19 research outputs found

    Control Plane Hardware Design for Optical Packet Switched Data Centre Networks

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    Optical packet switching for intra-data centre networks is key to addressing traffic requirements. Photonic integration and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) can overcome bandwidth limits in switching systems. A promising technology to build a nanosecond-reconfigurable photonic-integrated switch, compatible with WDM, is the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). SOAs are typically used as gating elements in a broadcast-and-select (B\&S) configuration, to build an optical crossbar switch. For larger-size switching, a three-stage Clos network, based on crossbar nodes, is a viable architecture. However, the design of the switch control plane, is one of the barriers to packet switching; it should run on packet timescales, which becomes increasingly challenging as line rates get higher. The scheduler, used for the allocation of switch paths, limits control clock speed. To this end, the research contribution was the design of highly parallel hardware schedulers for crossbar and Clos network switches. On a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), the minimum scheduler clock period achieved was 5.0~ns and 5.4~ns, for a 32-port crossbar and Clos switch, respectively. By using parallel path allocation modules, one per Clos node, a minimum clock period of 7.0~ns was achieved, for a 256-port switch. For scheduler application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis, this reduces to 2.0~ns; a record result enabling scalable packet switching. Furthermore, the control plane was demonstrated experimentally. Moreover, a cycle-accurate network emulator was developed to evaluate switch performance. Results showed a switch saturation throughput at a traffic load 60\% of capacity, with sub-microsecond packet latency, for a 256-port Clos switch, outperforming state-of-the-art optical packet switches

    On scheduling input queued cell switches

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    Output-queued switching, though is able to offer high throughput, guaranteed delay and fairness, lacks scalability owing to the speed up problem. Input-queued switching, on the other hand, is scalable, and is thus becoming an attractive alternative. This dissertation presents three approaches toward resolving the major problem encountered in input-queued switching that has prohibited the provision of quality of service guarantees. First, we proposed a maximum size matching based algorithm, referred to as min-max fair input queueing (MFIQ), which minimizes the additional delay caused by back pressure, and at the same time provides fair service among competing sessions. Like any maximum size matching algorithm, MFIQ performs well for uniform traffic, in which the destinations of the incoming cells are uniformly distributed over all the outputs, but is not stable for non-uniform traffic. Subse-quently, we proposed two maximum weight matching based algorithms, longest normalized queue first (LNQF) and earliest due date first matching (EDDFM), which are stable for both uniform and non-uniform traffic. LNQF provides fairer service than longest queue first (LQF) and better traffic shaping than oldest cell first (OCF), and EDDEM has lower probability of delay overdue than LQF, LNQF, and OCF. Our third approach, referred to as store-sort-and-forward (SSF), is a frame based scheduling algorithm. SSF is proved to be able to achieve strict sense 100% throughput, and provide bounded delay and delay jitter for input-queued switches if the traffic conforms to the (r, T) model

    Configurable data center switch architectures

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    In this thesis, we explore alternative architectures for implementing con_gurable Data Center Switches along with the advantages that can be provided by such switches. Our first contribution centers around determining switch architectures that can be implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to provide configurable switching protocols. In the process, we identify a gap in the availability of frameworks to realistically evaluate the performance of switch architectures in data centers and contribute a simulation framework that relies on realistic data center traffic patterns. Our framework is then used to evaluate the performance of currently existing as well as newly proposed FPGA-amenable switch designs. Through collaborative work with Meng and Papaphilippou, we establish that only small-medium range switches can be implemented on today's FPGAs. Our second contribution is a novel switch architecture that integrates a custom in-network hardware accelerator with a generic switch to accelerate Deep Neural Network training applications in data centers. Our proposed accelerator architecture is prototyped on an FPGA, and a scalability study is conducted to demonstrate the trade-offs of an FPGA implementation when compared to an ASIC implementation. In addition to the hardware prototype, we contribute a light weight load-balancing and congestion control protocol that leverages the unique communication patterns of ML data-parallel jobs to enable fair sharing of network resources across different jobs. Our large-scale simulations demonstrate the ability of our novel switch architecture and light weight congestion control protocol to both accelerate the training time of machine learning jobs by up to 1.34x and benefit other latency-sensitive applications by reducing their 99%-tile completion time by up to 4.5x. As for our final contribution, we identify the main requirements of in-network applications and propose a Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based architecture for supporting a heterogeneous set of applications. Observing the lack of tools to support such research, we provide a tool that can be used to evaluate NoC-based switch architectures.Open Acces

    Providing quality of service over high speed electronic and optical switches

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 235-239).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.In a network, multiple links are interconnected by means of switches. A switch is a device with multiple input and output links, and its job is to move data from the input links to the output links. In this thesis, we focus on a number of fundamental issues concerning the quality of service provided by electronic and optical switches. We discuss various mechanisms that enable the support of quality of service requirements. In particular, we explore fundamental limitations of current high speed packet switches and develop new techniques and architectures that make possible the provision of certain service guarantees. We then study optical wavelength switches and illustrate how similar ideas can be applied in a manner consistent with the current state of optical switching technology. First, we focus on providing rate guarantees over packet switches. We develop a method called rate quantization which converts the set of desired rates into a certain discrete set such that the quality of service guarantees can be greatly improved with a small resource speedup. Moreover, quantization simplifies rate provisioning for dynamically changing traffic demands since it allows service opportunities for different input output link pairs to be scheduled with minimal dependence. We illustrate an isomorphism between packet switch schedulers and Clos networks to develop such schedulers.(cont.) Next, we evaluate the amount of resource speedup necessary for single stage switches to support multicast rates. This speedup limits the scalability of a single stage multicast switch a great deal. We present an in depth study of multistage switches and propose a number of architectures, along with associated routing and scheduling algorithms. We illustrate how the presence of multiple paths between input output pairs can be exploited to improve the performance of a switch and simplify the scheduling algorithms. Some of our architectures are capable of providing multicast rate guarantees without a need for a resource speedup. We extend our results on switch schedulers and use them for providing service guarantees over optical wavelength switches. We will take the limitations of the optical crossconnects and unavailability of optical memory technology into account, and modify the procedure we developed for electronic switches to make them suitable for various optical wavelength switches. These results will provide understanding of when to move optical switching closer to the end users for an efficient utilization of resources in networks with both optical and electronic technologies.by Can Emre Koksal.Ph.D

    Verkkoliikenteen hajauttaminen rinnakkaisprosessoitavaksi ohjelmoitavan piirin avulla

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    The expanding diversity and amount of traffic in the Internet requires increasingly higher performing devices for protecting our networks against malicious activities. The computational load of these devices may be divided over multiple processing nodes operating in parallel to reduce the computation load of a single node. However, this requires a dedicated controller that can distribute the traffic to and from the nodes at wire-speed. This thesis concentrates on the system topologies and on the implementation aspects of the controller. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device, based on a reconfigurable logic array, is used for implementation because of its integrated circuit like performance and high-grain programmability. Two hardware implementations were developed; a straightforward design for 1-gigabit Ethernet, and a modular, highly parameterizable design for 10-gigabit Ethernet. The designs were verified by simulations and synthesizable testbenches. The designs were synthesized on different FPGA devices while varying parameters to analyze the achieved performance. High-end FPGA devices, such as Altera Stratix family, met the target processing speed of 10-gigabit Ethernet. The measurements show that the controller's latency is comparable to a typical switch. The results confirm that reconfigurable hardware is the proper platform for low-level network processing where the performance is prioritized over other features. The designed architecture is versatile and adaptable to applications expecting similar characteristics.Internetin edelleen lisääntyvä ja monipuolistuva liikenne vaatii entistä tehokkaampia laitteita suojaamaan tietoliikenneverkkoja tunkeutumisia vastaan. Tietoliikennelaitteiden kuormaa voidaan jakaa rinnakkaisille yksiköille, jolloin yksittäisen laitteen kuorma pienenee. Tämä kuitenkin vaatii erityisen kontrolloijan, joka kykenee hajauttamaan liikennettä yksiköille linjanopeudella. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy em. kontrolloijan järjestelmätopologioiden tutkimiseen sekä kontrolloijan toteuttamiseen ohjelmoitavalla piirillä, kuten kenttäohjelmoitava järjestelmäpiiri (eng. field programmable gate-array, FPGA). Kontrolloijasta tehtiin yksinkertainen toteutus 1-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin sekä modulaarinen ja parametrisoitu toteutus 10-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin. Toteutukset verifioitiin simuloimalla sekä käyttämällä syntetisoituvia testirakenteita. Toteutukset syntetisoitiin eri FPGA-piireille vaihtelemalla samalla myös toteutuksen parametrejä. Tehokkaimmat FPGA-piirit, kuten Altera Stratix -piirit, saavuttivat 10-gigabitin prosessointivaatimukset. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että kontrollerin vasteaika ei poikkea tavallisesta verkkokytkimestä. Työn tulokset vahvistavat käsitystä, että ohjelmoitavat piirit soveltuvat hyvin verkkoliikenteen matalantason prosessointiin, missä vaaditaan ensisijaisesti suorituskykyä. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri on monipuolinen ja soveltuu joustavuutensa ansiosta muihin samantyyppiseen sovelluksiin

    Design and Implementation of a Multi-Class Network Architecture for Hardware Neural Networks

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den Entwurf und die Implementierung einer Netzwerkarchitektur, welche Techniken von leitungsvermittelnden und paketvermittelnden Netzwerken verbindet, um zwei verschiedene Dienstgüten anzubieten: isochrone Verbindungen und paketbasierte Verbindungen mit bestmöglicher Zustellung. Isochrone Verbindungen verwenden reservierte Netzwerkresourcen, um eine verlustfreie Übertragung sowie eine niedrige Ende-zu-Ende Verzögerung mit begrenzter Varianz zu garantieren. Die Synchronisierung aller Netzwerkknoten sowie die Berechnung einer kompakten Reservierungsbelegung werden durch effiziente Algorithmen gelöst. Paketbasierte Übertragungen verwenden die verbleibende Bandbreite. Das Multiplexen beider Verkehrsklassen wird von einem neuartigen Bypass-Switch geleistet, der skalierbar ist in der Anzahl der Schnittstellen sowie in der externen Bandbreite und ohne eine interne Beschleunigung auskommt. Die Netzwerkarchitektur kommt in der Forschung innerhalb des FACETS Projektes mit großskaligen künstlichen neuronalen Netzen in Hardware zum Einsatz, für die Vernetzung eines verteilten Systems aus VLSI neuronalen Netzen. Axonale Verbindungen zwischen Neuronen werden mit Hilfe von isochronen Verbindungen modelliert, wohingegen paketbasierte Übertragung die Grundlage für eine systemweite gemeinsame Speicherarchitektur bildet. Der zur Laufzeit ausgeführte Teil des Netzwerkes ist in programmierbarer Logik implementiert und arbeitet mit einer externen Übertragungsrate von 3.125 Gbit/s. Die Arbeit diskutiert die anwendungsbezogenen Anforderungen an das Netzwerk, sowie dessen Entwurf und Referenzimplementierung in programmierbarer Logik und Software. Theoretische Überlegungen über die Leistungsfähigkeit werden durch Messungen und Simulationen verifiziert. Obwohl die Netzwerkarchitektur für die spezielle Anwendung mit neuronalen Netzen entworfen wurde, stellt sie eine generelle Lösung für alle Netzwerkumgebungen dar, welche isochrone Verbindungen und Paketvermittlung mit niedriger Komplexität benötigen. Die Architektur ist insbesondere für den Einsatz in der nächsten Stufe der Hardwareentwicklung des FACETS Projektes zur Vernetzung künstlicher neuronaler Netze auf Wafer-Ebene geeignet

    Load Balancing for the Agile All-Photonic Network

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    The Agile All-Photonic Network (AAPN) uses Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) to better utilize the bandwidth of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems. It uses agile all-photonic switches as advances in the photonic switching technology made the design of all-photonic devices with switching latency in the sub-microseconds feasible. The network has a simplified overlaid star architecture that can be deployed in a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN) environment. This overlaid architecture, as opposed to general mesh architecture, scales network capacity to multiples of Tera bits per second, simplif�ies routing, increases reliability, eliminates wavelength conversion, and the need for accurate traffic engineering. The objective of this thesis is to propose and analyze dif�ferent load balancing methods for the deployment of the AAPN network in a WAN environment. The analysis should provide interested Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with a comprehensive study of load balancing methods for using the AAPN network as their backbone network. The methods balance the load at the ow level to reduce packet reordering. The methods are stateless and can compute routes quickly based on the packet flow identi�er. This is an important issue when deploying AAPN as an Internet backbone network where the number of flows is large and storing ow state in lookup tables can limit the network performance. The load balancing methods, deployed at the edge nodes, require reliable signaling with the bandwidth schedulers at the core nodes. To provide a reliable channel between the edge and core nodes, the Control Messages Delivery Protocol (CMDP) is proposed as part of this thesis work. The protocol is designed to work in environments where propagation delays are long and/or the error rates are high. It is used to deliver a burst of short messages in sequence and with no errors. Combined with the reliable routing protocol proposed previously for the AAPN network, they form the control plane for the network. To extend the applicability of the load balancing methods to topologies beyond AAPN overlaid star topology, the Valiant Load Balancing (VLB) method is used to build an overlaid star topology on top of the physical network. The VLB method provides guaranteed performance for highly variable tra�c matrices within the hose traffic model constraints. In addition to the guaranteed performance, deploying the VLB method in the AAPN network, eliminates signaling and replaces the dynamic core schedulers with static scheduler that can accommodate all tra�c matrices within the hose tra�c model boundaries

    Mesh-of-Trees Interconnection Network for an Explicitly Multi-Threaded Parallel Computer Architecture

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    As the multiple-decade long increase in clock rates starts to slow down, main-stream general-purpose processors evolve towards single-chip parallel processing. On-chip interconnection networks are essential components of such machines, supporting the communication between processors and the memory system. This task is especially challenging for some easy-to-program parallel computers, which are designed with performance-demanding memory systems. This study proposes an interconnection network, with a novel implementation of the Mesh-of-Trees (MoT) topology. The MoT network is evaluated relative to metrics such as wire area complexity, total register count, bandwidth, network diameter, single switch delay, maximum throughput per area, trade-offs between throughput and latency, and post-layout performance. It is also compared with some other traditional network topologies, such as mesh, ring, hypercube, butterfly, fat trees, butterfly fat trees, and replicated butterfly networks. Concrete results show that MoT provides higher throughput and lower latency especially when the input traffic (or the on-chip parallelism) is high, at comparable area cost. The layout of MoT network is evaluated using standard cell design methodology. A prototype chip with 8-terminal MoT network was taped out at 90nm90nm technology and tested. In the context of an easy-to-program single-chip parallel processor, MoT network is embedded in the eXplicit Multi-Threading (XMT) architecture, and evaluated by running parallel applications. In addition to the basic MoT architecture, a novel hybrid extension of MoT is proposed, which allows significant area savings with a small reduction in throughput