10 research outputs found

    Characterizing the evolution of statically-detectable performance issues of Android apps

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    Mobile apps are playing a major role in our everyday life, and they are tending to become more and more complex and resource demanding. Because of that, performance issues may occur, disrupting the user experience or, even worse, preventing an effective use of the app. Ultimately, such problems can cause bad reviews and influence the app success. Developers deal with performance issues thorough dynamic analysis, i.e., performance testing and profiler tools, albeit static analysis tools can be a valid, relatively inexpensive complement for the early detection of some such issues. This paper empirically investigates how potential performance issues identified by a popular static analysis tool — Android Lint — are actually resolved in 316 open source Android apps among 724 apps we analyzed. More specifically, the study traces the issues detected by Android Lint since their introduction until they resolved, with the aim of studying (i) the overall evolution of performance issues in apps, (ii) the proportion of issues being resolved, as well as (iii) the distribution of their survival time, and (iv) the extent to which issue resolution are documented by developers in commit messages. Results indicate how some issues, especially related to the lack of resource recycle, tend to be more frequent than others. Also, while some issues, primarily of algorithmic nature, tend to be resolved quickly through well-known patterns, others tend to stay in the app longer, or not to be resolved at all. Finally, we found how only 10% of the issue resolution is documented in commit messages

    A Script-based Approach for Teaching and Assessing Android Application Development

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    To the attention of mobile software developers: Guess what, test your app!

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    Software testing is an important phase in the software development life-cycle because it helps in identifying bugs in a software system before it is shipped into the hand of its end users. There are numerous studies on how developers test general-purpose software applications. The idiosyncrasies of mobile software applications, however, set mobile apps apart from general-purpose systems (e.g., desktop, stand-alone applications, web services). This paper investigates working habits and challenges of mobile software developers with respect to testing. A key finding of our exhaustive study, using 1000 Android apps, demonstrates that mobile apps are still tested in a very ad hoc way, if tested at all. However, we show that, as in other types of software, testing increases the quality of apps (demonstrated in user ratings and number of code issues). Furthermore, we find evidence that tests are essential when it comes to engaging the community to contribute to mobile open source software. We discuss reasons and potential directions to address our findings. Yet another relevant finding of our study is that Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are rare in the mobile apps world (only 26% of the apps are developed in projects employing CI/CD) --- we argue that one of the main reasons is due to the lack of exhaustive and automatic testing.Comment: Journal of Empirical Software Engineerin

    Software Engineering in the Age of App Stores: Feature-Based Analyses to Guide Mobile Software Engineers

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    Mobile app stores are becoming the dominating distribution platform of mobile applications. Due to their rapid growth, their impact on software engineering practices is not yet well understood. There has been no comprehensive study that explores the mobile app store ecosystem's effect on software engineering practices. Therefore, this thesis, as its first contribution, empirically studies the app store as a phenomenon from the developers' perspective to investigate the extent to which app stores affect software engineering tasks. The study highlights the importance of a mobile application's features as a deliverable unit from developers to users. The study uncovers the involvement of app stores in eliciting requirements, perfective maintenance and domain analysis in the form of discoverable features written in text form in descriptions and user reviews. Developers discover possible features to include by searching the app store. Developers, through interviews, revealed the cost of such tasks given a highly prolific user base, which major app stores exhibit. Therefore, the thesis, in its second contribution, uses techniques to extract features from unstructured natural language artefacts. This is motivated by the indication that developers monitor similar applications, in terms of provided features, to understand user expectations in a certain application domain. This thesis then devises a semantic-aware technique of mobile application representation using textual functionality descriptions. This representation is then shown to successfully cluster mobile applications to uncover a finer-grained and functionality-based grouping of mobile apps. The thesis, furthermore, provides a comparison of baseline techniques of feature extraction from textual artefacts based on three main criteria: silhouette width measure, human judgement and execution time. Finally, this thesis, in its final contribution shows that features do indeed migrate in the app store beyond category boundaries and discovers a set of migratory characteristics and their relationship to price, rating and popularity in the app stores studied

    Self-Reported Activities of Android Developers

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    To gain a deeper empirical understanding of how developers work on Android apps, we investigate self-reported activities of Android developers and to what extent these activities can be classified with machine learning techniques. To this aim, we firstly create a taxonomy of self-reported activities coming from the manual analysis of 5,000 commit messages from 8,280 Android apps. Then, we study the frequency of each category of self-reported activities identified in the taxonomy, and investigate the feasibility of an automated classification approach. Our findings can inform be used by both practitioners and researchers to take informed decisions or support other software engineering activities.Acknowledgments: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642954Software Engineerin