6,148 research outputs found

    Intelligent tutoring systems for systems engineering methodologies

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    The general goal is to provide the technology required to build systems that can provide intelligent tutoring in IDEF (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition Method) modeling. The following subject areas are covered: intelligent tutoring systems for systems analysis methodologies; IDEF tutor architecture and components; developing cognitive skills for IDEF modeling; experimental software; and PC based prototype

    The BURCHAK corpus: a Challenge Data Set for Interactive Learning of Visually Grounded Word Meanings

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    We motivate and describe a new freely available human-human dialogue dataset for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings through ostensive definition by a tutor to a learner. The data has been collected using a novel, character-by-character variant of the DiET chat tool (Healey et al., 2003; Mills and Healey, submitted) with a novel task, where a Learner needs to learn invented visual attribute words (such as " burchak " for square) from a tutor. As such, the text-based interactions closely resemble face-to-face conversation and thus contain many of the linguistic phenomena encountered in natural, spontaneous dialogue. These include self-and other-correction, mid-sentence continuations, interruptions, overlaps, fillers, and hedges. We also present a generic n-gram framework for building user (i.e. tutor) simulations from this type of incremental data, which is freely available to researchers. We show that the simulations produce outputs that are similar to the original data (e.g. 78% turn match similarity). Finally, we train and evaluate a Reinforcement Learning dialogue control agent for learning visually grounded word meanings, trained from the BURCHAK corpus. The learned policy shows comparable performance to a rule-based system built previously.Comment: 10 pages, THE 6TH WORKSHOP ON VISION AND LANGUAGE (VL'17

    Knowledge-based intelligent error feedback in a Spanish ICALL system

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    This paper describes the Spanish ICALL system ESPADA which helps language learners to improve their syntactical knowledge. The most important parts of ESPADA for the learner are a Demonstration Module and an Analysis Module. The Demonstration Module provides animated presentation of selected grammatical information. The Analysis Module is able to parse ill-formed sentences and to give adequate feedback on 28 different error types from different levels of language use (syntax, semantics, agreement). It contains a robust chart-based island parser which uses a combination of mal-rules and constraint relaxation to ensure that learner input can be analysed and appropriate error feedback can be generated

    From Interactive Open Learner Modelling to Intelligent Mentoring: STyLE-OLM and Beyond

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    STyLE-OLM (Dimitrova 2003 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 13, 35–78) presented a framework for interactive open learner modelling which entails the development of the means by which learners can inspect, discuss and alter the learner model that has been jointly constructed by themselves and the system. This paper outlines the STyLE-OLM framework and reflects on the key challenges it addressed: (a) the design of an appropriate communication medium; this was addressed by proposing a structured language using diagrammatic presentations of conceptual graphs; (b) the management of the interaction with the learner; this was addressed by designing a framework for interactive open learner modelling dialogue utilising dialogue games; (c) the accommodation of different beliefs about the learner’s domain model; this was addressed with a mechanism for maintaining different views about the learner beliefs which adapted belief modal logic operators; and (d) the assessment of any resulting improvements in learner model accuracy and learner reflection; this was addressed in a user study with an instantiation of STyLE-OLM for diagnosing a learner’s knowledge of finance concept, as part of a larger project that developed an intelligent system to assist with learning domain terminology in a foreign language. Reviewing follow on work, we refer to projects by the authors’ students and colleagues leading to further extension and adoption of STyLE-OLM, as well as relevant approaches in open learner modelling which have cited the STyLE-OLM framework. The paper points at outstanding research challenges and outlines future a research direction to extend interactive open learner modelling towards mentor-like intelligent learning systems

    Interactive correction and recommendation for computer language learning and training

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    Active learning and training is a particularly effective form of education. In various domains, skills are equally important to knowledge. We present an automated learning and skills training system for a database programming environment that promotes procedural knowledge acquisition and skills training. The system provides meaningful, knowledge-level feedback such as correction of student solutions and personalised guidance through recommendations. Specifically, we address automated synchronous feedback and recommendations based on personalised performance assessment. At the core of the tutoring system is a pattern-based error classification and correction component that analyses student input in order to provide immediate feedback and in order to diagnose student weaknesses and suggest further study material. A syntax-driven approach based on grammars and syntax trees provides the solution for a semantic analysis technique. Syntax tree abstractions and comparison techniques based on equivalence rules and pattern matching are specific approaches

    Students´ language in computer-assisted tutoring of mathematical proofs

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    Truth and proof are central to mathematics. Proving (or disproving) seemingly simple statements often turns out to be one of the hardest mathematical tasks. Yet, doing proofs is rarely taught in the classroom. Studies on cognitive difficulties in learning to do proofs have shown that pupils and students not only often do not understand or cannot apply basic formal reasoning techniques and do not know how to use formal mathematical language, but, at a far more fundamental level, they also do not understand what it means to prove a statement or even do not see the purpose of proof at all. Since insight into the importance of proof and doing proofs as such cannot be learnt other than by practice, learning support through individualised tutoring is in demand. This volume presents a part of an interdisciplinary project, set at the intersection of pedagogical science, artificial intelligence, and (computational) linguistics, which investigated issues involved in provisioning computer-based tutoring of mathematical proofs through dialogue in natural language. The ultimate goal in this context, addressing the above-mentioned need for learning support, is to build intelligent automated tutoring systems for mathematical proofs. The research presented here has been focused on the language that students use while interacting with such a system: its linguistic propeties and computational modelling. Contribution is made at three levels: first, an analysis of language phenomena found in students´ input to a (simulated) proof tutoring system is conducted and the variety of students´ verbalisations is quantitatively assessed, second, a general computational processing strategy for informal mathematical language and methods of modelling prominent language phenomena are proposed, and third, the prospects for natural language as an input modality for proof tutoring systems is evaluated based on collected corpora

    An Architecture of an Intelligent Tutoring System to Support Distance Learning

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    This paper outlines a design framework of an intelligent tutoring system (ITS). ITS focuses on a newer and more comprehensive distance learning (DL) process as compared to the established traditional DL programs practiced today. The DL model presented in this paper (CHARLIE) is a high level software based tutorial that has the ability to encompass a wide variety of current DL technologies in a single DL session. CHARLIE's architecture has four components: Control Component (responsible for the interaction between software agents and the operating system); Instructional Component (concerned with the instructional aspects of an ITS session); Text Analysis Component (analyzes the partial syntax and partial semantics of the text in the session); Student Modeling Component (analyzes a student's progress and determines the best model for learning during a session). Each component is serviced by a set of software agents to accomplish its mission. Three additional entities in CHARLIE are two separate databases and an explanation facility. Six agents have been implemented in CHARLIE to create a DL course in C++ programming. Much of CHARLIE remains to be completed which opens many areas for research
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