282 research outputs found

    Global approaches to solving recognition problems of noisy images, 1989

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    An important problem in the area of pattern recognition is automatic detection of certain pre-assigned elements of an image distorted by noise. In this research, a global ap proach will be used. One such approach is to use an optimal smoothing algorithm which depends on efficient dynamic programming computational techniques. The basic purpose of this research is to make this dynamic programming process efficient in terms of storage requirement and computational effort. Our goal, using the objective function, is to find an optimal order of optimization and then design an effi cient computational technique. Two global techniques will be presented in this paper. Included is a graph-searching technique and the above men tioned technique using dynamic programming. Emphasis will be on the development of an algorithm using dynamic program ming. I wish to express ray deepest appreciation and sincere gratitude to those who have contributed their time, energy, and support to make this study possible. Thanks are especially due Dr. Warsi, Nazir A. , my thesis advisor. His instruction, suggestions, and patience were essential to the completion of this thesi s. Further thanks are also due Nasa Langley for providing financial, technical, and general support to help make this study possible. Special thanks are offered to Mr. Micheal Goode, Technical Monitor, for his technical support and to Dr. Samuel E. Massenberg, University Affairs Officer, for his general support

    Derandomizing Isolation in Space-Bounded Settings

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    We study the possibility of deterministic and randomness-efficient isolation in space-bounded models of computation: Can one efficiently reduce instances of computational problems to equivalent instances that have at most one solution? We present results for the NL-complete problem of reachability on digraphs, and for the LogCFL-complete problem of certifying acceptance on shallow semi-unbounded circuits. A common approach employs small weight assignments that make the solution of minimum weight unique. The Isolation Lemma and other known procedures use Omega(n) random bits to generate weights of individual bitlength O(log(n)). We develop a derandomized version for both settings that uses O(log(n)^{3/2}) random bits and produces weights of bitlength O(log(n)^{3/2}) in logarithmic space. The construction allows us to show that every language in NL can be accepted by a nondeterministic machine that runs in polynomial time and O(log(n)^{3/2}) space, and has at most one accepting computation path on every input. Similarly, every language in LogCFL can be accepted by a nondeterministic machine equipped with a stack that does not count towards the space bound, that runs in polynomial time and O(log(n)^{3/2}) space, and has at most one accepting computation path on every input. We also show that the existence of somewhat more restricted isolations for reachability on digraphs implies that NL can be decided in logspace with polynomial advice. A similar result holds for certifying acceptance on shallow semi-unbounded circuits and LogCFL

    Automated Functional Testing based on the Navigation of Web Applications

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    Web applications are becoming more and more complex. Testing such applications is an intricate hard and time-consuming activity. Therefore, testing is often poorly performed or skipped by practitioners. Test automation can help to avoid this situation. Hence, this paper presents a novel approach to perform automated software testing for web applications based on its navigation. On the one hand, web navigation is the process of traversing a web application using a browser. On the other hand, functional requirements are actions that an application must do. Therefore, the evaluation of the correct navigation of web applications results in the assessment of the specified functional requirements. The proposed method to perform the automation is done in four levels: test case generation, test data derivation, test case execution, and test case reporting. This method is driven by three kinds of inputs: i) UML models; ii) Selenium scripts; iii) XML files. We have implemented our approach in an open-source testing framework named Automatic Testing Platform. The validation of this work has been carried out by means of a case study, in which the target is a real invoice management system developed using a model-driven approach.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    STAR: Steiner tree approximation in relationship-graphs

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    Large-scale graphs and networks are abundant in modern information systems: entity-relationship graphs over relational data or Web-extracted entities, biological networks, social online communities, knowledge bases, and many more. Often such data comes with expressive node and edge labels that allow an interpretation as a semantic graph, and edge weights that reflect the strengths of semantic relations between entities. Finding close relationships between a given set of two, three, or more entities is an important building block for many search, ranking, and analysis tasks. From an algorithmic point of view, this translates into computing the best Steiner trees between the given nodes, a classical NP-hard problem. In this paper, we present a new approximation algorithm, coined STAR, for relationship queries over large graphs that do not fit into memory. We prove that for n query entities, STAR yields an O(log(n))-approximation of the optimal Steiner tree, and show that in practical cases the results returned by STAR are qualitatively better than the results returned by a classical 2-approximation algorithm. We then describe an extension to our algorithm to return the top-k Steiner trees. Finally, we evaluate our algorithm over both main-memory as well as completely disk-resident graphs containing millions of nodes. Our experiments show that STAR outperforms the best state-of-the returns qualitatively better results

    Recent Advances in Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms

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    In recent years, significant advances have been made in the design and analysis of fully dynamic algorithms. However, these theoretical results have received very little attention from the practical perspective. Few of the algorithms are implemented and tested on real datasets, and their practical potential is far from understood. Here, we present a quick reference guide to recent engineering and theory results in the area of fully dynamic graph algorithms

    Design and analysis of sequential and parallel single-source shortest-paths algorithms

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    We study the performance of algorithms for the Single-Source Shortest-Paths (SSSP) problem on graphs with n nodes and m edges with nonnegative random weights. All previously known SSSP algorithms for directed graphs required superlinear time. Wie give the first SSSP algorithms that provably achieve linear O(n-m)average-case execution time on arbitrary directed graphs with random edge weights. For independent edge weights, the linear-time bound holds with high probability, too. Additionally, our result implies improved average-case bounds for the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP) problem on sparse graphs, and it yields the first theoretical average-case analysis for the "Approximate Bucket Implementation" of Dijkstra\u27s SSSP algorithm (ABI-Dijkstra). Futhermore, we give constructive proofs for the existence of graph classes with random edge weights on which ABI-Dijkstra and several other well-known SSSP algorithms require superlinear average-case time. Besides the classical sequential (single processor) model of computation we also consider parallel computing: we give the currently fastest average-case linear-work parallel SSSP algorithms for large graph classes with random edge weights, e.g., sparse rondom graphs and graphs modeling the WWW, telephone calls or social networks.In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Laufzeiten von Algorithmen für das Kürzeste-Wege Problem (Single-Source Shortest-Paths, SSSP) auf Graphen mit n Knoten, M Kanten und nichtnegativen zufälligen Kantengewichten. Alle bisherigen SSSP Algorithmen benötigen auf gerichteten Graphen superlineare Zeit. Wir stellen den ersten SSSP Algorithmus vor, der auf beliebigen gerichteten Graphen mit zufälligen Kantengewichten eine beweisbar lineare average-case-Komplexität O(n+m)aufweist. Sind die Kantengewichte unabhängig, so wird die lineare Zeitschranke auch mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit eingehalten. Außerdem impliziert unser Ergebnis verbesserte average-case-Schranken für das All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP) Problem auf dünnen Graphen und liefert die erste theoretische average-case-Analyse für die "Approximate Bucket Implementierung" von Dijkstras SSSP Algorithmus (ABI-Dijkstra). Weiterhin führen wir konstruktive Existenzbeweise für Graphklassen mit zufälligen Kantengewichten, auf denen ABI-Dijkstra und mehrere andere bekannte SSSP Algorithmen durchschnittlich superlineare Zeit benötigen. Neben dem klassischen seriellen (Ein-Prozessor) Berechnungsmodell betrachten wir auch Parallelverarbeitung; für umfangreiche Graphklassen mit zufälligen Kantengewichten wie z.B. dünne Zufallsgraphen oder Modelle für das WWW, Telefonanrufe oder soziale Netzwerke stellen wir die derzeit schnellsten parallelen SSSP Algorithmen mit durchschnittlich linearer Arbeit vor
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