76 research outputs found

    Advances in Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric Physical and Mechanical Sensors: A Review

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    Fabry-Perot Interferometers Have Found a Multitude of Scientific and Industrial Applications Ranging from Gravitational Wave Detection, High-Resolution Spectroscopy, and Optical Filters to Quantum Optomechanics. Integrated with Optical Fiber Waveguide Technology, the Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Interferometers Have Emerged as a Unique Candidate for High-Sensitivity Sensing and Have Undergone Tremendous Growth and Advancement in the Past Two Decades with their Successful Applications in an Expansive Range of Fields. the Extrinsic Cavity-Based Devices, I.e., the Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometers (EFPIs), Enable Great Flexibility in the Design of the Sensitive Fabry-Perot Cavity Combined with State-Of-The-Art Micromachining and Conventional Mechanical Fabrication, Leading to the Development of a Diverse Array of EFPI Sensors Targeting at Different Physical Quantities. Here, We Summarize the Recent Progress of Fiber-Optic EFPI Sensors, Providing an overview of Different Physical and Mechanical Sensors based on the Fabry-Perot Interferometer Principle, with a Special Focus on Displacement-Related Quantities, Such as Strain, Force, Tilt, Vibration and Acceleration, Pressure, and Acoustic. the Working Principle and Signal Demodulation Methods Are Shown in Brief. Perspectives on Further Advancement of EFPI Sensing Technologies Are Also Discussed

    Sensores de fibra ótica para meios desafiantes

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    With the present work, the development of fiber optic sensor solutions for the application in challenging media was intended. New sensor structures based on the post-processing of optical fibers were addressed, taking into account their sensitivity to variations in the external environment. In a first stage, fiber Bragg gratings were embedded in lithium batteries, to monitor temperature in situ and operando. Due to the harsh chemical environment of the battery, fiber optic sensors revealed to be the most advantageous alternative, when comparing to the electronic sensors. Fiber sensors exhibited good sensitivities and fast responses, besides being less invasive, thus they did not compromise the battery response. Furthermore, they were chemically stable. Still in the framework of this theme, and with the objective of monitoring possible strain and pressure variations inside the batteries, new sensors based on in-line Fabry-Perot cavities have been proposed. These sensors were characterized in lateral load, strain, and temperature. In a later stage, the study focused on the development of configurations that allowed to obtain high-resolution and/or sensitivity sensors. One of such configurations was obtained by creating a hollow microsphere at the fiber tip. The sensor was used to detected concentration variations and refractive index of glycerin and water mixtures. The influence of the diaphragm size in the sensor response was also studied, as well as the temperature response. New sensors based on multimode interference have also been characterized, using a coreless silica fiber tip. First, the influence of different parameters, such as length and diameters were analyzed. The sensors were tested in different solutions of glucose and water. It was observed that the sensor diameter is a decisive factor in obtaining devices that are more sensitive to refractive index and, consequently, to concentration. The determination of the thermo-optic coefficient of water/ethanol mixtures was also addressed using a multimode fiber interferometer sensor. Finally, a multimode interferometer sensor was functionalized by depositing agarose throughout the structure, allowing to optimize the response of the sensors to the external environment.Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se explorar soluções de sensores em fibra ótica para a aplicação em meios desafiantes. Novas estruturas sensoras baseadas em pós-processamento de fibra ótica foram abordadas, tendo em consideração a sua sensibilidade a variações do meio externo. Numa primeira etapa, foram embebidas redes de Bragg no interior de baterias de lítio, para monitorizar variações de temperatura in situ e operando. Devido ao complexo meio químico da bateria, os sensores em fibra ótica revelaram ser uma alternativa mais vantajosa em relação aos sensores elétricos, não só pela sensibilidade e rápida resposta, mas também pelo fato de não afetarem o desempenho da bateria. Além disso, os sensores usados revelaram ser pouco invasivos e quimicamente estáveis. Ainda no âmbito deste tema, e com o objetivo de monitorizar possíveis deformações e variações de pressão no interior da bateria de lítio, foram desenvolvidos novos sensores baseados em cavidades de Fabry-Perot do tipo in-line. Esses sensores foram caraterizados em pressão lateral, deformação e temperatura. Numa fase posterior, o estudo centrou-se no desenvolvimento de configurações que permitissem a obtenção de sensores com elevada resolução e/ou sensibilidade. Uma das configurações consistiu na formação de uma microesfera oca na ponta de uma fibra ótica. Esse sensor foi utilizado para detetar variações de concentração e índice de refração de misturas de glicerina e água. A influência do tamanho do diafragma na resposta do sensor também foi estudada, assim como a resposta em temperatura. Em seguida, desenvolveram-se novos sensores baseados em interferência multimodo, utilizando para tal uma ponta de fibra de sílica sem núcleo. Numa primeira abordagem analisou-se a influência de diferentes parâmetros, como o comprimento e o diâmetro dos sensores. Os sensores foram expostos a diferentes soluções de glucose e água. Verificou-se que o diâmetro do sensor é um fator decisivo para a obtenção de dispositivos mais sensíveis ao índice de refração e, consequentemente, à concentração. Foi também desenvolvido um sensor baseado em interferência multimodo que permitiu determinar o coeficiente termo-ótico de misturas de etanol e água. Por fim, procedeu-se à funcionalização de um sensor baseado em interferência multimodo através da deposição de agarose ao longo da estrutura, permitindo assim otimizar a sua resposta a variações do meio externo.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Físic

    Interferometric fibre optic sensors incorporating photonic crystal fibre, for the measurement of strain and load

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    Strain sensing is important in numerous fields such as: structural health monitoring [1], manufacture of composites [2], and civil engineering [3]. For many of these fields fibre optic based sensors have been utilised due to their numerous advantages, that will be described in Chapter 2. In this thesis I will described the production of three new fibre optic based strain sensors: a microcavity based in-fibre Fabry-Perot etalon (Chapter 4), a birefringent photonic crystal fibre (PM-PCF) based Michleson-interferometer (Chapter 5), and a polarisation maintaining fibre (PMF) based Michleson-interferometer (Chapter 6). In this chapter we will describe the aim of this work, the novelty of this work, and how this work is presented in this thesis

    Low-Pressure Measurement using an Extrinsic Fiber-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Industrial Applications

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    The development of an extrinsic fiber-based Fabry-Perot interferometer (EFFPI) for low-pressure measurement in the industry applications has been studied in this work. Monochromatic light from a laser diode with a wavelength of 1310 nm is operated as a source for illuminating the EFFPI sensor. A 30 mm diameter PVC pipe is utilized as a target, of which one end is sealed with a rubber balloon and the end is connected to the air pressure flow controlling system. Furthermore, the center point of the balloon is secured with a reflective thin film, which has a reflectance of ~55%. For the performance validation of the fiber sensor, a low-pressure range from 5 to 50 mBar is released onto the target. With 12 rounds repeatability, the experimental results reported that the average measured pressure values from the EFFPI sensor are 4.915 – 50.988 mBar. When compared to the reference instrument, the maximum and average errors in percentage terms are, however, 3.77% and 1.45%, respectively. In addition, results showed that the measured pressure value is directly proportional to the number of interference fringes, giving a sensitivity in the pressure measurement of the EFFPI sensor of 0.248 mBar/fringe

    Advanced process to embed optical fiber sensors into casting mold for smart manufacturing

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    Optical fiber sensors embedded in metals with distributed sensing can sense temperature at multiple points with single fiber. This is useful for smart manufacturing like structural health monitoring in aerospace industry and smart molds in manufacturing plants. There is a huge difference in thermal coefficient of expansion for fiber and metal. This is the reason for the increase in sensitivity for embedded fiber sensors. However, at high temperatures, the stress on the fiber increases, eventually damaging the sensor. The fiber-metal interface determines the sensor performance. A tight interface results in high sensitivity and a gap in the interface enhances sensing range. There is a dilemma to choose either high sensitivity or high sensing range. The objective of this study is to enhance the interface to have both high sensitivity and high sensing range which can be used for casting application. Extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (EFPI) sensors with a single sensing point and cavity length around 50 μm are embedded into copper substrate using electrodeposition. The embedded sensors are 300 μm deep from the surface. Three different interface: chemical plated, copper painted, and dual-layer interface, were tested. The results show that dual-layer interface can provide both high sensitivity of 45 pm/°C and high sensing range of 700°C at the same time, which overcomes sensitivity-sensing range dilemma. The analysis shows that one layer in the dual-layer interface increases the longitudinal strain for sensitivity and the other layer reduces the radial strain which enhances the sensing range. This new dual-layer interface developed in this research can have high sensitivity and high sensing range at the same time. Aluminum casting was done to test the effectiveness of the dual-layer interface. The cooling curve data from the EFPI sensor is consistent with the thermocouple data --Abstract, page iv

    Integration of electronic and optical techniques in the design and fabrication of pressure sensors

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    Since the introduction of micro-electro-mechanical systems fabrication methods, piezoresistive pressure sensors have become the more popular pressure transducers. They dominate pressure sensor commercialization due to their high performance, stability and repeatability. However, increasing demand for harsh environment sensing devices has made sensors based on Fabry-Perot interferometry the more promising optical pressure sensors due to their high degree of sensitivity, small size, high temperature performance, versatility, and improved immunity to environmental noise and interference. The work presented in this dissertation comprises the design, fabrication, and testing of sensors that fuse these two pressure sensing technologies into one integrated unit. A key innovation is introduction of a silicon diaphragm with a center rigid body (or boss), denoted as an embossed diaphragm, that acts as the sensing element for both the electronic and optical parts of the sensor. Physical principles of piezoresistivity and Fabry-Perot interferometry were applied in designing an integrated sensor and in determining analytic models for the respective electronic and optical outputs. Several test pressure sensors were produced and their performance was evaluated by collecting response and noise data. Diaphragm deflection under applied pressure was detected electronically using the principle of piezoresistivity and optically using Fabry-Perot interferometry. The electronic part of the sensor contained four p-type silicon piezoresistors that were set into the diaphragm. They were connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration for detecting strain-dependent changes in resistance induced by diaphragm deflection. In the optical part of the sensor, an optical cavity was formed between the embossed surface of the diaphragm and the end face of a single mode optical fiber. An infrared laser operating at 1.55 was used for optical excitation. Deflection of the diaphragm, which causes the length of the optical cavity to change, was detected by Fabry-Perot interference in the reflected light. Data collected on several sensors fabricated for this dissertation were shown to validate the theoretical models. In particular, the principle of operation of a Fabry-Perot interferometer as a mechanism for pressure sensing was demonstrated. The physical characteristics and behavior of the embossed diaphragm facilitated the integration of the electronic and optical approaches because the embossed diaphragm remained flat under diaphragm deflection. Consequently, it made the electronic sensor respond more linearly to applied pressure. Further, it eliminated a fundamental deficiency of previous applications of Fabry-Perot methods, which suffered from non-parallelism between the two cavity surfaces (diaphragm and fiber), owing to diaphragm curvature after pressure was applied. It also permitted the sensor to be less sensitive to lateral misalignment during the fabrication process and considerably reduced back pressure, which otherwise reduced the sensitivity of the sensor. As an integrated sensor, it offered two independent outputs in one sensor and therefore the capability for measurements of: (a) static and dynamic pressures simultaneously, and (b) two different physical quantities such as temperature and pressure

    Highly Sensitive Strain Sensor by Utilizing a Tunable Air Reflector and the Vernier Effect

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    A highly sensitive strain sensor based on tunable cascaded Fabry–Perot interferometers (FPIs) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Cascaded FPIs consist of a sensing FPI and a reference FPI, which effectively generate the Vernier effect (VE). The sensing FPI comprises a hollow core fiber (HCF) segment sandwiched between single-mode fibers (SMFs), and the reference FPI consists of a tunable air reflector, which is constituted by a computer-programable fiber holding block to adjust the desired cavity length. The simulation results predict the dispersion characteristics of modes carried by HCF. The sensor\u27s parameters are designed to correspond to a narrow bandwidth range, i.e., 1530 nm to 1610 nm. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed sensor exhibits optimum strain sensitivity of 23.9 pm/με, 17.54 pm/με, and 14.11 pm/με cascaded with the reference FPI of 375 μm, 365 μm, and 355 μm in cavity length, which is 13.73, 10.08, and 8.10 times higher than the single sensing FPI with a strain sensitivity of 1.74 pm/με, respectively. The strain sensitivity of the sensor can be further enhanced by extending the source bandwidth. The proposed sensor exhibits ultra-low temperature sensitivity of 0.49 pm/°C for a temperature range of 25 °C to 135 °C, providing good isolation for eliminating temperature–strain cross-talk. The sensor is robust, cost-effective, easy to manufacture, repeatable, and shows a highly linear and stable response for strain sensing. Based on the sensor\u27s performance, it may be a good candidate for high-resolution strain sensing

    Polymer Based Miniature Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors with Temperature Compensation: Modeling, Fabrication, and Experimental studies

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    Miniature Fabry-Perot (FP) pressure sensors have been of great interest because of their advantages of small sizes, high performance, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. Most of these sensors are built with silicon/silica materials that have good mechanical, chemical, and thermal stabilities. However, due to the large Young's modulus of silica/silicon, developing a high sensitivity miniature sensor becomes difficult. In addition, fabrication of these sensors often involves high temperature fusion bonding and harsh acid etching. On the other hand, a polymer material becomes an attractive choice for high sensitive and miniature pressure sensors due to its small Young's modulus relative to that of silicon/glass. Moreover, polymer processes can be performed under ambient pressure and temperature without hazardous chemicals. However, a polymer-based sensor suffers from high temperature sensitivity, which must be compensated to obtain accurate pressure measurements. In this dissertation, three types of polymer based FP miniature sensors for static or quasi-static pressure measurements are investigated through modeling, microfabrication, and experiments. First, co-axial and cross-axial FP sensors with a built-in fiber Bragg grating (FBG) for temperature measurement and compensation are studied. In both sensors, the FP cavity is precisely self-aligned with the optical axis by using the fiber as a natural mask, which eliminates the need for a photo mask and tedious optical alignments. Second, a FP sensor composed of a UV-molded optical cavity with a pre-written FBG is developed. For the first time, a UV molding process with an optical fiber based mold is developed for fabrication of miniature FP sensors. This process enables high accuracy optical alignment for UV molding. Taking advantage of the UV molding process, the third type of sensor features a hybrid dual FP cavity for simultaneous temperature and pressure measurements. A novel signal processing method is developed to retrieve the multiple cavity lengths with an improved speed, resolution, and noise resistance. Experimental studies show that these polymer based sensors have good pressure and temperature sensing performance as well as temperature compensation capabilities. In addition, blood pressure and intradiscal pressure measurements of a swine are performed, which demonstrates the feasibility of these sensors for biomedical applications

    Ultrahigh Sensitivity Temperature Sensor Based on Harmonic Vernier Effect

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    A high-sensitivity and miniature open cavity Fabry–Perot interferometer (OCFPI) encapsulated with the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) film based on high-order harmonic Vernier effect is designed and experimentally investigated. To the best of our knowledge, PDMS is applied for the first time to fill the open cavity of Fabry–Perot interferometer to obtain high-temperature sensitivity. The resonant dip (peak) wavelength of the designed temperature sensor monotonically moves toward the shortwave direction as the temperature increases from 40°C to 60°C due to the effects of expansion and thermo–optic property of PDMS. The proposed OCFPI encapsulated with PDMS film provides the following excellent performance advantages. (1) Compared with traditional all-fiber air-cavity OCFPIs with temperature sensitivity of approximately 10 pm/°C, the proposed OCFPI sensor has a much higher temperature sensitivity of -3.4 nm/°C at the temperature range of 40°C–60°C with a magnification factor ( M -factor) of approximately 11 when order of harmonic Vernier effect i = 4. (2) The proposed OCFPI exhibits good reversibility during the heating and cooling processes, and the measured M -factor matches well with the theoretically calculated M -factor. (3) The proposed OCFPI shows excellent stability with maximum wavelength deviation of 0.567 nm (internal envelope based on a fourth-order harmonic Vernier effect) and 0.042 nm (upper envelope) within 450 min. (4) The proposed OCFPI is inexpensive, robust, easy to fabricate, and compact, which can be used in harsh environments. Therefore, it provides excellent potential in dynamic temperature measurement