168 research outputs found

    Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering

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    Ontologies allow the capture and sharing of domain knowledge by formalizing information and making it machine understandable. As part of an information system, ontologies can capture and carry the reasoning knowledge needed to fulfill different application goals. Although many ontologies have been developed over recent years, few include such reasoning information. As a result, many ontologies are not used in real-life applications, do not get reused or only act as a taxonomy of a domain. This work is an investigation into the practical use of ontologies as a driving factor in the development of applications and the incorporation of Knowledge Engineering as a meaningful activity into modern agile software development. This thesis contributes a novel methodology that supports an incremental requirement analysis and an iterative formalization of ontology design through the use of ontology reasoning patterns. It also provides an application model for ontology-driven applications that can deal with nonontological data sources. A set of case studies with various application specific goals helps to elucidate whether ontologies are in fact suitable for more than simple knowledge formalization and sharing, and can act as the underlying structure for developing largescale information systems. Tasks from the area of bug-tracker quality mining and clone detection are evaluated for this purpose

    Semantic Jira - Semantic Expert Finder in the Bug Tracking Tool Jira

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    The semantic expert recommender extension for the Jira bug tracking system semantically searches for similar tickets in Jira and recommends experts and links to existing organizational (Wiki) knowledge for each ticket. This helps to avoid redundant work and supports the search and collaboration with experts in the project management and maintenance phase based on semantically enriched tickets in Jira.Comment: published in proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE2013), Berlin, Germany, December 2-5, 201

    OntoMaven: Maven-based Ontology Development and Management of Distributed Ontology Repositories

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    In collaborative agile ontology development projects support for modular reuse of ontologies from large existing remote repositories, ontology project life cycle management, and transitive dependency management are important needs. The Apache Maven approach has proven its success in distributed collaborative Software Engineering by its widespread adoption. The contribution of this paper is a new design artifact called OntoMaven. OntoMaven adopts the Maven-based development methodology and adapts its concepts to knowledge engineering for Maven-based ontology development and management of ontology artifacts in distributed ontology repositories.Comment: Pre-print submission to 9th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE2013). Berlin, Germany, December 2-5, 201

    Acquisition and management of semantic web service descriptions

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    Abstract. The increasing importance and use of Web services have resulted in a number of efforts targeted at automating Web service discovery and composition based on semantic descriptions of their properties. However, the progress in the automation of Web service discovery is still held back by the fact that the description of Web services in terms of semantic metadata is still mainly manually. This Ph.D. thesis addresses this problem by developing an approach for the acquisition and management of semantic Web service descriptions in order to facilitate efficient service discovery and composition. Specifically, this involves the collection of information about a Web service, the acquisition of semantic descriptions based on the collected information, and the structured storage of the generated semantic descriptions.

    Harmonizing Software Standards with a Semantic Model

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    The application of standards in the software development process supports interoperability between systems. Maintenance of standards must be guaranteed on the organisational and technical level. The use of semantic technologies can contribute to the standard maintenance process by providing a harmonizing bridge between standards of different knowledge domains and languages and by providing a single point of administration for standard domain concepts. This paper describes a case study of the creation of a semantic layer between software standards for water management systems in The Netherland

    Software engineering 2.0: a social global repository based on semantic annotation and social web for knowledge management

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    Proceedings of: First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, (WSKS 2008), September 24-26, 2008, Athens (Greece)The effective management of the software development process has become an essential for business survival in an ever more competitive industry. In order to gain business strengths from the development process, organizations need to carry out software development in the most efficient manner possible, avoiding redundancy and time losses. This paper presents an architecture which combines the strengths of two technologies, Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, as a solution to reuse and extrapolate knowledge and software products across projects and organizations.Publicad

    An ontology of agile aspect oriented software development

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    Both agile methods and aspect oriented programming (AOP) have emerged in recent years as new paradigms in software development. Both promise to free the process of building software systems from some of the constraints of more traditional approaches. As a software engineering approach on the one hand, and a software development tool on the other, there is the potential for them to be used in conjunction. However, thus far, there has been little interplay between the two. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that there may be untapped synergies that may be exploited, if the appropriate approach is taken to integrating AOP with agile methods. This paper takes an ontological approach to supporting this integration, proposing ontology enabled development based on an analysis of existing ontologies of aspect oriented programming, a proposed ontology of agile methods, and a derived ontology of agile aspect oriented development

    An Ontology-Based Method for Semantic Integration of Business Components

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    Building new business information systems from reusable components is today an approach widely adopted and used. Using this approach in analysis and design phases presents a great interest and requires the use of a particular class of components called Business Components (BC). Business Components are today developed by several manufacturers and are available in many repositories. However, reusing and integrating them in a new Information System requires detection and resolution of semantic conflicts. Moreover, most of integration and semantic conflict resolution systems rely on ontology alignment methods based on domain ontology. This work is positioned at the intersection of two research areas: Integration of reusable Business Components and alignment of ontologies for semantic conflict resolution. Our contribution concerns both the proposal of a BC integration solution based on ontologies alignment and a method for enriching the domain ontology used as a support for alignment.Comment: IEEE New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), 2011 11th Annual International Conference; ISSN: 2162-1896 Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-0729-2 INSPEC Accession Number: 12122775 201

    Ontology For Europe's Space Situational Awareness Program

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    This paper presents an ontology architecture concept for the European Space Agency‘s (ESA) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Program. It incorporates the author‘s domain ontology, The Space Situational Awareness Ontology and related ontology work. I summarize computational ontology, discuss the segments of ESA SSA, and introduce an option for a modular ontology framework reflecting the divisionsof the SSA program. Among other things, ontologies are used for data sharing and integration. By applying ontology to ESA data, the ESA may better achieve its integration and innovation goals, while simultaneously improving the state of peaceful SSA