15 research outputs found

    Efficiency analysis of load balancing games with and without activation costs

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    In this paper, we study two models of resource allocation games: the classical load-balancing game and its new variant involving resource activation costs. The resources we consider are identical and the social costs of the games are utilitarian, which are the average of all individual players' costs. Using the social costs we assess the quality of pure Nash equilibria in terms of the price of anarchy (PoA) and the price of stability (PoS). For each game problem, we identify suitable problem parameters and provide a parametric bound on the PoA and the PoS. In the case of the load-balancing game, the parametric bounds we provide are sharp and asymptotically tight

    Resource allocation games of various social objectives

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    In this paper, we study resource allocation games of two different cost components for individual game players and various social costs. The total cost of each individual player consists of the congestion cost, which is the same for all players sharing the same resource, and resource activation cost, which is proportional to the individual usage of the resource. The social costs we consider are, respectively, the total of costs of all players and the maximum congestion cost plus total resource activation cost. Using the social costs we assess the quality of Nash equilibria in terms of the price of anarchy (PoA) and the price of stability (PoS). For each problem, we identify one or two problem parameters and provide parametric bounds on the PoA and PoS. We show that they are unbounded in general if the parameter involved are not restricted

    The Price of Anarchy for Selfish Ring Routing is Two

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    We analyze the network congestion game with atomic players, asymmetric strategies, and the maximum latency among all players as social cost. This important social cost function is much less understood than the average latency. We show that the price of anarchy is at most two, when the network is a ring and the link latencies are linear. Our bound is tight. This is the first sharp bound for the maximum latency objective.Comment: Full version of WINE 2012 paper, 24 page

    The Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Social Cost

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    In this work, we consider an interesting variant of the well-studied KP model [KP99] for selfish routing that reflects some influence from the much older Wardrop [War52]. In the new model, user traffics are still unsplittable, while social cost is now the expectation of the sum, over all links, of a certain polynomial evaluated at the total latency incurred by all users choosing the link; we call it polynomial social cost. The polynomials that we consider have non-negative coefficients. We are interested in evaluating Nash equilibria in this model, and we use the Price of Anarchy as our evaluation measure. We prove the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture for identical users and two links, and establish an approximate version of the conjecture for arbitrary many links. Moreover, we give upper bounds on the Price of Anarchy

    Instradamento egoistico in reti multi-salto

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    Questa tesi discute il problema dell'instradamento egoistico nelle reti di comunicazione. Viene dapprima presentato lo stato dell'arte di tale problema illustrando cos'Ăš stato studiato fino ad ora. Si introducono i concetti di base quali il costo totale, o sociale, gli equilibri di Nash e il prezzo dell'anarchia. Successivamente viene descritta una metodologia di valutazione del prezzo dell'anarchia tramite il software MATLAB. Sono riportati e spiegati passo passo gli algoritmi necessari al calcolo del flusso ottenuto tramite instradamento egoistico e del flusso ottimale. In seguito sono riportati i risultati di simulazioni svolte su diversi esempi significativi ricorrendo ad ampio uso di grafici che verranno discussi qualitativamente. VerrĂ  infine discusso il vantaggio o meno della presenza di controllo centralizzato nelle retiope

    The price of optimum in Stackelberg games on arbitrary single commodity networks and latency functions

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    Let M be a single s-t network of parallel links with load dependent latency functions shared by an infinite number of selfish users. This may yield a Nash equilibrium with unbounded Coordination Ratio [23, 43]. A Leader can decrease the coordination ratio by assigning flow αr on M, and then all Followers assign selfishly the (1 − α)r remaining flow. This is a Stackelberg Scheduling Instance (M, r, α), 0 ≀ α ≀ 1. It was shown [38] that it is weakly NP-hard to compute the optimal Leader’s strategy. For any such network M we efficiently compute the minimum portion ÎČM of flow r> 0 needed by a Leader to induce M ’s optimum cost, as well as her optimal strategy. This shows that the optimal Leader’s strategy on instances (M, r, α ≄ ÎČM) is in P. Unfortunately, Stackelberg routing in more general nets can be arbitrarily hard. Roughgarden pre-sented a modification of Braess’s Paradox graph, such that no strategy controlling αr flow can induce ≀ 1α times the optimum cost. However, we show that our main result also applies to any s-t net G. We take care of the Braess’s graph explicitly, as a convincing example. Finally, we extend this result to k commodities. A conference version of this paper has appeared in [16]. Some preliminary results have also appeare

    The Price of Anarchy for Selfish Ring Routing is Two

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    Packing, Scheduling and Covering Problems in a Game-Theoretic Perspective

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    Many packing, scheduling and covering problems that were previously considered by computer science literature in the context of various transportation and production problems, appear also suitable for describing and modeling various fundamental aspects in networks optimization such as routing, resource allocation, congestion control, etc. Various combinatorial problems were already studied from the game theoretic standpoint, and we attempt to complement to this body of research. Specifically, we consider the bin packing problem both in the classic and parametric versions, the job scheduling problem and the machine covering problem in various machine models. We suggest new interpretations of such problems in the context of modern networks and study these problems from a game theoretic perspective by modeling them as games, and then concerning various game theoretic concepts in these games by combining tools from game theory and the traditional combinatorial optimization. In the framework of this research we introduce and study models that were not considered before, and also improve upon previously known results.Comment: PhD thesi