7 research outputs found

    Tropically convex constraint satisfaction

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    A semilinear relation S is max-closed if it is preserved by taking the componentwise maximum. The constraint satisfaction problem for max-closed semilinear constraints is at least as hard as determining the winner in Mean Payoff Games, a notorious problem of open computational complexity. Mean Payoff Games are known to be in the intersection of NP and co-NP, which is not known for max-closed semilinear constraints. Semilinear relations that are max-closed and additionally closed under translations have been called tropically convex in the literature. One of our main results is a new duality for open tropically convex relations, which puts the CSP for tropically convex semilinaer constraints in general into NP intersected co-NP. This extends the corresponding complexity result for scheduling under and-or precedence constraints, or equivalently the max-atoms problem. To this end, we present a characterization of max-closed semilinear relations in terms of syntactically restricted first-order logic, and another characterization in terms of a finite set of relations L that allow primitive positive definitions of all other relations in the class. We also present a subclass of max-closed constraints where the CSP is in P; this class generalizes the class of max-closed constraints over finite domains, and the feasibility problem for max-closed linear inequalities. Finally, we show that the class of max-closed semilinear constraints is maximal in the sense that as soon as a single relation that is not max-closed is added to L, the CSP becomes NP-hard.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Circuit Satisfiability and Constraint Satisfaction around Skolem Arithmetic

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    We study interactions between Skolem Arithmetic and certain classes of Circuit Satisfiability and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). We revisit results of Glaßer et al. [1] in the context of CSPs and settle the major open question from that paper, finding a certain satisfiability problem on circuits—involving complement, intersection, union and multiplication—to be decidable. This we prove using the decidability of Skolem Arithmetic. Then we solve a second question left open in [1] by proving a tight upper bound for the similar circuit satisfiability problem involving just intersection, union and multiplication. We continue by studying first-order expansions of Skolem Arithmetic without constants, (N;×), as CSPs. We find already here a rich landscape of problems with non-trivial instances that are in P as well as those that are NP-complete

    Semilinear program feasibility

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