3,869 research outputs found

    Toward Biologically-Inspired Self-Healing, Resilient Architectures for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems and Embedded Devices

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    Digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems in safety-related applications of next generation industrial automation systems require high levels of resilience against different fault classes. One of the more essential concepts for achieving this goal is the notion of resilient and survivable digital I&C systems. In recent years, self-healing concepts based on biological physiology have received attention for the design of robust digital systems. However, many of these approaches have not been architected from the outset with safety in mind, nor have they been targeted for the automation community where a significant need exists. This dissertation presents a new self-healing digital I&C architecture called BioSymPLe, inspired from the way nature responds, defends and heals: the stem cells in the immune system of living organisms, the life cycle of the living cell, and the pathway from Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to protein. The BioSymPLe architecture is integrating biological concepts, fault tolerance techniques, and operational schematics for the international standard IEC 61131-3 to facilitate adoption in the automation industry. BioSymPLe is organized into three hierarchical levels: the local function migration layer from the top side, the critical service layer in the middle, and the global function migration layer from the bottom side. The local layer is used to monitor the correct execution of functions at the cellular level and to activate healing mechanisms at the critical service level. The critical layer is allocating a group of functional B cells which represent the building block that executes the intended functionality of critical application based on the expression for DNA genetic codes stored inside each cell. The global layer uses a concept of embryonic stem cells by differentiating these type of cells to repair the faulty T cells and supervising all repair mechanisms. Finally, two industrial applications have been mapped on the proposed architecture, which are capable of tolerating a significant number of faults (transient, permanent, and hardware common cause failures CCFs) that can stem from environmental disturbances and we believe the nexus of its concepts can positively impact the next generation of critical systems in the automation industry

    A Survey on the Best Choice for Modulus of Residue Code

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    Nowadays, the development of technology and the growing need for dense and complex chips have led chip industries to increase their attention on the circuit testability. Also, using the electronic chips in certain industries, such as the space industry, makes the design of fault tolerant circuits a challenging issue. Coding is one of the most suitable methods for error detection and correction. The residue code, as one of the best choices for error detection aims, is wildly used in large arithmetic circuits such as multiplier and also finds a wide range of applications in processors and digital filters. The modulus value in this technique directly effect on the area overhead parameter. A large area overhead is one of the most important disadvantages especially for testing the small circuits. The purpose of this paper is to study and investigate the best choice for residue code check base that is used for simple and small circuits such as a simple ripple carry adder. The performances are evaluated by applying stuck-at-faults and transition-faults by simulators. The efficiency is defined based on fault coverage and normalized area overhead. The results show that the modulus 3 with 95% efficiency provided the best result. Residue code with this modulus for checking a ripple carry adder, in comparison with duplex circuit, 30% improves the efficiency

    Fault diagnostic instrumentation design for environmental control and life support systems

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    As a development phase moves toward flight hardware, the system availability becomes an important design aspect which requires high reliability and maintainability. As part of continous development efforts, a program to evaluate, design, and demonstrate advanced instrumentation fault diagnostics was successfully completed. Fault tolerance designs for reliability and other instrumenation capabilities to increase maintainability were evaluated and studied

    Self-healing concepts involving fine-grained redundancy for electronic systems

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    The start of the digital revolution came through the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) in 1959 followed by massive integration onto a silicon die by means of constant down scaling of individual components. Digital systems for certain applications require fault-tolerance against faults caused by temporary or permanent influence. The most widely used technique is triple module redundancy (TMR) in conjunction with a majority voter, which is regarded as a passive fault mitigation strategy. Design by functional resilience has been applied to circuit structures for increased fault-tolerance and towards self-diagnostic triggered self-healing. The focus of this thesis is therefore to develop new design strategies for fault detection and mitigation within transistor, gate and cell design levels. The research described in this thesis makes three contributions. The first contribution is based on adding fine-grained transistor level redundancy to logic gates in order to accomplish stuck-at fault-tolerance. The objective is to realise maximum fault-masking for a logic gate with minimal added redundant transistors. In the case of non-maskable stuck-at faults, the gate structure generates an intrinsic indication signal that is suitable for autonomous self-healing functions. As a result, logic circuitry utilising this design is now able to differentiate between gate faults and faults occurring in inter-gate connections. This distinction between fault-types can then be used for triggering selective self-healing responses. The second contribution is a logic matrix element which applies the three core redundancy concepts of spatial- temporal- and data-redundancy. This logic structure is composed of quad-modular redundant structures and is capable of selective fault-masking and localisation depending of fault-type at the cell level, which is referred to as a spatiotemporal quadded logic cell (QLC) structure. This QLC structure has the capability of cellular self-healing. Through the combination of fault-tolerant and masking logic features the QLC is designed with a fault-behaviour that is equal to existing quadded logic designs using only 33.3% of the equivalent transistor resources. The inherent self-diagnosing feature of QLC is capable of identifying individual faulty cells and can trigger self-healing features. The final contribution is focused on the conversion of finite state machines (FSM) into memory to achieve better state transition timing, minimal memory utilisation and fault protection compared to common FSM designs. A novel implementation based on content-addressable type memory (CAM) is used to achieve this. The FSM is further enhanced by creating the design out of logic gates of the first contribution by achieving stuck-at fault resilience. Applying cross-data parity checking, the FSM becomes equipped with single bit fault detection and correction


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    Psychosomatic diseases are conditions in which a person has physical symptoms that occur for psychological reasons. The treatment for psychosomatic disorders includes both therapeutic and psychological service. Psychosomatic patients usually are recommended to avoid from stressful situations. However, in many cases such popular tools as meditation, relaxation techniques are not enough to help with stress management. In my practice as a clinical psychologist, I use innovative approach for creation of positive thought patterns of my patients. This approach is based on EMDR treatment method (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) supported by innovative equipment for psychological diagnostics. EMDR, developed by Dr Francine Shapiro, helps to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories, which is often connected with childhood experience. Equipment for psychological diagnostics allows me to define the strength – weakness of the central nervous system, its lability, and sensitivity, the psycho-emotional stability of a person, as well as detect defensive mechanisms and index stress level. Based upon my practice, discovery of childhood traumas, as well as understanding about strong characteristics of the self and correction of defensive mechanisms can play important role in improving the emotional comfort and physical health of psychosomatic patients. I started to use this approach in 2015. In my paper I would like to show how the combination of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing treatment method and innovative psychological diagnostics is especially successful in case of such psychosomatic diseases, as irritable bowel syndrome, duodenal ulcers and tension headache. In which way this approach can construct positive thought pattern of a person

    Autonomous Recovery Of Reconfigurable Logic Devices Using Priority Escalation Of Slack

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices offer a suitable platform for survivable hardware architectures in mission-critical systems. In this dissertation, active dynamic redundancy-based fault-handling techniques are proposed which exploit the dynamic partial reconfiguration capability of SRAM-based FPGAs. Self-adaptation is realized by employing reconfiguration in detection, diagnosis, and recovery phases. To extend these concepts to semiconductor aging and process variation in the deep submicron era, resilient adaptable processing systems are sought to maintain quality and throughput requirements despite the vulnerabilities of the underlying computational devices. A new approach to autonomous fault-handling which addresses these goals is developed using only a uniplex hardware arrangement. It operates by observing a health metric to achieve Fault Demotion using Recon- figurable Slack (FaDReS). Here an autonomous fault isolation scheme is employed which neither requires test vectors nor suspends the computational throughput, but instead observes the value of a health metric based on runtime input. The deterministic flow of the fault isolation scheme guarantees success in a bounded number of reconfigurations of the FPGA fabric. FaDReS is then extended to the Priority Using Resource Escalation (PURE) online redundancy scheme which considers fault-isolation latency and throughput trade-offs under a dynamic spare arrangement. While deep-submicron designs introduce new challenges, use of adaptive techniques are seen to provide several promising avenues for improving resilience. The scheme developed is demonstrated by hardware design of various signal processing circuits and their implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA device. These include a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) core, Motion Estimation (ME) engine, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks in addition to MCNC benchmark circuits. A iii significant reduction in power consumption is achieved ranging from 83% for low motion-activity scenes to 12.5% for high motion activity video scenes in a novel ME engine configuration. For a typical benchmark video sequence, PURE is shown to maintain a PSNR baseline near 32dB. The diagnosability, reconfiguration latency, and resource overhead of each approach is analyzed. Compared to previous alternatives, PURE maintains a PSNR within a difference of 4.02dB to 6.67dB from the fault-free baseline by escalating healthy resources to higher-priority signal processing functions. The results indicate the benefits of priority-aware resiliency over conventional redundancy approaches in terms of fault-recovery, power consumption, and resource-area requirements. Together, these provide a broad range of strategies to achieve autonomous recovery of reconfigurable logic devices under a variety of constraints, operating conditions, and optimization criteria

    Power efficient resilient microarchitectures for PVT variability mitigation

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    Nowadays, the high power density and the process, voltage, and temperature variations became the most critical issues that limit the performance of the digital integrated circuits because of the continuous scaling of the fabrication technology. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling technique is used to reduce the power consumption while different time relaxation techniques and error recovery microarchitectures are used to tolerate the process, voltage, and temperature variations. These techniques reduce the throughput by scaling down the frequency or flushing and restarting the errant pipeline. This thesis presents a novel resilient microarchitecture which is called ERSUT-based resilient microarchitecture to tolerate the induced delays generated by the voltage scaling or the process, voltage, and temperature variations. The resilient microarchitecture detects and recovers the induced errors without flushing the pipeline and without scaling down the operating frequency. An ERSUT-based resilient 16 × 16 bit MAC unit, implemented using Global Foundries 65 nm technology and ARM standard cells library, is introduced as a case study with 18.26% area overhead and up to 1.5x speedup. At the typical conditions, the maximum frequency of the conventional MAC unit is about 375 MHz while the resilient MAC unit operates correctly at a frequency up to 565 MHz. In case of variations, the resilient MAC unit tolerates induced delays up to 50% of the clock period while keeping its throughput equal to the conventional MAC unit’s maximum throughput. At 375 MHz, the resilient MAC unit is able to scale down the supply voltage from 1.2 V to 1.0 V saving about 29% of the power consumed by the conventional MAC unit. A double-edge-triggered microarchitecture is also introduced to reduce the power consumption extremely by reducing the frequency of the clock tree to the half while preserving the same maximum throughput. This microarchitecture is applied to different ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits in addition to the 16x16 bit MAC unit and the average power reduction of all these circuits is 63.58% while the average area overhead is 31.02%. All these circuits are designed using Global Foundries 65nm technology and ARM standard cells library. Towards the full automation of the ERSUT-based resilient microarchitecture, an ERSUT-based algorithm is introduced in C++ to accelerate the design process of the ERSUT-based microarchitecture. The developed algorithm reduces the design-time efforts dramatically and allows the ERSUT-based microarchitecture to be adopted by larger industrial designs. Depending on the ERSUT-based algorithm, a validation study about applying the ERSUT-based microarchitecture on the MAC unit and different ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits with different complexity weights is introduced. This study shows that 72% of these circuits tolerates more than 14% of their clock periods and 54.5% of these circuits tolerates more than 20% while 27% of these circuits tolerates more than 30%. Consequently, the validation study proves that the ERSUT-based resilient microarchitecture is a valid applicable solution for different circuits with different complexity weights
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