30 research outputs found

    RGCL-WLV at SemEval-2019 Task 12: Toponym Detection

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    This article describes the system submitted by the RGCL-WLV team to the SemEval 2019 Task 12: Toponym resolution in scientific papers. The system detects toponyms using a bootstrapped machine learning (ML) approach which classifies names identified using gazetteers extracted from the GeoNames geographical database. The paper evaluates the performance of several ML classifiers, as well as how the gazetteers influence the accuracy of the system. Several runs were submitted. The highest precision achieved for one of the submissions was 89%, albeit it at a relatively low recall of 49%.SemEval-2019 held June 6-7, 2019 in Minneapolis, USA, collocated with the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2019)

    How can voting mechanisms improve the robustness and generalizability of toponym disambiguation?

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    A vast amount of geographic information exists in natural language texts, such as tweets and news. Extracting geographic information from texts is called Geoparsing, which includes two subtasks: toponym recognition and toponym disambiguation, i.e., to identify the geospatial representations of toponyms. This paper focuses on toponym disambiguation, which is usually approached by toponym resolution and entity linking. Recently, many novel approaches have been proposed, especially deep learning-based approaches, such as CamCoder, GENRE, and BLINK. In this paper, a spatial clustering-based voting approach that combines several individual approaches is proposed to improve SOTA performance in terms of robustness and generalizability. Experiments are conducted to compare a voting ensemble with 20 latest and commonly-used approaches based on 12 public datasets, including several highly ambiguous and challenging datasets (e.g., WikToR and CLDW). The datasets are of six types: tweets, historical documents, news, web pages, scientific articles, and Wikipedia articles, containing in total 98,300 places across the world. The results show that the voting ensemble performs the best on all the datasets, achieving an average Accuracy@161km of 0.86, proving the generalizability and robustness of the voting approach. Also, the voting ensemble drastically improves the performance of resolving fine-grained places, i.e., POIs, natural features, and traffic ways.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Neural Network Approaches to Medical Toponym Recognition

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    Toponym identification, or place name recognition, within epidemiology articles is a crucial task for phylogeographers, as it allows them to analyze the development, spread, and migration of viruses. Although, public databases, such as GenBank (Benson et al., November 2012), contain the geographical information, this information is typically restricted to country and state levels. In order to identify more fine-grained localization information, epidemiologists need to read relevant scientific articles and manually extract place name mentions. In this thesis, we investigate the use of various neural network architectures and language representations to automatically segment and label toponyms within biomedical texts. We demonstrate how our language model based toponym recognizer relying on transformer architecture can achieve state-of-the-art performance. This model uses pre-trained BERT as the backbone and fine tunes on two domains of datasets (general articles and medical articles) in order to measure the generalizability of the approach and cross-domain transfer learning. Using BERT as the backbone of the model, resulted in a large highly parameterized model (340M parameters). In order to obtain a light model architecture we experimented with parameter pruning techniques, specifically we experimented with Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (Frankle and Carbin, May 2019) (LTH), however as indicated by Frankle and Carbin (May 2019), their pruning technique does not scale well to highly parametrized models and loses stability. We proposed a novel technique to augment LTH in order to increase the scalability and stability of this technique to highly parametrized models such as BERT and tested our technique on toponym identification task. The evaluation of the model was performed using a collection of 105 epidemiology articles from PubMed Central (Weissenbacher et al., June 2015). Our proposed model significantly improves the state-of-the-art model by achieving an F-measure of 90.85% compared to 89.13%

    How can voting mechanisms improve the robustness and generalizability of toponym disambiguation?

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    A vast amount of geospatial information exists in natural language texts, such as tweets and news. Extracting geospatial information from texts is called Geoparsing, which includes two subtasks: toponym recognition and toponym disambiguation, i.e., to identify the geospatial representations of toponyms. This paper focuses on toponym disambiguation, which is approached by toponym resolution and entity linking. Recently, many novel approaches have been proposed, especially deep learning-based, such as CamCoder, GENRE, and BLINK. In this paper, a spatial clustering-based voting approach combining several individual approaches is proposed to improve SOTA performance regarding robustness and generalizability. Experiments are conducted to compare a voting ensemble with 20 latest and commonly-used approaches based on 12 public datasets, including several highly challenging datasets (e.g., WikToR). They are in six types: tweets, historical documents, news, web pages, scientific articles, and Wikipedia articles, containing 98,300 places across the world. Experimental results show that the voting ensemble performs the best on all the datasets, achieving an average Accuracy@161km of 0.86, proving its generalizability and robustness. Besides, it drastically improves the performance of resolving fine-grained places, i.e., POIs, natural features, and traffic ways

    How can voting mechanisms improve the robustness and generalizability of toponym disambiguation

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    Natural language texts, such as tweets and news, contain a vast amount of geospatial information, which can be extracted by first recognizing toponyms in texts (toponym recognition) and then identifying their geospatial representations (toponym disambiguation). This paper focuses on toponym disambiguation, which can be approached by toponym resolution and entity linking. Recently, many novel approaches, especially deep learning-based, have been proposed, such as CamCoder, GENRE, and BLINK. However, these approaches were not compared on the same and large datasets. Moreover, there is still a need and space to improve their robustness and generalizability further. To mitigate the two research gaps, in this paper, we propose a spatial clustering-based voting approach combining several individual approaches and compare a voting ensemble with 20 latest and commonly-used approaches based on 12 public datasets, including several highly challenging datasets (e.g., WikToR). They are in six types: tweets, historical documents, news, web pages, scientific articles, and Wikipedia articles, containing 98,300 toponyms. Experimental results show that the voting ensemble performs the best on all the datasets, achieving an average Accuracy@161km of 0.86, proving its generalizability and robustness. It also drastically improves the performance of resolving fine-grained places, i.e., POIs, natural features, and traffic ways. The detailed evaluation results can inform future methodological developments and guide the selection of proper approaches based on application needs

    Location Reference Recognition from Texts: A Survey and Comparison

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    A vast amount of location information exists in unstructured texts, such as social media posts, news stories, scientific articles, web pages, travel blogs, and historical archives. Geoparsing refers to recognizing location references from texts and identifying their geospatial representations. While geoparsing can benefit many domains, a summary of its specific applications is still missing. Further, there is a lack of a comprehensive review and comparison of existing approaches for location reference recognition, which is the first and core step of geoparsing. To fill these research gaps, this review first summarizes seven typical application domains of geoparsing: geographic information retrieval, disaster management, disease surveillance, traffic management, spatial humanities, tourism management, and crime management. We then review existing approaches for location reference recognition by categorizing these approaches into four groups based on their underlying functional principle: rule-based, gazetteer matching–based, statistical learning-–based, and hybrid approaches. Next, we thoroughly evaluate the correctness and computational efficiency of the 27 most widely used approaches for location reference recognition based on 26 public datasets with different types of texts (e.g., social media posts and news stories) containing 39,736 location references worldwide. Results from this thorough evaluation can help inform future methodological developments and can help guide the selection of proper approaches based on application needs

    Biomedical Information Extraction Pipelines for Public Health in the Age of Deep Learning

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    abstract: Unstructured texts containing biomedical information from sources such as electronic health records, scientific literature, discussion forums, and social media offer an opportunity to extract information for a wide range of applications in biomedical informatics. Building scalable and efficient pipelines for natural language processing and extraction of biomedical information plays an important role in the implementation and adoption of applications in areas such as public health. Advancements in machine learning and deep learning techniques have enabled rapid development of such pipelines. This dissertation presents entity extraction pipelines for two public health applications: virus phylogeography and pharmacovigilance. For virus phylogeography, geographical locations are extracted from biomedical scientific texts for metadata enrichment in the GenBank database containing 2.9 million virus nucleotide sequences. For pharmacovigilance, tools are developed to extract adverse drug reactions from social media posts to open avenues for post-market drug surveillance from non-traditional sources. Across these pipelines, high variance is observed in extraction performance among the entities of interest while using state-of-the-art neural network architectures. To explain the variation, linguistic measures are proposed to serve as indicators for entity extraction performance and to provide deeper insight into the domain complexity and the challenges associated with entity extraction. For both the phylogeography and pharmacovigilance pipelines presented in this work the annotated datasets and applications are open source and freely available to the public to foster further research in public health.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Informatics 201