions from a 3D Fully Convolutional NN are transferred back to the raw 3D points via trilinear interpolation. Then the FC-CRF enforces global consistency and provides fine-grained semantics on the points. We implement the latter as a differentiable Recurrent NN to allow joint optimization. We evaluate the framework on two indoor and two outdoor 3D datasets (NYU V2, S3DIS, KITTI, Semantic3D.net), and show performance comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art on all datasets.Comment: Accepted as a spotlight at the International Conference of 3D Vision (3DV 2017

    Semantic labeling of places using information extracted from laser and vision sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, kitchens, offices, or seminar rooms. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating the interaction withhumans. As an example, natural language terms like corridor or room can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we firrst propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from range data and vision into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation procedure. We finally show how to apply associative Markov networks (AMNs) together with AdaBoost for classifying complete geometric maps. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    Supervised semantic labeling of places using information extracted from sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, rooms or doorways. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating interaction with humans. As an example, natural language terms like “corridor” or “room” can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we first propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from sensor range data into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. In this case we additionally use as features objects extracted from images. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation method. Alternatively, we apply associative Markov networks to classify geometric maps and compare the results with a relaxation approach. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    A LiDAR Point Cloud Generator: from a Virtual World to Autonomous Driving

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    3D LiDAR scanners are playing an increasingly important role in autonomous driving as they can generate depth information of the environment. However, creating large 3D LiDAR point cloud datasets with point-level labels requires a significant amount of manual annotation. This jeopardizes the efficient development of supervised deep learning algorithms which are often data-hungry. We present a framework to rapidly create point clouds with accurate point-level labels from a computer game. The framework supports data collection from both auto-driving scenes and user-configured scenes. Point clouds from auto-driving scenes can be used as training data for deep learning algorithms, while point clouds from user-configured scenes can be used to systematically test the vulnerability of a neural network, and use the falsifying examples to make the neural network more robust through retraining. In addition, the scene images can be captured simultaneously in order for sensor fusion tasks, with a method proposed to do automatic calibration between the point clouds and captured scene images. We show a significant improvement in accuracy (+9%) in point cloud segmentation by augmenting the training dataset with the generated synthesized data. Our experiments also show by testing and retraining the network using point clouds from user-configured scenes, the weakness/blind spots of the neural network can be fixed
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