10 research outputs found

    A Lazy Bailout Approach for Dual-Criticality Systems on Uniprocessor Platforms

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.A challenge in the design of cyber-physical systems is to integrate the scheduling of tasks of different criticality, while still providing service guarantees for the higher critical tasks in case of resource-shortages caused by faults. While standard real-time scheduling is agnostic to the criticality of tasks, the scheduling of tasks with different criticalities is called mixed-criticality scheduling. In this paper we present the Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP), a mixed-criticality scheduling method where low-criticality jobs overrunning their time budget cannot threaten the timeliness of high-criticality jobs while at the same time the method tries to complete as many low-criticality jobs as possible. The key principle of LBP is instead of immediately abandoning low-criticality jobs when a high-criticality job overruns its optimistic WCET estimate, to put them in a low-priority queue for later execution. To compare mixed-criticality scheduling methods we introduce a formal quality criterion for mixed-criticality scheduling, which, above all else, compares schedulability of high-criticality jobs and only afterwards the schedulability of low-criticality jobs. Based on this criterion we prove that LBP behaves better than the original {\em Bailout Protocol} (BP). We show that LBP can be further improved by slack time exploitation and by gain time collection at runtime, resulting in LBPSG. We also show that these improvements of LBP perform better than the analogous improvements based on BP.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Quantifying the Flexibility of Real-Time Systems

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    International audienceIn this paper we define the flexibility of a system as its capability to schedule a new task. We present an approach to quantify the flexibility of a system. More importantly, we show that it is possible under certain conditions to identify the task that will directly induce the limitations on a possible software update. If performed at design time, such a result can be used to adjust the system design by giving more slack to the limiting task. We illustrate how these results apply to a simple system

    Towards a more practical model for mixed criticality systems

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    Abstract-Mixed Criticality Systems (MCSs) have been the focus of considerable study over the last six years. This work has lead to the definition of a standard model that allows processors to be shared efficiently between tasks of different criticality levels. Key aspects of this model are that a system is deemed to execute in one of a small number of criticality modes; initially the system is in the lowest criticality mode, but if any task executes for more than its predefined budget for this criticality level then a mode change is made to a higher criticality mode and all tasks of the lowest criticality level are abandoned (aborted). The initial criticality level is never revisited. This model has been useful in defining key properties of MCSs, but it does not form a useful basis for an actual implementation of a MCS. In this paper we consider the tradeoffs stemming from a consideration of what systems engineers require at run-time and the actual properties of the model that scheduling analysis guarantees. Alternative models are defined that allow low criticality tasks to continue to execute after a criticality mode change. The paper also addresses robust priority assignment

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Analysis-Runtime Co-design for Adaptive Mixed Criticality Scheduling

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    In this paper, we use the term “Analysis-Runtime Co-design” to describe the technique of modifying the runtime protocol of a scheduling scheme to closely match the analysis derived for it. Carefully designed modifications to the runtime protocol make the schedulability analysis for the scheme less pessimistic, while the schedulability guarantee afforded to any given application remains intact. Such modifications to the runtime protocol can result in significant benefits with respect to other important metrics. An enhanced runtime protocol is designed for the Adaptive Mixed-Criticality (AMC) scheduling scheme. This protocol retains the same analysis, while ensuring that in the event of high-criticality behavior, the system degrades less often and remains degraded for a shorter time, resulting in far fewer low-criticality jobs that either miss their deadlines or are not executed

    Timing in Technischen Sicherheitsanforderungen für Systementwürfe mit heterogenen Kritikalitätsanforderungen

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    Traditionally, timing requirements as (technical) safety requirements have been avoided through clever functional designs. New vehicle automation concepts and other applications, however, make this harder or even impossible and challenge design automation for cyber-physical systems to provide a solution. This thesis takes upon this challenge by introducing cross-layer dependency analysis to relate timing dependencies in the bounded execution time (BET) model to the functional model of the artifact. In doing so, the analysis is able to reveal where timing dependencies may violate freedom from interference requirements on the functional layer and other intermediate model layers. For design automation this leaves the challenge how such dependencies are avoided or at least be bounded such that the design is feasible: The results are synthesis strategies for implementation requirements and a system-level placement strategy for run-time measures to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences of timing dependencies which are not eliminated from the design. Their applicability is shown in experiments and case studies. However, all the proposed run-time measures as well as very strict implementation requirements become ever more expensive in terms of design effort for contemporary embedded systems, due to the system's complexity. Hence, the second part of this thesis reflects on the design aspect rather than the analysis aspect of embedded systems and proposes a timing predictable design paradigm based on System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET). Leveraging a timing-design model in SL-LET the proposed methods from the first part can now be applied to improve the quality of a design -- timing error handling can now be separated from the run-time methods and from the implementation requirements intended to guarantee them. The thesis therefore introduces timing diversity as a timing-predictable execution theme that handles timing errors without having to deal with them in the implemented application. An automotive 3D-perception case study demonstrates the applicability of timing diversity to ensure predictable end-to-end timing while masking certain types of timing errors.Traditionell wurden Timing-Anforderungen als (technische) Sicherheitsanforderungen durch geschickte funktionale Entwürfe vermieden. Neue Fahrzeugautomatisierungskonzepte und Anwendungen machen dies jedoch schwieriger oder gar unmöglich; Aufgrund der Problemkomplexität erfordert dies eine Entwurfsautomatisierung für cyber-physische Systeme heraus. Diese Arbeit nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an, indem sie eine schichtenübergreifende Abhängigkeitsanalyse einführt, um zeitliche Abhängigkeiten im Modell der beschränkten Ausführungszeit (BET) mit dem funktionalen Modell des Artefakts in Beziehung zu setzen. Auf diese Weise ist die Analyse in der Lage, aufzuzeigen, wo Timing-Abhängigkeiten die Anforderungen an die Störungsfreiheit auf der funktionalen Schicht und anderen dazwischenliegenden Modellschichten verletzen können. Für die Entwurfsautomatisierung ergibt sich daraus die Herausforderung, wie solche Abhängigkeiten vermieden oder zumindest so eingegrenzt werden können, dass der Entwurf machbar ist: Das Ergebnis sind Synthesestrategien für Implementierungsanforderungen und eine Platzierungsstrategie auf Systemebene für Laufzeitmaßnahmen zur Vermeidung potentiell katastrophaler Folgen von Timing-Abhängigkeiten, die nicht aus dem Entwurf eliminiert werden. Ihre Anwendbarkeit wird in Experimenten und Fallstudien gezeigt. Allerdings werden alle vorgeschlagenen Laufzeitmaßnahmen sowie sehr strenge Implementierungsanforderungen für moderne eingebettete Systeme aufgrund der Komplexität des Systems immer teurer im Entwurfsaufwand. Daher befasst sich der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit eher mit dem Entwurfsaspekt als mit dem Analyseaspekt von eingebetteten Systemen und schlägt ein Entwurfsparadigma für vorhersagbares Timing vor, das auf der System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET) basiert. Basierend auf einem Timing-Entwurfsmodell in SL-LET können die vorgeschlagenen Methoden aus dem ersten Teil nun angewandt werden, um die Qualität eines Entwurfs zu verbessern -- die Behandlung von Timing-Fehlern kann nun von den Laufzeitmethoden und von den Implementierungsanforderungen, die diese garantieren sollen, getrennt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird daher Timing Diversity als ein Thema der Timing-Vorhersage in der Ausführung eingeführt, das Timing-Fehler behandelt, ohne dass sie in der implementierten Anwendung behandelt werden müssen. Anhand einer Fallstudie aus dem Automobilbereich (3D-Umfeldwahrnehmung) wird die Anwendbarkeit von Timing-Diversität demonstriert, um ein vorhersagbares Ende-zu-Ende-Timing zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig in der Lage zu sein, bestimmte Arten von Timing-Fehlern zu maskieren

    A Review of Priority Assignment in Real-Time Systems

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    It is over 40 years since the first seminal work on priority assignment for real-time systems using fixed priority scheduling. Since then, huge progress has been made in the field of real-time scheduling with more complex models and schedulability analysis techniques developed to better represent and analyse real systems. This tutorial style review provides an in-depth assessment of priority assignment techniques for hard real-time systems scheduled using fixed priorities. It examines the role and importance of priority in fixed priority scheduling in all of its guises, including: preemptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling; covering single- and multi-processor systems, and networks. A categorisation of optimal priority assignment techniques is given, along with the conditions on their applicability. We examine the extension of these techniques via sensitivity analysis to form robust priority assignment policies that can be used even when there is only partial information available about the system. The review covers priority assignment in a wide variety of settings including: mixed-criticality systems, systems with deferred pre-emption, and probabilistic real-time systems with worstcase execution times described by random variables. It concludes with a discussion of open problems in the area of priority assignment

    Interactive design space exploration of real-time embedded systems

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    Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review : (13th Edition, February 2022)

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    This review covers research on the topic of mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s 2007 paper. It covers the period up to end of 2021. The review is organised into the following topics: introduction and motivation, models, single processor analysis (including job-based, hard and soft tasks, fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, related topics, realistic models, formal treatments, systems issues, industrial practice and research beyond mixed-criticality. A list of PhDs awarded for research relating to mixed-criticality systems is also included

    Mining Event Traces from Real-time Systems for Anomaly Detection

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    Real-time systems are a significant class of applications, poised to grow even further as autonomous vehicles and the Internet of Things (IoT) become a reality. The computation and communication tasks of the underlying embedded systems must comply with strict timing and safety requirements as undetected defects in these systems may lead to catastrophic failures. The runtime behavior of these systems is prone to uncertainties arising from dynamic workloads and extra-functional conditions that affect both the software and hardware over the course of their deployment, e.g., unscheduled firmware updates, communication channel saturation, power-saving mode switches, or external malicious attacks. The operation in such unpredictable environments prevents the detection of anomalous behavior using traditional formal modeling and analysis techniques as they generally consider worst-case analysis and tend to be overly conservative. To overcome these limitations, and primarily motivated by the increasing availability of generated traces from real-time embedded systems, this thesis presents TRACMIN - Trace Mining using Arrival Curves - which is an anomaly detection approach that empirically constructs arrival curves from event traces to capture the recurrent behavior and intrinsic features of a given real-time system. The thesis uses TRACMIN to fill the gap between formal analysis techniques of real-time systems and trace mining approaches that lack expressive, human-readable, and scalable methods. The thesis presents definitions, metrics, and tools to employ statistical learning techniques to cluster and classify traces generated from different modes of normal operation versus anomalous traces. Experimenting with multiple datasets from deployed real-time embedded systems facing performance degradation and hardware misconfiguration anomalies demonstrates the feasibility and viability of our approaches on timestamped event traces generated from an industrial real-time operating system. Acknowledging the high computation expense for constructing empirical arrival curves, the thesis provides a rapid algorithm to achieve desirable scalability on lengthy traces paving the way for adoption in research and industry. Finally, the thesis presents a robustness analysis for the arrival curves models by employing theories of demand-bound functions from the scheduling domain. The analysis provides bounds on how much disruption a real-time system modeled using our approach can tolerate before being declared anomalous, which is crucial for specification and certification purposes. In conclusion, TRACMIN combines empirical and theoretical methods to provide a concrete anomaly detection framework that uses robust models of arrival curves scalably constructed from event traces to detect anomalies that affect the recurrent behavior of a real-time system