68 research outputs found

    Specification of Replication Techniques, Semi-Passive Replication, and Lazy consensus*

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    This paper brings the following three main contributions: a hierarchy of specifications for replication techniques, semi-passive replication, and Lazy Consensus. Based on the definition of the Generic Replication problem, we difine two families of replication techniques: replication with parsimonious processing (e.g., passive replication), and replication with redundant processing (e.g., active replication). This helps relate replication techniques to each other. We define a novel replication technique with parsimonious processing, called semi-passive replication, for which we also give an algorithm. The most significant aspect of semi-passive replication is that it requires a weaker system model than existing techniques of the same family. We difine a variant of the Consensus problem, called Lazy Consensus, upon which our semi-passive replication algorithm is based. The main difference between Consensus and Lazy Consensus is a property of laziness which requires that initial values are computed only when they are actually needed

    Agreement-related problems:from semi-passive replication to totally ordered broadcast

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    Agreement problems constitute a fundamental class of problems in the context of distributed systems. All agreement problems follow a common pattern: all processes must agree on some common decision, the nature of which depends on the specific problem. This dissertation mainly focuses on three important agreements problems: Replication, Total Order Broadcast, and Consensus. Replication is a common means to introduce redundancy in a system, in order to improve its availability. A replicated server is a server that is composed of multiple copies so that, if one copy fails, the other copies can still provide the service. Each copy of the server is called a replica. The replicas must all evolve in manner that is consistent with the other replicas. Hence, updating the replicated server requires that every replica agrees on the set of modifications to carry over. There are two principal replication schemes to ensure this consistency: active replication and passive replication. In Total Order Broadcast, processes broadcast messages to all processes. However, all messages must be delivered in the same order. Also, if one process delivers a message m, then all correct processes must eventually deliver m. The problem of Consensus gives an abstraction to most other agreement problems. All processes initiate a Consensus by proposing a value. Then, all processes must eventually decide the same value v that must be one of the proposed values. These agreement problems are closely related to each other. For instance, Chandra and Toueg [CT96] show that Total Order Broadcast and Consensus are equivalent problems. In addition, Lamport [Lam78] and Schneider [Sch90] show that active replication needs Total Order Broadcast. As a result, active replication is also closely related to the Consensus problem. The first contribution of this dissertation is the definition of the semi-passive replication technique. Semi-passive replication is a passive replication scheme based on a variant of Consensus (called Lazy Consensus and also defined here). From a conceptual point of view, the result is important as it helps to clarify the relation between passive replication and the Consensus problem. In practice, this makes it possible to design systems that react more quickly to failures. The problem of Total Order Broadcast is well-known in the field of distributed systems and algorithms. In fact, there have been already more than fifty algorithms published on the problem so far. Although quite similar, it is difficult to compare these algorithms as they often differ with respect to their actual properties, assumptions, and objectives. The second main contribution of this dissertation is to define five classes of total order broadcast algorithms, and to relate existing algorithms to those classes. The third contribution of this dissertation is to compare the expected performance of the various classes of total order broadcast algorithms. To achieve this goal, we define a set of metrics to predict the performance of distributed algorithms

    Arquitetura de elevada disponibilidade para bases de dados na cloud

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceCom a constante expansão de sistemas informáticos nas diferentes áreas de aplicação, a quantidade de dados que exigem persistência aumenta exponencialmente. Assim, por forma a tolerar faltas e garantir a disponibilidade de dados, devem ser implementadas técnicas de replicação. Atualmente existem várias abordagens e protocolos, tendo diferentes tipos de aplicações em vista. Existem duas grandes vertentes de protocolos de replicação, protocolos genéricos, para qualquer serviço, e protocolos específicos destinados a bases de dados. No que toca a protocolos de replicação genéricos, as principais técnicas existentes, apesar de completa mente desenvolvidas e em utilização, têm algumas limitações, nomeadamente: problemas de performance relativamente a saturação da réplica primária na replicação passiva e o determinismo necessário associado à replicação ativa. Algumas destas desvantagens são mitigadas pelos protocolos específicos de base de dados (e.g., com recurso a multi-master) mas estes protocolos não permitem efetuar uma separação entre a lógica da replicação e os respetivos dados. Abordagens mais recentes tendem a basear-se em técnicas de repli cação com fundamentos em mecanismos distribuídos de logging. Tais mecanismos propor cionam alta disponibilidade de dados e tolerância a faltas, permitindo abordagens inovado ras baseadas puramente em logs. Por forma a atenuar as limitações encontradas não só no mecanismo de replicação ativa e passiva, mas também nas suas derivações, esta dissertação apresenta uma solução de replicação híbrida baseada em middleware, o SQLware. A grande vantagem desta abor dagem baseia-se na divisão entre a camada de replicação e a camada de dados, utilizando um log distribuído altamente escalável que oferece tolerância a faltas e alta disponibilidade. O protótipo desenvolvido foi validado com recurso à execução de testes de desempenho, sendo avaliado em duas infraestruturas diferentes, nomeadamente, um servidor privado de média gama e um grupo de servidores de computação de alto desempenho. Durante a avaliação do protótipo, o standard da indústria TPC-C, tipicamente utilizado para avaliar sistemas de base de dados transacionais, foi utilizado. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o SQLware oferece uma aumento de throughput de 150 vezes, comparativamente ao mecanismo de replicação nativo da base de dados considerada, o PostgreSQL.With the constant expansion of computational systems, the amount of data that requires durability increases exponentially. All data persistence must be replicated in order to provide high-availability and fault tolerance according to the surrogate application or use-case. Currently, there are numerous approaches and replication protocols developed supporting different use-cases. There are two prominent variations of replication protocols, generic protocols, and database specific ones. The two main techniques associated with generic replication protocols are the active and passive replication. Although generic replication techniques are fully matured and widely used, there are inherent problems associated with those protocols, namely: performance issues of the primary replica of passive replication and the determinism required by the active replication. Some of those disadvantages are mitigated by specific database replication protocols (e.g., using multi-master) but, those protocols do not allow a separation between logic and data and they can not be decoupled from the database engine. Moreover, recent strategies consider highly-scalable and fault tolerant distributed logging mechanisms, allowing for newer designs based purely on logs to power replication. To mitigate the shortcomings found in both active and passive replication mechanisms, but also in partial variations of these methods, this dissertation presents a hybrid replication middleware, SQLware. The cornerstone of the approach lies in the decoupling between the logical replication layer and the data store, together with the use of a highly scalable distributed log that provides fault-tolerance and high-availability. We validated the prototype by conducting a benchmarking campaign to evaluate the overall system’s performance under two distinct infrastructures, namely a private medium class server, and a private high performance computing cluster. Across the evaluation campaign, we considered the TPCC benchmark, a widely used benchmark in the evaluation of Online transaction processing (OLTP) database systems. Results show that SQLware was able to achieve 150 times more throughput when compared with the native replication mechanism of the underlying data store considered as baseline, PostgreSQL.This work was partially funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project UID/EEA/50014/201

    From software architecture to analysis models and back: Model-driven refactoring aimed at availability improvement

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    Abstract Context With the ever-increasing evolution of software systems, their architecture is subject to frequent changes due to multiple reasons, such as new requirements. Appropriate architectural changes driven by non-functional requirements are particularly challenging to identify because they concern quantitative analyses that are usually carried out with specific languages and tools. A considerable number of approaches have been proposed in the last decades to derive non-functional analysis models from architectural ones. However, there is an evident lack of automation in the backward path that brings the analysis results back to the software architecture. Objective In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach to support designers in improving the availability of their software systems through refactoring actions. Method The proposed framework makes use of bidirectional model transformations to map UML models onto Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) analysis models and vice versa. In particular, after availability analysis, our approach enables the application of model refactoring, possibly based on well-known fault tolerance patterns, aimed at improving the availability of the architectural model. Results We validated the effectiveness of our approach on an Environmental Control System. Our results show that the approach can generate: (i) an analyzable availability model from a software architecture description, and (ii) valid software architecture models back from availability models. Finally, our results highlight that the application of fault tolerance patterns significantly improves the availability in each considered scenario. Conclusion The approach integrates bidirectional model transformation and fault tolerance techniques to support the availability-driven refactoring of architectural models. The results of our experiment showed the effectiveness of the approach in improving the software availability of the system

    Failure Detection vs. Group Membership in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems: Hidden Trade-Offs

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    Failure detection and group membership are two important components of fault-tolerant distributed systems. Understanding their role is essential when developing efficient solutions, not only in failure-free runs, but also in runs in which processes do crash. While group membership provides consistent information about the status of processes in the system, failure detectors provide inconsistent information. This paper discusses the trade-offs related to the use of these two components, and clarifies their roles using three examples. The first example shows a case where group membership may favourably be replaced by a failure detection mechanism. The second example illustrates a case where group membership is mandatory. Finally, the third example shows a case where neither group membership nor failure detectors are needed (they may be replaced by weak ordering oracles)

    Fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution

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    Mobile agents constitute a computing paradigm of a more general nature than the widely used client/server computing paradigm. A mobile agent is essentially a computer program that acts autonomously on behalf of a user and travels through a network of heterogeneous machines. However, the greater flexibility of the mobile agent paradigm compared to the client/server computing paradigm comes at additional costs. These costs include, among others, the additional complexity of developing and managing mobile agent-based applications. This additional complexity comprises such issues as reliability. Before mobile agent technology can appear at the core of tomorrow's business applications, reliability mechanisms for mobile agents must be established. In this context, fault tolerance and transaction support are mechanisms of considerable importance. Various approaches to fault tolerance and transaction support exist. They have different strengths and weaknesses, and address different environments. Because of this variety, it is often difficult for the application programmer to choose the approach best suited to an application. This thesis introduces a classification of current approaches to fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution. The classification, which focuses on algorithmic aspects, aims at structuring the field of fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution and facilitates an understanding of the properties and weaknesses of particular approaches. In a distributed system, any software or hardware component may be subject to failures. A single failing component (e.g., agent or machine) may prevent the agent from proceeding with its execution. Worse yet, the current state of the agent and even its code may be lost. We say that the agent execution is blocked. For the agent owner, i.e., the person or application that has configured the agent, the agent does not return. To achieve fault-tolerance, the agent owner can try to detect the failure of the agent, and upon such an event launch a new agent. However, this requires the ability to correctly detect the crash of the agent, i.e., to distinguish between a failed agent and an agent that is delayed by slow processors or slow communication links. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in systems such as the Internet. An agent owner who tries to detect the failure of the agent thus cannot prevent the case in which the agent is mistakenly assumed to have crashed. In this case, launching a new agent leads to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to the violation of the desired exactly-once property of agent execution. Although this may be acceptable for certain applications (e.g., applications whose operations do not have side-effects), others clearly forbid it. In this context, launching a new agent is a form of replication. In general, replication prevents blocking, but may lead to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to a violation of the exactly-once execution property. This thesis presents an approach that ensures the exactly-once execution property using a simple principle: the mobile agent execution is modeled as a sequence of agreement problems. This model leads to an approach based on two well-known building blocks: consensus and reliable broadcast. We validate this approach with the implementation of FATOMAS, a Java-based FAult-TOlerant Mobile Agent System, and measure its overhead. Transactional mobile agents execute the mobile agent as a transaction. Assume, for instance, an agent whose task is to buy an airline ticket, book a hotel room, and rent a car at the flight destination. The agent owner naturally wants all three operations to succeed or none at all. Clearly, the rental car at the destination is of no use if no flight to the destination is available. On the other hand, the airline ticket may be useless if no rental car is available. The mobile agent's operations thus need to execute atomically, i.e., either all of them or none at all. Execution atomicity also needs to be ensured in the event of failures of hardware or software components. The approach presented in this thesis is non-blocking. A non-blocking transactional mobile agent execution has the important advantage that it can make progress despite failures. In a blocking transactional mobile agent execution, by contrast, progress is only possible when the failed component has recovered. Until then, the acquired locks generally cannot be freed. As no other transactional mobile agents can acquire the lock, overall system throughput is dramatically reduced. The present approach reuses the work on fault-tolerant mobile agent execution to prevent blocking. We have implemented the proposed approach and present the evaluation results

    The Path to Fault- and Intrusion-Resilient Manycore Systems on a Chip

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    The hardware computing landscape is changing. What used to be distributed systems can now be found on a chip with highly configurable, diverse, specialized and general purpose units. Such Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC) are used to control today's cyber-physical systems, being the building blocks of critical infrastructures. They are deployed in harsh environments and are connected to the cyberspace, which makes them exposed to both accidental faults and targeted cyberattacks. This is in addition to the changing fault landscape that continued technology scaling, emerging devices and novel application scenarios will bring. In this paper, we discuss how the very features, distributed, parallelized, reconfigurable, heterogeneous, that cause many of the imminent and emerging security and resilience challenges, also open avenues for their cure though SoC replication, diversity, rejuvenation, adaptation, and hybridization. We show how to leverage these techniques at different levels across the entire SoC hardware/software stack, calling for more research on the topic

    The CORBA object group service:a service approach to object groups in CORBA

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    Distributed computing is one of the major trends in the computer industry. As systems become more distributed, they also become more complex and have to deal with new kinds of problems, such as partial crashes and link failures. To answer the growing demand in distributed technologies, several middleware environments have emerged during the last few years. These environments however lack support for "one-to-many" communication primitives; such primitives greatly simplify the development of several types of applications that have requirements for high availability, fault tolerance, parallel processing, or collaborative work. One-to-many interactions can be provided by group communication. It manages groups of objects and provides primitives for sending messages to all members of a group, with various reliability and ordering guarantees. A group constitutes a logical addressing facility: messages can be issued to a group without having to know the number, identity, or location of individual members. The notion of group has proven to be very useful for providing high availability through replication: a set of replicas constitutes a group, but are viewed by clients as a single entity in the system. This thesis aims at studying and proposing solutions to the problem of object group support in object-based middleware environments. It surveys and evaluates different approaches to this problem. Based on this evaluation, we propose a system model and an open architecture to add support for object groups to the CORBA middle- ware environment. In doing so, we provide the application developer with powerful group primitives in the context of a standard object-based environment. This thesis contributes to ongoing standardization efforts that aim to support fault tolerance in CORBA, using entity redundancy. The group architecture proposed in this thesis — the Object Group Service (OGS) — is based on the concept of component integration. It consists of several distinct components that provide various facilities for reliable distributed computing and that are reusable in isolation. Group support is ultimately provided by combining these components. OGS defines an object-oriented framework of CORBA components for reliable distributed systems. The OGS components include a group membership service, which keeps track of the composition of object groups, a group multicast service, which provides delivery of messages to all group members, a consensus service, which allows several CORBA objects to resolve distributed agreement problems, and a monitoring service, which provides distributed failure detection mechanisms. OGS includes support for dynamic group membership and for group multicast with various reliability and ordering guarantees. It defines interfaces for active and primary-backup replication. In addition, OGS proposes several execution styles and various levels of transparency. A prototype implementation of OGS has been realized in the context of this thesis. This implementation is available for two commercial ORBs (Orbix and VisiBroker). It relies solely on the CORBA specification, and is thus portable to any compliant ORB. Although the main theme of this thesis deals with system architecture, we have developed some original algorithms to implement group support in OGS. We analyze these algorithms and implementation choices in this dissertation, and we evaluate them in terms of efficiency. We also illustrate the use of OGS through example applications