668 research outputs found

    Assessing identity, redundancy and confounds in Gene Ontology annotations over time

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    MOTIVATION: The Gene Ontology (GO) is heavily used in systems biology, but the potential for redundancy, confounds with other data sources and problems with stability over time have been little explored. RESULTS: We report that GO annotations are stable over short periods, with 3% of genes not being most semantically similar to themselves between monthly GO editions. However, we find that genes can alter their 'functional identity' over time, with 20% of genes not matching to themselves (by semantic similarity) after 2 years. We further find that annotation bias in GO, in which some genes are more characterized than others, has declined in yeast, but generally increased in humans. Finally, we discovered that many entries in protein interaction databases are owing to the same published reports that are used for GO annotations, with 66% of assessed GO groups exhibiting this confound. We provide a case study to illustrate how this information can be used in analyses of gene sets and networks. AVAILABILITY: Data available at http://chibi.ubc.ca/assessGO. CONTACT: [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Computational algorithms to predict Gene Ontology annotations

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    Background Gene function annotations, which are associations between a gene and a term of a controlled vocabulary describing gene functional features, are of paramount importance in modern biology. Datasets of these annotations, such as the ones provided by the Gene Ontology Consortium, are used to design novel biological experiments and interpret their results. Despite their importance, these sources of information have some known issues. They are incomplete, since biological knowledge is far from being definitive and it rapidly evolves, and some erroneous annotations may be present. Since the curation process of novel annotations is a costly procedure, both in economical and time terms, computational tools that can reliably predict likely annotations, and thus quicken the discovery of new gene annotations, are very useful. Methods We used a set of computational algorithms and weighting schemes to infer novel gene annotations from a set of known ones. We used the latent semantic analysis approach, implementing two popular algorithms (Latent Semantic Indexing and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis) and propose a novel method, the Semantic IMproved Latent Semantic Analysis, which adds a clustering step on the set of considered genes. Furthermore, we propose the improvement of these algorithms by weighting the annotations in the input set. Results We tested our methods and their weighted variants on the Gene Ontology annotation sets of three model organism genes (Bos taurus, Danio rerio and Drosophila melanogaster ). The methods showed their ability in predicting novel gene annotations and the weighting procedures demonstrated to lead to a valuable improvement, although the obtained results vary according to the dimension of the input annotation set and the considered algorithm. Conclusions Out of the three considered methods, the Semantic IMproved Latent Semantic Analysis is the one that provides better results. In particular, when coupled with a proper weighting policy, it is able to predict a significant number of novel annotations, demonstrating to actually be a helpful tool in supporting scientists in the curation process of gene functional annotations

    Semi-automated curation of protein subcellular localization: a text mining-based approach to Gene Ontology (GO) Cellular Component curation

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    Background: Manual curation of experimental data from the biomedical literature is an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. Nevertheless, most biological knowledge bases still rely heavily on manual curation for data extraction and entry. Text mining software that can semi- or fully automate information retrieval from the literature would thus provide a significant boost to manual curation efforts. Results: We employ the Textpresso category-based information retrieval and extraction system http://www.textpresso.org webcite, developed by WormBase to explore how Textpresso might improve the efficiency with which we manually curate C. elegans proteins to the Gene Ontology's Cellular Component Ontology. Using a training set of sentences that describe results of localization experiments in the published literature, we generated three new curation task-specific categories (Cellular Components, Assay Terms, and Verbs) containing words and phrases associated with reports of experimentally determined subcellular localization. We compared the results of manual curation to that of Textpresso queries that searched the full text of articles for sentences containing terms from each of the three new categories plus the name of a previously uncurated C. elegans protein, and found that Textpresso searches identified curatable papers with recall and precision rates of 79.1% and 61.8%, respectively (F-score of 69.5%), when compared to manual curation. Within those documents, Textpresso identified relevant sentences with recall and precision rates of 30.3% and 80.1% (F-score of 44.0%). From returned sentences, curators were able to make 66.2% of all possible experimentally supported GO Cellular Component annotations with 97.3% precision (F-score of 78.8%). Measuring the relative efficiencies of Textpresso-based versus manual curation we find that Textpresso has the potential to increase curation efficiency by at least 8-fold, and perhaps as much as 15-fold, given differences in individual curatorial speed. Conclusion: Textpresso is an effective tool for improving the efficiency of manual, experimentally based curation. Incorporating a Textpresso-based Cellular Component curation pipeline at WormBase has allowed us to transition from strictly manual curation of this data type to a more efficient pipeline of computer-assisted validation. Continued development of curation task-specific Textpresso categories will provide an invaluable resource for genomics databases that rely heavily on manual curation

    Gene function finding through cross-organism ensemble learning

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    Background: Structured biological information about genes and proteins is a valuable resource to improve discovery and understanding of complex biological processes via machine learning algorithms. Gene Ontology (GO) controlled annotations describe, in a structured form, features and functions of genes and proteins of many organisms. However, such valuable annotations are not always reliable and sometimes are incomplete, especially for rarely studied organisms. Here, we present GeFF (Gene Function Finder), a novel cross-organism ensemble learning method able to reliably predict new GO annotations of a target organism from GO annotations of another source organism evolutionarily related and better studied. Results: Using a supervised method, GeFF predicts unknown annotations from random perturbations of existing annotations. The perturbation consists in randomly deleting a fraction of known annotations in order to produce a reduced annotation set. The key idea is to train a supervised machine learning algorithm with the reduced annotation set to predict, namely to rebuild, the original annotations. The resulting prediction model, in addition to accurately rebuilding the original known annotations for an organism from their perturbed version, also effectively predicts new unknown annotations for the organism. Moreover, the prediction model is also able to discover new unknown annotations in different target organisms without retraining.We combined our novel method with different ensemble learning approaches and compared them to each other and to an equivalent single model technique. We tested the method with five different organisms using their GO annotations: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Bos taurus, Gallus gallus and Dictyostelium discoideum. The outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the cross-organism ensemble approach, which can be customized with a trade-off between the desired number of predicted new annotations and their precision.A Web application to browse both input annotations used and predicted ones, choosing the ensemble prediction method to use, is publicly available at http://tiny.cc/geff/. Conclusions: Our novel cross-organism ensemble learning method provides reliable predicted novel gene annotations, i.e., functions, ranked according to an associated likelihood value. They are very valuable both to speed the annotation curation, focusing it on the prioritized new annotations predicted, and to complement known annotations available

    Disentangling the multigenic and pleiotropic nature of molecular function

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    Background: Biological processes at the molecular level are usually represented by molecular interaction networks. Function is organised and modularity identified based on network topology, however, this approach often fails to account for the dynamic and multifunctional nature of molecular components. For example, a molecule engaging in spatially or temporally independent functions may be inappropriately clustered into a single functional module. To capture biologically meaningful sets of interacting molecules, we use experimentally defined pathways as spatial/temporal units of molecular activity. Results: We defined functional profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on a minimal set of Gene Ontology terms sufficient to represent each pathway's genes. The Gene Ontology terms were used to annotate 271 pathways, accounting for pathway multi-functionality and gene pleiotropy. Pathways were then arranged into a network, linked by shared functionality. Of the genes in our data set, 44% appeared in multiple pathways performing a diverse set of functions. Linking pathways by overlapping functionality revealed a modular network with energy metabolism forming a sparse centre, surrounded by several denser clusters comprised of regulatory and metabolic pathways. Signalling pathways formed a relatively discrete cluster connected to the centre of the network. Genetic interactions were enriched within the clusters of pathways by a factor of 5.5, confirming the organisation of our pathway network is biologically significant. Conclusions: Our representation of molecular function according to pathway relationships enables analysis of gene/protein activity in the context of specific functional roles, as an alternative to typical molecule-centric graph-based methods. The pathway network demonstrates the cooperation of multiple pathways to perform biological processes and organises pathways into functionally related clusters with interdependent outcomes

    BioXSD: the common data-exchange format for everyday bioinformatics web services

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    Motivation: The world-wide community of life scientists has access to a large number of public bioinformatics databases and tools, which are developed and deployed using diverse technologies and designs. More and more of the resources offer programmatic web-service interface. However, efficient use of the resources is hampered by the lack of widely used, standard data-exchange formats for the basic, everyday bioinformatics data types
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