813 research outputs found

    An online authoring and publishing platform for field guides and identification tools

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    Various implementation approaches are available for digital field guides and identification tools that are created for the web and mobile devices. The architecture of the “biowikifarm” publishing platform and some technical and social advantages of a document- and author-centric approach based on the MediaWiki open source software over custom-developed, database driven software are presented

    A Semantic Wiki-based Platform for IT Service Management

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    The book researches the use of a semantic wiki in the area of IT Service Management within the IT department of an SME. An emphasis of the book lies in the design and prototypical implementation of tools for the integration of ITSM-relevant information into the semantic wiki, as well as tools for interactions between the wiki and external programs. The result of the book is a platform for agile, semantic wiki-based ITSM for IT administration teams of SMEs


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    Data management has a key role on how we access, organize, and integrate data. Research community is one of the domain on which data is disseminated, e.g., projects, publications, and members.There is no well-established standard for doing so, and therefore the value of the data decreases, e.g. in terms of accessibility, discoverability, and reusability. LinkedLab proposes a platform to manage data for research communites using Linked Data technique. The use of Linked Data affords a more effective way to access, organize, and integrate the data. Manajemen data memilki peranan kunci dalam bagaimana kita mengakses, mengatur, dan mengintegrasikan data. Komunitas riset adalah salah satu domain dimana data disebarkan, contohnyadistribusi data dalam proyek, publikasi dan anggota. Tidak ada standar yang mengatur distribusi data selama ini.Oleh karena itu,value dari data cenderung menurun, contohnya dalam konteksaccessibility, discoverability, dan usability. LinkedLab merupakan sebuah usulanplatform untuk mengelola data untuk komunitas riset dengan menggunakan teknik Linked Data. Kegunaan Linked Data adalah sebuah cara yang efektif untuk mengakses, mengatur, dan mengitegrasikan data

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy

    Knowledge Annotation within Research Data Management System for Oxygen-Free Production Technologies

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    The comprehensive implementation of digital technologies in product manufacturing leads to changes in engineering processes and requires new approaches to data management. An important role belongs to the processes of organizing the collection, storage and reuse of research data obtained and used in the process of product, system or technology development, taking into account the FAIR data principles. This article describes a Research Data Management System for the organization of documentation and measurement requests in the research and development of new oxygen-free production technologies

    Knowledge-Driven Harmonization of Sensor Observations: Exploiting Linked Open Data for IoT Data Streams

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    The rise of the Internet of Things leads to an unprecedented number of continuous sensor observations that are available as IoT data streams. Harmonization of such observations is a labor-intensive task due to heterogeneity in format, syntax, and semantics. We aim to reduce the effort for such harmonization tasks by employing a knowledge-driven approach. To this end, we pursue the idea of exploiting the large body of formalized public knowledge represented as statements in Linked Open Data

    Semantic wikis as flexible database interfaces for biomedical applications

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    Several challenges prevent extracting knowledge from biomedical resources, including data heterogeneity and the difficulty to obtain and collaborate on data and annotations by medical doctors. Therefore, flexibility in their representation and interconnection is required; it is also essential to be able to interact easily with such data. In recent years, semantic tools have been developed: semantic wikis are collections of wiki pages that can be annotated with properties and so combine flexibility and expressiveness, two desirable aspects when modeling databases, especially in the dynamic biomedical domain. However, semantics and collaborative analysis of biomedical data is still an unsolved challenge. The aim of this work is to create a tool for easing the design and the setup of semantic databases and to give the possibility to enrich them with biostatistical applications. As a side effect, this will also make them reproducible, fostering their application by other research groups. A command-line software has been developed for creating all structures required by Semantic MediaWiki. Besides, a way to expose statistical analyses as R Shiny applications in the interface is provided, along with a facility to export Prolog predicates for reasoning with external tools. The developed software allowed to create a set of biomedical databases for the Neuroscience Department of the University of Padova in a more automated way. They can be extended with additional qualitative and statistical analyses of data, including for instance regressions, geographical distribution of diseases, and clustering. The software is released as open source-code and published under the GPL-3 license at https://github.com/mfalda/tsv2swm

    The genesis and emergence of Web 3.0: a study in the integration of artificial intelligence and the semantic web in knowledge creation

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    The web as we know it has evolved rapidly over the last decade. We have gone from a phase of rapid growth as seen with the dot.com boom where business was king to the current web 2.0 phase where social networking, Wiki’s, Blogs and other related tools flood the bandwidth of the world wide web. The empowerment of the web user with web 2.0 technologies has led to the exponential growth of data, information and knowledge on the web. With this rapid change, there is a need to logically categorise this information and knowledge so it can be fully utilised by all. It can be argued that the power of the knowledge held on the web is not fully exposed under its current structure and to improve this we need to explore the foundations of the web. This dissertation will explore the evolution of the web from its early days to the present day. It will examine the way web content is stored and discuss the new semantic technologies now available to represent this content. The research aims to demonstrate the possibilities of efficient knowledge extraction from a knowledge portal such as a Wiki or SharePoint portal using these semantic technologies. This generation of dynamic knowledge content within a limited domain will attempt to demonstrate the benefits of semantic web to the knowledge age
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