6 research outputs found

    AC-RDVT: Acyclic Resource Distance Vector Routing Tables for Dynamic Grid Resource Discovery

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    Since the objective of grid is sharing the numerous and heterogeneous resources, resource discovery is a challenging issue. Recently appeared, Ontosum, is a resource discovery method based on semantically linked organizations and a routing algorithm Resource Distance Vector (RDV), has been presented to forward resource discovery queries into the clusters. Although this framework is efficient for large-scale grids and nodes are clustered automatically based on semantic attributes to constitute a semantically linked overlay network, but the dynamic behavior of grid isn’t considered. In this method, deceptive information is stored in RDV tables (RDVT) which cause some problems in routing process. In this paper, a method is proposed to improve the dynamism of RDV routing algorithm, so the consistency with grid environments is increased. The developed algorithm is assessed by investigating the success probability, number of hops and routing time of resource discovery.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i1.183

    Summarization of Scientific Paper through Reinforcement Ranking on Semantic Link Network

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    The Semantic Link Network is a semantics modeling method for effective information services. This paper proposes a new text summarization approach that extracts Semantic Link Network from scientific paper consisting of language units of different granularities as nodes and semantic links between the nodes, and then ranks the nodes to select Top-k sentences to compose summary. A set of assumptions for reinforcing representative nodes is set to reflect the core of paper. Then, Semantic Link Networks with different types of node and links are constructed with different combinations of the assumptions. Finally, an iterative ranking algorithm is designed for calculating the weight vectors of the nodes in a converged iteration process. The iteration approximately approaches a stable weight vector of sentence nodes, which is ranked to select Top-k high-rank nodes for composing summary. We designed six types of ranking models on Semantic Link Networks for evaluation. Both objective assessment and intuitive assessment show that ranking Semantic Link Network of language units can significantly help identify the representative sentences. This work not only provides a new approach to summarizing text based on extraction of semantic links from text but also verifies the effectiveness of adopting the Semantic Link Network in rendering the core of text. The proposed approach can be applied to implementing other summarization applications such as generating an extended abstract, the mind map and the bulletin points for making the slides of a given paper. It can be easily extended by incorporating more semantic links to improve text summarization and other information services

    Communities and emerging semantics in semantic link network:discovery and learning

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    The World Wide Web provides plentiful contents for Web-based learning, but its hyperlink-based architecture connects Web resources for browsing freely rather than for effective learning. To support effective learning, an e-learning system should be able to discover and make use of the semantic communities and the emerging semantic relations in a dynamic complex network of learning resources. Previous graph-based community discovery approaches are limited in ability to discover semantic communities. This paper first suggests the Semantic Link Network (SLN), a loosely coupled semantic data model that can semantically link resources and derive out implicit semantic links according to a set of relational reasoning rules. By studying the intrinsic relationship between semantic communities and the semantic space of SLN, approaches to discovering reasoning-constraint, rule-constraint, and classification-constraint semantic communities are proposed. Further, the approaches, principles, and strategies for discovering emerging semantics in dynamic SLNs are studied. The basic laws of the semantic link network motion are revealed for the first time. An e-learning environment incorporating the proposed approaches, principles, and strategies to support effective discovery and learning is suggested

    Probabilistic inference on uncertain semantic link network and its application in event identification

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    The Probabilistic Semantic Link Network (P-SLN) is a model for enhancing the ability of Semantic Link Network in representing uncertainty. Probabilistic inference over uncertain semantic links can process the likelihood and consistency of uncertain semantic links. This work develops the P-SLN model by incorporating probabilistic inference rules and consistency constraints. Two probabilistic inference mechanisms are incorporated into the model. The application of probabilistic inference on SLN of events for joint event identification verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model

    Semantic Link Network Builder and Intelligent Semantic Browser

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    Semantic Link Network (SLN) is a semantic Web model using semantic links—the natural extension of the hyperlink-based Web. The SLN-Builder is a software tool that enables definition, modification and verification of, as well as access to the SLN. The SLN-Builder can convert a SLN definition into XML descriptions for cross-platform information exchange. The Intelligent Semantic Browser is used to visualize the SLN and carry out two types of reasoning in browsing time: small granularity reasoning by chaining semantic links and large granularity reasoning by matching semantic views of SLN. With the help of the reasoning mechanism, the browser can recommend the content that is semantically relevant to the current browsing content, and it enables users to foresee the end-side content of a semantic link chain. This paper presents the design and implementation of the SLN-Builder and the intelligent semantic browser as well as key algorithms. Copyright c ○ 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: algorithm; browser; matching; reasoning; semantic link; Semantic We

    Hipervínculo como proceso de diseño. Aproximación a las estructuras de la interacción en la web y su utilización para la construcción de metáforas en el diálogo visual

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    [spa] Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo encontrar la relación que existe entre el hipervínculo y el diseño. Cuando se abre una página web cualquiera se puede observar que muestra imagen y texto. Algunas de esas imágenes o de esos textos son expandibles, desplegables o dinámicos… permitiendo ampliarlas en sí mismas; ese texto, esa imagen, expandida a través de un enlace se presenta en frente, en primer plano o superpuesto, para ser de nuevo percibido y volver a empezar. Luego pasa a ser una información enlazada, es decir, un hipervínculo, también conocido, comúnmente, como enlace o vínculo. Este elemento es fundamental en los documentos electrónicos porque remite a otro documento o a un punto específico del mismo. También puede accederse al recurso referenciado gracias a una red y un protocolo, mediante un agente navegador o mostrarlo como parte del documento referenciado o guardarlo localmente. Este proceso que constituye un conjunto de enlaces con sentido constituido (hipervínculo) requiere de la articulación e integración de una forma en un sentido, para lograr organizar su propio sistema de objetos. La alteración que deben sufrir las imágenes, sonidos y señales para su transmisión o reproducción produce una situación bastante conveniente para el diseño gráfico: un fenómeno que exige expresión y lógica. Un fenómeno que se en una relación de orden referencial que requiere del diseño para acercar aquel vínculo, a menudo lejano y dependiente de la memoria consciente, al sentido casi automático de lo narrado, más denso y fuerte, es decir, al referente de orden superior que está más imbricado en la memoria. Por tal razón, el estudio del enlace como uno de los componentes básicos de la “interfaz” y de los aplicativos web, con todas las posibilidades prácticas que actualmente se pueden prever en el uso del enlace, convierte este ejercicio de investigación en una visión teórica del diseño, en su propia naturaleza compleja. Esto se debe a que propone un análisis del vínculo y la relación que recoge en el diseño, el conjunto temático y crítico de la referencia, que permite una aproximación a las estructuras de la interacción en la web, además de que intenta incorporarlo en el núcleo mismo de la reflexión, como hipervínculo. En otras palabras, el estudio de la referencia hace operativa y posible una investigación de los contenidos teóricos que se dan en el hipervínculo. Además, se muestra la ampliación de la actividad proyectual básica del diseño y su utilización para la construcción de metáforas en el diálogo visual, integrando así la participación del usuario como agente cultural activo (interactor)