31 research outputs found

    Deep neural network techniques for monaural speech enhancement: state of the art analysis

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) techniques have become pervasive in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. They have achieved great success in these domains in task such as machine translation and image generation. Due to their success, these data driven techniques have been applied in audio domain. More specifically, DNN models have been applied in speech enhancement domain to achieve denosing, dereverberation and multi-speaker separation in monaural speech enhancement. In this paper, we review some dominant DNN techniques being employed to achieve speech separation. The review looks at the whole pipeline of speech enhancement from feature extraction, how DNN based tools are modelling both global and local features of speech and model training (supervised and unsupervised). We also review the use of speech-enhancement pre-trained models to boost speech enhancement process. The review is geared towards covering the dominant trends with regards to DNN application in speech enhancement in speech obtained via a single speaker.Comment: conferenc

    Using deep learning methods for supervised speech enhancement in noisy and reverberant environments

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    In real world environments, the speech signals received by our ears are usually a combination of different sounds that include not only the target speech, but also acoustic interference like music, background noise, and competing speakers. This interference has negative effect on speech perception and degrades the performance of speech processing applications such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), speaker identification, and hearing aid devices. One way to solve this problem is using source separation algorithms to separate the desired speech from the interfering sounds. Many source separation algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of ASR systems and hearing aid devices, but it is still challenging for these systems to work efficiently in noisy and reverberant environments. On the other hand, humans have a remarkable ability to separate desired sounds and listen to a specific talker among noise and other talkers. Inspired by the capabilities of human auditory system, a popular method known as auditory scene analysis (ASA) was proposed to separate different sources in a two stage process of segmentation and grouping. The main goal of source separation in ASA is to estimate time frequency masks that optimally match and separate noise signals from a mixture of speech and noise. In this work, multiple algorithms are proposed to improve upon source separation in noisy and reverberant acoustic environment. First, a simple and novel algorithm is proposed to increase the discriminability between two sound sources by scaling (magnifying) the head-related transfer function of the interfering source. Experimental results from applications of this algorithm show a significant increase in the quality of the recovered target speech. Second, a time frequency masking-based source separation algorithm is proposed that can separate a male speaker from a female speaker in reverberant conditions by using the spatial cues of the source signals. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm has the ability to preserve the location of the sources after separation. Three major aims are proposed for supervised speech separation based on deep neural networks to estimate either the time frequency masks or the clean speech spectrum. Firstly, a novel monaural acoustic feature set based on a gammatone filterbank is presented to be used as the input of the deep neural network (DNN) based speech separation model, which shows significant improvement in objective speech intelligibility and speech quality in different testing conditions. Secondly, a complementary binaural feature set is proposed to increase the ability of source separation in adverse environment with non-stationary background noise and high reverberation using 2-channel recordings. Experimental results show that the combination of spatial features with this complementary feature set improves significantly the speech intelligibility and speech quality in noisy and reverberant conditions. Thirdly, a novel dilated convolution neural network is proposed to improve the generalization of the monaural supervised speech enhancement model to different untrained speakers, unseen noises and simulated rooms. This model increases the speech intelligibility and speech quality of the recovered speech significantly, while being computationally more efficient and requiring less memory in comparison to other models. In addition, the proposed model is modified with recurrent layers and dilated causal convolution layers for real-time processing. This model is causal which makes it suitable for implementation in hearing aid devices and ASR system, while having fewer trainable parameters and using only information about previous time frames in output prediction. The main goal of the proposed algorithms are to increase the intelligibility and the quality of the recovered speech from noisy and reverberant environments, which has the potential to improve both speech processing applications and signal processing strategies for hearing aid and cochlear implant technology

    CMGAN: Conformer-Based Metric-GAN for Monaural Speech Enhancement

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    Convolution-augmented transformers (Conformers) are recently proposed in various speech-domain applications, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech separation, as they can capture both local and global dependencies. In this paper, we propose a conformer-based metric generative adversarial network (CMGAN) for speech enhancement (SE) in the time-frequency (TF) domain. The generator encodes the magnitude and complex spectrogram information using two-stage conformer blocks to model both time and frequency dependencies. The decoder then decouples the estimation into a magnitude mask decoder branch to filter out unwanted distortions and a complex refinement branch to further improve the magnitude estimation and implicitly enhance the phase information. Additionally, we include a metric discriminator to alleviate metric mismatch by optimizing the generator with respect to a corresponding evaluation score. Objective and subjective evaluations illustrate that CMGAN is able to show superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods in three speech enhancement tasks (denoising, dereverberation and super-resolution). For instance, quantitative denoising analysis on Voice Bank+DEMAND dataset indicates that CMGAN outperforms various previous models with a margin, i.e., PESQ of 3.41 and SSNR of 11.10 dB.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures and 5 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.1514

    An analysis of environment, microphone and data simulation mismatches in robust speech recognition

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    Speech enhancement and automatic speech recognition (ASR) are most often evaluated in matched (or multi-condition) settings where the acoustic conditions of the training data match (or cover) those of the test data. Few studies have systematically assessed the impact of acoustic mismatches between training and test data, especially concerning recent speech enhancement and state-of-the-art ASR techniques. In this article, we study this issue in the context of the CHiME- 3 dataset, which consists of sentences spoken by talkers situated in challenging noisy environments recorded using a 6-channel tablet based microphone array. We provide a critical analysis of the results published on this dataset for various signal enhancement, feature extraction, and ASR backend techniques and perform a number of new experiments in order to separately assess the impact of di↵erent noise environments, di↵erent numbers and positions of microphones, or simulated vs. real data on speech enhancement and ASR performance. We show that, with the exception of minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming, most algorithms perform consistently on real and simulated data and can benefit from training on simulated data. We also find that training on di↵erent noise environments and di↵erent microphones barely a↵ects the ASR performance, especially when several environments are present in the training data: only the number of microphones has a significant impact. Based on these results, we introduce the CHiME-4 Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge, which revisits the CHiME-3 dataset and makes it more challenging by reducing the number of microphones available for testing


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    International audienceSource separation and speech enhancement research has made dramatic progress in the last 30 years. It is now a mainstream topic in speech and audio processing, with hundreds of papers published every year. Separation and enhancement performance have greatly improved and successful commercial applications are increasingly being deployed. This chapter provides an overview of research and development perspectives in the field. We do not attempt to cover all perspectives currently under discussion in the community. Instead, we focus on five directions in which we believe major progress is still possible: getting the most out of deep learning, exploiting phase relationships across time-frequency bins, improving the estimation accuracy of multichannel parameters, addressing scenarios involving multiple microphone arrays or other sensors, and accelerating industry transfer. These five directions are covered in Sections 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, and 19.5, respectively

    UNSSOR: Unsupervised Neural Speech Separation by Leveraging Over-determined Training Mixtures

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    In reverberant conditions with multiple concurrent speakers, each microphone acquires a mixture signal of multiple speakers at a different location. In over-determined conditions where the microphones out-number speakers, we can narrow down the solutions to speaker images and realize unsupervised speech separation by leveraging each mixture signal as a constraint (i.e., the estimated speaker images at a microphone should add up to the mixture). Equipped with this insight, we propose UNSSOR, an algorithm for u\textbf{u}nsupervised n\textbf{n}eural s\textbf{s}peech s\textbf{s}eparation by leveraging o\textbf{o}ver-determined training mixtur\textbf{r}es. At each training step, we feed an input mixture to a deep neural network (DNN) to produce an intermediate estimate for each speaker, linearly filter the estimates, and optimize a loss so that, at each microphone, the filtered estimates of all the speakers can add up to the mixture to satisfy the above constraint. We show that this loss can promote unsupervised separation of speakers. The linear filters are computed in each sub-band based on the mixture and DNN estimates through the forward convolutive prediction (FCP) algorithm. To address the frequency permutation problem incurred by using sub-band FCP, a loss term based on minimizing intra-source magnitude scattering is proposed. Although UNSSOR requires over-determined training mixtures, we can train DNNs to achieve under-determined separation (e.g., unsupervised monaural speech separation). Evaluation results on two-speaker separation in reverberant conditions show the effectiveness and potential of UNSSOR.Comment: in submissio

    Distant Speech Recognition of Natural Spontaneous Multi-party Conversations

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    Distant speech recognition (DSR) has gained wide interest recently. While deep networks keep improving ASR overall, the performance gap remains between using close-talking recordings and distant recordings. Therefore the work in this thesis aims at providing some insights for further improvement of DSR performance. The investigation starts with collecting the first multi-microphone and multi-media corpus of natural spontaneous multi-party conversations in native English with the speaker location tracked, i.e. the Sheffield Wargame Corpus (SWC). The state-of-the-art recognition systems with the acoustic models trained standalone and adapted both show word error rates (WERs) above 40% on headset recordings and above 70% on distant recordings. A comparison between SWC and AMI corpus suggests a few unique properties in the real natural spontaneous conversations, e.g. the very short utterances and the emotional speech. Further experimental analysis based on simulated data and real data quantifies the impact of such influence factors on DSR performance, and illustrates the complex interaction among multiple factors which makes the treatment of each influence factor much more difficult. The reverberation factor is studied further. It is shown that the reverberation effect on speech features could be accurately modelled with a temporal convolution in the complex spectrogram domain. Based on that a polynomial reverberation score is proposed to measure the distortion level of short utterances. Compared to existing reverberation metrics like C50, it avoids a rigid early-late-reverberation partition without compromising the performance on ranking the reverberation level of recording environments and channels. Furthermore, the existing reverberation measurement is signal independent thus unable to accurately estimate the reverberation distortion level in short recordings. Inspired by the phonetic analysis on the reverberation distortion via self-masking and overlap-masking, a novel partition of reverberation distortion into the intra-phone smearing and the inter-phone smearing is proposed, so that the reverberation distortion level is first estimated on each part and then combined

    Speech Modeling and Robust Estimation for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Towards Single-Channel Speech Separation in Noise and Reverberation

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    Many speech technologies, such as automatic speech recognition and speaker identification, are conventionally designed to only work on single speech streams. As a result, these systems can suffer severely degraded performance in cases of overlapping speech, i.e. when two or more people are speaking at the same time. Speech separation systems aim to address this problem by taking a recording of a speech mixture and outputting a single recording for each speaker in the mixture, where the interfering speech has been removed. The advancements in speech technology provided by deep neural networks have extended to speech separation, resulting in the first effectively functional single-channel speech separation systems. As performance of these systems has improved, there has been a desire to extend their capabilities beyond the clean studio recordings using close-talking microphones that the technology was initially developed on. In this dissertation, we focus on the extension of these technologies to the noisy and reverberant conditions more representative of real-world applications. Contributions of this dissertation include producing and releasing new data appropriate for training and evaluation of single-channel speech separation techniques, performing benchmark experiments to establish the degradation of conventional methods in more realistic settings, theoretical analysis of the impact, and development of new techniques targeted at improving system performance in these adverse conditions

    A Robust Hybrid Neural Network Architecture for Blind Source Separation of Speech Signals Exploiting Deep Learning

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    In the contemporary era, blind source separation has emerged as a highly appealing and significant research topic within the field of signal processing. The imperative for the integration of blind source separation techniques within the context of beyond fifth-generation and sixth-generation networks arises from the increasing demand for reliable and efficient communication systems that can effectively handle the challenges posed by high-density networks, dynamic interference environments, and the coexistence of diverse signal sources, thereby enabling enhanced signal extraction and separation for improved system performance. Particularly, audio processing presents a critical domain where the challenge lies in effectively handling files containing a mixture of human speech, silence, and music. Addressing this challenge, speech separation systems can be regarded as a specialized form of human speech recognition or audio signal classification systems that are leveraged to separate, identify, or delineate segments of audio signals encompassing human speech. In various applications such as volume reduction, quality enhancement, detection, and identification, the need arises to separate human speech by eliminating silence, music, or environmental noise from the audio signals. Consequently, the development of robust methods for accurate and efficient speech separation holds paramount importance in optimizing audio signal processing tasks. This study proposes a novel three-way neural network architecture that incorporates transfer learning, a pre-trained dual-path recurrent neural network, and a transformer. In addition to learning the time series associated with audio signals, this network possesses the unique capability of direct context-awareness for modeling the speech sequence within the transformer framework. A comprehensive array of simulations is meticulously conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed model, which is benchmarked with seven prominent state-of-the-art deep learning-based architectures. The results obtained from these evaluations demonstrate notable advancements in multiple objective metrics. Specifically, our proposed solution showcases an average improvement of 4.60% in terms of short-time objective intelligibility, 14.84% in source-to-distortion ratio, and 9.87% in scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio. These extraordinary advancements surpass those achieved by the nearest rival, namely the dual-path recurrent neural network time-domain audio separation network, firmly establishing the superiority of our proposed model's performance